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Fallout 4 Season Pass: $30, "we dont know what the actual DLC will be yet"


We are at the point where I wouldn't be surprised if this happened:

"When we said DLC we meant the $5 addons for the game. You are going to have to pay for that Expansion seperately"
CDPR already did this. "it's not dlc, it's expansions"


don't understand the eurgh or GAF hate here...

Instead of a developer cutting out content they want to make from the retail release, or doing the typical scenario of making the DLC before the retail release has even shipped, they're instead being transparent in showing their focus is on the retail release until it ships, then they'll focus on DLC that they want to make after it.

That's exactly what I want from DLC. Focus on giving me a full focused retail experience, then after release think of interesting ways to have me reinvest in the world through DLC.

Heck if this was your average game the base building would be expansion one, and probably on-disc to boot. The Fallout 3 DLC also showed an attempt to do lengthy and deep DLC that pivoted on the main game, which was rare at that early stage last gen. I'll give them the benefit of doubt this time.


People called Romanes they go the house?
Could be a good deal, but 'all the DLC we'll ever make' could mean anything from a couple of quests to 4 or more Point Lookout sized new maps.

Have something a little more concrete, lol.

That being said, if it is up to usual Bethesda standards + quantity, 30 ain't a terrible price.


Yeah. I think it's kind of dubious PR to flat out admit that they don't even have a plan yet, but some of the backlash against the mere concept of season passes strikes me as "old man yells at clouds" stuff. There's obviously going to be post-game content that you can buy. Some people have pretty much got their mind made up before release that they know they're going to want to play a particular game for some time to come. Buying at a discount up front makes perfect sense.

Now if you're sitting there thinking "what do you take me for?! Some kind of rube!? Why don't you show me what the content is and then I'll decide if I want to buy it!" Well... you can do that. It's not like your opportunity to buy DLC goes into the famed Disney vault if you don't buy now. You can buy it now. Or you can buy it individually. Or you can buy the season pass later. Or you can wait a whole year for the Game of the Year edition (or whatever it's going to be called) to come out that'll have everything.

Yup. The choice ultimately is still left up to the consumer.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Who expected MCC to be a technical mess when Halo 4...wasn't...a technical mess? I sure didn't, and I pre-ordered MCC!

MCC (which works pretty fine now btw) being bunk at launch has nothing to do with pre-order culture. (As far as I'm aware) the game had no 'post launch' promises or insane Pre-Order bonuses that pushed/forced players into pre-ordering immediately like Fallout 4 is doing now. At least from what I remembered of the PR run for the game.

You're completely missing my point. I'm not talking about post-launch content when referring to the Master Chief Collection. I'm talking about how consumers in this industry continue to motivate companies to not give a shit about their product's quality because people buy stuff sight unseen.


Okay, so walk me through this.

You find the concept of being able to exchange money for something before it comes out to be disgusting, but not to be able to exchange money for something you haven't tried yet after it has already released.

The reasons for this are __________.

The concept of pre-order culture is foreign to you? We know what problems that entail from content being broken out of the game, to exclusive stuff, to games being shipped broken. I thought we are on GAF were this should be obvious.
It's not even remotely the same thing. They have actually announced what they are going to do, after putting out a meaty ass game to begin with, on top of all the free DLC. Also on top of the fact that the game can be bought at $30 straight from them.
They announced they were making expansions, they gave no more details than that pre-release. Are you implying that Fallout 4 won't be a "meaty ass game to begin with?". Also all of that "free DLC" was either cut content or little patches to get positive feedback. And I don't remember Witcher 3 retailing for $30 at launch either but ya know, whatever helps your argument.

It's exactly the same thing, really buying season passes before any content actually releases for them is a dumb idea but that's the consumers' fault not the developer. You can't fault CDPR or Bethesda for allowing people to buy content before they even reveal it, but you can fault people for eating it up or stating that the two developers aren't doing the same thing because you like one more than the other.


The season will probably be worth it so I see no problems here. I hope they do rather big DLCs with more substantial content like they did in Skyrim. Some of the DLCs in Fallout 3 and NV were over too soon.
Yeah. I think it's kind of dubious PR to flat out admit that they don't even have a plan yet, but some of the backlash against the mere concept of season passes strikes me as "old man yells at clouds" stuff. There's obviously going to be post-game content that you can buy. Some people have pretty much got their mind made up before release that they know they're going to want to play a particular game for some time to come. Buying at a discount up front makes perfect sense.

Now if you're sitting there thinking "what do you take me for?! Some kind of rube!? Why don't you show me what the content is and then I'll decide if I want to buy it!" Well... you can do that. It's not like your opportunity to buy DLC goes into the famed Disney vault if you don't buy now. You can buy it now. Or you can buy it individually. Or you can buy the season pass later. Or you can wait a whole year for the Game of the Year edition (or whatever it's going to be called) to come out that'll have everything.
Well said.


OK. I think it's fine that not all of us agree on certain things. But come on. Can we at least try and act like we're sort of adults here? "Fuck off" is not an appropriate response to a publisher doing what is basically the new normal for the industry right now.

Is it normal to announce a season pass with no information? Typically we are at least given a bullet list of notional content. 2 quest lines, 2 gear packs, one new area, etc. A poster above just said they expect 4 DLC out of this. This isn't an instance of a company misinforming us or making it confusing, they are flat out not informing us and asking us to pay money for something that doesn't even exist as an idea.

That seems a little more extreme than the industry standard. I'll be waiting, $10 more for content at time of release is a good insurance plan against content that may not even be good/needed or wanted.

I haven't been into AAA lately do I may be off the mark here.


You're completely missing my point. I'm not talking about post-launch content when referring to the Master Chief Collection. I'm talking about how consumers in this industry continue to motivate companies to not give a shit about their product's quality because people buy stuff sight unseen.

Oh, well sure.


I'm in. It's a chance to save some money because it's not like I wasn't going to purchase the DLC anyway, I'm a die hard FO fan. Which is exactly who this is aimed at.

I can understand the criticism and also people not wanting to do this but I for one am glad for it.


The concept of pre-order culture is foreign to you? We know what problems that entail from content being broken out of the game, to exclusive stuff, to games being shipped broken. I thought we are on GAF were this should be obvious.
But the premise here is that even post release, you're still exchanging money for something you are only assuming you will like based on what you have seen instead of a product you have experienced and already know you enjoy.

There's also generally absolutely nothing exclusive to buying a season pass early, and DLC is generally released once a game is working, so I'm not sure at what point it is comparable to the pre-order scenario you've switched your argument to.


You're completely missing my point. I'm not talking about post-launch content when referring to the Master Chief Collection. I'm talking about how consumers in this industry continue to motivate companies to not give a shit about their product's quality because people buy stuff sight unseen.

I don't think pre-orders had anything to do with MCC being a fucked up mess. The developer bit off more than they could chew. I think MS very much "gives a shit" about the quality of MCC because they still want that IP to be viable. Some projects are just fatally flawed no matter how much money or man hours are thrown at it.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
1 of 4 expansions for free if you buy them all at once in early is not an unreasonable value proposition.

Except that you don't know how many expansions the game will have or how much content they'll have. You're just making an optimist supposition, which is what they want you to do.


To be fair, they can't really win no matter what they say.

"We don't know what it is yet"
Selling something for $30 and you don't even know what it is!?

"We'll be releasing X + Y on such dates"
Working on the dlc and the game isnt even finished/out yet!

With the "We don't know what it'll be yet" approach, that makes me think it truly is post game content. Not stuff that has been scrapped/ripped from the game, to be sold seperately later, though I have to question why they feel it's the right time to sell a season pass despite not knowing that. If they do have the details, that makes me fear the possibility I'm just supporting developers ripping content out and selling it later seperately. They may not be, but I think it's certainly a possibility having the details so soon.

In fairness, I don't think I'd buy a season pass if I didn't even have a rough idea what it would include. For all we know it could be costume skins and etc. Similar to what the batman season pass is seeming to be a lot of so far, which is very disappointing.
Guess it depends on your trust in said company that they'll put out something worth the money. CD Project Red are definitely getting a lot of trust from me in this area with how they've been.
Lol its funny this happens not to long after the naughty dog thread they got trashed for announcing single player dlc before release(we kno its single player jus no price and info) yet here we know nothing at all but aye give us $30.00. In my eyes either you had to be defending both our against both if thats the case
What incentive do they have to not put out just throwaway DLC when they have all the customers money for it and can just say, eh..we told you we didn't know what we were gonna do? It can potentionally affect those that decide to wait on what the DLC is. I'm not thinking this'll happen, but at the same time it's not like Bethesda has a great history of consumer focus in mind, especially considering their bullshit attempt at paid mods as well as the shit tier quality of their PS3 ports.

Are some of ya'll not remembering that?

Monster Zero

Junior Member
OK. I think it's fine that not all of us agree on certain things. But come on. Can we at least try and act like we're sort of adults here? "Fuck off" is not an appropriate response to a publisher doing what is basically the new normal for the industry right now.

Its normal to cut content from developing games, it's normal to put content behind preorder wall, it's normal for games to release in a shit state when your money is already dead, the industry norm is shitty and we shouldn't just go "well that's how it is now" Fallout 4 was top 3 hype for me, but I'm not a sucker, I'm not gonna fall for their trap they trying to sneak in. I don't trust season passes. They have almost 0 benefit for the customer.


What incentive do they have to not put out just throwaway DLC when they have all the customers money for it and can just say, eh..we told you we didn't know what we were gonna do? It can potentionally affect those that decide to wait on what the DLC is. I'm not thinking this'll happen, but at the same time it's not like Bethesda has a great history of consumer focus in mind, especially considering their bullshit attempt at paid mods as well as the shit tier quality of their PS3 ports.
Not pissing off fans who buy it from the next elder scrolls or fallout.


King of Gaslighting
Worth wasn't my point. You said post launch DLC, I said season pass. There is a big difference between the two. I can like a single piece of content they release while thinking forking out money for the whole season pass is a waste of money.

Example: Actual new story content = cool. A bunch of shitty skins = bad.

You said no Season Pass has ever been "worth it", so beyond taking you at the words you actually say figuring out your point can be problematic.

Nevermind that your comment is still BS as you've still waved your hand and generalized every Season Pass to fall under this nonsense strategy.
Lol its funny this happens not to long after the naughty dog thread they got trashed for announcing single player dlc before release(we kno its single player jus no price and info) yet here we know nothing at all but aye give us $30.00. In my eyes either you had to be defending both our against both if thats the case
Naughty Dog completely fucked their own multiplayer with TLOU DLC, Bethesda has released multiple quality, meaty single-player DLCs for their past three games.


Except that you don't know how many expansions the game will have or how much content they'll have. You're just making an optimist supposition, which is what they want you to do.

But you can still get the season pass after you know what it will be, right?


Bethesda doesn't exactly have a good track record with DLC for their Oblivion/Fallout titles.

Operation Anchorage and Broken Steel were the only good Fallout 3 expansions and Skyrim's expansions were laughable, really.

If this were Obsidian (and god knows I wish it was) doing Fallout 4, I would force feed them my money. But, I'm going to wait on this and hope to see these DLC expansions to be...you know, good.

Skyrim expansions weren't anywhere near "laughable".
Except that you don't know how many expansions the game will have or how much content they'll have. You're just making and optimist supposition, which is what they want you to do.
Well I have experience with their previous games. You are right though, technically they could poop into an Xbox message and send it to my gamerTag and call that the season pass, but I have no more reason to think they'll do that than I have a reason to doubt the $60 game I'm already buying. One is not more unreasonable than the other.


Isn't that a lot better than them working on DLC before the game is released? The way I see it, it means that all development time up until release is spent on the actual game, which is good news, no?

It's not an either-or situation. Announcing a road map, or even an idea of what you'll get is not the same thing as cutting content. The game is ~2 months out, people involved in pre-production stuff aren't going to be optimizing the game.


Holy shit.
I am strongly against preorders and DLC, but seriously, anyone buying this in advance has some mental problem.

I'm fairly certain I don't have a mental problem. Perhaps you're the one who needs to think about this topic in more depth then people who will be buying the season pass.


To be fair, they can't really win no matter what they say.

True and this goes even more so for Bethesda. It's the company some people just love to hate.

I actually agree with the people in here saying it's silly to charge people for something that doesn't even exist. But people do it with kickstarters all the time without batting an eyelash.

I don't know, I guess since this is only an optional way to save money and the DLC will still be available otherwise, why do people care so much about what others are doing with their money?


all good things
I will buy the base game and wait and buy the inevitable Fallout 4 GOTY edition when its $10 3 years from now.

Screw season passes.


To be fair, they can't really win no matter what they say.

"We don't know what it is yet"
Selling something for $30 and you don't even know what it is!?

"We'll be releasing X + Y on such dates"
Working on the dlc and the game isnt even finished/out yet!

With the "We don't know what it'll be yet" approach, that makes me think it truly is post game content. Not stuff that has been scrapped/ripped from the game, to be sold seperately later, though I have to question why they feel it's the right time to sell a season pass despite not knowing that. If they do have the details, that makes me fear the possibility I'm just supporting developers ripping content out and selling it later seperately. They may not be, but I think it's certainly a possibility having the details so soon.

In fairness, I don't think I'd buy a season pass if I didn't even have a rough idea what it would include. For all we know it could be costume skins and etc. Similar to what the batman season pass is seeming to be a lot of so far, which is very disappointing.
Guess it depends on your trust in said company that they'll put out something worth the money. CD Project Red are definitely getting a lot of trust from me in this area with how they've been.

They can win by announcing this stuff after the game launches, and specifying what it is. This is, of course, unheard of by most developers today, and that is absolutely part of the problem. I think Bloodborne is the only game that comes to mind that they announced an expansion after the game was released.

Petty trends will stay petty trends, I suppose.


King of Gaslighting
Its normal to cut content from developing games, it's normal to put content behind preorder wall, it's normal for games to release in a shit state when your money is already dead, the industry norm is shitty and we shouldn't just go "well that's how it is now" Fallout 4 was top 3 hype for me, but I'm not a sucker, I'm not gonna fall for their trap they trying to sneak in. I don't trust season passes. They have almost 0 benefit for the customer.

Other than reducing the overall cost of individually released content? If you have no faith in the developer or of the mind that you probably wont want all the DLC released. . .this is not for you.

Holy shit.
I am strongly against preorders and DLC, but seriously, anyone buying this in advance has some mental problem.

Naughty Dog completely fucked their own multiplayer with TLOU DLC, Bethesda has released multiple quality, meaty single-player DLCs for their past three games.
But thats their multiplayer is it not. The argument im the thread was they announced it before the game came out, going by quality i can easily say i trust them because left behind was a masterpiece
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