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Gran Turismo Sport demo coming Oct. 9


Definitely not the most fully featured racing game on the market.

But it’s of undeniable quality. And the online actually makes me want to play it which is more than I can say for most others
Did you turn off the rubber banding?

If you're talking about the boost setting then that's off, the AI has seen minor improvements:

- raised aggression and speed (cornering)
- moving over to defend line

but it has also kept the nasty shit from GT6 PS3:

- slowing down for no reason
- braking when not required
- riding your exhaust on straights when they could easily pass

I'll continue to play the demo but my time with GT after it ends is over.
Ya know, I try to avoid the whole console war thing, but Sony limiting download speed of digital content is really stupid. 10 hours Sony? Really? Say what you will about MS, but they are on point with their downloads. If your download is slow, it usually is because of your connection. To put it into perspective, it took me about 40 minutes to download the Star Wars Battlefront 2 beta on X1 the other day. I did it there as all my friends are online on Xbox Live. So yesterday, I wanted to try out the GT Sport demo/trial. Ok, 43GB download, no problem let's start the download. Estimated time of download was 10 hours. Holy crap! I got tired of waiting and put the PS4 in rest mode. I'll test it out today when I get home from work. Sorry for the rant.

I'm curious GAF, how well does it look in HDR on the Pro? I want to test it on my TCL P605 with HDR and 4K. The videos that I did see online looked good, but really want to test/experience it for myself.

Yep. I had to set up a proxy server on my PC to get good speeds. Was so nice to see 7 and 20 minutes wait times instead of the usual 93 lol.


Yes. Just don't delete your save. Everything (that is allowed to be carried over) will be carried over regardless of whether you have a digital or physical version.

Thanks! It seemed to be auto saving but when I tried to do a manual save it kept giving me an error.


With the way that obsession to detail comes out it creates such a relaxing game to sit back and play. The amount of time you can just spend in the menus not caring about anything is kind've impressive. Scapes really adds to that.

This something I've always preferred with GT over it's competitors. The menus are always so relaxing. Hardly any flashy stuff in there.


Ya know, I try to avoid the whole console war thing, but Sony limiting download speed of digital content is really stupid. 10 hours Sony? Really? Say what you will about MS, but they are on point with their downloads....

Like others and myself said in other older threads, since a couple of months downloads are pretty fast on average and often max out my 50mbit down.
Crawled before and i had to change to that google DNS to get acceptable speeds so i def. know how you feel and i complained about it on GAF too. Something definitely has changed at Sony though since there are a lot of people who experienced it the same way as me. I don't say that it's as good as MS now (and probably never will since they have the Azure power) but at least it's not as bad as it was the last years.
Your 10 hours are probably/hopefully going to shrink further.

Only tried a bit of the demo and the menues are slick. Don't really have the time for racing games (sorry Wipout, but i still love you *tear*) but i'm going to get it in a year or so in a sale.
On one hand I'm kinda bummed the Campaign is so scaled back, but then I think about how much time I spent in previous GTs just playing single race courses and time trials so maybe it can't hurt to try this one out just to go through the training and missions/course instruction.
This is my first GT ever, was Xbox only until this gen.
Really impressed with the polish of this game, gameplay feels fine, but will there be any customization at all?! Liveries are lame, I want to bolt on body kits and spoilers and better suspension and stuff, like in Forza. I see wheels are for sale in the "store", but will that be it for customization?


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Man. REALLY wanna try the demo but that 43 gig download is killing me.

At this rate I might as well just buy the game.


Tried the demo, really like what I played so far. Only drove the M4 at dragons tail and the only thing I don't like about the game is that the sense of speed is really low so when I enter a corner the car understeers like crazy because I'm going to fast without realising it.


Mine downloaded in 45 mins

I'd normally agree with you with psn downloads a 40 gig download would usually take like 8-10 to finish downloading on ps4 but for this game it only took around 3 hours to download the whole thing!

um, it took me a little over 3 hours.

50mbps connection, from Malaysia.

I have a 60mbps connection (no data caps or restrictions). What time of day did you guys download it? Also, what countries are you in? I saw one said Malaysia. I wonder if the servers in other countries are not as congested as the US servers. I wonder if US servers would be hit the hardest by people downloading it ( the largest portion of the PS4 installed base). Of course, it could just be me downloading it at the wrong time of day. I started the download when I from work.

Either way, it should have finished this morning as I got ready for work. So I should be set when I get home to fire it up and test it out. I saw somebody say it has 5 courses to test out. What about car types available to test? Thanks for the responses GT Gaf.


This is my first GT ever, was Xbox only until this gen.
Really impressed with the polish of this game, gameplay feels fine, but will there be any customization at all?! Liveries are lame, I want to bolt on body kits and spoilers and better suspension and stuff, like in Forza. I see wheels are for sale in the "store", but will that be it for customization?

GT hasn't had that for a while now. It used to be king for it but then they stopped adding it for some reason.


My download was 1 hour 45 minutes and that was on Saturday. It can be pretty inconsistent though. I find if I get a long time, if I pause and restart a couple of times I will get a good connection. Shouldn't have to do that though.
GT hasn't had that for a while now. It used to be king for it but then they stopped adding it for some reason.

Dang, that's crazy, I thought this series was known for that. Thanks for the info!

So this is essentially an ultra polished but basic online racing game. The graphics are unbelievable, but if I can't change how my car looks I might as well just get pCars2. Disappointing.


This is my first GT ever, was Xbox only until this gen.
Really impressed with the polish of this game, gameplay feels fine, but will there be any customization at all?! Liveries are lame, I want to bolt on body kits and spoilers and better suspension and stuff, like in Forza. I see wheels are for sale in the "store", but will that be it for customization?

GT:S is going in another direction, it's not going to be a car pokemon again


Want to set up your vehicle for road, dirt, or drift? The Car Settings within your Garage allow you to change your tires, brake bias, suspension, aerodynamics, drivetrain, transmission, and power to weight ratio — basically anything you'd want to tune, you can!
That's not the only way you can customize your ride, though. In GT Sport, every mile driven means extra rewards for you; with Mileage Exchange, you can trade in-game miles for a host of customization options for your driver avatar and vehicles within your Garage.


Yeah, manual saving doesn't work for me either, but it had been auto saving just fine.

Manual saving in this build is not working as intended but is fixed for the release build. I'm guessing they've forked off an older build for this demo only.


You can adjust all the suspension, diff, aero settings etc as well as upgrade your cars power and weight but so far other than livery and wheels there aren't many more customisation options for the cars. Note you will get less options for customising in PCars 2 if that is what you are looking for.


GT:S is going in another direction, it's not going to be a car pokemon again

Which is a shame. Having that breadth of car history, including the everyman's cars, was a hallmark of the series. I think characterizing that sort of vehicle variety as "Car Pokemon" is selling it short. When the "other direction" is less content, it's something that will be missed.

That said, the game structure takes itself more seriously now, which is something I can appreciate when it all comes together.


Neo Member

Just make sure you're taking the whole image into account. Higher EV, for e.g. may cause clouds to be whitened out and such.

Ah thanks for this! that menu bug was annoying lol.

And good point on the EV!
Got everything set correct on the tv and PS4 with full range HDMI level and colours/black level calibrated. both chequerboard patterns were ok with og settings, think black one could have gone down a little though but was not 100% on it so left it. and that goes against putting up the ev... as putting blacks down would just make it more dull lol. Just think on first pic for test, sun didnt look bright enough and on the pic with the grey day it looked a bit dull unless went up by 5. wondering what did you leave it at for all settings?


I've enjoyed what I've played of the demo, but this game is absolutely plagued by aliasing on the base PS4. It's actually distracting at times at how much aliasing there is. It seems that this game really would benefit from the PS4 Pro.

Regardless, there's just something incredibly special about GT and this demo definitely reminded me of that. From the menus, the videos, and just the way the game is structured, Polyphony Digital wants you to lust after the cars in the game. The presentation of vehicles are almost sensual lol.

I'm not hardcore in to racing games like I used to be though, I'm not sure if there will be enough for me to pick it up. I do have to say though that the pad controls have been extremely responsive and are fantastic overall. I've been able to enjoy the game even though I'm not very good and don't have a racing wheel.

Edit: By the way, my mouth dropped to the floor when I saw the Dodge Tomahawk SRT Vision Gran Turismo! Reading about a car that's not supposed to even exist for another 30 years is insane. I'm confused though that what looks to be the best car in the game is only 1 million credits, while one of the concept Lamborghini's are over 3.6 million credits.


As a big Forza player, I am really liking this a lot. Cars feel really good to drive, especially that SLS GT. The online is also really good, people arent just crashing into each other. After years of playing single player career racers, it will be nice to have one with a good online mode. Demo pushed me from a maybe to a day1 on this.


why the hell is this game so jaggy? christ alive.

i've selected quality mode and it just gave me a car for finishing the first driving school tests. aliasing all over the place.

honestly, it's similar to or perhaps even worse than the closed beta in that regard.


you can still change the ratio etc.., but there is no per part upgrade anymore, you can still upgrade the hp/weight though
Hmm, so it's more like tuning rather than upgrades now, that's so not what I hoped for now that I've warmed up to the game again. Still leaning on buying it because of the visuals, non-Destruction Derby AI and general feeling when racing.
I didn't get to play but 20 minutes this morning before work (completed the first 4 license tests), but it's a beautiful game. Playing on a PS4 Pro with HDR through a LG C7 OLED tv.

Still early on play time but I'm impressed with the loading times, which has always been a sore spot for me in GT games. It's really nice being able to actually browse through cars and have the high-poly models load into view in a quick and timely manner. My PS4 Pro is brand new out of the box as of yesterday but boy does the fan get loud while viewing those cars in the store. I have it standing on my TV stand behind the TV, about 8' away from my sitting position, and when the fan cranks up, it's very audible while on the low-audio menus. I was pretty surprised at how loud it was but shouldn't be audible when I'm actually racing.


why the hell is this game so jaggy? christ alive.

i've selected quality mode and it just gave me a car for finishing the first driving school tests. aliasing all over the place.

honestly, it's similar or perhaps to or oerhaps even worse than the closed beta.

I'm seeing that on the cars themselves. The backgrounds seems to be smooth. The aliasing on the cars is the one area where I was expecting more from the graphics.


why the hell is this game so jaggy? christ alive.

i've selected quality mode and it just gave me a car for finishing the first driving school tests. aliasing all over the place.

honestly, it's similar or perhaps to or oerhaps even worse than the closed beta.

Are we playing the same game? Mi experience has been pretty solid, and I'm on og ps4... Maybe I'm just not picky about some jaggies here and there.


That brings dark dark memories to the surface of a 2 hour laguna seca endurance race on GT2 or 3, where i horribly botched the last corner before the finish and the AI overtook me on the last meter. Never raged more about a game.

Those could be either the most satisfying accomplishment or rage inducing races I've ever participated in.

The payoff for success was so so good though, getting an F1 race car... Man GT3 was good.


I spent about an hour last night going through various cars in Brand Central and I think I found a funny bug.

When you look at a car from the showroom, it shows a gorgeous shot of it rolling around through some scenic vista, and then the shot goes into slow-motion.

In these shots the car wheels seem to be spinning at about twice the speed that they should be in relation to the road. It makes them look like they've got spinning rims.

Anyone else notice this?
Are we playing the same game? Mi experience has been pretty solid, and I'm on og ps4... Maybe I'm just not picky about some jaggies here and there.

Some people are extremely sensitive to jaggies while others are not. I'm thankful that I am not, they have to be pretty bad before I notice them.


Regarding there viewing of cars in the showrooms, I really hate the second camera angle going to the nose and showing the maker emblem.

I know it's a Dodge or Ferrari or whatever, I want the wide angles first THEN show the little details. Also, is there a way to control the camera in the showrooms?


I just created a room and saved it. Did a race and now the room is nowhere to be found for a second try.Where should I look for it?

Edit: I found it, you need to create again then load it. Nevermind.
Adding a rear wing and such? Alright, could have been there but not a big deal.
Can't remember adding a lot of time on that…

And changing oil and washing your car? Liked that in 5…

None of that. This is a straight up racing game now, in competition with all the other racing games. Not sure what GT's "hook/gimmick" is anymore, the one I thought they had has been gone for years so I find out. :(


Are we playing the same game? Mi experience has been pretty solid, and I'm on og ps4... Maybe I'm just not picky about some jaggies here and there.

i so desperately want my tv or cables or console to be fucked because i was honestly expecting more from it.

allah what have i done to you


Such a pretty game. 4K shots available below each image.

Rarely do I feel like getting the collector's/ultimate edition for a game just to support it. Whereas I was bitten with my impulse Ultimate Edition purchases this year, I'm pleased to do it here. The wait between the demo cutoff and the release is going to be painful.


Finally tried the demo after I let it download overnight. Damn it's a beautiful game.

I kinda wish you'd be able to mute music during the race. I hadn't done it beforehand. I haven't bought a GT game since GT5 Limited, so I guess I wasn't expecting to have to do the driving school/ mission challenge stuff. I've found that the game is super forgiving on intermediate difficulty if you really screw up a turn. I did it twice in the first "arcade race" I did and I was still able to come in first.

I might have to switch to start steering with the dpad because of an issue with my hand (really though, my brain), but I'm going to keep trying with the analog stick for now. I guess that would feel pretty nostalgic since that's how I used to play racing games from GT 1 until Forza 3 even (Dpad for steer, face buttons for go/stop).

I wasn't really considering on getting this since I'd just stopped buying GT games, but I might pick it up now.
Game plays great in online and looks fantastic, but I'll be skipping GT on launch for the first time ever due to the lackluster car selection.

Four different 86 options but no Supra or MR2? Come on, Polyphony.


I'm seeing that on the cars themselves. The backgrounds seems to be smooth. The aliasing on the cars is the one area where I was expecting more from the graphics.

it would look so much better if the image quality was cleaner.

but then again, that's what downsampling is supposed to do, no?

i'm honestly not seeing the jump over the closed beta in terms of aliasing.


As a big Forza player, I am really liking this a lot. Cars feel really good to drive, especially that SLS GT. The online is also really good, people arent just crashing into each other. After years of playing single player career racers, it will be nice to have one with a good online mode. Demo pushed me from a maybe to a day1 on this.

It's true. Idk how they did it. Online races are so sane and orderly. I think theres enough people more concerned with their sportmanship rating than just winning.


Game plays great in online and looks fantastic, but I'll be skipping GT on launch for the first time ever due to the lackluster car selection.

Four different 86 options but no Supra or MR2? Come on, Polyphony.
When I opened up Honda's selection, I felt the same way... 1 CTR and NSX for production choices, neither of which would be my top pick for model year either. I still have the fondest memories of my 93 Civic Hatch that I put endless hours into customizing and upgrading in GT1. Looking at all the used cars, aspiring to the top-tier unattainable (early on) ones. That's the GT I want, but doubt the series will ever return to the glory days of 1-3. A-Spec was the last one that truly took my breath away when it came to excitement, variety, and feel. I should pop it in and ensure my memories are clear, but I think they are. :)
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