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Final Fantasy XV Episode Duscae 2.0 coming in May | Trailer at E3, more at Gamescom


Hoo Japan i'll never understand you..... you work like monkey everyday of the week. But when something is a little bit challenging, it's too hard, you quit. Great news for NA tought.... The demo was clearly way too easy.
Looking at the ratio of people who cleared the hardest raid in ff14 (JP have clearance rate 10 times greater than NA) - it seems like they are just much, much vocal about this "too hard" part.

Just annoys me this otaku culture still so prevalent in Japan. Comes across so childish.
And why it shouldn't be so? A quick glance at manga magazine sales shows that this part of Japanese entertainment is still dominated by shonen and thus linked to it "otaku culture". And it still maintain the same 2:1 ratio to seinen as 20 years ago.
I hope they stick to Nomura's vision in the end and just improve on the gameplay. The obsession with having a female party member is tragic. It's not happening and they will probably have female guest characters tho.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
A jumpsuit was the first outfit I had been thinking of - this I find acceptable especially the goggles as it reminds me of FFIV Cid. They're a damn lie about her design and its intent...
Especially with that heart and soul nonsense. It's obvious what they were going for.
damn, after that comment about female party member and sexual cindy being a contradiction... they literally have no choice but to change cindy's design. Either that, or add a female party member. I really want to see the whole dynamic of "all male cast", but if they are going to be this insensitive... something's gotta give.

They'll add a female member ala KH for probably an arc and then people will complain "why can't she be with the group the entire game?!" " in previous FF you get to choose your party members for the final boss?!" Just watch.


And what exactly is wrong with a sexualized presentation? I'm not finding the cause for outrage here. Some characters are typically portrayed that way in fiction, it's part of what makes it entertaining.

Hey look at my original post, I was whining about Square taking away my sexy lycra men. So I'm not opposed to sexiness, but when the only female character of note (in the demo) is heavily sexualised, and the creator's of the game doesn't seem to get it (at all) it doesn't bode well for a diverse cast in terms of women.

I tried to address the comments of some posters who attacked those who dislike Cidney's design since I feel that their arguments are frankly awful.


After reading the poll results and given the sales of the PS4 in Japan, I think this is going to be the first mainline Final Fantasy title to sell better in North America then Japan(If I'm not trippin and this hasn't happened before). x_x


Hey look at my original post, I was whining about Square taking away my sexy lycra men. So I'm not opposed to sexiness, but when the only female character of note (so far) is heavily sexualised, and the creator's of the game doesn't seem to get it (at all) it doesn't bode well for a diverse cast in terms of women.

I tried to address the comments of some posters who attacked those who dislike Cidney's design since I feel that their arguments are frankly awful.
What? Have you seen Stella and/or Luna? They're characters who actually play a role in the main plot and are presented elegantly.
After reading the poll results and given the sales of the PS4 in Japan, I think this is going to be the first mainline Final Fantasy title to sell better in North America then Japan(If I'm not trippin and this hasn't happened before). x_x

Most of them have been fairly close.


Junior Member
Because this is the "grassland" section, and as a grassland, it looks pretty fricking great.

2 ways they can go about this:

1) Make these grassland section interesting by having various uneven, unique surfaces and natural/man-made structures in its vicinity that "hides" the emptiness of an open grassland, like Colony 6/9 in Xenoblade.

2) Ditch regular grassland/marshland or decrease size and scale of these in the world map and instead, focus more on handcrafted locale (think more Midgar-like "dungeon" on the overworld), like old-school JRPG.


They'll add a female member ala KH for probably an arc and then people will complain "why can't she be with the group the entire game?!" " in previous FF you get to choose your party members for the final boss?!" Just watch.

I always manage to disagree with a lot of criticism games face, mostly because a lot of criticism don't understand the artistic direction. But this is just straight up disingenuous. I want the cast to remain all male because that was the artisitic direction... it's not like all of a sudden square enix no longer has the legacy of supporting strong female characters(good guys or bad guys).

Tabatta needs to realize that a female party member in FF isn't there for sexiness. this is exactly what he implied with his comment.
Seems like they kind of rushed the demo out to release alongside Type-0 HD. I'm pretty excited for an update, but I can't help but wonder why they don't focus more on finishing the game rather than improving the demo.


2 ways they can go about this:

1) Make the these grassland section interesting by having various uneven, unique surfaces and natural/man-made structures in its vicinity that "hides" the emptiness of an open grassland, like Colony 6/9 in Xenoblade.

2) Ditch regular grassland/marshland or decrease size and scale of these in the world map and instead, focus more on handcrafted locale (think more Midgar-like "dungeon" on the overworld), like old-school JRPG.

Sound like Dragon Age: Inquisition.
The only controls I had a problem with was the lock-on, and even sorted that once I realised how to hard-lock. Three different lock-on types is stupid though, so hope that gets changed. My only other complaint regarding gameplay was how chaotic the battles became late on. The robotic army guys were a pain in the ass to fight since if you weren't getting shot from behind, you were getting charged and if you're not looking head on to the guy charging (and often there's multiple chargers) you can't parry, nor can you do anything once you've been grabbed.

Noctis' voice I thought was pretty okay. His dialogue was pretty decent, it was his battle grunts that pissed me off. For the longest time I thought it was Gladiolus grunting away. Prompto was fine, he just needs to speak less, he's always commenting on things or doing exaggerated "WHOA"s. Gladio was fine, and Ignis was okay, if a little pompous at times.

Not going to comment on Cidney other than the name (which should stay Cidney) since I found her quite inoffensive.
Seems like they kind of rushed the demo out to release alongside Type-0 HD. I'm pretty excited for an update, but I can't help but wonder why they don't focus more on finishing the game rather than improving the demo.

According to them, they want to give back to the users that gave them so much feedback on the demo.

The fact is, they'll probably ask for another round of feedback when the update will kick in.


Isn't the whole cast of the game a bunch of pretty boys that look like they came straight out of a boyband though?

In any case, a little off-topic: I kind of miss when FFXV looked more like a Kingdom Hearts game. A while back I came across this webm of gameplay from back when it was still Final Fantasy Versus XIII and it...looks a lot like something from KH2 or Birth By Sleep. The combat is was a lot faster than it is now. http://webmup.com/b30bc/


Yes, other women in this game are being represented very nobly are very well, and all this focus on Cidney does not mean that all the women in this game are going to be disrespected when we've clearly seen otherwise since 2008.

Still, what did you expect when she was the only prominent female NPC in the demo? She is being shown off everywhere in the game, and for those people who don't follow the game's 9 year development cycle or even the past two years, they don't know any better. They look at Cidney as the only woman in this game and use that alone as a basis for gender representation. It's not like they have much to go off of for Episode Duscae.

Akio Ofuji comes off as so out of touch, though. And I have no idea what Tabata is saying.


Junior Member
2 ways they can go about this:

1) Make these grassland section interesting by having various uneven, unique surfaces and natural/man-made structures in its vicinity that "hides" the emptiness of an open grassland, like Colony 6/9 in Xenoblade.

2) Ditch regular grassland/marshland or decrease size and scale of these in the world map and instead, focus more on handcrafted locale (think more Midgar-like "dungeon" on the overworld), like old-school JRPG.

3) Come to terms with this being 1/10 of the world map, and that this is not representative of the creativity and diversity of the map design.
Seems like they kind of rushed the demo out to release alongside Type-0 HD. I'm pretty excited for an update, but I can't help but wonder why they don't focus more on finishing the game rather than improving the demo.

the work they do for the demo is work that is going to benefit the entire game. In this case, the issue is that they called this a demo. It's more of a beta test, really, and it's very common for a beta test to take feedback into account and improve with time.
According to them, they want to give back to the users that gave them so much feedback on the demo.

The fact is, they'll probably ask for another round of feedback when the update will kick in.

And that's still a good thing. I'm glad they're really listening and improving based on what the fans think.

I just wish I could've given some feedback for the survey. I got the digital version, so it didn't come with a code for the survey.
And that's still a good thing. I'm glad they're really listening and improving based on what the fans think.

I just wish I could've given some feedback for the survey. I got the digital version, so it didn't come with a code for the survey.

Yeah, they adressed that too and they're very sorry that people in your situation couldn't have participated. They said though that they're trying to find a way to sort that out for the next time !


Having to patch a demo?

Okay then.

They don't have to patch a demo. They're choosing to update a demo.

I'm divided with their approach. On the one hand, they're listening to demo feedback and trying to incorporate it to make a better game. On the other hand, it looks as though they could be compromising on their own creative desires and developing a game by committee. Personally, I think it's mostly if not entirely the former. Their response to the Cindy scenario makes it sound like they're unwilling to make dramatic changes despite prevailing European desires, which indicates to me that they're not acting directly on feedback, but considering it alongside their own design philosophies.


I guess sex sells (kate upton marketing and what not).

But, I'm stoked getting frequent updates.

I saw a limited edition on store shelves the other day, is the code still redeemable (and until when?)


Having to patch a demo?

Okay then.

Well you don't see it, but it's a very smart approach.

The demo's in the hands of more people than the number of internal playtesters they could ever have.

By patching the demo, they can adjust and balance the core mechanics and still receive significant feedback about it to further make changes.

Brilliant I'd say.


Seems like they kind of rushed the demo out to release alongside Type-0 HD. I'm pretty excited for an update, but I can't help but wonder why they don't focus more on finishing the game rather than improving the demo.

Well actually the stuff they've implemented in the game after hearing feedback is what we're getting in the demo. It's the reason why optimization for framerate/resolution is low on the list of things they want done in the demo, as that should be a focus on the main game and would be a waste of resources on the demo.

The update in the demo is just giving us a peak at the changes they've made in the main game, and majority are gameplay changes rather than content being added to the demo, which doesn't take long to implement when you have a fully functional demo already distributed to people.

Also, by giving us an update, they are focusing on the main game, as they can get further feedback in case some things need to be fixed or focused on more, it'll result in a better main game.

Think of it less as a demo, but more like a beta.

hemo memo

Gold Member
Cindy was too sexy. The Director stated "she's actually not meant to be an erotic character", but that she's supposed to be an energetic outdoorsy character and she's a mechanic, so the dress is normal.

Explain this to me please


Explain this to me please
The only other female mechanic that SE has had anything to do with that comes to mind would have been a manga they published called Full metal alchemist, which the outfit is less "sexual" than cidney's.
The only other female mechanic that SE has had anything to do with that comes to mind would have been a manga they published called Full metal alchemist, which the outfit is less "sexual" than cidney's.

Now that is hot, sexy but still looks like something a person would wear while working
Cidney on the other hand looks like Mechanic... a Mechanic from a Porno
But... an all-female cast diversified the party dynamics of the franchise as a whole.

Sure it was cringeworthy at many points (all the girly hi-five mini-hops, girly talks, Brother lol) but you can't say it's like any party dynamic that existed prior in the franchise.

I think a lot of people seem to want "diversity" on a micro scale which leads more to "homogeneity" on a macro scale. ...

Excellent way of putting it.

You can respect women, view them as equal, and even be a feminist (as I'd count myself), but still accept that a group of young males (or young females, cf., X-2) could realistically have a different party dynamic than a mixed group. If that dynamic is well realized (remains to be seen here), it can add to the great tapestry of narrative diversity in games.

I will agree with those above who cringed in their response to the Cindy sexualization concerns being somehow contradictory to the desire for a female party member. Yeesh. But I'll give them the benefit of the doubt that this was just poorly worded conversational filler. After all, SE has produced lots of likable non-sexualized female characters.


My first reaction to Cindy's design was like: "She looks like a stripper?". Guess I wasn't the only person thinking that lol.


Thirteen flew over the cuckoo's nest
Cant believe so many males are complaining about tits being shoved in their face, lord Jesus what is going on in this world

That's exactly what you should expect and what I kept saying for long. It's maschilism at its worse. Females, for the most, don't find Cidney offensive, men instead find showing a woman's body a problem.


Cant believe so many males are complaining about tits being shoved in their face, lord Jesus what is going on in this world http://imagizer.imageshack.us/a/img688/7248/maruseesu2.png[/MG][/QUOTE]

I didn't care at first(it was a little bit jarring that a mechanic would wear so little though), but equalizing female party member to "being there for sexiness" is plain wrong and surfaces some underlying issues.


Cant believe so many males are complaining about tits being shoved in their face, lord Jesus what is going on in this world

a) Some of us are not men
b) Some men are not attracted to women
c) Some men don't need overly sexualized women in every aspect of their entertainment

That's exactly what you should expect and what I kept saying for long. It's maschilism at its worse. Females, for the most, don't find Cidney offensive, men instead find showing a woman's body a problem.

I don't find her "offensive," but I do find her design stupid, and I find their comments about wanting a female party member and finding Cindy too sexualized as contradictory statements to be offensive.

Please try not to speak for women. We're a varied group of people.
That's exactly what you should expect and what I kept saying for long. It's maschilism at its worse. Females, for the most, don't find Cidney offensive, men instead find showing a woman's body a problem.


However there are females complaining too but yeah
Although, I wonder why such a little showing at E3 for a bigger show at Gamescom.
Are they going to have their own press conf at Gamescom ? Maybe they'll be at Sony's one ?
Can we expect some surprises regarding Gamescom ? I mean... we had one with MGSV at last year Gamescom.

I find weird that they're moving from the biggest video game show, in which they'll have their own press conference for a smaller one.
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