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"I believe in the 1st amendment and boobs" - Clay Travis declares on CNN

Well he’s costing himself money so he’s an idiot.

I don’t really give a shit what these people do. Why on earth I would be offended by something one person says is beyond me. These daily outrage hunts are really pretty silly.

I think it's more about this:

"Stop disrespecting me in front of my face"
"I'm going to disrespect you in front of your face, freedom of speech"

That's the tug of war.
I think it's more about this:

"Stop disrespecting me in front of my face"
"I'm going to disrespect you in front of your face, freedom of speech"

That's the tug of war.

The idea a woman is being disrespected because a guy says he likes boobs is kind of silly.

If he had said to the host specifically she had good tits, I think everyone would say that's out of line. His statement is broad, accurate (men like tits) and pretty harmless.


I like to insert my penis into a woman's vagina until I ejaculate.

Sorry that you're offended, bro. That's what most guys like to do. I should be able to say it freely in any setting.


The idea a woman is being disrespected because a guy says he likes boobs is kind of silly.

If he had said to the host specifically she had good tits, I think everyone would say that's out of line. His statement is broad, accurate (men like tits) and pretty harmless.

Or maybe both are out of line.


I like to insert my penis into a woman's vagina until I ejaculate.

Sorry that you're offended, bro. That's what most guys like to do. I should be able to say it freely in any setting.


I... honestly.... no....... I......


She, and most of you, need to lighten up. If this was British TV the host would have said something like 'OK...let's try and keep this discussion away from our favourite body parts shall we?', and carried on.


She, and most of you, need to lighten up. If this was British TV the host would have said something like 'OK...let's try and keep this discussion away from our favourite body parts shall we?', and carried on.
I'm sure some American hosts would do that too. Some are just better at thinking quickly. This host got shook and didn't do what to do which is why this is a bigger deal than it should be. A better host would have difused his attempt to be shocking much better.


She, and most of you, need to lighten up. If this was British TV the host would have said something like 'OK...let's try and keep this discussion away from our favourite body parts shall we?', and carried on.

Cool story.

Great way to dictate how a person should feel after being undermined during a discussion about a serious issue.
What's hilarious to me is even after they moved to the next guest, she went back to the boob comment to harp on it some more and forced him to repeat it again... haha. CNN is such a shit show.


some of you have a grotesque lack of social awareness befitting 19 year olds in a frat house.

"haha tits are great amirite"

nobody cares that you like boobs. It's not even that you can't joke about you liking boobs. But the context of which you bring up you liking boobs make you look like a dork.


I don't think it's offensive, it's just stupid and juvenile. As in "no one cares you weirdo".

Yeah, basically. If I heard that randomly dropped during a serious conversation I'd just scratch my head. 'Uhh... Thanks?'

Wasn't she the one who literally cried on air when someone (who was actually quoting someone else) dropped the n-word?

She comes off as kind of childish to me, actually.


Does anyone actually view the forum in question as more than a ratings obsessed entertainment cable "news" segment? The comment is ludicrous and that's exactly what the producers wanted when they booked him on the show. They knew exactly what they were getting and it apparently worked.


Gold Member
Yeah, basically. If I heard that randomly dropped during a serious conversation I'd just scratch my head. 'Uhh... Thanks?'

Wasn't she the one who literally cried on air when someone (who was actually quoting someone else) dropped the n-word?

She comes off as kind of childish to me, actually.

Yeah, she comes off as a complete drama queen, squeaky wheels are what leads to Trump in government.


The idea a woman is being disrespected because a guy says he likes boobs is kind of silly.

If he had said to the host specifically she had good tits, I think everyone would say that's out of line. His statement is broad, accurate (men like tits) and pretty harmless.
Time and place. That was niether.

Two Words

I'd say that when you are on live tv on a station like CNN, maintaining professional work level conduct is a good bar. How many of you here would be talking about how you love titties at work among your staff? If you would, what's is your job?

Gaf has been a weird place lately. So many weird posts. So many people getting banned.

And some posts in this thread... are weird too. What the heck.

OT: why would anyone say something like that? What?


good credit (by proxy)
I'm a man! I will to assert my power! Look how alpha I am! I'm the best! I'm white too! I have a lot of opinions! My opinions matter because I'm smart! You can tell how smart I am because I speak confidently, unlike those nerdy beta scientist types!



time to take my meds
i mean i like boobs.

inappropriate place to say it but i don't he should get roasted on that comment alone.

censoring everybody's thoughts are how we ended up with the MAGA bullshit rhetoric.

Stupid dude who said something dumb at an inappropriate time for sure. Got the attention that he wanted and was quickly booted off the air.

Past that why is this story getting any more attention?

triggering. triggering everywhere.


i mean i like boobs.

inappropriate place to say it but i don't he should get roasted on that comment alone.

censoring everybody's thoughts are how we ended up with the MAGA bullshit rhetoric.

triggering. triggering everywhere.

Nobody's censoring anything. It's calling a stupid comment, a stupid comment. Maybe don't be such a snowflake when people react to your stupid comments.


Got a chuckle out of me. He made a short light hearted comment and was ready to move on but soon as the other two were SHOCKED he decided to fuck with them a bit.


time to take my meds
Nobody's censoring anything. It's calling a stupid comment, a stupid comment.

Did she not close the interview early? He should have been called out on his stupid comment and moved on. Instead the conversation completely, even cutting off what the black guy had to say.

Maybe don't be such a snowflake when people react to your stupid comments.

the irony of this. lol


Did she not close the interview early? He should have been called out on his stupid comment and moved on. Instead the conversation completely, even cutting off what the black guy had to say.

One of the consequences of behaving like a jackass is that people sometimes stop interacting with you. That's pretty normal social behavior.


"the only two things I believe in are the first amendment and boobs" captures the current state of the republican party pretty well

maybe tack an "i'm not racist, but" onto the front of it too


Ugh what a dick. Pretty unbelievable (not really though) that people are defending such a blatant use of straight make privilege and claiming it isn't sexist. I have a hard time believing that any woman could go on air and openly flaunt her sexual preferences on live TV and not receive a totally different, harsher backlash. The anchor did the right thing since he was just wasting her time on air, although it's too bad she cut off her other guest as well
This whole thread has been pretty funny but this really takes the cake. How does one post something like that without the slightest self awareness?

Because this isn't CNN, and you're not talking to millions of people.

I say "fuck" here. Don't expect me to do so when my boss asks me why some of my team haven't finished their asignments.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Currently dreaming about how MAGA snowflakes and the rest of their ilk would react if instead of the guy talking about boobs this was a woman or a gay dude talking about dicks.


My take as a woman who happens to have boobs:

The comment was offensive because it it was even a compliment to women. Just boobs on general. Like women only exist for his enjoyment of boobs. It's definitely not something to say in a professional setting, especially to a woman, who have had to fight for literally centuries to be considered more than than just the parts that being men pleasure.

Talk about it with your buddies at the bar. What the fuck ever.

Fuck you if you say it a professional woman who's likely had to claw her way to the top and fend off comments about her locks and genitalia.


It's not difficult to avoid sounding like a 12 year old is the whole issue to me. They guy gets his jollies being a shock jock though and CNN likely knew what they were getting into. Setting up someone who will inevitably disrespect your own anchors seems like a shitty way to go.
My take as a woman who happens to have boobs:

The comment was offensive because it it was even a compliment to women. Just boobs on general. Like women only exist for his enjoyment of boobs. It's definitely not something to say in a professional setting, especially to a woman, who have had to fight for literally centuries to be considered more than than just the parts that being men pleasure.

Talk about it with your buddies at the bar. What the fuck ever.

Fuck you if you say it a professional woman who's likely had to claw her way to the top and fend off comments about her locks and genitalia.

Yea. I gotta cosign this. There's just shit you don't say in a professional setting.


Who doesn't believe in boobs? I mean, to be nursed by our mothers was the first way of ingestion we all experienced, right? That alone is enough to worship boobs as much as constitutional rights.

Also, I have the strong feeling some people really wish for a dystopian society like depicted in Demolition Man to become true, one wrong not pc word spoken and, baam, you get fined for language violation.
i mean i like boobs.

inappropriate place to say it but i don't he should get roasted on that comment alone.

censoring everybody's thoughts are how we ended up with the MAGA bullshit rhetoric.

triggering. triggering everywhere.

What do people not get about taking responsibility for their words? Just because you have the right to say shit doesn't mean you for some reason are immune to backlash or criticism.

It's ridiculous how many people need education on what freedom of speech actually is.
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