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Germany: Seven refugees arrested after a homeless man was set on fire

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I agree that the cost and burden should be spread across all EU member states.
Even then, why should those countries carry the costs of people who are not their citizens? I get you can't sent them back while the war is going. But I also don't really see why we need to run the risk of them being repeat offenders, or giving them hundreds of thousands of euros over the years to support them, if they display behavior like this. Talking individual cases here of course, so in specific now these 7 people that have done this.

Spreading the costs out sounds nice, but the costs shouldn't be there in the first place, since it is not our responsibility to educate and rehabilitate people that are not from here. They should just be sent away when possible. If you apply for a visa to any country and commit a crime there, your visa will probably be taken away and you have to leave after serving the sentence.


Germany has homeless people?

But they've got the money to feed and house millions of refugees?
To the people saying to send them back: the Syrian people are suffering enough without giving them an injection of the worst humanity has to offer.

Lock these scumbags up. Setting them free - even into a warzone - to ruin more lives is not justice.
citation needed. and even if you say is true the bolded sounds like a loophole that has been rightly closed. i dont object to them recieving vouchers for clothing (people need clothing) and being a refugee will net you so many "points" in our council housing system because its unlikely they have anywhere else to go so it is a more urgent cause. i imagine someone would have to fit into multiple boxes to be prioritised over a refugee e.g homeless single parent with no family to stay with.

The unfairness comes from the intimidation category of the points scheme where it favours heavily non whites (Britain is mostly white so typically it those born here getting skipped over). A homeless white guy saying he is at risk of violence is gonna get ignored without evidence while a refugee claiming the same is giving benefit of the doubt and scores a lot of points.


I'm sorry but Merkel needs to be removed for what she's done. This is all her fault.

Yes Merkel is such a terrible person for saving millions of lives.

I think you are overly optimistic here. Germany has quite an issue with criminality from people with an Arab/Maghreb background. They laugh about the police and judges. There's reason to doubt they'd take such courses serious. In fact, judges often let them do community service instead of sending them to jail, yet after some time they commit new crimes.

Such courses might work for those who are somewhat related to the generally accepted values in Germany, not for those who simply don't care about those and those who prefer staying in their milieu.

If you understand German, this documentary is quite insightful:

its difficult because these people are used to harsher environments or harsher policing, but i dont think its right to treat them differently because of where they come from. cant watch the Documentary I dont understand german unfortunately

The unfairness comes from the intimidation category of the points scheme where it favours heavily non whites (Britain is mostly white so typically it those born here getting skipped over). A homeless white guy saying he is at risk of violence is gonna get ignored without evidence while a refugee claiming the same is giving benefit of the doubt and scores a lot of points.

I very much doubt race comes into it at-all its more likely to be that someone fleeing a war is considered a priority over someone that is homeless but resides in a safer country. ideally both would be homed but obviously demand outstrips supply. This really has nothing to do with race I dont see why you are bringing it up.

The issue is due to a lack of council housing which is due to the right to buy scheme that has been around since the 80's https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right_to_Buy resulting in the number of available council houses being dramatically reduced. these haven't been replaced with newer council housing. which is causing many troubles for social housing in the UK. its at the point where we are putting people up in privately owned accommodation which costs a lot more than council owned housing ( so at the cost of the taxpayer )
Witnessing the people divided over refugees and immigration is so frustrating. This is a total failure of the international political community's ability to co-operate and act in the best interests of everyone, instead of selfishly pushing agendas. You've got people like Farage taking full advantage to push his anti-immigration spiel on one side,and on the other Merkel trying to be oh so compassionate, and being ridiculously reckless and blinkered in the process. I have zero faith in politicians these days. I'd love to see the light at the end of the tunnel, but I see it getting worse before things better.

Kaji AF16

Last September, and old school mate of mine (now a 35-years old homeless) was set on fire while sleeping under a railway bridge on suburban Buenos Aires. The first official news mentioned an "accident", but an investigation is underway because of the characteristics of the event (it wasn´t only him, but also two other adult, streetwise men who were murdered at the same time, and the corpses were supposedly found not only burnt, but with knife wounds). The prime suspects are neo-nazi groups.

E92 M3

Yes Merkel is such a terrible person for saving millions of lives.

its difficult because these people are used to harsher environments or harsher policing, but i dont think its right to treat them differently because of where they come from. cant watch the Documentary I dont understand german unfortunately

I very much doubt race comes into it at-all its morel ikely to be that someone fleeing a war is considered a priority over someoe that is homeless but in a safer country. ideally both would be homed. This really has nothing to do with race I dont see why you are bringing it up.

Yeah, just saying "everyone is welcome" was a dumb move. Merkel strategy affects all of Western Europe.

All countries should have collaborated one strategy.
Europe is so super racist these days, I genuinely fear it's going to be our downfall. People scrutinise refugees like mad and do nothing to uphold their own humanity. Many of these people will be surprised when they discover that a civilized, democratic and free society is not something that can be taken for granted.
I'm sorry but Merkel needs to be removed for what she's done. This is all her fault.
Delete your account.

Germany has homeless people?

But they've got the money to feed and house millions of refugees?

Think before you post.
No one in Germany hast to be homeless. People are homeless because they refuse social services (due to mental issues, substance abuse).
Germany has homeless people?

But they've got the money to feed and house millions of refugees?

"Homeless" for the most part in Germany is not people sleeping "rough" in the streets, most of them go to shelters every night and also get food.

That's already after people unfortunately have fallen through the safety net of preventing homelessness (govt. already pays for your rent if it gets that bad).

People who end up really homeless as per the general definition most people use is because of drugs/alcohol abuse as a result of mental illness.

Most homeless people aren't stereotypically homeless (don't know any other way to put this).

Nonetheless it needs to be improved because homelessness in Germany is not from lack of opportunity/poverty and job scarcity, it's from mental health factors most of the time. The system needs a better focus on mental health which is what causes most homelessness in Germany.
Europe is so super racist these days, I genuinely fear it's going to be our downfall. People scrutinise refugees like mad and do nothing to uphold their own humanity. Many of these people will be surprised when they discover that a civilized, democratic and free society is not something that can be taken for granted.
It can not be taken for granted. That is exactly the reason people want a bit more control over immigration and are angry when people they are helping return the favor by doing stuff like this.

There is certainly racism involved. But if issues like this one are not controlled and keep continuing, that will just lead to more racism. So it needs to be handled.

Nothing wrong with checking people before you let them in your society. There is a good reason we have borders and visa requirements.


Even then, why should those countries carry the costs of people who are not their citizens? I get you can't sent them back while the war is going. But I also don't really see why we need to run the risk of them being repeat offenders, or giving them hundreds of thousands of euros over the years to support them, if they display behavior like this. Talking individual cases here of course, so in specific now these 7 people that have done this.

Spreading the costs out sounds nice, but the costs shouldn't be there in the first place, since it is not our responsibility to educate and rehabilitate people that are not from here. They should just be sent away when possible. If you apply for a visa to any country and commit a crime there, your visa will probably be taken away and you have to leave after serving the sentence.

Why is punishing criminals all about educating and rehabilitating people when those criminals are refugees? I actually do think those things are an important part of a just criminal justice system but in the context of this thread it sounds more like you're saying refugees act criminally because they are refugees/foreign. Arabs aren't raised to believe setting a person on fire is normal, this is just terrible people being terrible. They should be treated accordingly, i.e. they should be punished as a German citizen would be. They can't be send back because they are refugees fleeing a war-zone. Of course sheltering fleeing people has costs but it is still the right thing to do. Hell, in my opinion it's obligatory for Europe to shelter these people. One of the costs of sheltering people is that you take in a large group people some of whom might act criminally. Punishing them like you'd do any other criminal is all you can do. The better we act united as one Europe in sheltering refugees the lower the cost of sheltering them will be for every individual state so that's the only real and humane solution.


Yes Merkel is such a terrible person for saving millions of lives.

Merkels policy didn't save a single life. Rather, it has contributed to thousands of death on the migrant routes, especially the Mediterranean.

I like to quote Paul Collier, one of the most knowledgable scholars on migration and the third world (bad translation, but it does the job):

All these people who have come to Germany made it from safe third countries. Germany has saved not a single Syrian. On the contrary, Germany, despite your best intentions is responsible for more deaths. The matter has gone completely out of hand. Many people understood Merkel's words as an invitation and then made it to the dangerous path, sacrificed their savings and entrusted their lives dubious thugs.


Europe is so super racist these days, I genuinely fear it's going to be our downfall. People scrutinise refugees like mad and do nothing to uphold their own humanity. Many of these people will be surprised when they discover that a civilized, democratic and free society is not something that can be taken for granted.
Keep calling people angry at uncontrolled immigration and they problems they bring racist and wonder why the far right keep winning everywhere. You'd think after Trump Gaf would escape its bubble but they seem to have doubled down.
It can not be taken for granted. That is exactly the reason people want a bit more control over immigration and are angry when people they are helping return the favor by doing stuff like this.

There is certainly racism involved. But if issues like this one are not controlled and keep continuing, that will just lead to more racism. So it needs to be handled.

Nothing wrong with checking people before you let them in your society. There is a good reason we have borders and visa requirements.

You cannot check for something like this. In reality these countries are in chaos and there are masses of traumatised people coming in and a proportion will act violently. Demand something feasible like ties to terror organizations or I'll be forced to think you just want to push a narrative.

Keep calling people angry at uncontrolled immigration and they problems they bring racist and wonder why the far right keep winning everywhere. You'd think after Trump Gaf would escape its bubble but they seem to have doubled down.

Hey, if you vote for a far right party because I said something on the internet, you were always a lost cause. In fact I'd say you were looking for an excuse.
If you commit a crime as heinous as this as a refugee you should be sent back period. No point in wasting tax payers dollars locking them up for years to come.


I'm not too sure about that, I think it only applies to a tree hugger or squatter.

Most homeless because of the abuse, mental or habit.

Of course these are additional reasons that people sleep in shelters, but people don't have to be homeless in Germany. They have to really force it.

If you commit a crime as heinous as this as a refugee you should be sent back period. No point in wasting tax payers dollars locking them up for years to come.

How? Do people understand what they write? Send them back to their deaths? That is not possible.
Merkels policy didn't save a single life. Rather, it has contributed to thousands of death on the migrant routes, especially the Mediterranean.

I like to quote Paul Collier, one of the most knowledgable scholars on migration and the third world (bad translation, but it does the job):

Did Merkel draw up the Dublin accords? :S
Why is punishing criminals all about educating and rehabilitating people when those criminals are refugees? I actually do think those things are an important part of a just criminal justice system but in the context of this thread it sounds more like you're saying refugees act criminally because they are refugees/foreign. Arabs aren't raised to believe setting a person on fire is normal, this is just terrible people being terrible. They should be treated accordingly, i.e. they should be punished as a German citizen would be. They can't be send back because they are refugees fleeing a war-zone. Of course sheltering fleeing people has costs but it is still the right thing to do. Hell, in my opinion it's obligatory for Europe to shelter these people. One of the costs of sheltering people is that you take in a large group people some of whom might act criminally. Punishing them like you'd do any other criminal is all you can do. The better we act united as one Europe in sheltering refugees the lower the cost of sheltering them will be for every individual state so that's the only real and humane solution.
I haven't said such a thing. I am just responding to someone who wants them to follow such things, while I don't think it is fair to ask the German taxpayer to pay the bill for foreign criminals. I would say the same if someone came here from Brazil or China and commits a crime. Do the time, and then sent them back.

If you can't sent them back at the end of their sentence, then at least disqualify them from a permanent stay, so they can be sent back once the conflict is over.

You cannot check for something like this. In reality these countries are in chaos and there are masses of traumatised people coming in and a proportion will act violently. Demand something feasible like ties to terror organizations or I'll be forced to think you just want to push a narrative.
In this specific case, maybe not. But there are also cases of repeat offenders, people asking for asylum in multiple countries and not being deported, people committing crimes and not charged or placed at least under house arrest in their refugee center. You can certainly check for things like that.

I am not pushing a narrative. The only thing I would like to push is for the EU to work together with the UN to take in refugees instead of this free-for-all model we are doing now. That way there are checks (people taking in from refugee camps) and they can actually come over safe in manageable numbers.


You don't seem to understand how the EU works. Countries like Greece and Italy get flooded with refugees. In face of that, the Dublin regulations were a dangerous policy to uphold. You can't just sit on your ass and wait until the Med countries explode. In the end, Merkel's words have had a minuscule impact on the, already growing, number of refugees, but her actions prevented crises in said countries.

Speaking of understanding how the EU works while telling countries they have "duties" of which there is no mention in the treaties those countries signed is just ... Merkel made her bed, trying to force the consequences of her very own and opposed by others policy was never going to be taken well by others, not to mention that it has next to zero chance of working in practice.
If you commit a crime as heinous as this as a refugee you should be sent back period. No point in wasting tax payers dollars locking him up for years if they want to act like animals.

You don't think that the Syrian people have enough to deal with? And you're okay with the psychopaths who did this being released?
Of course these are additional reasons that people sleep in shelters, but people don't have to be homeless in Germany. They have to really force it.

How? Do people understand what they write? Send them back to their deaths? That is not possible.

Seems like too many people conflate economic migrants with refugees.
If you commit a crime as heinous as this as a refugee you should be sent back period. No point in wasting tax payers dollars locking them up for years to come.

So criminals should be stripped of the right to life? Because that's what's keeping refugee criminals from being sent back. The right not to die.


I haven't said such a thing. I am just responding to someone who wants them to follow such things, while I don't think it is fair to ask the German taxpayer to pay the bill for foreign criminals. I would say the same if someone came here from Brazil or China and commits a crime. Do the time, and then sent them back.

If you can't sent them back at the end of their sentence, then at least disqualify them from a permanent stay,so they can be sent back once the conflict is over.

I can understand this.

Merkels policy didn't save a single life. Rather, it has contributed to thousands of death on the migrant routes, especially the Mediterranean.

I like to quote Paul Collier, one of the most knowledgable scholars on migration and the third world (bad translation, but it does the job):

I don't believe the person I was replying to had the lives of refugees at the core of their intention to post.

However I agree that if Germany wanted to open their doors to refugees then they should have done more to ensure they arrived safely. still Germany has done a damn sight more than many other european countries. Europe has really dropped the ball when it came to Syria.


You don't think that the Syrian people have enough to deal with? And you're okay with the psychopaths who did this being released?
So instead of the Syrians the Germans should deal with these psychopaths. Tell me again why the German people or any other nation apart from Syria have to deal with these psychopaths.
So instead of the Syrians the Germans should deal with these psychopaths. Tell me again why the German people or any other nation apart from Syria have to deal with these psychopaths.

No one should have to, but the financial burden of locking them up seems minor compared to letting them loose in a destabilized nation.
In this specific case, maybe not. But there are also cases of repeat offenders, people asking for asylum in multiple countries and not being deported, people committing crimes and not charged or placed at least under house arrest in their refugee center. You can certainly check for things like that.

I am not pushing a narrative. The only thing I would like to push is for the EU to work together with the UN to take in refugees instead of this free-for-all model we are doing now. That way there are checks (people taking in from refugee camps) and they can actually come over safe in manageable numbers.

It's the anti-immigrant faction in the EU that has created this clusterfuck because they don't want to carry any part of the refugee burden. Eastern Europe is a disgrace in this regard.


Seems like too many people conflate economic migrants with refugees.

Yeah just hate hate hate for a country that took many people in. I gotta be honest that I wasn't pleased with my country welcoming that many people even though old men don't even have enough money and have to go on the streets and collect bottles to get some more money and I experienced some migrant bullshit in school, but these are still people that didn't do anything wrong so they deserve to live except for these seven little shits that fuck everything up for the honest people, because stupid people will blame everyone of them.

So instead of the Syrians the Germans should deal with these psychopaths. Tell me again why the German people or any other nation apart from Syria have to deal with these psychopaths.

Because these are human beings and this world is ours together? What a load of bullshit. Ever thought about your life and suddenly it taking a wrong turn? You would cry from happiness if you get help like this.
It's the anti-immigrant faction in the EU that has created this clusterfuck because they don't want to carry any part of the refugee burden. Eastern Europe is a disgrace in this regard.
I can't really blame them too much considering their economies. We are saying we should shift the burden away from Greece and Italy. But realistically, who is left in the EU with strong enough economies to handle it then? And it seems people don't even want to stay there also (although not much effort has been made for it, and improvements might change that a bit). But fact is, most of these people want to go to Germany, Holland, Sweden, the UK.

The anti-immigration stuff has been built over a long time already and hasn't been handled in a lot of countries as it should have been. The refugee crisis on top of that has just added to this already existing problem.

It also does not address my point about criminals which are not being handled. And such a situation has led to the Berlin attack recently, which could have been prevented if we were just a little harsher with known criminal immigrants.


It just occured to me, but wait, there are homeless people in germany? How? They have like a ton of refugees that I assume they house and provide for? How come there are homeless people?

The main reasons are:

1.) Psychological problems / mental health issues / mental illness.
2.) And this is often a result of 1.) alcoholism
3.) This is also often a result of 1.) drug addiction

As a society, providing for money and shelter through welfare is not enough to keep every individual from becoming homeless. Things can always spiral out of control, and this can happen faster than any of you guys can imagine.
I can't really blame them too much considering their economies. We are saying we should shift the burden away from Greece and Italy. But realistically, who is left in the EU with strong enough economies to handle it then? And it seems people don't even want to stay there also (although not much effort has been made for it, and improvements might change that a bit). But fact is, most of these people want to go to Germany, Holland, Sweden, the UK.

The anti-immigration stuff has been built over a long time already and hasn't been handled in a lot of countries as it should have been. The refugee crisis on top of that has just added to this already existing problem.

It also does not address my point about criminals which are not being handled. And such a situation has led to the Berlin attack recently, which could have been prevented if we were just a little harsher with known criminal immigrants.

I don't have a problem restricting EU movement of refugees to their host country. They're not tourists.

As far as the rest, how much more do you want to pay in taxes to let Eastern Europe off the hook and to implement a stricter surveillance apparatus?


Gold Member
Yep, just like black people in America, amirite!?

Not to be that guy (or any sort of guy), but they statistically are, right? Not because they are black, obviously, but because of other factors that in general affect black people more. Non-native Swedes are overrepresented in the crime statistics too, by 2.5x. No sane person would say it's because their ethnicity is X, but it is a fact.


Things I've seen people do the homeless...

Shove them
Spit at them
Throw beer onto their bedding
Had their dog kicked numerous times

Setting fire to them is just...fucking hell.

We really need to educate people and stop the spread of the idea that homeless people are failures who don't deserve any kind of human dignity of respect.Seems that line of thinking has even extended to people who have literally fled for their fucking lives. Pretty fucking depressing.

- Urinated on http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-38386088

I guess to this incident, deport them. Helping out those that have genuine ambition to progress from those that don't.


I can't really blame them too much considering their economies. We are saying we should shift the burden away from Greece and Italy. But realistically, who is left in the EU with strong enough economies to handle it then? And it seems people don't even want to stay there also (although not much effort has been made for it, and improvements might change that a bit). But fact is, most of these people want to go to Germany, Holland, Sweden, the UK.

The anti-immigration stuff has been built over a long time already and hasn't been handled in a lot of countries as it should have been. The refugee crisis on top of that has just added to this already existing problem.

It also does not address my point about criminals which are not being handled. And such a situation has led to the Berlin attack recently, which could have been prevented if we were just a little harsher with known criminal immigrants.

There is a 'non-refoulement' (no return) clause in the 1951 Refugee Convention that states that you cannot send a refugee or a person applying for refugee status back to a country where their life is at risk.

WHY THE FUCK are there so many incidents in Sweden and Germany concerning refugees. Its really, really scary.

Because unlike the thousands of other crimes taking place daily in Europe, these refugee stories are politicized and spun like mad, which makes it seem like this is a common phenomenon.


Junior Member
Of course these are additional reasons that people sleep in shelters, but people don't have to be homeless in Germany. They have to really force it.

Yep, abuse, mental and habit shouldn't be ignored, no matter how extreme is.

Shame that there is a homeless still existing, because there are some failed from a shelter or counsellor or rehabilitation.
I don't have a problem restricting EU movement of refugees to their host country. They're not tourists.

As far as the rest, how much more do you want to pay in taxes to let Eastern Europe off the hook and to implement a stricter surveillance apparatus?
How do you restrict people when there are open borders (which I like and don't want to do away with)? And apparently the checks in place are not enough to keep people from trying again and again under fake names. Example again: the terrorist from the Berlin attack who applied three times and kept wandering around the EU for years.

I don't know what this has to do with taxes going up. Eastern Europe is not not helping also, so compared to the current situation my taxes wouldn't go up.

Simple things I would like to see are just to confine criminal asylum seekers to their centers, lock up people who are going to be deported, pressure safe countries to take them back (the EU should be perfect for this, since a bloc like that can put more pressure on them) and simply keeping people out of society who commit awful crimes or are repeat offenders. And I don't see those things happening enough, which leads to both the receiving country as the people who actually appreciate the help and want to built a better life here, to suffer because of it.

There is a 'non-refoulement' (no return) clause in the 1951 Refugee Convention that states that you cannot send a refugee or a person applying for refugee status back to a country where their life is at risk.
I have addressed this earlier by saying we should sent people directly away after their sentence if possible, and otherwise keep them from getting a permanent stay and sent them back as soon as the conflict in their country is resolved for that to be possible. If they are repeat offenders, lock them up longer.


Yep, abuse, mental and habit shouldn't be ignored, no matter how extreme is.

Shame that there is a homeless still existing, because there are some failed from a shelter or counsellor or rehabilitation.

The situation here in Hamburg is quiet good as I can see that. You even have drug rehabilitation at the main station for the homeless people living there.
How do you restrict people when there are open borders (which I like and don't want to do away with)? And apparently the checks in place are not enough to keep people from trying again and again under fake names. Example again: the terrorist from the Berlin attack who applied three times and kept wandering around the EU for years.

I don't know what this has to do with taxes going up. Eastern Europe is not not helping also, so compared to the current situation my taxes wouldn't go up.

Simple things I would like to see are just to confine criminal asylum seekers to their centers, lock up people who are going to be deported, pressure safe countries to take them back (the EU should be perfect for this, since a bloc like that can put more pressure on them) and simply keeping people out of society who commit awful crimes or are repeat offenders. And I don't see those things happening enough, which leads to both the receiving country as the people who actually appreciate the help and want to built a better life here, to suffer because of it.

I have addressed this earlier by saying we should sent people directly away after their sentence if possible, and otherwise keep them from getting a permanent stay and sent them back as soon as the conflict in their country is resolved for that to be possible. If they are repeat offenders, lock them up longer.

I don't have all the solutions, Schengen is a double edged sword. I'm all for a more controlled take on the refugee issue, and willing to pay more to do it because it's a crisis.

One last thing that strikes me as wrong is trying to send the bad ones back to other countries. What are we, too good for the hard issues? That's an elitist and cowardly attitude and will only move the problems elsewhere instead of solving them.
Ignoring their refugee status, what would happen to any typical citizen who does this in Germany?

Because if that penalty isn't harsh enough, than you have to question the legal system more than the background of the attackers.
I don't have all the solutions, Schengen is a double edged sword.

One last thing that strikes me as wrong is trying to send the bad ones back to other countries. What are we, too good for the hard issues? That's an elitist and cowardly attitude and will only move the problems elsewhere instead of solving them.
Of course we sent back "bad ones" to their country of origin. No country needs to accept people causing trouble. That is not being cowardly or elitist, that is just being a realist.

If a German causes trouble in China or wherever, they are in their full rights to ship them back to Germany. A country is first responsible for their own citizens, so if those cause trouble, they need to deal with that.
Deport them immediately, only option that makes sense.

No no no! Retard-GAF wants them to be left in peace and treated like the decent human beings they are! It was only attempted murder, wait 'til they set a building on fire killing many or something before you even THINK about starting to TALK about deporting them. They might come in harms way if we send them back to their country! Think of the children!
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