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Germany: Crowds cheer the burning of refugee shelter

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Hot off crowds cheering a bus of crying refugees this happened:


A fire that destroyed a hotel being converted into a shelter for refugees in Saxony was cheered and celebrated by onlookers, German police have said.

The blaze at the building in Bautzen, eastern Saxony, began in the early hours of Sunday morning. Police are treating the incident as suspected arson. No one was injured.

Locals had cheered as the building caught fire, police said. “Some people reacted to the arson with derogatory comments and undisguised joy.”

It emerged that the man in charge of supervising the shelter in the town is a member of the local branch of anti-refugee party Alternative fur Deutschland.

Engineer Thomas Hetze gave a speech in front of the rural district office in November in which he said that while he supported humanitarian aid for people fleeing war zones, “unrestrained invasion by 100,000 of economic migrants” represented “a crime against the German nation”. In his speech Hetze referred to the existence of an “American masterplan” aimed at destabilising North Africa and the Middle East in order to “weaken Europe”.
Congratulations, you brought us back to 1992. Well done.

International GAF, if anyone of your countries would like to have Saxony, you can have it. We even give it to you for free.
In his speech Hetze referred to the existence of an “American masterplan” aimed at destabilising North Africa and the Middle East in order to “weaken Europe”.

Mmhmm. Yep. Sounds reasonable*.

*fucking mental


Goddamn it Germany. This trend is really really sad. Let's just hope it doesn't spread to the rest of the country and Europe.


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
Goddamn it Germany. This trend is really really sad. Let's just hope it doesn't spread to the rest of the country and Europe.

You know, before we condemn entire countries... keep in mind it's much easier to be pro-refugee when you're not the guys living in the middle of it.

There's a lot to taking these sheer numbers of people into your society, and the areas they congregate in will most definitely change. If you are a person in that area, you didn't ask for this change, so you might not be happy about it.

While cheering a burning building is abhorrent, the sentiment against the refugees is understandable for those having to go through it.

Especially from the US who isn't really taking these refugees, we are asking someone else to sacrifice for us.

:fakeedit: I mean for fuck's sake we hate California transplants in Portland, and they live in our same damn country.. and all they are doing is raising our house prices and rent.


Goddamn it Germany. This trend is really really sad. Let's just hope it doesn't spread to the rest of the country and Europe.

I think it's been affecting Germany the most because they've been taking on the largest percentage of refugees in Europe.

And this was after bailing out Greece.

There is xenophobia no doubt, but there is also a lot of frustration on how the their politicians have been making such huge concession for these European crises in comparison to the rest of the European community.


Europeans' inner swines are really rearing their ugly selves. :/

I know people are frustrated and economically hurt and what-not, but taking it out on fucking refugees and brown people needs to stop immediately.
Europeans' inner swines are really rearing their ugly selves. :/

I know people are frustrated and economically hurt and what-not, but taking it out on fucking refugees and brown people needs to stop immediately.

Of course, you'll have people come into the thread in mass like the above and say "Well it's easy to support them when you aren't living with them!" or some shit like that.

And now the backlash against refugees is coming towards Canada.


Oh shit. Saxony was always a very brown place, but I didn't think my birthplace would get this bad this fast.

edit: brown is the colour associated with the nazis in Germany.


Is this a German thing?
Hate for foreigners? No.

But since the peaceful revolution neo nazis were growing in the east. It really shows how much superior the work of the west was compared to the Sowjet Union regarding nazi past. While in the west people were educated about the history with all painful details, the east decided to just suppress nazis and the history as much as they could. This went well while the authoritarian regime was in place, but freed from that and the right wing got easy ground to grow. This is why the the east, particularly Saxony and Brandenburg were always particularly bad with right wing alignment.

From 2008, but still relevant:


Sachsen = Saxony
Black spots are deaths from right wing violence
The darker the brown, the more people voted for right wing parties in local elections
Seats are actual seats in local government


The international elites plan to pit the regressing working class of developed nations against minorities and immigrants is going swimmingly.

They better hope the monster doesn't have a shifting gaze. They are playing with fire.


I can understand being frustrated with the whole situation, but why take it out on innocents?

You can hardly fault people from fleeing from war. You can't fault the people who aren't fleeing but want to make a better future for themselves either. It's just natural.



How is the refugee influx actually affecting people in Germany?

All you ever see is the extremes from both sides "MORE IMMIGRANTS" and "PEOPLE HATE IMMIGRANTS" never any data on how the influx is affecting the economy, safety, crime, job availability, wages, welfare etc.

Maybe it's too early for that data, but I'd be very interested in it.
Excuse me, but he was talking about the sentiment that it was an American conspiracy to destabilize the area.

How bout learning to read and stopping shit-posting.
Yeah..because people cheering a burning shelter need someone to give us the "is not you going through it" line 💩. School Desegregation wasn't popular in the US..do we need to "understand" there? People don't like change. Amazing! That doesn't mean cheering and threatening folks is something that should receive any sort of a pass. Fuck the "buts"

I can understand being frustrated with the whole situation, but why take it out on innocents?

You can hardly fault people from fleeing from war. You can't fault the people who aren't fleeing but want to make a better future for themselves either. It's just natural.

Everything is changing..please understand.


How is the refugee influx actually affecting people in Germany?

All you ever see is the extremes from both sides "MORE IMMIGRANTS" and "PEOPLE HATE IMMIGRANTS" never any data on how the influx is affecting the economy, safety, crime, job availability, wages, welfare etc.

Maybe it's too early for that data, but I'd be very interested in it.


Estimates are of course only that, but it'd still be in the ballpark. I'm not sure why anyone here is surprised at this, the rate of refugees (and those coming in just because they can) is completely unprecedented and it hasn't been handled well at all. This is sadly the result, and I bet it's only the beginning, too.


bitch I'm taking calls.
This is just awful. No excuse for it either, no matter what tensions are doesn't excuse burning down someone's home and cheering their loss when they are just trying to seek refuge.
Excuse me, but he was talking about the sentiment that it was an American conspiracy to destabilize the area.

How bout learning to read and stopping shit-posting.
Nice tag.


In his speech Hetze referred to the existence of an “American masterplan” aimed at destabilising North Africa and the Middle East in order to “weaken Europe”.

This is the stupidest thing I've heard in awhile.


How bad has it gotten, exactly?

Luckily no one (as far as I can recall) has been murdered thanks to racism or resentment towards refugees, but torching asylum centers, organizing racist protests, the rise of neo-racist populist political parties, explicit racism in news media, and people feeling justified in hating 'these people' because they actually believe that 'these people' are coming into their country to take their jobs/wealth/white women away from them have all been cases of very worrisome development across Western and Eastern Europe.


Have you seen My Little Sister can't be this Cute? How can anyone be against a true love like that.

Oh Geez >.>

How is the refugee influx actually affecting people in Germany?

All you ever see is the extremes from both sides "MORE IMMIGRANTS" and "PEOPLE HATE IMMIGRANTS" never any data on how the influx is affecting the economy, safety, crime, job availability, wages, welfare etc.

Maybe it's too early for that data, but I'd be very interested in it.

Well, as a black man in Germany it's definitely affecting me negatively. People suspect me for being an immigrant, thus act more hostile and repellent towards me. I have a hard time finding even a low-paied job, even though I have good school reports, and lived my whole life in Germany. I am constantly reduced to my skin color.
I've also almost been attacked this week, but a nice couple helped me out there.

But I'm just a single case
Luckily no one (as far as I can recall) has been murdered thanks to racism or resentment towards refugees, but torching asylum centers, organizing racist protests, the rise of neo-racist populist political parties, explicit racism in news media, and people feeling justified in hating 'these people' because they actually believe that 'these people' are coming into their country to take their jobs/wealth/white women away from them have all been cases of very worrisome development across Western and Eastern Europe.

That's a damn shame. Leaving one nightmare for another. But at least they aren't getting massacred at home. Hopefully sentiments change, sooner than later. Thanks.

Well, as a black man in Germany it's definitely affecting me negatively. People suspect me for being an immigrant, thus act more hostile and repellent towards me. I have a hard time finding even a low-paied job, even though I have good school reports, and lived my whole life in Germany. I am constantly reduced to my skin color.
I've also almost been attacked this week, but a nice couple helped me out there.

But I'm just a single case
That's so fucked up..sorry, man.


Well, as a black man in Germany it's definitely affecting me negatively. People suspect me for being an immigrant, thus act more hostile and repellent towards me. I have a hard time finding even a low-paied job, even though I have good school reports, and lived my whole life in Germany. I am constantly reduced to my skin color.
I've also almost been attacked this week, but a nice couple helped me out there.

But I'm just a single case

I'm so sorry to hear. Racism and racialization are so alive and well in Europe and this whole hysteria about refugees from the Middle-East and Northern Africa are really feeding into both discriminatory processes. :(
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