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Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans (G-Tekketsu) |OT| The Iron Flower We Saw That Day

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Does Frankengraze poop?
Chivalry doesn't make any sense in context though. There is no battle of honor here, just a bunch of mercenaries transporting a politician from point A to point B. Why would they stop and put their mission at risk to duel anyone? She's a poor commander, a poor soldier, and just a dumb person in general. Now she's a dead person too. RIP.

Also considering when she encountered them in space they didn't follow what she assumed to be rules of engagement so why would they now exactly?


She is stupid in-world, but I do think it makes sense. This happened numerous times in teh real world. Admiral Nelson's final battle, the first mongol invasion in Japan, the british empire against the revolutionary partisans, french heavy knights against english longbows, Freddy vs Jason, the crusaders against Saladin. People expect some kind of behaviour in war and get crushed because the enemy isn't having any of it.


Hey guys, let me just show up and belittle the lives of your fallen comrades we've been demolishing since you started up on Mars by demanding a duel for HONOR. Because that's what's at stake here, right? Right! Pride, definitely. Carta was a useless naïve officer, lied to and sent to death to further a cause. Her getting a flashback doesn't make her any less of an incompetent pawn.

Moreover even if Mika had some moral issues (however small they might be) about smashing Carta, she was a threat. A threat that has been present for a while and has killed part of his crew. She was in the way when she didn't have to be and thus had to be removed. W/e.



Maybe for you. I personally felt bad for Carta and quite a lot of other people did as well last night when the episode aired and trended on twitter.

Yup, Carta was very underdeveloped, but there was something to her. She lived with an unrequited love and was raised in a stiff culture of pride and honor. Yeah, she was a snob, but she was also a product of the corrupted aristocratic culture. She ultimately becomes a pawn of Char. She is the same type of character as Pirotess or Silveria, in that they loved the wrong men. Men that didn't care about them, but instead used them. I think Pirotess and Silveria knew it though.

Mikazuki and Carta are supposed to be polar opposites. She's also not a throw away character. Now Galileo will want revenge. I think it's all part of McGillis' plan to manipulate him. Easier to take someone out from the back when they're so focused on revenge.

I think McGillis is easy to read. Child of a mistress and the highest ranking Ghjallarhorn (King). Now he wants revenge for what his mother suffered through in poverty (and she probably died). I really hope he's more complex that that, but he is a Char clone. It's a similar situation to Char. Galileo even looks kind of like Garma.


Saint Titanfall
Yup, Carta was very underdeveloped, but there was something to her. She lived with an unrequited love and was raised in a stiff culture of pride and honor. Yeah, she was a snob, but she was also a product of the corrupted aristocratic culture. She ultimately becomes a pawn of Char. She is the same type of character as Pirotess or Silveria, in that they loved the wrong men. Men that didn't care about them, but instead used them. I think Pirotess and Silveria knew it though.

Honestly she was lucky to survive the first go round and was essentially living on borrowed time. Her pride wouldn't have let her leave Tekkadan alone, so if it wasn't now it would be later. You actually see Mikazuki contemplating this in the episode.


I already called Atra killing Mika when he attempts to kill Orga. Final shot will be surviving members of Tekkadan in a large graveyard, with Orga, Kudelia, and Atra standing at what is clearly Mika's grave. Orga will say "See Mika, we finally found our place" and that'll be it.



Are we watching the same show?

She was a joke from the first second she was introduced.
The Aldnoah villains are complete jokes. They pilot mecha that are decades ahead of the earth forces and are prepared to invade and conquer earth but are taken down by a single kid in a low tier suit because ???

With IBO, Gjallahorn has moved away from open warfare and has shifted closer to a Galactic Police Force. So when they face a group of trained PMC that employ military tactics with a focus on lethality, her situation makes a lot more sense than any of the nonsense in Aldnoah. She was in a similar situation to Gaelio in his previous encounters with Tekkadan but she wasn't lucky enough to have her own Ein. And hey, she did the most damage to Tekkadan of any foe they faced so far so that's something.
Inaho would try and calculate bouncing a shot off the moon and ricocheting it off a satellite to perfectly hit Mikazuki but halfway through Mika would just gore him.


The first half was decent enough (plus the sawano ost), but yeah it really went downhill.

This reminds me that I need to finish my Kotobukiya sleipnir...


The first episodes of Aldoah were very promising, but then it just got weird. And the second season got boring on top of that, with random stuff happening and space wind and shit.


I couldn't keep watching after the first few episodes of season 2, and I've managed to push myself through some awful anime.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
He hasn't changed so much as the relationship between him and Orga has been fully revealed now. From the start, it's heavily implied Mikazuki is following Orga, but the recent episodes have made it clear that it's Orga who's being dragged along by Mika.


He hasn't changed so much as the relationship between him and Orga has been fully revealed now. From the start, it's heavily implied Mikazuki is following Orga, but the recent episodes have made it clear that it's Orga who's being dragged along by Mika.

I don't really agree with this. That seems to oversimplify the relationship to one where a character is directly doing something because of another. Their relationship isn't quite like that, and is rather one of (false) expectations. Orga himself detailed it pretty plainly long ago when he said (I think to Biscuit?) that when he sees the look in Mika's eyes, he feels the responsibility of taking them to a better place each step of the way, because that's what Mika expects from him - to take him to a more interesting place than where they are now.

Mika isn't following Orga because he owes him anything, Mika follows Orga because he feels Orga owes him. Orga isn't being dragged along by Mika, Orga feels obligated to fulfil his promise to Mika that he'll take him to a better place. Mika's perspective is that as long as he kills whoever he needs to kill, Orga will take care of the rest, because all Mika knows is how to kill. Orga's perspective is that Mika became a killer because of him, and if he can't lift them both beyond that, Mika would have done everything for nothing.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
What if the lie was that Mika made up the rest of the conversation he had with Biscuit in order to push Orga with the whole revenge thing?

I got that vibe even before the "Final Lie" popped up right after the conversation, but that sounds a bit too sophisticated for Mika...


I've always assumed Orga and Mika hold an agreement in terms of their relationship. That of the hammer and one swinging it. It's pretty hard to not see Mika as simply a tool and Orga as the one wielding it for better or worse. From the intro it looked like they knew this and were at peace with it. I don't believe the relationship would work if they didn't agree that their actions lead to the mutual goal of uplifting themselves and their friends.

Eventually one is going to stumble or a goal is going to veer heavily off the expected path to throw the agreement into complete chaos though... that much is evident. The coming episodes I expect will be that tipping point.

Also I feel like I should watch more Gundam, only thing I bothered to in ages that I can remember was 8th MS and War in the Pocket.


Finally got the chance to watch the episode, Mika stay winning, glad that they figured out McGillis is betraying them, even Mika hears Carta saying his name.


duckroll we need a poll to see what faction you are in seeing all this mika love.

Is Mika monster? Is Mika hero?

I vote Mika is a monster. He is no hero.




It explains why we're getting a TV edit of an existing show. So season 2 after Unicorn TV which will probably be 25 episodes.

Well I don't really think it's related. Especially since they're airing on totally different networks. I'm sure Sunrise is happy that they have Gundam all year round on TV though. :p


Well I don't really think it's related. Especially since they're airing on totally different networks. I'm sure Sunrise is happy that they have Gundam all year round on TV though. :p

Doesn't it sort of give them time to do the planning and also save some money on a TV edit?
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