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Halo 5: Guardians - Leaked Warzone Menu


What exactly is pathetic about the fact someone noticed the guys gamertag?

You want pathetic? It's posting the main menu of an unreleased work in progress game for 5 minutes of Internet fame - because let's be real, that's all this is for.

One is fairly interesting.

One is fairly boring and some hardcore high horsing whilst we're at it. Nobody gives a shit, let the appropriate people find the GT. I'm sure MS don't need tattlers on gaming forums to do their job for them.

And also, do you guys think gaming companies are muppets or something? It's very difficult to keep NDA's airtight nowadays - very difficult. Shit happens, this is nothing negative, nobodies going to lose jobs or sleep over this, its a little blip. I'm half imaging an alarm going off at redmond as somebody realises oh shit somebody posted the halo 5 menu of gaf brrrp brrp brrp evacuate all stations.


The Sum of Zero

Gold Member
I daresay a number of users on here are part of companies that test these games, so this might be threatening their jobs.

No excuse for a public crucifixion of the leaker.

Or tell them on closed channels. Why put it out in the open like this, what does it accomplish? Maybe they wanted some of that internet fame too, for catching a criminal in the act!
I daresay a number of users on here are part of companies that test these games, so this might be threatening their jobs.

The leak itself is overshadowing it but I dont care - volume options in Halo, feels good man.
This is almost a MEGATON in of itself imo.


You must be new to how video game leaks work. But keep believing that. I'm sure it'll ring true in never.

In-home stress testing with the public isn't even that common now, and most companies don't bother with it, so it's clearly not a vital component to a successful launch. That said, why are MS going to keep paying for outsourced testing if leaks keep happening? They will eventually stop.

One is fairly interesting.

One is fairly boring and some hardcore high horsing whilst we're at it. Nobody gives a shit, let the appropriate people find the GT. I'm sure MS don't need tattlers on gaming forums to do their job for them.

And also, do you guys think gaming companies are muppets or something? It's very difficult to keep NDA's airtight nowadays - very difficult. Shit happens, this is nothing negative, nobodies going to lose jobs or sleep over this, its a little blip. I'm half imaging an alarm going off at redmond as somebody realises oh shit somebody posted the halo 5 menu of gaf brrrp brrp brrp evacuate all stations.


Nobody has implied that any jobs or sleep will be lost over this. I'm sure we're all aware that leaking the (non-final) menu of a game isn't a huge issue. Come on.


Thinking about it, with these sorts of people running around tattling for free, the testing company can downsize to two people: one to check GAF and one to check Reddit.

Well done, Taker34, you've just cost, like, 50 people their jobs.

Thinking about it, with these sorts of people running around tattling for free, the testing company can downsize to two people: one to check GAF and one to check Reddit.

Well done, Taker34, you've just cost, like, 50 people their jobs.

"What do you do for work?"

"I read GAF threads, lookin' for leaks."


Evidentially people are acting more childish in response to Taker than his post actually was. No need to insult the person constantly just because he pointed something out.


Looking good! Reminds me of Reach. Really nice music, too. I'm digging the way songs from H3 and 4 are blended together.

It'd be nice if there was an option to turn music off in-game, but leave it on the the menus.


Nobody has implied that any jobs or sleep will be lost over this. I'm sure we're all aware that leaking the (non-final) menu of a game isn't a huge issue. Come on.

It's on the front page mate.

That's wrong, it doesn't matter what it was. It makes the entire program they are a part of more risky and less trustworthy for developers to utilize, and jeapordizes contracts with existing testers who follow the agreements they've signed.

Also I think there's a few others elsewhere in the thread, but it's hot and I can't be fucked.

Whatever the case, you guys need to understand leaks have occurred since forever. Leaks will continue occurring. Developers still will need to beta test - it's not for our benefit, it's for theirs, especially with games like Halo where if the community doesn't get input into design the game doesn't hit the right notes and flops majestically.

Beta tests are more key for developers than they are for gamers. Worst case scenario for MS is, and I say this kindly, fuck the leaks - if this game comes out and the Halo lot don't take to it and the game flops, well that's the biggest exclusive they have on their console. It's bad business.
When an outsourced testing company is dealing with Microsoft's biggest IP, I think it's fair to say that leaks are probably "Serious Business" for quite a few people.

...at Microsoft. Not gaf. Then again with all the corporate apologists and people that love brands as if they were family here we shouldn't really be surprised.
If people leak stuff (assuming this is legit of course), it makes it less likely there will be private beta tests and so on in the future. Just frustrating all around even if the stuff leaked is not gameplay.
Really sucks the guy broke NDA. I was temporarily banned from testing last year when some leaked screenshots of a game.

On topic: I've been watching the Gamescom Halo stuff and re-watching the E3 stuff and I am getting hyped for Halo 5. Already got it preordered and pinned.

Edit: first post as a Member!


If people leak stuff (assuming this is legit of course), it makes it less likely there will be private beta tests and so on in the future. Just frustrating all around even if the stuff leaked is not gameplay.


Stuff leaks, and I think MS would be very very naive not to expect their most hyped release to not leak a little. These test builds are usually built so someone can't say, spoil the entire plot, and especially with Halo, MS kind of have to beta test, unless they either want to miss the mark again ala Halo 4, or just straight up crap out a broken game, ala MCC.


Tell that to the responsible QA facility that now has to deal with Microsoft and could lose a very high-profile client because one of their testers wanted to have some 2 minute long e-fame. Stuff like this has very real consequences for very real people.

I don't know if that's what happened in this specific case but these "LOL Serious Buzinezz" -reactions to everything surounding video games are completely oblivious to all the people earning their money and spending most of their time every day in this industry.

alexbull_uk said:
When an outsourced testing company is dealing with Microsoft's biggest IP, I think it's fair to say that leaks are probably "Serious Business" for quite a few people.

Than that outsourced company should care. The vast majority of neogaf doesn't have a vested interest in the game. Those that do should have proper channels to report leaks and not resort trying to shame them infront of a group of interest strangers. Just like your insurance company or police should care if you speed. People who buy and enjoy video games shouldn't care if someone leaks information.

I'd say the person trying to call our the leaker is more desperate for attention than the person actually leaking.


Than that outsourced company should care. The vast majority of neogaf doesn't have a vested interest in the game. Those that do should have proper channels to report leaks and not resort trying to shame them infront of a group of interest strangers. Just like your insurance company or police should care if you speed. People who buy and enjoy video games shouldn't care if someone leaks information.

I'd say the person trying to call our the leaker is more desperate for attention than the person actually leaking.

It didn't seem like he was being called out to me. He posted a video, someone noticed his GT and mentioned it in a reply. He called himself out for being silly enough to leave it in the video to begin with.


Shocking that so many here are completely missing the point. It doesn't matter that it was just a menu. It's the principle. Y'all would get mad when a friend swears to keep your secret and then starts divulging details. For MS, real money is involved. It's an innocuous leak now, sure, but one bad impression can be damaging, and for a company that got torn apart back in 2013 and are still struggling to recover their reputation, it's no small wonder they'll be extra vigilant now.

Also, the people leaking footage are jeopardising sources of income for others, namely the companies that are contracted (who aren't exactly rolling around in money) and the other testers. What these type leakers are doing is selfish and dumb.


Shocking that so many here are completely missing the point. It doesn't matter that it was just a menu. It's the principle. Y'all would get mad when a friend swears to keep your secret and then starts divulging details. For MS, real money is involved. It's an innocuous leak now, sure, but one bad impression can be damaging, and for a company that got torn apart back in 2013 and are still struggling to recover their reputation, it's no small wonder they'll be extra vigilant now.

Also, the people leaking footage are jeopardising sources of income for others, namely the companies that are contracted (who aren't exactly rolling around in money) and the other testser. What these type leakers are doing is selfish and dumb.

Than MS should care. It isn't other people's responsibility to protect Microsoft's stock price.

You think these testers are paid a living wage? The company uses them as cheap labor and pays them with early access to games part of the risk of that is people leaking information. If the company thinks that is a risk to their business they should hire a professional workforce.
Than MS should care. It isn't other people's responsibility to protect Microsoft's stock price.

You think these testers are paid a living wage? The company uses them as cheap labor and pays them with early access to games part of the risk of that is people leaking information. If the company thinks that is a risk to their business they should hire a professional workforce.

Not sure what's considered a living wage, but testers for this company are paid minimum wage.

The Sum of Zero

Gold Member
Not sure what's considered a living wage, but testers for this company are paid minimum wage.

So not a living wage, then.

Good to know I'd be getting paid the same testing games as I would working at McDonald's.

...Actually that's pretty depressing.

EDIT: Elaborate on one thing. Federal minimum wage or the minimum wage of whatever state you're in?


Stop defending people that break NDA, it hurts more than the individual
People aren't exactly defending the guy. They're just mentioning the guy pointing out the leaker's gamertag "to let the right people know".

It is Microsoft's and 343's job to take care of the leaker, not some random dude on the internet.


Funny to see the forum that sheltered Cboat and asked for infos from him and ntkrnl torn on the question to out a leaker
So not a living wage, then.

Good to know I'd be getting paid the same testing games as I would working at McDonald's.

...Actually that's pretty depressing.

EDIT: Elaborate on one thing. Federal minimum wage or the minimum wage of whatever state you're in?

The only reason I play test is to play some games before they are released. Some of the play testing sessions are pretty broken and some are actually playable.

The money is just an extra bonus for me.

Edit: Yes, it depends on what state you reside in. I'm from VA, so minimum rage is $7.50. Hardly anything to live by...

The Sum of Zero

Gold Member
The only reason I play test is to play some games before they are released. Some of the play testing sessions are pretty broken and some are actually playable.

The money is just an extra bonus for me.

Oh definitely, I understand where you're coming from. Just feel like testers should still get paid a little bit more than minimum wage, but I suppose further discussion about wages and stuff is OT so I'll just let it go at that.

EDIT: Missed your edit. Hey, it's better than the $7.25 I have to deal with in Alabama here. Ugh.
Oh definitely, I understand where you're coming from. Just feel like testers should still get paid a little bit more than minimum wage, but I suppose further discussion about wages and stuff is OT so I'll just let it go at that.

It's all good. I agree, they should pay the testers more. Maybe one day they will, but I doubt it lol.

Edit: Missed your edit too lol. That sucks dude! They really need to raise the minimum wage in your area.


Than MS should care. It isn't other people's responsibility to protect Microsoft's stock price.

You think these testers are paid a living wage? The company uses them as cheap labor and pays them with early access to games part of the risk of that is people leaking information. If the company thinks that is a risk to their business they should hire a professional workforce.

You're missing the point; I meant to illustrate the importance of even a little thing like this leaking. MS obviously does care, and there will be consequences for the parties involved - consequences that will not necessarily be focused squarely on the people responsible.

Gaming testing doesn't pay a living wage, no, not unless you log dozens of sessions a week, but they may be valuable incomes to people for who every little bit can help. And if it isn't, you don't think it's a dick move to jeopardise other people's jobs for a little e-fame? We're not talking about outing a scandalous anti-consumer policy, we're talking about some dick that couldn't keep a simple promise he was being paid to keep and in the act of breaking it might ruin something other people enjoyed doing and/or depended on for income.


Gold Member
Breaking NDA is shitty, and I don't care if the person spotting the gamertag is not related to Microsoft.

I was earlier doing products and we had every now and then one of these dumbfucks who had the privilege of access to prelaunch information and thought they are doing the company a 'favour' by 'creating some buzz' leaking it, as if they knew better than the product team when is a good time to reveal something.

People have worked their ass off on the game for years, they should have the benefit of deciding when and what to show.
You're missing the point; I meant to illustrate the importance of even a little thing like this leaking. MS obviously does care, and there will be consequences for the parties involved - consequences that will not necessarily be focused squarely on the people responsible.

Gaming testing doesn't pay a living wage, no, not unless you log dozens of sessions a week, but they may be valuable incomes to people for who every little bit can help. And if it isn't, you don't think it's a dick move to jeopardise other people's jobs for a little e-fame? We're not talking about outing a scandalous anti-consumer policy, we're talking about some dick that couldn't keep a simple promise he was being paid to keep and in the act of breaking it might ruin something other people enjoyed doing and/or depended on for income.

This. I'd add "and not caring about the consequences". His/her signature is in that NDA.
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