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Hermen Hulst - "We value PC gamers, and will continue to look at the right times to launch EACH game [on PC]."

The Fartist

Gold Member
lee daniels lyons GIF by Empire FOX
Chris Farley Reaction GIF
Eh, I dunno. Someone with a 1050Ti who has spent the last 10 years playing 8 hours of Dota 2 or CSGO per day is more hardcore in my book than someone who spent $4000 on a scalped 3090 so he can play console ports at 4K.

sure, but that not how this works. The guy who made steamspy actually wrote an article about this back in 2015 i think. He did an analysis back then specifically about this. He said developers are battling for the attention of the "1%-ers". Those are the ones who have hundreds of games in their library and buy new games. The vast majority of people are casuals, they dont care that sony games even exist


Gold Member
While I appreciate your perspective, comparing anyone to Nintendo is silly. No other platform holder, when successful, has evergreen titles like Nintendo nor do any other game publisher titles hold their MSRP as well.
It’s all relative

Nintendo have had monster hits the last few years but are just as capable of a WiiU or GameCube as they are a Switch. And their titles tend to come in and out of vogue until their a new generation of kids or now nostalgic adults to play them

Switch first party has outdone PS4, but Sony have gone from struggling to crack the multi million figure on first party to regularly doing it with ease. And I’d say they are heading into their first generation where they have proven capable of selling a console on their own first party efforts. But that’s undermined if they aren’t going to use it to sell PS5s

Why shouldn’t their goal be that evergreen status Nintendo games have shown? Rather than giving up at the half way mark and going multiplat
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I don’t really care but if I were a shareholder I’d question what the real strategic vision is with these decisions

For MS it makes every bit of sense, they have a platform both in the OS and in Gamepass that releasing more on PC will help grow

Sony don’t seem to have anything on that front. If they had a game store or a controlling stake in Epic that they were wanting to grow EGS or something like Gamepass then I could see how they are carving out a business on PC. But right now it’s just some games here and there for a few extra bucks which seems to undermine their core business of consoles
Releasing on pc makes as much sense for Sony as it does for Microsoft I don't think windows even factors into it , pc is a platform that accomodates everyone and there's alot of potential for growth for both Sony and ms.

I Reckon we'll see a psn/storefront from Sony in a few years time aswell , a full extension of their playstation
ecosystem extended to pc
I'm looking forward to seeing what that looks like .
sure, but that not how this works. The guy who made steamspy actually wrote an article about this back in 2015 i think. He did an analysis back then specifically about this. He said developers are battling for the attention of the "1%-ers". Those are the ones who have hundreds of games in their library and buy new games. The vast majority of people are casuals, they dont care that sony games even exist
Well, back in 2015 Sony games on PC didn't exist.


While I appreciate your perspective, comparing anyone to Nintendo is silly. No other platform holder, when successful, has evergreen titles like Nintendo nor do any other game publisher titles hold their MSRP as well.
You don't think a PS5 completely backwards compatible with all PS4 exclusives revamped at 60fps and higher settings/resolutions to go along with all the new, tons of PS5 exclusives all launched with 60fps modes, would have been as successful as Nintendo?

I disagree. But that's not the case.. at Nintendo are smart, at Sony are whores.
Well, back in 2015 Sony games on PC didn't exist.

yes, but i was saying something completely different. People dont need to look at the percentage of people with 1050's and 1060's. They need to look at 2070 tier and above. Those are the ones buying games. And those number in the tens of millions. The computer market is not as big as all the consoles combined, but its close. And that means that PC is bigger, far bigger than any single console, because they lump all consoles together as if they're one platform. But taken separate, PC is the biggest platform.

So theres no need for people to concern troll how not many have ps5 capable pc's, because plenty do
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What time is it?
You don't think a PS5 completely backwards compatible with all PS4 exclusives revamped at 60fps and higher settings/resolutions to go along with all the new, tons of PS5 exclusives all launched with 60fps modes, would have been as successful as Nintendo?

I disagree. But that's not the case.. at Nintendo are smart, at Sony are whores.

No. I don't think backwards compatibility is important at all when it comes to selling consoles. As far as Sony (whores) and Nintendo (smart), I'm not sure what you prattling on about.
yes, but i was saying something completely different. People dont need to look at the percentage of people with 1050's and 1060's. They need to look at 2070 tier and above. Those are the ones buying games. And those number in the tens of millions. The computer market is not as big as all the consoles combined, but its close. And that means that PC is bigger, far bigger than any single console, because they lump all consoles together as if they're one platform. But taken separate, PC is the biggest platform.

So theres no need for people to concern troll how not many have ps5 capable pc's, because plenty do
O, sorry if I came off incorrectly, I completely agree with you and have made the same argument before.


No. I don't think backwards compatibility is important at all when it comes to selling consoles. As far as Sony (whores) and Nintendo (smart), I'm not sure what you prattling on about.
You don't think all PS4 exclusives ALONG with a whole new generation of new ones would have sell like crazy even among PC players? I play on PC for higher framerates and resolution, things that could have been done on PS5.

At Nintendo are smart because they're perfectly aware that selling their games on PC would ultimately destroy the brand and turn them into a publisher, because imagine prefering playing their outputs on Switch instead of PC.. yet even if they wolud make tons of money, they still refuse to.

On the other hand at Sony all they care now are money, no matter what. Which is the literal definition of whores.


Lol. PC is literally the biggest market on the planet next to phones. New AMD apu's will expand that market considerably more in a very very short time.
This statistic is often floated around as a nominal number to represent how "popular" PC gaming is, but it's rather misleading, just as mobile is considered a leading platform. In a fair comparison, sales of triple-A games should be the focus, because neither mobile games nor every PC can support them at the levels of optimization designed for console.

What you'll often find is that PC sales of triple-A titles make up no more than a quarter of sales for a game that is widely available on console. Once we begin to establish these constraints, we can use it as a baseline for determining whether or not releasing PS exclusives on PC is a sound business decision.

You are living in 05.

Pc is becoming the dominant platform for gaming.
Please see my response above to the previous poster.

Also, I'm gonna low-key flex on you and describe to you that when I show my $2000+ PC with an RTX 3080 and custom loop to my friends and family, they think I'm some kind of genius or a complete fucking moron. The barrier of entry for AAA PC gaming is not user friendly. It expensive, requires constant attention, tinkering, etc. Yes, I enjoy it. Yes, I like calling people console peasants and filthy casuals, but PC will always be a niche in the triple-A space because of these elements.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Normally I'd be excited to clean up IQ in games I like/love, but who even cares since you can't reasonably buy a GPU until late-2022 probably. Great if you managed to get a current gen card though, I'm still stuck on this stinky (read: fantastic) GTX 1080.

I wanna buy a small, ofice spec pc mostly because multidrives lets me easily tow with distros without throwing them into a vm, and my god... I thought I'd buy a 1660 or smth and they sell for 400-500 euro. The only cheap stuff are 730's and 1030's.
This statistic is often floated around as a nominal number to represent how "popular" PC gaming is, but it's rather misleading, just as mobile is considered a leading platform. In a fair comparison, sales of triple-A games should be the focus, because neither mobile games nor every PC can support them at the levels of optimization designed for console.

What you'll often find is that PC sales of triple-A titles make up no more than a quarter of sales for a game that is widely available on console. Once we begin to establish these constraints, we can use it as a baseline for determining whether or not releasing PS exclusives on PC is a sound business decision.

Please see my response above to the previous poster.

Also, I'm gonna low-key flex on you and describe to you that when I show my $2000+ PC with an RTX 3080 and custom loop to my friends and family, they think I'm some kind of genius or a complete fucking moron. The barrier of entry for AAA PC gaming is not user friendly. It expensive, requires constant attention, tinkering, etc. Yes, I enjoy it. Yes, I like calling people console peasants and filthy casuals, but PC will always be a niche in the triple-A space because of these elements.
YOUR PC is niche, PC gaming being so incredibly flexible means that a very LARGE swath of people can play across insane numbers of hardware configurations. The scalability of many different engines proves that point. And new, cheaper, more powerful APU's will expand that market even more so in the very close future.

And tinkering? Playing on PC is easier now than it's ever been in history, you should know that if you've played for a while. Just because you tinker(and I do as well) for min/max performance does not mean that's the standard requirement for every PC gamer as more often than not GFE or AMD's equivalent will set players settings that just work for most people. A vast majority totally accepting of whatever the newest hottest game is at 1080p medium settings or whatever.
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Well the difference is that launching day and date on PC means sales will be higher on PC, as oppose to releasing a 2 or 3 year old game on PC.

There not gonna release day 1 on PC and probably not every Playstation game lol. They’ve released what 2 out of 20+ titles So far?
Your getting way too excited


There not gonna release day 1 on PC and probably not every Playstation game lol. They’ve released what 2 out of 20+ titles So far?
Your getting way too excited
Excited?, give me Bloodborne (which i have already completed twice) and i'm done.
Talking about stuff logically doesnt mean i'm sat here desperate for Playstation games to come to PC.
There not gonna release day 1 on PC and probably not every Playstation game lol. They’ve released what 2 out of 20+ titles So far?
Your getting way too excited
We've got a ton of PlayStation exclusives over the last 3 or 4 years or so. Detroit, Journey, Horizon, Days Gone, Death Stranding, Heavy Rain, Beyond. With rumors of Uncharted and Bloodborne..we are gonna see a lot more. It's an insignificant amount of work for a huge return on profit. Makes logical sense to see them shift trying to grab the PC market.
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YOUR PC is niche, PC gaming being so incredibly flexible means that a very LARGE swath of people can play across insane numbers of hardware configurations. The scalability of many different engines proves that point.
I would suggest to a casual player to purchase a brand new PS5 or XSX to play the new Assassin's Creed or RE Village in 4K if they didn't have a 20 series card or higher.

Scalability =? Optimized.

Playing on PC is easier now than it's ever been in history, you should know that if you've played for a while.
For you and I, yes. I mean, have you ever worked in an office space?

If I could earn a dollar for every console owner that was intimidated by swapping out a HDD in the PS4, or simply installing drivers on a PC, I'd be rich.


It's marketing speak. How exactly would you like that phrased without causing panic to Playstation owners? Look at the uproar that two ports have already caused with the radical fringe.
Lying about it and alienating it's fanbase isn't exactly smart either. People aren't stupid but Sony shouldn't be shocked or look stupid once sales start to suffer on the ps5, hardware and software.


What time is it?
Lying about it and alienating it's fanbase isn't exactly smart either. People aren't stupid but Sony shouldn't be shocked or look stupid once sales start to suffer on the ps5, hardware and software.

It's certainly a risk but the vast majority of the userbase doesn't read marketing speak.

You don't think all PS4 exclusives ALONG with a whole new generation of new ones would have sell like crazy even among PC players? I play on PC for higher framerates and resolution, things that could have been done on PS5.

At Nintendo are smart because they're perfectly aware that selling their games on PC would ultimately destroy the brand and turn them into a publisher, because imagine prefering playing their outputs on Switch instead of PC.. yet even if they wolud make tons of money, they still refuse to.

On the other hand at Sony all they care now are money, no matter what. Which is the literal definition of whores.

I really can't follow your logic, it seems to be a bit all over the place. Every company cares about money. By your logic, if you draw a paycheck, you are a whore. *shrug*
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We've got a ton of PlayStation exclusives over the last 3 or 4 years or so. Detroit, Journey, Horizon, Days Gone, Death Stranding, Heavy Rain, Beyond. With rumors of Uncharted and Bloodborne..we are gonna see a lot more. It's an insignificant amount of work for a huge return on profit. Makes logical sense to see them shift trying to grab the PC market.

Again only 3 of them are actual Sony world wide studio games, Journey coming out 7-8 years later.

They will come but not day 1 and not all of them


Excited?, give me Bloodborne (which i have already completed twice) and i'm done.
Talking about stuff logically doesnt mean i'm sat here desperate for Playstation games to come to PC.

Ive spent over 400 hours in Bloodbourne, Ill only ever play a Sequel, I probably play a bit if it gets an upgrade but Ive done so much already.

Logically or not, Sony isnt releasing day 1 on PC and probably not everything
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Haptic Gamepads 4 Life
Not superior in any way considering the PS5 pro or PS6 will be backwards compatible by the time these games release.

Right now you got PS4 games and some more in the pipeline. PS5 games are years away.

Lets not forget MOST PC gamers don't even have a PC everywhere close to a PS5 in specs T

This notion that PC gamers play on superior hardware is a myth. Some do most don't.
Uh? When PS5 pro or PS6 launches PC will still have the usual excellent backward compatibility far better than any BC of any console.

And why should I care what hardware most pc gamers will have when the games release? I care what I have.


I wanna buy a small, ofice spec pc mostly because multidrives lets me easily tow with distros without throwing them into a vm, and my god... I thought I'd buy a 1660 or smth and they sell for 400-500 euro. The only cheap stuff are 730's and 1030's.

I sold a HD 7770 for £60 this year and there was a new one listed for £120 which I'm pretty sure is above RRP. That card came out 9 years ago! Its crazy.

I have a 3870 512MB, is that any use to you?
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I get the intent of putting “each” in all caps for the title of this, but I’m not sure it necessarily means that every exclusive is coming to PC. Reads to me more like Mr. Hulst is saying they will continue to look for the right timing of release for each game that they have chosen to release on PC.

But I could be wrong as well, so time will tell.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
People have GOT to be trolling at this point right. There's NO WAY people are this mad at Herman and Jim Ryan.

You'd hope so, but either way they aren't worth taking seriously.

Especially given the whole premise is so patently daft.


You mean the Mediocre titles that you’re dying to release on your platform of choice even years later? You run jetpack mods and “beat” the game in 5 years. I’ll discover it day 1 on a closed system and let you know how it is :)
Is this some sort of 1st reply on youtube but with gaming? Nah nah nah nah, i played the game first.
Been trying to tell people for ages on here. The writing is on the wall, people just dont want to see it.
I will be super surprised if by the time we reach the end of this gen, PS5 games are not launching day and date on PC.
They will release the games in pc only after they don’t earn anything on it anymore from PlayStation. And in the process they hope to convince some pc gamers to buy a PlayStation because they don’t want to wait years for these awesome games. PlayStation games will never be day and date on pc lol. What they’re doing now is just milking the games to the max revenue.


Remember when you wanted to play a game, but then remembered others could enjoy it too and lost all interest?

You are only looking at it from your point of view... many people bought PS5's with the impression that they would gen next gen only titles and real exclusives.

With the two PS5's, games and peripherals etc, as well as the OLED I bought specifically for these games, I could have gotten a rig with a 3080 like my brother.....

If they want to put their games on PC, fine.... just shut down all the playstation production and stop lying to people and using these bait and switch tactics.


You'd hope so, but either way they aren't worth taking seriously.

Especially given the whole premise is so patently daft.

You're right. I have to stop taking them seriously. It makes me wonder what point are they trying to prove. But I guess people need to get their jokes off, so it's cool. It seems Sony stay laughing all the way to the bank, so they are clearly doing something right.


You are only looking at it from your point of view... many people bought PS5's with the impression that they would gen next gen only titles and real exclusives.

With the two PS5's, games and peripherals etc, as well as the OLED I bought specifically for these games, I could have gotten a rig with a 3080 like my brother.....

If they want to put their games on PC, fine.... just shut down all the playstation production and stop lying to people and using these bait and switch tactics.

You're better than this Bryank75. Stop it bro. Go smoke a cig or go to sleep or something. Everything is cool man.


these clowns are destroying playstation since the hq moved to usa, the japanese lords must intervene and save the brand
Since the 2016 restructure of SCE into SIE, PlayStation has still been run by Japanese and European people.
(And Shawn Layden, the ONLY American EVER in SIE leadership, retired.)

The "Japanese lords" are the exact people who hand picked Jim Ryan. Sony Corp CEO Ken Yoshida loves Jimbo .. and money.


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