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EDGE: DRM-free PS4 is a PR play – expect similar policies across both consoles.


No you are wrong, in reality If I buy a PS4 game used from EA, ubi, activsion, take 2 etc and I have to pay an amount of money to be able to use the single player and multiplayer, that is no different to Microsoft's situation, the control and set up may be different but the end result to the customer is the same.

This damage control is hilarious.

Yoshida cleared this up.

Single player is DRM free , period.


Fujiwara Tofu Shop
It's like the goalpost keeps moving but it's always done by the same suspects. They probably think we don't remember who's who.



So Sony takes the heat for poor decisions made by publishers? You are asking Sony to make a machine that is anti DRM.

Sony first party games will not support it; the hardware will not support it.

As far as Sony being liable for DRM.

End of story

Why does whoever is responsible for the DRM matter

this ''the PS4's DRM is not as bad because sony dont imply it''

does not make sense if the end user gets the same result its just as bad.

why do you even care who imposes DRM in the first place?

The bad thing is that, its there ,regardless of who imposes it.


Why does whoever is responsible for the DRM matter

this ''the PS4's DRM is not as bad because sony dont imply it''

does not make sense if the end user gets the same result its just as bad.

why do you even care who imposes DRM in the first place?

The bad thing is that, its there ,regardless of who imposes it.

I don't hate my PC because SimCity sucked. I blame EA.
I've got two things for people to chew on regarding the press and their general view on things regarding Sony.

Giantbomb's Ryan Davis tweeted this right before Sony's press conference.

Why would someone ever say that?

And then Sessler's summary of Sony's press conference, after the bomb was dropped on Microsoft. He literally suggests that people view the PS4 as costing $460 now that Sony is charging for online play, and then suggests that might put the consoles prices a lot closer together if Microsoft makes Xbox Live Gold FREE. lolz


Draw your own conclusions here folks. Cognitive dissonance is a powerful thing.


Neo Member
This is utter nonsense. I think this is a case of Edge's contacts giving them false information. A mod can vouch for me here as I told them the DRM policy of the PS4 several weeks ago. And I'm not exactly the President of SCE, so when I learnt of that information (which was prior to that), it means it was set in stone even before the official announcement of the PS4 in February. It's basically PS3 2.0. There hasn't been a back and forth internally with changing what the policy entails and it certainly wasn't decided at the last minute.

I'm going to quote this again because people can't read.


My thinking is that disks get discounted by stores, downloads not so much

That is very true. I recently got Asura's Wrath for $17 from Amazon.

I am actually one of those people who buys new games 99% of the time, and I only sold one game this gen used, and I hate changing discs, and my wifi is pretty reliable. So the MS policy of being able to install my disc based games and play it without the disc in the drive is actually really appealing. Where they fucked up is not allowing the people who are worried about internet access to play their single player games offline with the disc in the drive as DRM.

The feature set that will be required for online only justification will be a moving target until publishers find the least amount of cost to put into a game with the least amount of back lash by the consumer base.
As you said, sir, Bingo!

I give PS4 a year from launch until a 3rd party single player campaign is locked behind a paywall.

Even if Sony is so adamant about their policies that they would not allow Madden 15 on the system if EA tried to lock the full game, all they have to do is integrate online connectivity into single player mode enough that they can claim it won't function without it.

We'll see, of course, but I expect this scenario. Not just on PS4, but PC and Wii U (assuming a Wii U version even gets made) as well.


Gold Member
Sony kind of backed themselves into a corner. If things aren't as they promised it's going to be armageddon

Exactly. If they change their policy drastically, or something comes to light that Sony didn't tell us but they "weren't technically lying", then they're gonna be in a heap of shit. I really hope that isn't the case.
Why does whoever is responsible for the DRM matter

this ''the PS4's DRM is not as bad because sony dont imply it''

does not make sense if the end user gets the same result its just as bad.

why do you even care who imposes DRM in the first place?

The bad thing is that, its there ,regardless of who imposes it.

It's just a way of shifting blame to someone else. They can point fingers at someone else.


The amount of crazy in this thread is overwhelming me.

The Xboners really want the PS4 to be just as draconian, but it simply isn't the case, no matter how many hypotheticals you throw out there.
But if a majority of publishers do so then it is de facto system wide DRM.

More reason for me to wait and see.

If every 3rd party game on the PS4 does that, then yeah, I guess we have a problem, but that doesn't happen even on PC. The occasional DRM quagmire like Sim City or Diablo 3 comes along and gets lambasted and shunned. Plus, if big publishers WERE going to try to pull some nonsense on consoles, there was nothing stopping them on PS3 and 360.


And then Sessler's summary of Sony's press conference, after the bomb was dropped on Microsoft. He literally suggests that people view the PS4 as costing $460 now that Sony is charging for online play

I sure do.

It doesn't affect how I see the price of the Xbox One console, but it does affect how soon I will buy a PS4.

Anyways, this whole effort to devalue what EDGE is saying by arguing that people are just biased or whatever is a bit annoying, and is probably rooted in quite a bit of bias in and of itself.


I can imagine publishers could implement some sort of online check for whatever crazy reason but could they really tie them to a specific PSN account? That would be crazy and the only way to prevent used game sales.

They could. It's possible. I don't know how Sony would feel about it though.

Some sort of cd-key system with an online activation is the easiest way to tie a game to a PSN account.
It doesn't even need Sony technology or support. Just look at DRM on PC, publishers can accomplish all of that on consoles, easily.
The amount of crazy in this thread is overwhelming me.

The Xboners really want the PS4 to be just as draconian, but it simply isn't the case, no matter how many hypotheticals you throw out there.

They've wanted Sony to charge for online play for years now, and they finally got their wish. Now the new wish will be Sony implementing draconian DRM.

It's a weird thing to watch. Kinda creepy really.


As you said, sir, Bingo!

I give PS4 a year from launch until a 3rd party single player campaign is locked behind a paywall.
Even if Sony is so adamant about their policies that they would not allow Madden 15 on the system if EA tried to lock the full game, all they have to do is integrate online connectivity into single player mode enough that they can claim it won't function without it.

We'll see, of course, but I expect this scenario. Not just on PS4, but PC and Wii U (assuming a Wii U version even gets made) as well.


It's complicated, NOT giving somebody your money.

I sure do.

It doesn't affect how I see the price of the Xbox One console, but it does affect how soon I will buy a PS4.

Anyways, this whole effort to devalue what EDGE is saying by arguing that people are just biased or whatever is a bit annoying, and is probably rooted in quite a bit of bias in and of itself.

The edge article is completely disingenous.

It works the same way as it does now.


Fujiwara Tofu Shop
Did he, where?

There's been some clarification over your exact policy from Jack today. We understand that third party publishers can still opt to implement some kind of online restriction on pre-owned games?

What he talked about is with the offline portion there's no difference from PS3 in that every game is playable on PS4. In terms of just getting access of multiplayer online, it's now taken care of at a platform level by PS Plus. So our first party titles had the online pass on PS3 and Vita. That we are not doing on PS4 because of that platform level. It's the same for third parties; when it comes to just giving you access to online multiplayer, it's PS Plus going forward.

There are lots of different reasons. One is that publishers are providing the network services. The simplest example is an MMO; you have a huge community and your constantly adding content... It's an online service. It doesn't make sense that a disc gives you access to all of the online service forever, right?

Another example is games that have content DLC included in a season pass. Outside of just giving access to multiplayer, it's at publishers' discretion to come up with a new business model and offer to consumers.

But that's limited to just the online aspect?



Publishers wanted so bad for consoles to take the heat for DRM because they know that when they do it they get ravaged online. Sony isn't going to take the hate and will put all the DRM systems on publishers. I would just love to see EA try and bring back an online pass for ps4 users. Not gonna happen. Ps4 will be DRM free and MS users will regret convincing themselves otherwise.


Disgusting. Edge attempting to rain on Sony's party after they had that amazing conference featuring progressive, DRM-free content like Killzone and Infamous.


Neo Member
I sure do.

It doesn't affect how I see the price of the Xbox One console, but it does affect how soon I will buy a PS4.

Anyways, this whole effort to devalue what EDGE is saying by arguing that people are just biased or whatever is a bit annoying, and is probably rooted in quite a bit of bias in and of itself.

The effort to devalue is based on them not using any actual facts. We even have someone here who spoke to them weeks prior with the same information Sony went live with.


Why does whoever is responsible for the DRM matter

this ''the PS4's DRM is not as bad because sony dont imply it''

does not make sense if the end user gets the same result its just as bad.

why do you even care who imposes DRM in the first place?

The bad thing is that, its there ,regardless of who imposes it.

Because I am not being forced to buy EA or Ubisoft's latest AAA game. If I don't want DRM that forces online checks, or prevents me from reselling the game, I can skip those titles, and play something from Sony's first party, or a small publisher who won't bother. At least there is a choice. As it stands now, Microsoft is forcing their policy on every game to come to the system.
I've got two things for people to chew on regarding the press and their general view on things regarding Sony.

Giantbomb's Ryan Davis tweeted this right before Sony's press conference.

Why would someone ever say that?

And then Sessler's summary of Sony's press conference, after the bomb was dropped on Microsoft. He literally suggests that people view the PS4 as costing $460 now that Sony is charging for online play, and then suggests that might put the consoles prices a lot closer together if Microsoft makes Xbox Live Gold FREE. lolz


Draw your own conclusions here folks. Cognitive dissonance is a powerful thing.

Good GOD. What the hell is wrong with people.
I sure do.

It doesn't affect how I see the price of the Xbox One console, but it does affect how soon I will buy a PS4.

Anyways, this whole effort to devalue what EDGE is saying by arguing that people are just biased or whatever is a bit annoying, and is probably rooted in quite a bit of bias in and of itself.

You're missing the entire point of my post. Sessler suggested Microsoft might stop charging for Gold accounts. There is absolutely no reason for anyone to suggest that, especially suggesting that might bring the prices of these consoles closer together. He might as well suggest monkey's could fly from his ass the next day.

It was a fucking joke. Jesus Christ.

And oh boy was it a funny one.


I sure do.

It doesn't affect how I see the price of the Xbox One console, but it does affect how soon I will buy a PS4.

Anyways, this whole effort to devalue what EDGE is saying by arguing that people are just biased or whatever is a bit annoying, and is probably rooted in quite a bit of bias in and of itself.

Given that Live is also priced at $60 a year you should view Xbone as costing $560. In that case the same $100 price difference applies. (It'd actually be $110, since Plus' MSRP is $50, not $60.) Sony has a significant price advantage no matter how you look at it.
Sony absolutely can control if publisher's use custom DRM or forced online checks on their system. You have to go through Sony Certification to get your game on their system. If Sony makes it a policy not to allow that, then that will not be allowed.

Would Sony do that ? Perhaps. Platform Fragmentation will not do your sales any favors. The last thing you want is people being cautions on discretionary spending like games, if they think hard about it they might decide they don't really need to play at all. There's also the matter that if you're going to make your console as hard to navigate as a PC , which essentially owns you in capability right now and will own you harder before the generation ends then people will move to PC. Sony cannot afford that, theres's no way they are making much of a profit on the PS4 console sales and they need to be selling games to get their cut.

Likewise it would not surprise me if Sony has built online restrictions and region locking into their system, and publisher's can choose to opt-in. I'm fairly confident that they'll still allow region locking, after that youtube video I'm less certain they are going to allow forced online checks. I'm not sure if Publishers would want to opt in either, the PS4 core audience just made their opinion pretty clear and this is actually a good opportunity to run an experiment and see what kind of Price Point will attract people to 24-hour check ins / region locking vs how much you can get from someone without that.

I also find it unlikely they'll do forced online checks for digital content beyond the initial activation for the PS3. Sony will be just as happy as Microsoft to move to all Digital when it can be supported so the last thing they want to do is train buyers to prefer discs for convenience. It just doesn't make long game sense.


Sony made it clear that they wont have a system-wide drm lockout.. but left room for other publishers to make a choice....honestly if you think Microsoft is the only one with DRM this generation your mistaken

You really think if Activision wants to put some sort of 2nd copy DRM into Call of Duty that Sony would say no


Haha WOOOOOOW. This is just FUD.

Sorry people, but Sony was as clear as ever during their conference. Things are NOT changing from how things currently are with the PS3. You already know what their stance is if you have a PS3. End of story.

Stop trying to create drama when there really isn't any.


You're missing the entire point of my post. Sessler suggested Microsoft might stop charging for Gold accounts. There is absolutely no reason for anyone to suggest that, especially suggesting that might bring the prices of these consoles closer together. He might as well suggest monkey's could fly from his ass the next day.
Sessler speculating about something isn't quite the same as EDGE reporting on what they've been told by insiders.


Honestly publishers will be content fleecing Xbone users. They will leave ps4 users alone to avoid the bad press. Xbone users have default DRM on everything, that will be good enough for publishers.
If in the end, if the end DRM result becomes comparable to the Xbox One on PS4, the backlash would be possibly worse than what MS is dealing with right now. I don't see Sony setting themselves up like that by being so crystal clear with their policies just for some early buzz. They have discussed just about every scenario.

Online MP could be limited or restricted by the publisher if they choose to implement their own system but they have no way to limit single player. The exact same situation as current gen. The only way for the end result to be equivalent is for all publishers to focus 100% on always online games. Sure, it's a possibility and I'm sure they will become more prevalent anyway but in that situation, there's little any platform holder could do if 3rd parties want to control every aspect of their games on their own servers. Sony reaffirmed the status quo which is what we wanted and pretty much all we could ask for.


This is typical smear campaing trying to cause doubt in consumers . The same Story was being reported Yesterday that third party drm on ps4 was comming , when in fact it was not.Who the hell are these "sources"? We have have had clear clarification from sony that the ps4 will operate with the same system that is in place with ps3 (e.g online passes for third party).


I think Microsoft was just too far ahead of the curve, but if you listened to the major publisher's conferences... EA and Ubi... the majority of their FIRST next-gen games will require an internet connections to access all the newer, cooler features in the game. In a few years, you're just going to need a connection to the internet period.

Unfortunately, Microsoft appeased the publishers, but was thinking just a bit too far ahead for the majority of current consumers. I don't really mind the stuff... I just wish GameFly would work on the X1. Then I'd really be sold. They've shown that they've got the games.

It will suck for Sony when these publishers finally just say, "It's necessary now." The Microsoft community will have been ready for years... the Sony community will be, for lack of a better word, blindsided.


Neo Member
Sony made it clear that they wont have a system-wide drm lockout.. but left room for other publishers to make a choice....honestly if you think Microsoft is the only one with DRM this generation your mistaken

Yes they left room like they did with the PS3. Microsoft IS the only CONSOLE with DRM this generation. Yes PUBLISHERS can opt to put some sort of DRM in their games like they did with the PS3.

I'm not sure how this is unclear for people.
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