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George Lucas Making Changes to Star Wars Saga... Again

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I'm not opposed to the idea of having Hayden as a Force ghost. First off, The Shaw ghost doesn't make sense either, since the healthy unscarred old man never existed, also Anakin would have been in his 40s, Shaw was in his 70s when ROTJ was filmed. Second, in the ROTJ novelization, it's stated that Anakin is ashamed of his crippled body and sees himself as he was in his youth, so it makes sense for Anakin to come back as his ideal self (think residual self image in the Matrix).

What makes the addition bad is Hayden's creepy rape face look. If Lucas had directed Hayden to have a more warm, compassionate look like Shaw had, I don't think the criticism would be as harsh as it is now. It's the execution that sucks, not the idea.


It's gotten to a point, might as well go for all out parody than insert these changes and expect to still be taken seriously


mattp said:
2004 editions w/ bonus discs containing rips off the original trilogy laser discs
These didn't come in a box set right? I'm buying them now, had them in my hands for ages and skipped it, now it's time.


Glass Joe said:
I might not have been the brightest kid on the block, but I remember seeing that part back in the day and wondering to myself "Who the heck is that guy?"I just wrote about how movies should NOT be changed, but here I can kind of understand what George was going for.
What's funny is that with Hayden inserted, Luke is now standing there thinking "Who the heck is that guy?"


a Master Ninja said:
George Lucas has now made it so the door to Jabba's Palace bigger from the outside than it is on the inside. What the hell...why fuck with that?
He didn't have the budget or technology back then, but nao in 2011... mwahahaha bigger doors and more rocks obscuring Droids than before
Medalion said:
He didn't have the budget or technology back then, but nao in 2011... mwahahaha bigger doors and more rocks obscuring Droids than before
But now he is creating a film continuity error...I just...I give up.
I just find "Hayden as Force Ghost" to be an insult to Shaw's work. In an out of character sense, he deserved to be the ghost just for his work in the few scenes that he got.

Of course, I was kinda hoping for James Earl Jones to be under that helmet...


Mrs. Manky said:
I just find "Hayden as Force Ghost" to be an insult to Shaw's work. In an out of character sense, he deserved to be the ghost just for his work in the few scenes that he got.

Of course, I was kinda hoping for James Earl Jones to be under that helmet...
Perhaps for the next editions
So, how does the new rocks bit work? I guess I don't recall that scene that specifically, do we already see R2 hidden the first time we see him in there?


Big One said:
Considering I tore about defenders of Hayden in RotJ a couple of pages ago...
... Really, now?
Healthy old guy in robes or young guy, it's not exactly intuitive anyway. You could make decent arguments for both.
The actual execution of the Hayden shot is another matter though...

I really can't stand these change apologists.
Oh, c'mon... That's yet another matter.
Erigu said:
... Really, now?
Healthy old guy in robes or young guy, it's not exactly intuitive anyway. You could make decent arguments for both.
The actual execution of the Hayden shot is another matter though...

No, you really can't.
richiek said:
So having an actor in his 70s portray a character in his 40s is reasonable?

Sure it is, when the actor that played his mentor is 70.

The actor that played Vader/Anakin as the spirit in the original ROTJ looked like he could be 50-60, which makes perfect sense for the age gap.

It's Lucas' fault that he cast a 70 year old Alec Guinness and then realized there was only a 20 year gap between the prequels.


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ryutaro's mama said:
Sure it is, when the actor that played his mentor is 70.

The actor that played Vader/Anakin as the spirit in the original ROTJ looked like he could be 50-60, which makes perfect sense for the age gap.

It's Lucas' fault that he cast a 70 year old Alec Guinness and then realized there was only a 20 year gap between the prequels.

Living on a desert planet for 20 years can prematurely age your skin (look at Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru and Anakin's mom).

Obi-Wan would be in his late 50s-early 60s in ANH.

Anakin/Vader would be in his early 40s in the OT, which would make him look closer to appearance to Hayden than Shaw. I have no problem with Shaw as Vader unmasked, as the Dark Side drained his life-force and is a quadruple amputee burn victim.


stutte said:
This has more thought put into it than Georges version....


richiek said:
Living on a desert planet for 20 years can prematurely age your skin (look at Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru and Anakin's mom).

Obi-Wan would be in his late 50s-early 60s in ANH.

And the Dark Side aged Palpatine and presumably Vader...your point? :p

All I'm saying is, it was just fine having Shaw as a fatherly Anakin for one shot at the close of the film.

It wasn't confusing, as we had just seen the old man die in the scene with Luke a little while earlier.

Seeing Hayden ghost makes zero sense on any level.

richiek said:
Anakin/Vader would be in his early 40s in the OT, which would make look closer to appearance to Hayden than Shaw. I have no problem with Shaw as Vader unmasked, as the Dark Side drained his life-force and is a quadruple amputee burn victim.

Hayden just turned 30 this year.

The ghost he appears as is in his 20s.


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ryutaro's mama said:
Hayden just turned 30 this year.

The ghost he appears as is in his 20s.

Would a 40 year old person look more like someone in their 20s or a senior citizen? I would say the former.
richiek said:
Would a 40 year old person look more like someone in their 20s or a senior citizen? I would say the former.

Sure but again, it's 1 shot at the end of a film that no one really debated until Lucas started tinkering.

The shot/actor was fine, imo.

Changing it halfway makes things all weird more than anything.

If he wanted to go that route, he should have gone all the way--edit out Shaw and super imposed a makeup Hayden into the shot with Luke.

Does that sound ridiculous?

Well, to me, so did adding Hayden (as he looked in Episode 3) to the end of ROTJ that takes place around 25 years later.


Anakins old ghost actually looks like darth vader does when his mask is taken off though >_< So I guess Lucas has to change that too.


The force ghost situation doesnt make sense because frankly there is no logic behind it.

Anakin according to Lucas died when he became Vader so hes young as a ghost. If Anakin died there would be no part left to redeem and save Luke.

In the end living a good life from start to finish means an afterlife of being a crippled green midget and an Old man versus being a murderous asshole who repents and gets to enjoy the after life as a young man


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antonz said:
The force ghost situation doesnt make sense because frankly there is no logic behind it.

Anakin according to Lucas died when he became Vader so hes young as a ghost. If Anakin died there would be no part left to redeem and save Luke.

In the end living a good life from start to finish means an afterlife of being a crippled green midget and an Old man versus being a murderous asshole who repents and gets to enjoy the after life as a young man

"I feel the good in you, Father."

Only Obi-Wan and Yoda believe that Anakin is truly dead. Luke's quest in ROTJ - hell the whole point of the saga - was to redeem the good part of his father, that everyone else thought had died.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I'm actually surprised that the whole cycle of nerd rage* has started all over again. We went through this twice already... I'm not any more angry at George Lucas that I was in 1997 or 2004. Star Wars is tainted goods. We KNOW this. I thought people had dealt with this and either moved on, or accepted it. I don't blame anyone for being freshly angry, because I've felt like this during the previous releases, but I'm just surprised "George Lucas raped my childhood" sentiment is still going very strong in 2011.

Personally I'm kinda over it... it's all popcorn.gif for me from now on.... I'll put on my 'nerd rage' hat occasionally for this stuff, but I'm seriously not sore about it. So many lulz to be had from this...

*that's the term I'm sticking to, despite controversy earlier. It's apt. It's fully justified nerd rage, btw.


richiek said:
"I feel the good in you, Father."

Only Obi-Wan and Yoda believe that Anakin is truly dead. Luke's quest in ROTJ - hell the whole point of the saga - was to redeem the good part of his father, that everyone else thought had died.
Lucas himself said Anakin died to explain why Hayden was added. Im not talking movie characters opinions


go eat paint
Gary Whitta said:
So fucking depressed right now. I'm gonna go eat a whole tub of ice cream.
Wait until you see the scene they inserted with Denzel in a duster, carting around some antique book.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
mosaic said:
Wait until you see the scene they inserted with Denzel in a duster, carting around some antique book.
I've been thinking about this... obviously, Gary needs to do a Special Edition for Book of Eli.

Throw a few CG dewbacks into the town sequence. Add digital "blinking eyes" to Gary Oldman (the technology simply didn't exist back in in 2010)

But the main change would be an alteration of the central plot, so that Denzel isn't carrying the last copy of the Bible... he's carrying the last existing film print of the unaltered original Star Wars.

How meta is that?


I honestly don't see much a diff between that and the original version, and before you go and show me the original... I really don't give a fuck

Of all the changes made, this is the possible lowest of things to care about at least for me
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