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Forza 5 will require a day 1 free DLC download

This definitely seems to be the prevailing attitude.

Again, makes me wonder why they removed the 'always online' stipulation in the first place.

I'm starting to think that myself, the damage was done and it seems some people aren't willing to change their outlook.

I fail to see why it is 'terrible' aside from being inconvenient to argue against from your perspective, but I won't push the point.

The car would still work without air conditioning :)
Seriously gaf? You guys whine a lot and this is too much, its only for a one time sign in and download of a mere few GB patch. I'm sure you guys can wait 15 mins to download and play the game.
This whole thing makes me wonder of the sanity of the people handling Microsoft's PR. With only minor changes (namely making the game playable out of the box) they could turn this into a positive thing - I'm sure a big free DLC pack of stuff they'd been working on between going gold and the launch would be well-received.

But no, they've not had any sort of plan for this and Dan Greenawalt has just casually dropped vague talk about requiring online activation and extra downloads (and fridges) into his usual Drivatar spiel.


This definitely seems to be the prevailing attitude.

Again, makes me wonder why they removed the 'always online' stipulation in the first place.

Downloading a day 1 patch and being always online is still a pretty big difference. A lot of the damage has already been done of coursem, but at this point MS has to be content to salvage some disgruntled customers.
Yeah I know, it was more of a rhetorical question. I meant that the "certification process" seems useless now if a game that's not gonna be working without a patch can be "certified".
The patch also has to be cert tested. As far as I'm aware, cert testing takes about 5 days for 360 titles, not sure how this is going to change for next gen.


Seriously gaf? You guys whine a lot and this is too much, its only for a one time sign in and download of a mere few GB patch. I'm sure you guys can wait 15 mins to download and play the game.

Some great assumption you have there, everyone only need 15 minute to DL "few GB".


It says here "And so what you get on the disc you buy at the store won’t be the entire game. You’ll need to download the rest of it from Xbox Live (which should be possible to occur as you play, Greenawalt clarified).

It says it wont be the entire game. I dont think this means its a broken game which wont work.

So maybe you get the first half of the game and the rest is being downloaded as you play? that's how im understanding it. I still think people are looking for a problem that isnt there.

Then wouldn't it make far more sense to release only the digital version on day 1 and delay the retail version 1/2 months when there's actually an entire game to be burnt on the disk?
This way you wouldn't ship a completely broken/useless physical product.
It says here "And so what you get on the disc you buy at the store won’t be the entire game. You’ll need to download the rest of it from Xbox Live (which should be possible to occur as you play, Greenawalt clarified).

It says it wont be the entire game. I dont think this means its a broken game which wont work.
If a game doesn't work out of the box, yes it's fucking broken.


Its sucked, but I agree its understandable because MS DRM trainwreck and pushing for launch date.. but its also legit complain because yeah, its sucked.


Junior Member
What's the problem here?

Everyone is required to download a day 1 patch from MS anyway..
It's a one time thing.
Download the FM5 patch and move on....


Again--really, in this day and age, if your Internet is metered, slow or spotty, this is not the console for you. Period.

Do you intend to tell this to every single potential buyer? I'm asking because most won't know about this and Microsoft is not going to inform them about the issue, either.

Remember that people that can access information about this type of issue, through gaming websites is a minority, not a majority.
You are correct that patches etc. is a good thing most of the time, but to HAVE to download part of the game before it even works, just rubs me the wrong way, I expect to get the full product on the disc.

I have not received the full product on the disc for many many years now - whether its a part of a game or a patch or an update - the fact is that discs go for production early to be tested and verified - then people still develop for the game when its going.

Also - did you actually read the article where it says that the game can be played and the additional content downloaded in the background while you play?
Do you intend to tell this to every single potential buyer? I'm asking because most won't know about this and Microsoft is not going to inform them about the issue, either.

Remember that people that can access information about this type of issue, through gaming websites is a minority, not a majority.

Logic dictates that if you're willing to spend hundreds on a brand new consumer product, you do a bit of research beforehand.

MS have put the information out there for those who seek it. What else do you want them to do? Start public addresses and parades?
the console doesn´t work when you buy it.. you also need a Day 1 patch for it to work.. is that also considered broken then..?
One is a piece of hardware of a console and the other is game software on a disk. There are very distinct expectations for each of those.
If a game doesn't work out of the box, yes it's fucking broken.

Then wouldn't it make far more sense to release only the digital version on day 1 and delay the retail version 1/2 months when there's actually an entire game to be burnt on the disk?
This way you wouldn't ship a completely broken/useless physical product.

Play what? Ryse? Not Forza 5 by the look of it you won't even have the game loaded to play when downloading it anyway.

but the product you received Worked without the patch,. this product doesn´t..

Again, quoting what it says in the OP for a 2nd time:

"And so what you get on the disc you buy at the store won’t be the entire game. You’ll need to download the rest of it from Xbox Live (which should be possible to occur as you play, Greenawalt clarified).

People are arguing without reading the OP - it says that yes the full game is NOT on the disk, but you download the rest of it while you play the beginning of the game.


Extra content day 1? That's fine.
What isn't, though, is they require you to dl it to be able to play the game at all. That's gonna suck for people without internet.


Extra content day 1? That's fine.
What isn't, though, is they require you to dl it to be able to play the game at all. That's gonna suck for people without internet.

Uh, they won't even be able to use the Xbox One then, let alone play the game. The Xbox One requires a day 1 patch, if they don't have an internet connection then they won't even get to the point of playing the game anyway.
The issue with maximizing content has nothing to do with disc space, rather, as clearly stated it has to do with timing. This will allow them to continue to work on the game after the discs are pressed.

Again--really, in this day and age, if your Internet is metered, slow or spotty, this is not the console for you. Period. This is not a tacit defense of Microsoft's policies, or a justification of their strategy. It is a cold statement of fact,and one that should make your next gen buying decisions ridiculously easy. This is the route they are going, for better or worse, and if you don't agree with it, I'd avoid xb1 like the plague. But wasting time lamenting it every time it comes up? Not really worth it.

We are mostly gamers here I assume, and we want to play every good game that is coming out regardless of platform. In this case Forza is a great franchise that I would love to play, it's just that the platform holder is screwing around. So I think it's worth discussing from a gamers perspective.
Again, quoting what it says in the OP for a 2nd time:

"And so what you get on the disc you buy at the store won’t be the entire game. You’ll need to download the rest of it from Xbox Live (which should be possible to occur as you play, Greenawalt clarified).

People are arguing without reading the OP - it says that yes the full game is NOT on the disk, but you download the rest of it while you play the beginning of the game.

Dude, it's a sub-intended point that you first have to "log in" to be able to play and download the patch. If you don't have a connection to "log in" (and subsequently to download the content) you're pretty much screwed.
I really wish I'm wrong though.

Uh, they won't even be able to use the Xbox One then, let alone play the game. The Xbox One requires a day 1 patch, if they don't have an internet connection then they won't even get to the point of playing the game anyway.

Xbox One Day 1 patch is nothing more than Microsoft policy for control. That patch could be easily distributed like regular firmware updates on game discs.


It says it wont be the entire game. I dont think this means its a broken game which wont work.
It also says that this download is necessary ("required") to be able to use the game. Which means, that, no, it will not work without downloading that extra piece of software. Whether or not the game qualifies as broken as a result of that is certainly debatable. However, the fact that it won't work out-of-the-box is plainly stated: "required content to play the game."
Dude, it's a sub-intended point that you first have to "log in" to be able to play and download the patch. If you don't have a connection to "log in" (and subsequently to download the content) you're pretty much screwed.
I really wish I'm wrong though.

Again, this is the same for the console itself. I'd like to see the number of people intending to buy a new console at launch who lack access to the internet also.


Console day-1 patch it's a thing that can be done on the store itself, suggested by the clerk to the naive client who doesn't have internet or don't know a shit about connecting devices. I think this game will get a "this game needs internet" pretty big in the cover...


What's the problem here?

Everyone is required to download a day 1 patch from MS anyway..
It's a one time thing.
Download the FM5 patch and move on....

It's not a simple patch though that's merely a few kilo or megabytes here. We're talking a significant chunk of content that is REQUIRED for the game to function at all. Online, offline, multiplayer, single player. Nothing will work without it. You must download this content or else the game won't work. Period.

People with shitty internet or bandwidth caps better pray it's not huge. This is essentially a form of DRM too.


Has no one considered the problem that after the unfinished game is sent out that something could go wrong in those 2 months? Something that would stop the mandatory patch from being ready on time. What if something goes wrong with the patch like when The Pit for Fallout 3 was released broken. Or in a situation where a patch causes problems on a retail system that it did not on the Dev ones.
Again, this is the same for the console itself. I'd like to see the number of people intending to buy a new console at launch who lack access to the internet also.
If people were confident they always have access to the Internet at all times or that servers don't get pooped, the 180 wouldn't have happened.
Are they getting a real-time lighting engine?

They have baked lighting so my guess is no.
Dan said something about no time for it.

So we will know with forza 6 if that is the real reason.
Could be that the tech is in there but they just choose not to do night tracks yet.
Needs extra design time and stuff to light and make it look good at night given this thread they are already time constrained like every launch day dev.


Junior Member
It's not a simple patch though that's merely a few kilo or megabytes here. We're talking a significant chunk of content that is REQUIRED for the game to function at all. Online, offline, multiplayer, single player. Nothing will work without it. You must download this content or else the game won't work. Period.

People with shitty internet or bandwidth caps better pray it's not huge. This is essentially a form of DRM too.

So the game will not work without the downloadable stuff?

I thought it was just extra cars and tracks and that the core of the game was on the disc..?


So the game will not work without the downloadable stuff?

I thought it was just extra cars and tracks and that the core of the game was on the disc..?

it says in the article that you are required to log on to Live once to get the game working.

it will require a one-time connection to Xbox Live before you can play.
I have not received the full product on the disc for many many years now - whether its a part of a game or a patch or an update - the fact is that discs go for production early to be tested and verified - then people still develop for the game when its going.

Also - did you actually read the article where it says that the game can be played and the additional content downloaded in the background while you play?

Seriously, what kind of games are talking about that only give you part of a game on the disc? Because all I can think of is day one DLC pre-order bonuses, but other than that the full game has always been on the disc.

About Forza: I missed that it should (will it work, who knows) be able to download the DLC in the background while playing. I guess these kind of things are what bothers me with MS at the moment, vague info, have to do more and more just to play the game. What ever happened to just pop the disc in and play?


Gold Member
Uh, they won't even be able to use the Xbox One then, let alone play the game. The Xbox One requires a day 1 patch, if they don't have an internet connection then they won't even get to the point of playing the game anyway.

I'm guessing later Xbone models won't require a day 1 patch, just the early SKUs.


Play what? Ryse? Not Forza 5 by the look of it you won't even have the game loaded to play when downloading it anyway.

I think that when Dan said that you could download while playing,
he meant download the extra tracks & cars while playing Forza 5

I guess only two types of people still keep on going like forza wont be even bootable:
those who didn't bother to read the interview, and those who just want to curse microsoft at any chance they get...

If you want to curse at microsoft, lets join up and curse together to either remove the kinect from the xbox,
or at least make it possible that we can physically unplug the stupid thing and throw it away.
this way the cursing wont be for nothing.


This definitely seems to be the prevailing attitude.

Again, makes me wonder why they removed the 'always online' stipulation in the first place.

Damage control. Just look at the Kinect - it requires downloadable updates to continue functioning. Given the deep integration of the device to the One, you won't be able to use the console without updating Kinect. Which of course requires an internet connection.

The console is too far integrated into the initial vision of an always-online device. Just about ever facet looks to incorporate it in its primary function.


This is a one time install only, people be crying a huge river over it acting they got no bandwidth to burn for it? lmao so ridiculous. To be fair, they are trying to make it at launch so I can understand them going this route, their even adding the content for free.


Sorry, I fail to see how this is even worth getting worked up over. Fairly certain they are doing this to maximize content, you will be able to play while downloading. In a sense it's not so different then buying a steam key or sitting through a mandatory install. Really, at some point, people are looking to complain about anything, and it's getting tiresome.

Ms has made it fairly clear from the start that XB1 is a connected console. It's the only aspect of their message that hasn't been a murky, convoluted mess. If your Internet is so shitty or inconsistent, in all seriousness, you should stay away. You will not have a good experience.

The problem isn't in the practicality.
The problem is that shipping an unfinished game is quite cheeky, considering that's what you pay for. Potential problems might arise. Delays are not unheard of, so what happens if the day 1 "patch" isn't ready on time?
The assumption is you buy something, it works. There should be no extra step involved. This is unheard of (well apart from the console itself).

And quite frankly, the whole thing reeks of online activation. How much content are they going to be able to seriously work on within a couple of weeks?
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