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Fortnite: Battle Royale |OT| 100 Players on Epic Battlegrounds

LMAO my friend and I were so far outside the circle that we were running and there were multiple teams running basically alongside us and we all waited until we got in the circle to kill each other.
Back to back Royales with Cheese. GGs to the Gaf squad

My favorite part of this game is you can't camp your way to victory. Your structures will be destroyed, you will be pushed, etc. Just having that option makes the game so much more action-packed, and ultimately fun for me.


I played squads today for the first time, and I find it to be a frustrating experience. More often than not 'the squad' decides to drop in the most obvious and contested location and we're all dead within the first two minutes. Sure you get some gun play like this, but also too much time in limbo. Than there's the people running off into the distance to die straight away.
One time my squad all died straight away and I was left alone. Played alone until the final circle, there was a squad of 3 left, me, and one other person who shot me in the back of the head when I tried to take down the triplets.

I was on a winning team once actually, but there I performed quite poorly as I didn't manage to get some proper weapons or bandages and mostly ran out of ammo long before the game ended. I just revived my teammates a few times and kept my head down until we won.

Mikey Jr.

Not sure why people on here expect to have a good time with completely random team mates and literally zero communication in a game where teamwork and a mic are mandatory.

I had a win with 3 randoms earlier. Most of the games weren't terrible. Much more fun teaming up with alpha though. We got 2 wins under our belt tonight.

Actually one of the fun games with 3 randoms went really well. We were center of circle. But then they pushed out. 1 got downed. Another got downed trying to heal. Then the third got downed. And they were crawling towards me and all got RPG'd in 1 shot lol
I played squads today for the first time, and I find it to be a frustrating experience. More often than not 'the squad' decides to drop in the most obvious and contested location and we're all dead within the first two minutes. Sure you get some gun play like this, but also too much time in limbo. Than there's the people running off into the distance to die straight away.
One time my squad all died straight away and I was left alone. Played alone until the final circle, there was a squad of 3 left, me, and one other person who shot me in the back of the head when I tried to take down the triplets.

I was on a winning team once actually, but there I performed quite poorly as I didn't manage to get some proper weapons or bandages and mostly ran out of ammo long before the game ended. I just revived my teammates a few times and kept my head down until we won.

You'll never be able to influence people who are set on going to suicidal locations (AKA jumping immediately), but you can try setting a marker somewhere and see if someone follows you. If not I honesty think it's better to start alone and then mid game if they're still alive make your way towards them.
I played squads today for the first time, and I find it to be a frustrating experience.

A lot of that is because no comms by default. Not even any emotes just a map pin.

Imagine if they get squad chat done, and then proximity chat where you can hear the other squad if they are talking and really close.

To me this game feels like it has potential to capture some of the socom and tribes magic. As long as it remains accessible, not drenched in menus and features.
This game is so easy compared to PUBG. I think I won 2 times in PUBG in total - I've already won over ten times on this.
On a typical night, I'll win 1 game of PUBG and 3 games of Fortnite.

PUBG is a LOT harder. If only you could panic build your way out of being shot in the back in that game.
This game is so easy compared to PUBG. I think I won 2 times in PUBG in total - I've already won over ten times on this.

Difficulty in comp games are heavily dependent on the competition though. Hard to say one is harder than the other if the playbase average skill is very different. I see a lot of people not push when they should, or engage too long in fights. If you already know this mode, you have a huge leg up over people getting to experience it for the first time.


Runs really well on my aging PC and I have zero problems with this game copying so many elements from PUBG.

I really like the character models, but the overall look seems weirdly out of place.

Everything in PUBG looks desolate and hopeless, almost like Fallout 3 including the stiff animations, but it fits the cruel feel of the game.

The Pixar vibes and delightfully thick female models, the blue skies and popping colors feel so odd after the harsh and nondescript remote towns and industrial areas in PUBG. It kinda lacks this threatening and dodgy feeling
,the same way a cartoony Dark Souls would feel a bit off.

Still enjoying it, though!


Not sure why people on here expect to have a good time with completely random team mates and literally zero communication in a game where teamwork and a mic are mandatory.

For me its the random team mates that's the biggest issue. There's simply different ways to play this game, and most people seem to want to play differently from how I want to play. If I do find people who want to cooperate and avoid the initial massacre a bit there's no way to play with them again.

A lot of that is because no comms by default. Not even any emotes just a map pin.

Communicating is possible with body language alone. Hell, much of the game(the long wait at the airport) I play communication games with rando's. Most people get whatever I intend and play along, making lines, leapfrogging, whatever.
Every game I found the starting location was agreed on easily with the pins as well. It's just that we didn't agree on where I wanted to go.

I think it's just the way people play now, mostly individualistic. Sticking together is possible, and in time I think more people will. Perhaps even go so far as sharing weapons or health with team mates who need it.
On a typical night, I'll win 1 game of PUBG and 3 games of Fortnite.

PUBG is a LOT harder. If only you could panic build your way out of being shot in the back in that game.

Ok, the fact that panic building is a thing makes me laugh every time I see it. It's like "I'm gonna snipe this asshole" *fire* "ah shit I missed- what the fuck, why did the Great Wall of China just appear.'
I want a carbon black one. But expect them to be behind loot boxes.

I also can't wait until we can customize our character

Agreed. So excited for that.


My hands are shaky as fuck from my last match. But it's worth it for that Royale with Cheese.



Man wtf

I swear I RPGd a guy to his face (was right above him baiting him) but he didnt die, so I shotgunned him and sill didnt die and I died because I missed the rest

I dont think he had armour

Gonna check the replay on that.

Ok im positive i hit her. Does it not show damage for rpgs? She must have had armour on.
This game is so easy compared to PUBG. I think I won 2 times in PUBG in total - I've already won over ten times on this.

Lots of players are new and its f2p

I think better players will emerge soon enough

Ive already seen fort gameplay evolve big time since day one
Ok, the fact that panic building is a thing makes me laugh every time I see it. It's like "I'm gonna snipe this asshole" *fire* "ah shit I missed- what the fuck, why did the Great Wall of China just appear.'

Hell, I do it when I NEED to run to the circle and some asshole FURTHER BACK decides to pick a fight with me.

Difficulty in comp games are heavily dependent on the competition though. Hard to say one is harder than the other if the playbase average skill is very different. I see a lot of people not push when they should, or engage too long in fights. If you already know this mode, you have a huge leg up over people getting to experience it for the first time.

That's part of it. Being that this is now F2P, this is probably the first BR game for a lot of people.
You can account for that by building outer walls and using iron

True, but unless you get very very lucky and build in the final circle you can be waited out, then focus down the only walls that keep them safe, this is especially easy if the final circle is on any kind of hillside. Buildings are good temporary solutions, but at this point in the meta that's all they are.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
TFW i'm not in that overly elaborate castle I built as a distraction but instead am inside a bush.
If you hit them the number will be in blue, or if you see them getting hit the mark will be blue. Otherwise there's no way to now by looking.

Problem is, headshots are yellow no matter what. I've hit someone in the head and it showed yellow damage, but my next shot was still blue.
Really feel like the headshot modifier on the assault rifles needs to be toned down or removed. One lucky headshot in your spread is generally enough to end the fight right there.
Won two more squad games. Goodness the fort building is fucking hilarious

Last game had three squads building their own forts. One had the high ground but the circle closed in on us, so we shut the other team out because they didnt have explosives

Felt a little guilty because that was luck.
Wow my little sister almost had a chicken dinner, I was messing around with her laptop to see if the game would run and she was playing on my PC in the meantime, I noticed she was at top 10 and started guiding her but she chickened out (pun intended) at the last second and took too long to shoot the guy, she left him at 26 health and she finished second.
Love the random squad fights.

Its so fun having people set up buildings, having a friend flank, and then trying to find the remaining teammates while struggling to protect your own
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