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Fighting Games Weekly | May 19-25 | Started from the bottom, now he's there

One of my favourite things about KOF13 is how most specials are negative on block. Not necessarily to the point of unsafety, but throwing one on block ends your pressure. The characters can do a crapton of stuff so that one thing helps keep the madness in check somewhat. A lot of stuff is "safe" due to sheer ambiguity like many characters' rekkas (featuring juicy numbers like -8, -13 and such on block) and Benimaru's Iaido Kick (-15). You probably won't punish because you can eat the followup or it might've been another move. You had the read, though? Someone'll have trouble sitting tonight.

You just discribed Fei Long, Yang and whoever else that have Rekkas. Top players or even mid level players learned to stagger their Rekkas that if you try to punish, you'll get hit by the follow up.
I thought Poongko's Seth was pretty hype at evo when he plowed through Daigo. But damn those Makoto nerfs, she definitely is mid tier now. I'm still awaiting the Seth character video.. "Seth was all gimmicks so we removed him from the game."


Dieminion's performance at EVO two years ago was amazing. He had some of the most hype matches. Lame is hardly a boring style.


I thought Poongko's Seth was pretty hype at evo when he plowed through Daigo. But damn those Makoto nerfs, she definitely is mid tier now. I'm still awaiting the Seth character video.. "Seth was all gimmicks so we removed him from the game."

Gotta word it more passive aggressively to be a character balance video : P


For the record I do very much like the vast majority of changes being made in Ultra. I just think that the design team will always balance defensive characters over cautiously. They would rather have a character like Dhalsim be too weak rather than be too strong.


Dieminion's performance at EVO two years ago was amazing. He had some of the most hype matches. Lame is hardly a boring style.

You have to understand what's going on when watching guile zone with fireballs, and jump kick spacing and when Dhalsim zones with limbs and trades with fireballs etc. A lot of people don't get it, and then they can't appreciate it, so they just see it as spamming.

It's sad


Is seth truly stylish if he's just jacking everyone else's swagger?

Seth isn't really stylish, only in the sense that you have to make 100% pure hard reads in order to win at a high level with him. Even his style combos are easy to execute.

I would say the stylish characters in AE are Juri, E. Ryu, Dudley, Ibuki, Oni, Sak, and possibly Gouken.
One of my favourite things about KOF13 is how most specials are negative on block. Not necessarily to the point of unsafety, but throwing one on block ends your pressure. The characters can do a crapton of stuff so that one thing helps keep the madness in check somewhat. A lot of stuff is "safe" due to sheer ambiguity like many characters' rekkas (featuring juicy numbers like -8, -13 and such on block) and Benimaru's Iaido Kick (-15). You probably won't punish because you can eat the followup or it might've been another move. You had the read, though? Someone'll have trouble sitting tonight.

KOF98 Iori Rekkas are one of the scummiest rekkas in existence (I'm no 98 pro but I have scumbagged my way to victory with only rekkas because learning how to play properly is overrated). They punish a lot of things and come out extremely fast, even though only the first hit is truly safe, the opponent never feels safe because there is always the feeling you are a half second from getting dunked on if you press a button.
You have to understand what's going on when watching guile zone with fireballs, and jump kick spacing and when Dhalsim zones with limbs and trades with fireballs etc. A lot of people don't get it, and then they can't appreciate it, so they just see it as spamming.

It's sad

Yeah "spamming." People don't like watching action that's samey. But that goes for rushdown too. Rufus divekicks, fei long mirror matches.

3D fighters have this problem too because to the average viewer, it's just punching and occasional juggle (which people don't like the look of).

They rather watch flashy stuff. Like dormammu.


His impressions were based off of the Stunfest build.

It's probably an over reaction on his part but Guile was definitely nerfed from his arcade version.

It was supposed to be a joke about him being stuck there but I forgot Stunfest had a build too. Ultrachen TV hasn't covered Hypemania, NWM or Stunfest yet because it was the week David went to Kuwait for all that hot cosplay action, lol.


Slayer of Combofiends
And Dante.

I kinda like Fei Long mirrors better than dive kick mirrors though.

Since no one answered, I'll ask you Dahbomb, I plan on doing a combo for a combo music video my friends wants to do and I'm revving up my point Dante but I don't know what other two characters would be "hype" or you would find entertaining. I was planning Dante, (someone), Sentinel as the team.


Slayer of Combofiends
MODOK combos get people hyped up. Also Rocket Raccoon combos although even intermediate RR combos are hard.

God damn, if its for hype. I shall. Raw tag combos with Dante and Modok should be possible. Implementing RR would be too easy. This is strictly a Dante combo with him on point on my end but I'll take what you said and work with it, sounds interesting.


KOF98 Iori Rekkas are one of the scummiest rekkas in existence (I'm no 98 pro but I have scumbagged my way to victory with only rekkas because learning how to play properly is overrated). They punish a lot of things and come out extremely fast, even though only the first hit is truly safe, the opponent never feels safe because there is always the feeling you are a half second from getting dunked on if you press a button.

You gave a great reason why I wish Claw Iori would stay and Flame Iori would go. Thankfully a lot of chars in 98 could scumbag in various ways.

I remember against Iori in 98 I'd often just try to keep him out to avoid the situation completely. Led to some really dull matches.


Mrs. Harvey
Once again, and until the OT is done. Anybody playing Ultra PM me your gamertags and what systems you plan on playing it on.

Oh. And give me ideas for title.


When you have people in arcades paying per match, the psychology element there becomes very real.

It definitely seems that the dev team wants the game to lean more towards a rushdown style of play, which makes sense if they want to bring more players into the game.


Once again, and until the OT is done. Anybody playing Ultra PM me your gamertags and what systems you plan on playing it on.

Oh. And give me ideas for title.

oh nice, new game thread title hype

btw kadey, consider putting where the player lives besides the tags


Mrs. Harvey
Yes. It will be a list of people playing online. I'll also ask in the actual thread for those who do not frequent this thread. But those people are more likely the flavor of the month types and they'll end up going back to their CODs and Titanfalls after losing so and so times.


Unconfirmed Member
Wing Stop isn't fast though

and it's run by crazy people who think sugar belongs on french fries


It definitely seems that the dev team wants the game to lean more towards a rushdown style of play, which makes sense if they want to bring more players into the game.
AE specifically wanted to get away from the Super-style defensive play. Here they're trying to blow up braindead set/vortex play.

USF4| Combofiend's Bionic Arm
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