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"I believe in the 1st amendment and boobs" - Clay Travis declares on CNN

Cat Party

How very "grown up" of you.
Personally I find this funny just by the sheer absurdity of it.

Maybe you should "grow up" and realize that some people find things you don't find funny, funny.

You'd be surprised how many 'woke' university students love and laugh hysterically at sexual jokes about dicks, breasts, what have you. Absurdity and sexual jokes can and (imo) should be funny.

Mind you, i still think Clay Travis is a dumbass for doing this. Doesn't mean I can't have a good laugh at life being weird sometimes.

I'm not dead inside yet, mister golden standard of comedy.

Oh, is that what i said? or is that what you wish i had said? Because it sounds like you skimmed and just posted nonsense.

I said he was a dumbass for doing this. Did you miss that?
you probably did, yeah?


Anywho, I'm not saying that my finding it funny excuses him. Not at all.
I'm saying that people in this thread are allowed to find this funny for a variety of reasons without being horrible people for finding it funny.

Jesus christ, some of you w/ your mental gymnastics.

Jesus Christ, are you just that dense or something?
I know you want to make me out as some Republican boogyman (I'm a liberal canadian voter, sorry to disappoint), but it seems like you have your head a lil up your own ass mate.

Again, he was a dumbass for doing this.
I find the fact that this happened at all humorous. I also think that it was inappropriate and sympathize with person whom it was targeted towards.

I can be both. Sympathetic and find it funny.
Like reading r/ nottheonion. Finding Absurdity funny isn't some weird shit.
Finding Absurdity funny isn't something only children do.
I'm not laughing at his joke, i'm laughing at the absurdity of the whole situation.

I know its a bit of a meme that people think liberals can't find anything funny ever, but jesus some of you are just reinforcing that meme holy shit.
You aren't clever. You aren't finding absurdity in something. You're laughing at an asshole using his privilege to make a woman uncomfortable. You need to grow the fuck up.


Jesus Christ, are you just that dense or something?
I know you want to make me out as some Republican boogyman (I'm a liberal canadian voter, sorry to disappoint), but it seems like you have your head a lil up your own ass mate.

Again, he was a dumbass for doing this.
I find the fact that this happened at all humorous. I also think that it was inappropriate and sympathize with person whom it was targeted towards.

I can be both. Sympathetic and find it funny.
Like reading r/ nottheonion. Finding Absurdity funny isn't some weird shit.
Finding Absurdity funny isn't something only children do.
I'm not laughing at his joke, i'm laughing at the absurdity of the whole situation.

I know its a bit of a meme that people think liberals can't find anything funny ever, but jesus some of you are just reinforcing that meme holy shit.

LOL sorry boo I don't give a crap if you are Republican or whatever you wanna label yourself. I find it sad that a woman in that situation is funny to you. Kinda like in college where some idiot shouts out penis for no reason and you find it funny even though in that setting it undermines the professor and people who are trying to learn hence grow the fuck up. You wanna stick your head up whoever's ass is not of my concern boo cos clearly you have a hard on for painting yourself as a victim when your points are challenged


If this was in the UK it would be laughed off, the amount of openness UK TV presenters and guests have about Sex/Sexuality is world's away from America.


Junior Member
Ahh... American TV

So it is the same as The Sopranos, Dateline, The Wire, Sportscenter, South Park, Sunday morning religious shows. NFL games, Game of Thrones, Rick and Morty, CSI whatever..

And that is just the first ten things that came to my mind.

American TV where ignorant people equate Jerry Springer to The Wire.
LOL sorry boo I don't give a crap if you are Republican or whatever you wanna label yourself. I find it sad that a woman in that situation is funny to you. Kinda like in college where some idiot shouts out penis for no reason and you find it funny even though in that setting it undermines the professor and people who are trying to learn hence grow the fuck up. You wanna stick your head up whoever's ass is not of my concern boo cos clearly you have a hard on for painting yourself as a victim when your points are challenged

Yes imagine that but also just like shouting penis it's not funny.


Junior Member
LOL sorry boo I don't give a crap if you are Republican or whatever you wanna label yourself. I find it sad that a woman in that situation is funny to you. Kinda like in college where some idiot shouts out penis for no reason and you find it funny even though in that setting it undermines the professor and people who are trying to learn hence grow the fuck up. You wanna stick your head up whoever's ass is not of my concern boo cos clearly you have a hard on for painting yourself as a victim when your points are challenged

What college did you go to where this was a thing?

There are arguments to be had, and people who invent arguments that are complete bull shit.

You imagine a universe that does not exist, or at best over the course of a 1000 situations, maybe it happens once.

Your higher concept of reality is bull shit.

You do a diservice to actual problems by creating situations in order to divide.??


If it wasn't clear before: grow the fuck up.

Whoa. Yes sir!

You aren't clever. You aren't finding absurdity in something. You're laughing at an asshole using his privilege to make a woman uncomfortable. You need to grow the fuck up.

What privilege? White male? Dude said he liked boobs. Jesus, maybe you need to grow up and understand some people don't have class in this world and like to speak their mind. It wasn't exactly an insult, and it was common "dudebro" chatter. If that hurts you that bad then you have little experience on this planet.


I'm gonna be honest and say it's sad that the controversial statement is the one about breasts an not the affinity for killing machines.


If this was in the UK it would be laughed off, the amount of openness UK TV presenters and guests have about Sex/Sexuality is world's away from America.

If this happened on BBC news, Radio or TV, they would be chastised and cut away from. If this happened on Channel 4 news, the host would be baffled and move away from it to a different guest. If this happened on ITV, the host would be confused and move on. If this happened on Channel 5 news, nobody would ever know.

It wasn't exactly an insult, and it was common "dudebro" chatter. If that hurts you that bad then you have little experience on this planet.

"Time and place" comes to mind


Clay is an ass, but CNN knows who these people are.

They want to stop being a joke of a network? Stop inviting idiots on who hate intelligent discourse.
Yep. The guy is a tool and CNN definitely knows what they're getting. It's still an idiotic thing to say in any context except maybe a stand up comedy routine.
Im not offended , im male though , but come on. That was just dumb and pointless and is sexist he said it with a female there

Maybe it'd be sexist if he said he liked her tits.

Saying you like all tits isn't sexist. Especially when it's obviously being done in such a silly, ridiculous way.
You probably think pewdiepie is fine too?

He's a fucking racist that's getting too much attention. I mean if you are still a fan of him after everything that's he's done then no amount of outing him will convince you to hate him. I mean there is a topic on this board every time he says something racist, why?


Jesus Christ, are you just that dense or something?
I know you want to make me out as some Republican boogyman (I'm a liberal canadian voter, sorry to disappoint), but it seems like you have your head a lil up your own ass mate.

Again, he was a dumbass for doing this.
I find the fact that this happened at all humorous. I also think that it was inappropriate and sympathize with person whom it was targeted towards.

I can be both. Sympathetic and find it funny.
Like reading r/ nottheonion. Finding Absurdity funny isn't some weird shit.
Finding Absurdity funny isn't something only children do.
I'm not laughing at his joke, i'm laughing at the absurdity of the whole situation.

I know its a bit of a meme that people think liberals can't find anything funny ever, but jesus some of you are just reinforcing that meme holy shit.
This is the sort of mentality that gave us Trump as president.
I don't want Trump as president, but isn't the fact of him being president hilarious?
it's not


This is the sort of mentality that gave us Trump as president.
I don't want Trump as president, but isn't the fact of him being president hilarious?
it's not


This base need to find entertainment in EVERYTHING is why we have a fucking clown in the White House now.

When did people lose the ability to discern, "ok, in a lighthearted social situation that would have been a funny thing to say (maybe). But in a news segment on a serious subject in response to a serious question regarding the future of an actual person's career... No, it's not funny. It's borderline sexist and dumb-as-shit"?

It's so fucking middle school. The idea that inserting the word "boob" into any context is automatically funny just takes me back to middle school, and the little shits laughing in the back because they just realized that 'farthings' has the word 'fart' in it.
This is the sort of mentality that gave us Trump as president.
I don't want Trump as president, but isn't the fact of him being president hilarious?
it's not

Give me a fucking break, trump is president because this fucking country is still full of angry racist assholes and not because of the lulz.


Give me a fucking break, trump is president because this fucking country is still full of angry racist assholes and not because of the lulz.

There are statistics that show that "will it piss off liberals?" is a factor in which policies and actions conservatives support. Basically, trolling.

So yeah, the lulz has a little bit to do with it.


Why can't it be both funny and inappropriate? The two aren't mutually exclusive. I laughed at it but also felt it wasn't the right place. The reaction from the broadcaster seemed a bit over the top though.
Lol at people thinking others finding humor in something being the reason we have a president about as useful as a bag full of assholes.

I dislike Trump as much as the next sane person, but damn, everything doesn't have to relate back to him.

It's like the perpetual Kevin Bacon game on here.


Lol at people thinking others finding humor in something being the reason we have a president about as useful as a bag full of assholes.

I dislike Trump as much as the next sane person, but damn, everything doesn't have to relate back to him.

It's like the perpetual Kevin Bacon game on here.

Nobody is arguing that this is THE reason. But I think it's tough to argue that the constant drive for entertainment value hasn't watered down serious discussion in this country.

I mean, it's hard to imagine that CNN, with the reputation it once held, would even invite this man on. But not only did they invite him on, they're inviting him back.


keep your strippers out of my American football
Clay Travis is another one of those loudmouth attention seeking morons.

True, and it is on CNN for putting him on. He is a troll for a living, so why in the hell would CNN invite him to have a serious conversation? It makes no sense. But they are getting people talking about CNN, so I am sure they are fine with it. Clay is getting press, CNN is getting press, everybody wins, I guess. Given Clay's history, anyone at CNN being shocked and appalled didn't do their homework or is being disingenuous.

CNN used to be the standard, now Teen Vogue has more journalistic integrity.


True, and it is on CNN for putting him on. He is a troll for a living, so why in the hell would CNN invite him to have a serious conversation? It makes no sense. But they are getting people talking about CNN, so I am sure they are fine with it. Clay is getting press, CNN is getting press, everybody wins, I guess. Given Clay's history, anyone at CNN being shocked and appalled didn't do their homework or is being disingenuous.

CNN used to be the standard, now Teen Vogue has more journalistic integrity.

I'm starting to wonder if this is still true.

MSNBC has pulled ahead of CNN in ratings for the last few months. CNN dominated MSNBC for most of 2016. https://www.broadwayworld.com/bwwtv...e-in-1Q17-Shattering-Ratings-Records-20170327

It could be just a blip, but my hope is people are finally getting tired of CNN's loud-ass panels and WWE-like take on the news.


True, and it is on CNN for putting him on. He is a troll for a living, so why in the hell would CNN invite him to have a serious conversation?

The guy was brought on to make waves, absolutely. I'm positive that a producer at the very least gave him the green light to push the boundaries. It wouldn't be the least bit surprising if they workshoped the line verbatim. Segments like that are entertainment, not journalism. To have a serious discussion about it is farcical.


Before I respond, I think it was a dumb comment,
but I just think the reactions I've seen are over the top...
So the boob guy and Trump want a female ESPN journalist to be fired for saying Trump is a white nationalists on social media (if I'm not mistaken). He doesn't even allow the conversation on the issue to take place because he just has to declare his love and belief for the 1st amendment and boobs.

So what does boobs have to do with anything in this context? He's trolling Brooke, CNN's viewers (CNN does that to them enough) and women.

Women's breasts don't need him to believe in them. They already exist. They're a body part, not an important amendment to our nation's most important document. They have nothing to do with each other.
You're wrong on one point. Ive only ever seen this fox guy in this clip, but he never said she should be fired for racist comments alone. His point was that ESPN fired someone for making a conservative comment regarding the transgender washroom issue, so they should double down on their stance that ESPN should not be political, and fire both him and her. He said neither should have been fired in the first place which I agree with, but once you set a precedent, you should stick with that.

His boob comment was absolutely him trolling and having fun, but I don't see how it's inherently sexist. The other guest called the comment sexist, and referred to the ESPN anchors history of dealing with sexism.

It was just a comment mentioning boobs though, it wasn't an attack on any particular person. I feel like if it was a female who said "I only believe in the first amendment and dick", the reaction would not have been as dramatic.

Just like how girls on the talk got away with joking about a man being mutilated: https://youtu.be/qnXCPcq_RTY

That would not have flown if it was reversed.

Maybe because this dumbass was speaking to a female journalist about the professional career and comments of another female journalist, and the only interesting and vaguely topical thing he could think to say was "the only two things I believe in are the first amendment and boobs."

It wasn't a joke because a) it wasn't funny; and b) he quadrupled down on it. I mean, take that shit to the nearest Dave and Busters, not a fucking news segment on a serious subject.

If anything is a fucking joke, it's that this guy thought a reference to his MACHO MASCULINE GRRRR BOOBS AMIRITE!?-ness would somehow reinforce the integrity of his opinion instead of the complete opposite.
I dont think I agree with anything, other than it was a bad/stupid joke. He was being edgy, obviously thought he was hilarious based off that smirk after he said it. I just don't see how it's super offensive or sexist.

Also, reminds me of this: https://youtu.be/KfhMDt92F8Q


I didn't even think it was funny. It was only somewhat assuming because of Brooke Baldwin's reaction which was basically "What the fuck did you just say?" and then basically telling him to fuck off and ending the segment. So to me, the funny part was seeing this guy get his teeth kicked in by this anchor. He's probably said shit similar to this so many times, that he thought nothing of saying it here because no one ever called him out on it and I think most anchors (including female anchors) would have let it go but she didn't and I have to give her props for that.
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