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Germany: Crowds cheer the burning of refugee shelter

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You know, before we condemn entire countries... keep in mind it's much easier to be pro-refugee when you're not the guys living in the middle of it.

There's a lot to taking these sheer numbers of people into your society, and the areas they congregate in will most definitely change. If you are a person in that area, you didn't ask for this change, so you might not be happy about it.

While cheering a burning building is abhorrent, the sentiment against the refugees is understandable for those having to go through it.

Especially from the US who isn't really taking these refugees, we are asking someone else to sacrifice for us.

:fakeedit: I mean for fuck's sake we hate California transplants in Portland, and they live in our same damn country.. and all they are doing is raising our house prices and rent.


This is a problem that's going to just getting and bigger the longer it festers. :(



Just so you know.
You know, before we condemn entire countries... keep in mind it's much easier to be pro-refugee when you're not the guys living in the middle of it.

There's a lot to taking these sheer numbers of people into your society, and the areas they congregate in will most definitely change. If you are a person in that area, you didn't ask for this change, so you might not be happy about it.

While cheering a burning building is abhorrent, the sentiment against the refugees is understandable for those having to go through it.

Especially from the US who isn't really taking these refugees, we are asking someone else to sacrifice for us.

:fakeedit: I mean for fuck's sake we hate California transplants in Portland, and they live in our same damn country.. and all they are doing is raising our house prices and rent.

Saxony has like the fewest immigrants and asylum seekers in all of germany.


Guess I was busy with school. What year was this, if you don't mind?

And yes..this is plenty fair. Shit comes from everywhere. No one is excluded..



I remember it well because my parents had some german friends from Vietnamese descent with young babies who were just shocked to see a whole city cheering and applauding as the building burned down with families inside.
They didn't want their kids to grow up in this kind of environment. So although German and educated, they took the decision to emigrate and start elsewhere from scratch. They never regretted it but in a way, the disgusting racist mob won...


Unsurprising that hard-right-wing sentiment is so strong in the East. It was never properly denazified. All talk about the Nazi era was banned, not just because the Nazis were evil, but also because Dulfi was Joschka's BFF, up until he decided Joschka would look better with a third nostril between his eyes. In the West this detail was irrelevant, since the Soviet Union was the enemy anyway, but in the East it was a bit of a delicate subject, what with the current (at the time) regime being Soviet-imposed and -inspired.

The dublin regulation is horrible. Think of it. you would put everybody in greece and italy. greece is already in a dire situation because of the financial crisis and italy has been rescueing people from the mediterranean see for years at this point. Europeans wouldnt even fund projects of greece or italy to better guard the boarders and safe refugees from drowning (mare nostrum was it?).
Mare Nostrum was garbage. It was the equivalent of giving a free gym membership to somebody with a broken leg. Italy had been begging for improved immigrant processing and redistribution and what do they get from Merkel? A sea patrol (and a bunch of 'LOLNO's to every one of their proposals).


will learn eventually
I won't believe it unless you have a link to back that up.
Well the argument boils down to 2 consenting adults being able to do what they want or not and if the government should have a say in that. If you want to call that defense force be my guest.



I remember it well because my parents had some german friends from Vietnamese descent with young babies who were just shocked to see a whole city cheering and applauding as the building burned down with families inside.
They didn't want their kids to grow up in this kind of environment. So although German and educated, they took the decision to emigrate and start elsewhere from scratch. They never regretted it but in a way, the disgusting racist mob won...

Geezuz..Thanks for the links.


You know, before we condemn entire countries... keep in mind it's much easier to be pro-refugee when you're not the guys living in the middle of it.

There's a lot to taking these sheer numbers of people into your society, and the areas they congregate in will most definitely change. If you are a person in that area, you didn't ask for this change, so you might not be happy about it.

While cheering a burning building is abhorrent, the sentiment against the refugees is understandable for those having to go through it.

Especially from the US who isn't really taking these refugees, we are asking someone else to sacrifice for us.

:fakeedit: I mean for fuck's sake we hate California transplants in Portland, and they live in our same damn country.. and all they are doing is raising our house prices and rent.

Yet you dont see Portland residents cheering on a burning house because a Californian was going to move into it.

What a world to live in. Germany going back to its ugly ways, and US may eventually end up with their own version of Hitler. Amazing.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle


On stage is Lutz Bachmann, Pegida’s founder and leader, and his sidekick, riesling vintner Siegfried Daebritz. Bachmann fires up the crowd with the latest statistics about the large numbers of refugees arriving in Germany, raising the loudest response when he talks of the number of people whose asylum claims have been turned down. He says they have avoided deportation and are now “roaming free”.

When he tells his audience that a hotel, the Prinz Eugen, was bought by the city council on Monday for €3m (£2.16m) to house refugees, the crowd responds with loud jeers. “I tell you, it won’t be long before that burns,” Schneider says, quickly adding he does not condone arson.

In front of him two young men with shaven heads, one of whom wears a hoodie bearing the phrase “Dresden, my neighbourhood” in gothic script, are also heard to mutter “that’ll soon be in flames”.



Ignorantly cheering for something that's going to annoy them shortly after haha

If you burn a refugee home down, they'll need somewhere new to stay and if there aren't other refugee homes ready, they're going to stay in your "German" homes.
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