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Fix your pathetic, shitty PSN servers, Sony

Yeah it's pretty bad for me too. I just started the preload for Bloodborne (UK), 3 hours for the 2gb update and 4 hours for whatever that 5gb thing is. It isn't this bad on anything else. I finished downloading Pillars of Eternity earlier which took less than an hour.
Another guy from my region who's also suffering there's definitely a trend here
Until yesterday (or at least very recently) they were much less shitty for me. Now they're absolute garbage.

I'm wired.

What? Downloading at 0.2 MB/s on a 12.5 MB/s connection isn't shit? Nothing normal about that at all. Garbage.

It's fine. NAT type 2, etc. The PS4 network connection test even says my DL speed is around 50 Mbps (which is still much lower than it should be, but faaaaaar better than what I'm actually getting from PSN).

I do the same. Bought Bloodborne physical. But guess what, 2.6 GB (or something) day 1 patch. Took ages.
Whose your internet provider? Mine is Cogeco. Is it wireless or wired? I bought an extra ethernet cable that goes from downstairs where my modem is all the way upstairs to my living room. I would recommend to check your settings and get it wired. Speeds are pretty good for me. If PS4 has one thing, it's speed in regards to everything.

OT, but what does quoting an avatar represent?
Actually since last month it's been working like it did before Destiny. However I think my POS ISP is throttling my PS4 downloads or something is wrong in their end. I have to reset this shit every time my PS4 downloads something because the DNS/IP changes automatically or something

BTW they fixed the who's playing thing


Gold Member
Whose your internet provider? Mine is Cogeco. Is it wireless or wired? I bought an extra ethernet cable that goes from downstairs where my modem is all the way upstairs to my living room. I would recommend to check your settings and get it wired. Speeds are pretty good for me. If PS4 has one thing, it's speed in regards to everything.

Bredbandsbolaget, but I doubt that means anything to you as it's Swedish.

I'm wired, my consoles and PCs always are if possible.


Took me almost 30 mins to download the BB patch on launch day. Some downloads go decent speeds sometimes while others can take much longer than they should I've gotten used to it unfortunately.

I have 300/20 btw.

I have 15/5 and it took me about 30 min to download the patch.
"I blame others instead of thinking it may be me!!!"

I have never had issues with download speeds from PSN. Always been fast and smooth. These hate posts when something on the users end happens are just nuts.

Is this real?

It works great on all other devices - it's just superslow on PS4. Took me all night to download Valiant Hearts.


DMZ is activated for the PS4, so it's basically connected directly to the internet. NAT Type 2. Connected via cable. X360 works fine via the same router.

Please, don't shitpost just because you have a different experience.
My PS4 downlod speed has always been adequate given my horrible ISP package ... But lately the DL speed hasb been absolutely horrible and it all happened right after the 2.1 update

It's so frustrating :( ... Getting dl speeds of 990 kbps when i do the test (im ok with that) but I think it's actually much, much lower than that because it used to download at 900 kbps-1mb before and it was waaay faster.


It's definitely been all over the place. Some days good, some bad forcing me to pause/resume periodically. Happened alot to me during the Evolve beta times. Thankfully, it's been working better as of late. BB day one patch finished in about 10min. Other digital games like Helldivers didn't take too long either.

However, back in the early days of the PS4 launch, download speeds were freaking fantastic. Too good to be true-like


I have always had decent speed, even back with the PS3 with people posting 3 days DL times for 13gb whereas mine is under ten minutes, on PS4 my updates pop up "ready to install" by time the PS4 has reached the home screen and no I don't use Rest Mode, now I don't get full speed on my PS4 but it does do 64mb mostly, I even had Nat 3 and still had a better connection then people who have bad connections.
But people with bad PSN have always had bad PSN speed and they always blame Sony's servers, but if was Sony's servers then everyone would have problems once in a while, but they don't.
so people will say that because the problem is obviously on the user side and it don't matter if other devices have great speed, theres something on your side thats giving you a shit connection.

I have network equipment worth maybe 6 times more than PS4. Hell, my internet monthly fees are almost half the cost of PS4. I have pretty fast fiber with complicated routing I like to tinker and screw around with, with IPv6 tunneling for all international connections going through dedicated "tier 1" Level3 line, straight through US fiber backbone (i.e. the name of ISP bellow). I give Sony every chance possible and they stumbled every time.

Speeds on my IPv6:

Speeds on IPv4 connection:

Both are tested to LA. Again, PSN speeds are greatly variable, with or without IPv6. It's the only device on my network I allowed 100% access from port 0 to port 65535, both in and out from my home, yet it can download at 600Kbps, then jumps to 30Mbps, then back to 2Mbps, then PSN randomly decides that tier 1 ISP is good enough for it and I have stable 200Mbps+ when I download Bloodborne in around 20 mins.

So no, I take "did you check your router" or "it might be your ISP" as an insult.


I'm connected via wifi and download speeds have always been terrible for me. A 2gb download sometimes takes 30mins to an hour to complete when it should be less than 10mins with my connection. Pretty much everything else connected to my router (phones, laptop, pc) do not run into speed issues and almost always max out my download speed

Maybe I should try a better wired connection someday and see if it improves anything (I'm either on wireless or on a spotty wired connection using a powerline adapter)


Posts insisting it's a user problem are also annoying.

There is definitely an issue with download speeds being inconsistent either from region to region, day to day, or even fluctuating during a download. It doesn't seem to affect everyone but it is a problem, I have seen it myself.

This is very true. When every other device on my network works fine, I'd wager it's not my inability to properly use a router that is causing slow speeds from PSN.


I'm lucky if I even get 300kb/s on my computer and I never feel like things take too long to download. I'm just patient.

I guess I just have shitty internet /:
Another guy from my region who's also suffering there's definitely a trend here

I'm UK as well, I purchased Life is Strange Ep 2 and Walking Dead Season 2 in the sale and it's taking an eternity to download them. The PS4 is hardly the swiftest at downloading but there's a noticeable dip in speed today.

Edit: I have non-fibre broadband (Sky) that usually clocks in at 18mb dl. Usually does the job for me, never any complaints about downloads or streaming with anything else.


Sounds like a problem with your internet connecton. Maybe you're being throttled by your ISP.

(USA citizen here, speeds aren't an issue for me with my 20Mbit connection on AT&T. Wired Connection.)
People have often complained about bad download speeds from PSN, but for me it's always been decent. Around 3 MB/s or so. Not great given my 100 Mbps connection, but not awful. Since yesterday, however, it's been absolutely fucking terrible. First noticed it when trying to download the BB day 1 patch. "Shouldn't take too long", I thought, but OH how wrong I was. It downloaded at < 500 KB/s, and took ages. Right now I'm watching my PS4 try to download the FW update at like 200 KB/s. Fucking lol.

And I'm PAYING for this shit! Ok, maybe not this specifically, but I DO pay for online services. This is not acceptable.

You should really complain to Rackspace and Sony. Complaining to GAF won't change anything. I am not able to look into your situation.


even if this is a genuine issue, If we could have any theoretical "fix this Sony" situation I'd pick drive club if possible, as much as it pains me to say that

Genuine issue meaning with server not software


I had this problem after the last patch, solved it by switching to open dns on my ps4 AND my router. (did it for my x1 as well) went from 23 hour downloads to 1 hour.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
I'm fine with the download speed, but the problem is I keep getting "Cannot Download" error, with everything, except system updates. And it's getting frustrating.
You should really complain to Rackspace and Sony. Complaining to GAF won't change anything. I am not able to look into your situation.
Then why have NeoGaf for anything if you're telling him not to complain about it?

I have my PS4 on WiFi and the downloads took forever. Tried to download the f2p version of DOA 5 and it took hours between the initial download and then the updates. I'm going to have it hardwired when I come back from vacation and hopefully it helps but I'm not too optimistic about it.


Yes but it's not a panacea either. Everybody has a different situation regarding their location, their nearest CDN server, ISP routing, DNS server. It ALL matters. The best DNS server is the one that connects you to your nearest CDN server. That won't always be Google.

True. And I hope I didn't come off as suggesting it that way. It's a method that is easy to try though, so it's a good place to start.


sputum-flecked apoplexy

yes, psn is kind of trash, but i guess people would rather pay $50 a year for """"free""""" games than be able to download them this century
People have often complained about bad download speeds from PSN, but for me it's always been decent. Around 3 MB/s or so. Not great given my 100 Mbps connection, but not awful. Since yesterday, however, it's been absolutely fucking terrible. First noticed it when trying to download the BB day 1 patch. "Shouldn't take too long", I thought, but OH how wrong I was. It downloaded at < 500 KB/s, and took ages. Right now I'm watching my PS4 try to download the FW update at like 200 KB/s. Fucking lol.

And I'm PAYING for this shit! Ok, maybe not this specifically, but I DO pay for online services. This is not acceptable.

Sooo you have one bad day of internet speed and you lose your shit and start whining?


Yesterday the Bloodborne patch (2,6GB) downloaded in 6h. Right after that I pre-loaded Pillars of Eternity (6GB) in 2h. Gj Sony. Where is all that PS Plus money going?



yes, psn is kind of trash, but i guess people would rather pay $50 a year for """"free""""" games than be able to download them this century
Wow. Some of these posts are horrid reflection on the community at times.
I am one of the people who has no problems with downloads and I was PS+ member before ps4 was even announced

Purest 78

Is this real?

It works great on all other devices - it's just superslow on PS4. Took me all night to download Valiant Hearts.


DMZ is activated for the PS4, so it's basically connected directly to the internet. NAT Type 2. Connected via cable. X360 works fine via the same router.

Please, don't shitpost just because you have a different experience.

I think it took me 20 minutes if that to download valiant hearts.


Seems to be really quick when in rest mode. If I'm watching it I find it's generally terrible but can miraculously jump to full speed then go back to a snails pace.
Yeah the speeds for PSN is horrible.

Sony needs to adress this bigtime!

To think that we had people talking about a discless Next Gen Console..with current speeds that would be HORRIBLE to use.
My PS4, PSP (when I had one), and Vita d/l speeds have always been fine.
But, holy hell, my PS3 is truly, truly awful. I've tried everything and have never been able to figure it out. I just gave up.
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