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First ever DriveClub direct feed racing footage (GamesCom)

I feel as though Forza Horizon went for the same type of gameplay/UI and pulled it off without cluttering the screen as much as DriveClub does. They are constantly throwing things on the screen, so much so that it looks to pull you out of any sense of realism.
I feel as though Forza Horizon went for the same type of gameplay/UI and pulled it off without cluttering the screen as much as DriveClub does. They are constantly throwing things on the screen, so much so that it looks to pull you out of any sense of realism.

Fortunately the UI in DriveClub is customizable.



I actually wish the cars had this kind of aspect ratio. Looks a bit too "wide-angle'd" for me. looks a lot better here


I'd be in the dick
By the time i get a PS4 they'll have probably knocked out a sequel, GT6 is the only racing game im looking at right now.

Ah, I thought you were getting a PS4 at launch for some reason. I think I had you confused with someone else that mentioned having it preordered.


Junior Member
Oh my goodness!! I just watched the higher quality video of the footage....if this is a launch game...i cannot even imagine with PS4 racers will look like 3-4 years from now..HOLY CRAP! Also the foliage looks ACE!! That is TRUE NEXT GEN foliage!!

Also nice to see the night time gif footage (directly above) have the night time reflections from road signs & road side posts finally done right!! I always wondered why dev's never did the reflections from night time racing done correctly...the only other game that does it right was from Rallisport Challenge 2 night time racing tracks ...Drive Club nailed this down! Finally!! For such a small thing...those hyper-realistic road sign reflections do wonders for visuals.


Junior Member
Congrats! Is it possible to put the scoring like on the dash or even better on the windshield minority report style? Basically how it is in the challenge trailer or this gif:


Now that would be a fantastic idea.

I hate the design of the UI and the font though. Too bad this is completely fixed.


Will be interesting to see high quality. What I am interested in is whether there will be noticeable pop in of stuff or not. What I want from next gen is massive draw distances.


Neo Member
Considering this is the Gaf, I'm actually disappointed that the majority of comments are about fucking foliage not looking pretty enough. If the gameplay is shit, fair enough, but judging a game on graphics is fucking retarded.


It looked good until he switched to the car view. Eh.

Environmental detail was there, but I guess I was just expecting more, especially given the 30fps.

The gameplay itself just looks, I don't now, sloppy? Maybe it's the bad drivers but it just doesn't look like it feels great. That's a pretty BS statement but whatever haha, I'll
be playing Forza 5
maybe play it some day.
Considering this is the Gaf, I'm actually disappointed that the majority of comments are about fucking foliage not looking pretty enough. If the gameplay is shit, fair enough, but judging a game on graphics is fucking retarded.

Well considering most of us can't actually play the game until it's released, that's all most people can go off of. It's not like I can get a feel for how the cars/races/etc. handle from a video.
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