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FFXV's future updates adjust chapters, add cutscenes, add playable characters, more


I feel like I should slow down my progress until the first patch hits... Been taking my sweet time anyway, so it's no big deal. But it does feel kind of weird that my experience could potentially be better if I wait a bit.
I..really liked the Leviathan fight? Why do people hate it again? I can't keep up on all the reasons people have for this game being a mess.

Did you said something? Sorry, I'm having some much fun pressing a button and cool stuff happening on my screen. Huh? No, I'm no playing DA2, you silly. ;)


I wonder if I should get to chapter 13 now before it gets patched.

Could it be in the "so bad its awesomely memorable" category? 😆😆😂

No, it's not. It's tedious.

There is some crucial character development, though.

With this particular game, people were ready to hate on it regardless, lets be honest.

Though now with the flaws, its easier to sit and meditate on how big of a 'disappointment' it is when its clear that some (not all) fans were going to shit on it anyway.

I gave it a fair chance and I see the flaws.
I'm happy they're gonna fix them.

I was ready to hate on this game but ultimately found myself enjoying most of it, despite myself.

That said, all the criticism is warranted and it's pretty easy to see where the problems in development came from. I couldn't recommend the game to people because I'm not sure a lot of people could look past a lot of the flaws and frustrations.
I should have been more clear then. My biggest problem with Luna (outside of the fact that she's
) is that you basically only got 3 cutscenes of her. If they add more cutscenes of her as a kid and noct together, or of her past, or hell, even more cutscenes like the ones after
her death
that were about her, then I think i'd at least care a lil more.
Then I guess we have different problems with her character. To me as it is, she is nothing more than a plot device. The way the game plays out, there is just not enough room for her to be anything more than that. So it's very weird that story tries to use her as one of its key pillars where the game side of things is made without any consideration for her to be an actual character who gets a good amount of characterization.

It just seems like they didn't put any consideration into what the final result would be and just married this game structure to this story and narratives when they really don't mesh together. That's why I don't see them being able to turn this story around. It just doesn't work, they should move on things that do. Like gameplay.
It's not your fault, there are a whole lot of them and most are valid.
Yeah, I'm not denying that at all. I certainly have my fair share of issues. Why I don't feel like the game earned any of the dramatic beats in that section, it's a really cool setpiece on its own merits imo

Is it wrong I'm happy and very angry about this? I figured I should be very angry after all the hype I took.
I'm basically here with it too.

Did you said something? Sorry, I'm having some much fun pressing a button and cool stuff happening on my screen. Huh? No, I'm no playing DA2, you silly. ;)
Hah! I know QTE fests are a scourge on gaming, but from the outset we knew that this wasn't really a fight you were going to win with some pathetic mortal stats and a sword. It starts and you're like
"Yeah this is scripted for sure"
and you just go with it and watch how cool everything flying around the screen looks.
I wonder if I should get to chapter 13 now before it gets patched.

Could it be in the "so bad its awesomely memorable" category? 😆😆😂
It sounds like they aren't fixing the real issue with that chapter anyway, so it'll still be bad. Maybe they'll address its length and level design in another patch, but that won't be out any time soon if it ever happens.
The game was essentially rebooted 4 years ago or so. I seem to recall positive reviews by users and critics... now they are announcing even more support and there is a revolt?!?

I'm glad it is getting fixed. God knows many games don't. But it's the simple fact the game,to me, is missing relevant pieces to call it complete. Someone later mentioned budgets, which is true but let's be real, XV's budget probably went haywire without the Versus elements at that.

My only revolt here is telling players to wait and play a better game. What we got had some fun to it. But why play it right now when important fixes will provide a superior experience.

The Complete Edition I'm sure will be a more compelling product.
Wow...this is a mess...I am still going to play it over Xmas. They should have delayed the game until it was content complete...Still, interested to see what these patches do, and appreciate that they are working to resolve some of the games issues. They can't release a game like this again though. Bad practice.


Not done with the game yet, but I already know the whole story and think FFXV is amazing. So all of this sounds like taking a great thing and making it greater, which is cool in my book. Although I don't care about a custom avatar. Seems unnecessary in a game like this.
Shit I ain't even touched my Deluxe Edition yet. I was waiting to get a PRO first but now I might wait even longer for whatever updates they got planned. Fuuuuuuuuuuck


The situation here is a lot different than it is for most games, though.

It really is not.
Most games have full pieces of story being cut to be told later in DLCs you have to pay for and people have become used to it.
Here they're just saying that they want to add a few extra cutscenes for free in the future. They're not redoing the game or changing what is already there in terms of story. Adding, not changing.
Some people are having absurd reactions to an update plan announcement just because they didn't like some aspects of this game.


I'm not going to complain about more cutscenes. I didn't find chapter XIII that bad, took like an hour. I can see why people wouldn't like it but it's not like it was hard. It's a shame Square had to have this game out before Christmas.


So what's the source on this?

Also, that's fucking awesome they'll add new cutscenes featuring the original voice actors in all languages.
Why not though? Why are you angry that they're giving you extra stuff for free.

I'd rather they fix the things people didn't like about this game than waiting for the next FF installment.

people was so hyped about this game, the wait was criminal, and after so long, people was expected to play the game in a hurry because all the hype

Now SE is saying, to all the consumers, both huge fans, and normal players, those who hurried through the game and those who are taking their time, that the game will receive more content that can potentially affect the story

The content might not even affect it completely, but it's such a low move to push players to play the whole game again

i, at least in my personal opinion, don't plan on playing the game again jut tp see the new scenes that should have been added in the beginning

This is not "supporting the game" nor "patching the game", this is purely adding content they had not ready for the game release, and again, i might be wrong, but it feels that way, and i can understand why so many people is shitting over this move

Adding content to "clarify" and "make it easier to understand " or to "improve and fix certain chapters" is just a lame excuse to say " the game was not completely ready" or "we were not aware those issues existed", yes, it could have been easier to just NOT support the game,anymore, but with all the money they invested in this project, it's not surprise they will try to at least make it a "decent" experience..
I think it's hilarious that they have a mainline Final Fantasy game that's literally an MMORPG, and yet they are still trying to shoehorn in multiplayer into this, which, I'm sorry, really doesn't work with how the game is constructed.


It really is not.
Most games have full pieces of story being cut to be told later in DLCs you have to pay for and people have become used to it.
Here they're just saying that they want to add a few extra cutscenes for free in the future. They're not redoing the game or changing what is already there in terms of story. Adding, not changing.
Some people are having absurd reactions to an update plan announcement just because they didn't like some aspects of this game.

Some games, not most games. Come on. At any rate, the problems in FFXV run deep and across the board. The situation is not the same as most games. It's just not.

I think it's hilarious that they have a mainline Final Fantasy game that's figuratively an MMORPG, and yet they are still trying to shoehorn in multiplayer into this, which, I'm sorry, really doesn't work with how the game is constructed.

Sorry... pet peev heh.
people was so hyped about this game, the wait was criminal, and after so long, people was expected to play the game in a hurry because all the hype

Now SE is saying, to all the consumers, both huge fans, and normal players, those who hurried through the game and those who are taking their time, that the game will receive more content that can potentially affect the story

The content might not even affect it completely, but it's such a low move to push players to play the whole game again

i, at least in my personal opinion, don't plan on playing the game again jut tp see the new scenes that should have been added in the beginning

This is not "supporting the game" nor "patching the game", this is purely adding content they had not ready for the game release, and again, i might be wrong, but it feels that way, and i can understand why so many people is shitting over this move

Adding content to "clarify" and "make it easier to understand " or to "improve and fix certain chapters" is just a lame excuse to say " the game was not completely ready" or "we were not aware those issues existed", yes, it could have been easier to just NOT support the game,anymore, but with all the money they invested in this project, it's not surprise they will try to at least make it a "decent" experience..

Be honest, would you be this miffed had they never patched the main story nor had any plans to?


I've been there with the "patch incoming, should I put this down for now?" indecision, but I don't feel that at all whatsoever with FFXV. I almost want to see it before it changes too much, and feel a need to dive in ASAP. Please wait until at least 2017 to fix chapter 13, SE: :p


Heh, i'm kind of okay with that.

I usually hate this kind of stuff, but because to me they still provided a solid framework with the base game: it's a complete package of story, gameplay, artistic elements and extra content, although there are major flaws with each one of those. It's clearly they needed more time to develop it, bit since what they pushed out was still somehow competent in the eyes of many, i am inclined to forgive them.

I'm not okay with this because by the time these updates will be out, i will have already finished the game lol
Guess i'll just wait for the PC version or the eventual next-gen remaster to enjoy the complete experience.

The only thing i really hope is that the personnel working on these updates is but a smaller fraction of the dev team, i want SE to finally move forward (aka FFXVI) instead of being trapped improving XV.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
I think it's hilarious that they have a mainline Final Fantasy game that's literally an MMORPG, and yet they are still trying to shoehorn in multiplayer into this, which, I'm sorry, really doesn't work with how the game is constructed.

There's the whole "Hunters" thing going on. That's their angle to use for "multiplayer"
Let's not forget that long and medium term goals will be very, very far out.

Recording new lines in all the available languages is going to take quite some time by itself. That's not accounting for everything else.
Just let it go, Nomura... Most have already played through the story, the impression is already there...

Granted, there are still parts of the plot that could be better explained through DLC and such... like
Ardyn's backstory. Having a chapter that better explains what happens to him and how he started working with Ifrit would both make the finale clearer AND can be easily labeled as a prequel chapter so it feel more natural than just shoving more cutscenes into a finished game...
So the second half wasn't supposed to be a literal train ride?

I mean think about this.. the car
went with us across the sea just to completely destroyed for one scene
I'm sure they wanted another continent, plus things from Tabata trailers got cut (especially dawn)

Just let it go, Nomura... Most have already played through the story, the impression is already there...

Granted, there are still parts of the plot that could be better explained through DLC and such... like
Ardyn's backstory. Having a chapter that better explains what happens to him and how he started working with Ifrit would both make the finale clearer AND can be easily labeled as a prequel chapter so it feel more natural than just shoving more cutscenes into a finished game...

You mean tabata
I remember when the 2 month delay hit, and there was rumblings of the game being a complete mess and 2 months is not enough time.

Seems this is why. As a huge ffxv fan, I'm fine (thisisfine.jpg) but can't still feel a bit embarrassed by this.

Feel like they could have weatherd the storm of another 2-3 month delay... But nooooo had to come out in 2016. I'm staying optomistic however.


I see a number of people here are being rather cynical about this. But I really like what's in the core game, so I'm stoked they're adding more. I mean, you definitely get your money's worth with the core package, so them adding free updates that will freshen up a second run is fine in my book.

I'm most hyped about more story cutscenes (including new Ravus scenes, as per the example in the press release!), and being able to play what I presume are the guest characters (Cor, Iris, Aranea). I wonder if "play them" means adding them to your party or actually controlling them directly?

The other stuff sounds nice, too, like the New Game Plus, low-level runs, online events, etc. Like someone else said, a bestiary with a model viewer would be nice.

This is seriously amazing. Very pleased. It's also rather bold of them to announce this now, since it might cause some people to hold off a purchase for the time being.
Be honest, would you be this miffed had they never patched the main story nor had any plans to?

Honestly? no, because i tried to see the issue with the game as possibly something i couldn't fully understand, something i had to come to temrs with, because well, the game ended up being this way, that's the reason why it was released and sold to the public, tjis was their vision

LIke, ok, the game has flaws, the story is a mess, and a lot of other things, but when the developer comes forward and basically says " oh yeah, we will add content that miiiight have supposed to be in the game to begin with, and oh yeah, it might change the experience you get from the story" feels like a low move, because you're not only forcing the fans who purchased the game on day one.. or week one, to play the game again or to wait for the release (with no ETA), you are basically telling them the additional content will, in certain way, change the whole experience, which should have been there on day one

I thank for the possibility of the avatar customization (considering the online features will require it), that's really cool, but new scenes? new playable characters? (this one is ok as long as they don't add some story as to why they are playable and the only way to access those chapters is by replaying the whole game again...)
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