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"I believe in the 1st amendment and boobs" - Clay Travis declares on CNN

I think many conservatives have an obsession with making these anti-PC, offensive statements because saying "1st amendment and boobs" on air is the testing grounds for spouting off about their core beliefs in regard to white supremacy/white nationalism. At least in terms of declaring something shocking and then seeing how much fall out they suffer for it. They aren't up in arms about being PC because they have a burning need to declare their support of boobs. They get up in arms about it because they don't feel like they have comfortable outlets to "tell it like it is" regarding immigrants, Jews, black people, etc.

Overall it feels more and more like the Republican party is going to inevitably become an openly white supremacist party over the next decade. Their follow up to Trump will be worse than Trump. I don't see a reality where white peoples' demographic advantage disappears for the first time since 1610 and then white people go gently into that good night about it.


Stupid dude who said something dumb at an inappropriate time for sure. Got the attention that he wanted and was quickly booted off the air.

Past that why is this story getting any more attention?


A scientist and gentleman in the manner of Batman.
I disagree. It is deeply inappropriate to say it, it makes the conversation entirely about him (as evidenced by this whole thread) rather than the serious issue at hand, and is another case of the male gaze triumphing over all else. However i never got the impression that him talking about boobs was about anything but his own preference. This is narcissism, not harassment. He's attention seeking.

I think it's both. Opportunistically getting an inappropriate sexual jab in while attention whoring.




Oh why am I not so surprised that a thread like this will always have PoS posters that come in to make it a T&A war. Because that's the totally mature and respectful thing to do!


Gold Member
I'm more of a thirteenth amendment and ass man myself.

And that's a really stupid thing to say in an interview.


Honestly in the grand scheme of things it isn't a big deal. It is a completely absurd situation, and his absolute sincerity is something to behold. The problem really is that hetero male sexual preference is everywhere, we don't really need it injected into conversations about this kind of subject matter (the Trump-ESPN attempt to pressure into firing). It is just indulgent and unnecessary. I don't think he intended it as an attempt to disrespect the two female reporters, but it is disrespectful and narcissistic to be such an idiot. Talking about his sexual preference offers no content to the discussion.


It's funny how much this post can apply to everyone who used this thread as an opportunity to inject their opinion on boobs vs butts as well.

Seriously, folks. Think about what you're doing there.

Also this.


Inappropriate? Yes. Great live TV comedy? Yes.

Turning other people's serious business into a personal joke is incredibly selfish, borderline narcissism. Andy Kaufman is the goat at those types of moments and yet somehow he always could pick the right time and place to do it...and he created literally the most racist character ever.

Of course nowadays that character may not even be seen as such. How sad.
What the hell goes through your mind that you think that is a thing to say. Totally inappropriate. So absurd and out of place that I can't even find much humor in it like some.
There's a time and place to discuss boobs but it seemed inappropriate to randomly throw in a comment about boobs when discussing the controversy of a woman calling Trump a racist bigot on live national television


Inappropriate? Yes. Great live TV comedy? Yes.

This right here sums up the problem with American politics and why a man like Donald Trump could get elected in the first place.

We're talking about real people here. This shit isn't funny. Men who talk and think like this, and believe it's completely appropriate and accepted, hold sway and actual power to affect other people's lives.

This man you're laughing at is leading an actual charge to have a woman fired from her job because our white supremacist president wants it so.
Dude is an utter moron but I felt the host slightly played into his hand by reacting as strongly. At this point you cut off the assclown from the air and move on. There's no point in engaging with sub-schoolyard level of discourse.


clay travis is a fucking idiot

Yeah, big idiot who I didn't even know existed 20 min ago and he is all over my twitter, facebook and here. Shit, most in his position would pay a shitload for this kind of viral storm. Googling him shows he works for fox sports so I am sure most of the people who would enjoy him will find him now and it's all good for him. I see no down side for him in this situation. If I was Eddie Bravo I would say it was all faked to make him bigger.

"He works as an analyst on Fox Sports 1's college football pre-game show, as well as their weekly SEC football show."

Sounds like the right demographic to enjoy a guy that enjoys boobs. The host made it such a big deal that here we are a possible asshole (got no idea didn't even see him once before this) is getting all kinds of coverage.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
It's douches like this that give noble and honorable boob appreciators a bad name.
Clay is an ass, but CNN knows who these people are.

They want to stop being a joke of a network? Stop inviting idiots on who hate intelligent discourse.
Clay is an ass, but CNN knows who these people are.

They want to stop being a joke of a network? Stop inviting idiots on who hate intelligent discourse.
I feel bad for the host because she probably had nothing to do with it.

Yeah, CNN booked him hoping he'd say something stupid. He's an irredeemable, walking hot take transitioning his dog whistling sports media career into a bog standard conservative frat jock routine. He has no notable expertise or viewpoint other than the inclination to play to the dumbest and most easily won demographic: racist and fragile white men.

But we give these types platform after platform, and CNN is just continuing the pattern.


I was hoping he was just too much of an jackass to confirm he meant b-o-o-z-e. Either way, dude's a jackass.

And seriously, CNN needs to realize this kind of shit isn't worth it.
I still don't understand what "believing" in boobs means... he's just shoving the word boob into his sentence because lol I love boobs.

I'm a pretty crass person personally but if you're trying to have a debate on a news channel you gotta lay off the dumb teen cracks.


Clay Travis is a professional troll and he trolled the shit out of CNN. They brought him on to debate why it's completely ok to call the president a white supremacist because of the first amendment and then they proceed to lose their shit when he says the word "boobs". Now he's making t-shirts of it and donating the profits to breast cancer research. He came off like a childish idiot but he knew what he was doing.

This right here. Dude is a lot of things, but one thing no one can deny about Clay is that he's a marketing genius. He's been playing this game for a while now and getting filthy rich off it.


Boobs, a sensitive topic.

Wow! Thanks for contributing. I've posted something dismissive about FS1 anchors(because they are hacks), a funny gif(because that is all he deserves), and you made a post dismissing misogyny... because... Why?
What type of trash person do you have to be to feel comfortable saying that statement multiple times on live television?
I mean, its a joke. The joke can be funny. The context is what makes it so stupid.

If Obama was still our president men like this would be facing trial.
Hahaha, what is this?

Clay Travis is a professional troll and he trolled the shit out of CNN. They brought him on to debate why it's completely ok to call the president a white supremacist because of the first amendment and then they proceed to lose their shit when he says the word "boobs". Now he's making t-shirts of it and donating the profits to breast cancer research. He came off like a childish idiot but he knew what he was doing.

Yup. Overreaction is exactly what he wanted, and exactly what is happening in this thread.

Cat Party

The dude appreciates boobs. They have never let him down. No big deal.

Lmao. What alternate universe did you come from...

I mean, its a joke. The joke can be funny. The context is what makes it so stupid.

Hahaha, what is this?

Yup. Overreaction is exactly what he wanted, and exactly what is happening in this thread.

Grow up? I stated that it is inappropriate. That doesn't mean I can't find the humor in him saying it on live TV along with the reactions.

If that offends you, apologies.
If it wasn't clear before: grow the fuck up.


If it wasn't clear before: grow the fuck up.

How very "grown up" of you.
Personally I find this funny just by the sheer absurdity of it.

Maybe you should "grow up" and realize that some people find things you don't find funny, funny.

You'd be surprised how many 'woke' university students love and laugh hysterically at sexual jokes about dicks, breasts, what have you. Absurdity and sexual jokes can and (imo) should be funny.

Mind you, i still think Clay Travis is a dumbass for doing this. Doesn't mean I can't have a good laugh at life being weird sometimes.

I'm not dead inside yet, mister golden standard of comedy.


How very "grown up" of you.
Personally I find this funny just by the sheer absurdity of it.

Maybe you should "grow up" and realize that some people find things you don't find funny, funny.

You'd be surprised how many 'woke' university students love and laugh hysterically at sexual jokes about dicks, breasts, what have you. Absurdity and sexual jokes can and (imo) should be funny.

Mind you, i still think Clay Travis is a dumbass for doing this. Doesn't mean I can't have a good laugh at life being weird sometimes.

I'm not dead inside yet, mister golden standard of comedy.

Ya boo, it's just comedy just like before that was just locker room talk right. Women are just objects of jokes who cares if she is clearly uncomfortable


Ya boo, it's just comedy just like before that was just locker room talk right. Women are just objects of jokes who cares if she is clearly uncomfortable

Oh, is that what i said? or is that what you wish i had said? Because it sounds like you skimmed and just posted nonsense.

I said he was a dumbass for doing this. Did you miss that?
you probably did, yeah?


Anywho, I'm not saying that my finding it funny excuses him. Not at all.
I'm saying that people in this thread are allowed to find this funny for a variety of reasons without being horrible people for finding it funny.

Jesus christ, some of you w/ your mental gymnastics.


Oh, is that what i said? or is that what you wish i had said? Because it sounds like you skimmed and just posted nonsense.

I said he was a dumbass for doing this. Did you miss that?
you probably did, yeah?


Anywho, I'm not saying that my finding it funny excuses him. Not at all.
I'm saying that people in this thread are allowed to find this funny for a variety of reasons without being horrible people for finding it funny.

Jesus christ, some of you w/ your mental gymnastics.

Ya and ppl who find it funny should grow the fuck up cos clearly someone is not comfortable in that professional situation is that really so difficult to understand or comprehend or do you need more mental gymnastics?


Junior Member
This is a nobody, trying to be a Howard Stern late 90's era. It is just empty bull shot from a wanna be shock jock that nobody was familiar with before this episode. Let it die and never mention his name again.


Ya and ppl who find it funny should grow the fuck up cos clearly someone is not comfortable in that professional situation is that really so difficult to understand or comprehend or do you need more mental gymnastics?

Jesus Christ, are you just that dense or something?
I know you want to make me out as some Republican boogyman (I'm a liberal canadian voter, sorry to disappoint), but it seems like you have your head a lil up your own ass mate.

Again, he was a dumbass for doing this.
I find the fact that this happened at all humorous. I also think that it was inappropriate and sympathize with person whom it was targeted towards.

I can be both. Sympathetic and find it funny.
Like reading r/ nottheonion. Finding Absurdity funny isn't some weird shit.
Finding Absurdity funny isn't something only children do.
I'm not laughing at his joke, i'm laughing at the absurdity of the whole situation.

I know its a bit of a meme that people think liberals can't find anything funny ever, but jesus some of you are just reinforcing that meme holy shit.
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