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Fix your pathetic, shitty PSN servers, Sony

I don't see how you people are having issues, I live in Canada which is known to have AWFUL internet and my experience is nothing like yours... very odd.

From the time i being on Neogaf and these threads came up, everyone who had constistent good speeds i asked was from USA or Canada thats why i think its regional


I just found out that replacing my automatic DNS servers for google's is the only way I can download ANYTHING from PSN. Really.

Mind it that it's only a problem with the PSN, but not Steam or Xbox Live. No idea why.

Now I have to manually alter my DNS servers to Google's eveytime I have to donwload something from the PSN. I switch back to my IP's ones afterwards cause it improves my connection stats, sadly.


Gold Member
From the time i being on Neogaf and these threads came up, everyone who had constistent good speeds i asked was from USA or Canada thats why i think its regional

That is certainly possible, it would make sense as well given populations and regions but I don't really know much about that stuff so I could be wrong .
Anecdotally, I used to have these same issues on PS3, download speeds were abysmal and you couldn't download in rest mode so I'd have to leave the thing on damn near all day to download a full game but it's been a complete 180 on ps4 for me. Download speeds are as fast as any of my other devices.


Gold Member
They were always shitty, OP.

Until yesterday (or at least very recently) they were much less shitty for me. Now they're absolute garbage.

I haven't had much issues with PSN server speeds. But I am using a wired connection. The WiFi speeds though are a whole other mess.

I'm wired.

Amazing how everything on the internet is shit, garbage, there's no way to take seriously those who act so childishly so.

The Bloodborne download was normal here, kid

What? Downloading at 0.2 MB/s on a 12.5 MB/s connection isn't shit? Nothing normal about that at all. Garbage.

No DL speed issues with my PS4. Maybe check your router setup.

It's fine. NAT type 2, etc. The PS4 network connection test even says my DL speed is around 50 Mbps (which is still much lower than it should be, but faaaaaar better than what I'm actually getting from PSN).

I always buy physical for AAA titles and indies all get downloaded while I play a different games. Sucks mate, but I can't relate. :\

I do the same. Bought Bloodborne physical. But guess what, 2.6 GB (or something) day 1 patch. Took ages.


"I blame others instead of thinking it may be me!!!"

I have never had issues with download speeds from PSN. Always been fast and smooth. These hate posts when something on the users end happens are just nuts.



Easy there friend.

Have you tried changing your DNS to Google's? ( and It is not a myth, it can help in some dire downloading situations.
"I blame others instead of thinking it may be me!!!"

I have never had issues with download speeds from PSN. Always been fast and smooth. These hate posts when something on the users end happens are just nuts.

Posts insisting it's a user problem are also annoying.

There is definitely an issue with download speeds being inconsistent either from region to region, day to day, or even fluctuating during a download. It doesn't seem to affect everyone but it is a problem, I have seen it myself.


Speeds are fine here in Phoenix on Cox internet, back when I first got a PS3 in 2007 this was a complaint, but PSN speeds have greatly improved over the years and now I see no noticeable difference between my Xbox One and PS4 downloads, both are great.


Gold Member
"I blame others instead of thinking it may be me!!!"

When it's been working great (well, if 3 MB/s is great) up until now, and is now suddenly shit without me having changed anything? Yeah, I'll blame the ones responsible for the servers.

Here's a speed test I just did, BTW, in case anyone thinks my connection is at fault:


That's directly to my PC though, here's through my router:


Yeah, my router is old and sucks, but clearly it's not the issue here.


When it's been working great (well, if 3 MB/s is great) up until now, and is now suddenly shit without me having changed anything? Yeah, I'll blame the ones responsible for the servers.

Yeah can't possibly be anything else like how your connection is routed towards their servers, an issue they could not possible control since it would be up to your ISP.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
I just posted today I was surprised at how fast the new system update downloaded. It was 250+MB and it flew.

4GB update for GTA 5 also downloaded pretty fast for me. I'm on wireless and have 25Mbps down, 6 or 10 up.

I did tweak some settings on my router tho, like always making sure my consoles always gave off the same IPs whenever they connected. That helps alot.

I used to do the DNS thing until I lost internet because Comcast was updating something. They do lots of updates on their X1 service for some reason... Comcast DNS sucks too...but the added headache of having to reset things just so they can do their updates was too much of a hassle....almost like always port forwarding whenever a new console was connected or something else that would change the IP of your console.

Static IP's for your consoles folks is they way to go.
I remember speeds being pretty terrible during the PS3 days, but it seems fine for me now on PS4. Dled the Bloodborne update last night and it took about 20 minutes. Speeds are not nearly as fast as on Steam, but reasonable enough and comparable to XB1 for me.


Yeah it's pretty bad for me too. I just started the preload for Bloodborne (UK), 3 hours for the 2gb update and 4 hours for whatever that 5gb thing is. It isn't this bad on anything else. I finished downloading Pillars of Eternity earlier which took less than an hour.


on GTA V launch I was hitting a whopping 33kps download. It took hours to download the initial 200mb installer - My internet speed downloads 1GB per minute, I think it's 160mb.

Hopefully tonights Bloodborne unlocking won't be a headache.


Yeah can't possibly be anything else like how your connection is routed towards their servers, an issue they could not possible control since it would be up to your ISP.

It could be neither end, since iirc Sony uses a content distribution network for PSN downloads. It's probably some third party that's having some issues, either the CDN or the OP's ISP.


It's fine. NAT type 2, etc. The PS4 network connection test even says my DL speed is around 50 Mbps (which is still much lower than it should be, but faaaaaar better than what I'm actually getting from PSN).

I don't know dude. It's clear that not everyone has this issue. So maybe it's a regional thing or your ISP throttles bandwidth for certain types of downloads.


It has been unbearably slow for me for at least 5 years. And I have a 100 Mbps connection as well with a modem that can handle up to 385 Mbps or something -- the limiting factor definitely isn't on my end. I'll try this pause and resume suggestion though.


Have you tried changing your DNS to Google's? ( and It is not a myth, it can help in some dire downloading situations.

Yes but it's not a panacea either. Everybody has a different situation regarding their location, their nearest CDN server, ISP routing, DNS server. It ALL matters. The best DNS server is the one that connects you to your nearest CDN server. That won't always be Google.
Isn't this a bit of a strong reaction for a problem that has only existed for 1 day? You said yourself they were fine up until yesterday, maybe it's a temp problem?

Slow downloads suck, but the OP is very angry over what seems to be a very recent problem in an otherwise fine service (in his experience).
The thing I don't get is how inconsistent it is. Sometimes I get great speeds and at other times(like right now) its just crawling along.


People should stop referencing data that makes me feel uncomfortable because games get ported to platforms I don't like
I'm not saying the servers are perfect but personally I never had issues downloading anything off PSN but my only small complain is that I don't download at my connection's full speed. I have a 60 Mbps connection but I somehow always cap at around 40-50 Mbps download speed but otherwise it's fine to me.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Can we please stop with this shit and not assume people are complete morons? Every time I see post like this I can't help myself but facepalm.
I have always had decent speed, even back with the PS3 with people posting 3 days DL times for 13gb whereas mine is under ten minutes, on PS4 my updates pop up "ready to install" by time the PS4 has reached the home screen and no I don't use Rest Mode, now I don't get full speed on my PS4 but it does do 64mb mostly, I even had Nat 3 and still had a better connection then people who have bad connections.
But people with bad PSN have always had bad PSN speed and they always blame Sony's servers, but if was Sony's servers then everyone would have problems once in a while, but they don't.
so people will say that because the problem is obviously on the user side and it don't matter if other devices have great speed, theres something on your side thats giving you a shit connection.


Gold Member
Isn't this a bit of a strong reaction for a problem that has only existed for 1 day? You said yourself they were fine up until yesterday, maybe it's a temp problem?

Slow downloads suck, but the OP is very angry over what seems to be a very recent problem in an otherwise fine service (in his experience).

I might be overreacting, sure. But it should NEVER EVER be this bad. Not for a single day. It's just not acceptable.


I have a 10/10 connection and get 5mbps which I think is good so I wonder If the problem is something else then Sonys servers. Im in Sweden btw.


Gold Member
I have always had decent speed, even back with the PS3 with people posting 3 days DL times for 13gb whereas mine is under ten minutes, on PS4 my updates pop up "ready to install" by time the PS4 has reached the home screen and no I don't use Rest Mode, now I don't get full speed on my PS4 but it does do 64mb mostly, I even had Nat 3 and still had a better connection then people who have bad connections.
But people with bad PSN have always had bad PSN speed and they always blame Sony's servers, but if was Sony's servers then everyone would have problems once in a while, but they don't.
so people will say that because the problem is obviously on the user side and it don't matter if other devices have great speed, theres something on your side thats giving you a shit connection.

So. Why. Has. It. Been. Fine. Until. Now. Even. Though. I. Haven't. Changed. A. Thing?

I'm not a moron. I'm a CS master graduate. Not that that necessarily means anything in this particular case, but I do know computery things rather well, routers being one of them.
Took me almost 30 mins to download the BB patch on launch day. Some downloads go decent speeds sometimes while others can take much longer than they should I've gotten used to it unfortunately.

I have 300/20 btw.


I might be overreacting, sure. But it should NEVER EVER be this bad. Not for a single day. It's just not acceptable.

Man, then I have some bad news for you about the internet and how ISP's work. There is no 100% guarantee about anything online for a reason.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
It has been unbearably slow for me for at least 5 years. And I have a 100 Mbps connection as well with a modem that can handle up to 385 Mbps or something -- the limiting factor definitely isn't on my end. I'll try this pause and resume suggestion though.

The PS3 couldnt do wireless N, and still cant after numerous hardware revisions....so that was a big problem if you were using wireless. You had to set the router to a, b, or g...cant remember which... for better speeds.

Something I still call Sony out on when the 360 could do N.

Some modems are hybrid modem/routers....something I despise. Its a lil easier to tell now but wasnt years ago.

If you had bad speeds wired.....I dont know what to say. I do believe Sony uses cheap networking hardware for its consoles...opinion of course.
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