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IGN: Ryse's multiplayer looks nothing like the released footage, doesn't feel nextgen


I hope this doesn't poison the well for Gladiator action games on consoles like Lair did for dragon games.

I want a good fighter/action game with gladiators wearing flashy helmets and a dragon game using GoW's flesh tearing tech and Deep Down like fire effects :(


I hope this doesn't poison the well for Gladiator action games on consoles like Lair did for dragon games.

I want a good fighter/action game with gladiators wearing flashy helmets and a dragon game using GoW's flesh tearing tech and Deep Down like fire effects :(

Make Gladiator-themed spinoff of Chivalry.

Achieve profit.
Don't know why, but can't get this out of my head when I see the sword smashing.


Lmao..this thread is golden. MS dropping dat AAA heat!
Neither was 'truly, truly, terrible.' Such hyperbole.

It really isn't. It's an entirely accurate description of both games. If you liked them, that's cool. Even I like games that most would consider to be truly terrible.

I hope this doesn't poison the well for Gladiator action games on consoles like Lair did for dragon games.

I want a good fighter/action game with gladiators wearing flashy helmets and a dragon game using GoW's flesh tearing tech and Deep Down like fire effects :(

What we need is a high budget game based on Blood and Sand with a competitive chariot racing mode ripped straight from Circus Maximus.


I'm not saying it's going to happen for sure, but when I saw PGR3 at the Game Convention in Leipzig in August, 3 months before the Xbox 360 launch, the build shown was running at something like 5 fps. Performance for launch titles is usually one of the last thing the devs can actually work on, due to not finalized hardware and SDK. I know that the One hardware is already much more mature than the 360 was at the same date in the dev cycle of the console, but it's still possible that the performance issues in DR3 are going to be fixed by launch. I'm not holding my breath though.

Yeah optimizing seems way less complicated then some of the coding issues Ryse seems to have. Cut back on effects or number of zombies for instance...or rez
If you buy this game you will get boned. It's no better than Genji was. Beware. Don't free pass this terrible looking game and buy it.


Gold Member
I'll watch later, but comments like these from IGN make me wonder why developers like CDPR think it's wise to show off unfinished games behind closed doors when idiots like Scott Lowe shit over unfinished work (BF4 being a different example).


But wasn't IGN overhyping all XBONE stuff because they are american, too? Read that somewhere...

Pity about Ryse, there need to be more classic history games.
The fact that they are brought up (along with Haze, on occasion) whenever a terrible AAA title is unveiled is proof enough of their reputation in the wider gaming community.

You love the word terrible, don't you?

Can you show me a thread (any at all) where they are mentioned along with Haze? That would be some good proof.


It's kind of disappointing. I've been playing gladiator begins on PSP, and thinking that a next gen action title with the same feels would be cool. Don't think this is it.


You love the word terrible, don't you?

Can you show me a thread (any at all) where they are mentioned along with Haze? That would be some good proof.

My original post that spurred this convo was actually going to include something about Ryse's degenerate uncle Haze but I couldn't work it in. I think those games and this one have a lot of similarities in regards to how they were hyped by console warriors. We dont have the final word if this is going to be a turd too but it is sure is looking that way.
You love the word terrible, don't you?

Can you show me a thread (any at all) where they are mentioned along with Haze? That would be some good proof.

It's an accurate description.


When you have Dyack referencing both Lair and Haze and saying his game will be better, you know you're dealing with truly terrible games.

And of course there's this retrospective by GM asking what went wrong with Lair and HS.

My original post that spurred this convo was actually going to include something about Ryse's degenerate uncle Haze but I couldn't work it in. I think those games and this one have a lot of similarities in regards to how they were hyped by console warriors. We dont have the final word if this is going to be a turd too but it is sure is looking that way.

Okay, but we weren't talking about Haze if you read a few posts back .We were talking about Heavenly Sword and Lair.

Not to mention, Lair, Heavenly Sword, and Haze...none of them were launch titles.
It's an accurate description.


When you have Dyack referencing both Lair and Haze and saying his game will be better, you know you're dealing with truly terrible games.

And of course there's this retrospective by GM asking what went wrong with Lair and HS.


4th time in 4 posts you've used the word terrible.

And why not --



Waiting for them to turn this into a yearly franchise.
RYSE 2 NOV 2014, comes with only somewhat half-assed animations
You love the word terrible, don't you?

Can you show me a thread (any at all) where they are mentioned along with Haze? That would be some good proof.

I'd let this one go mate, you aren't going to find many people that regard them as anything but terrible, especially Lair. It's like the poster child for crappy 'AAA' games.


I hope this doesn't poison the well for Gladiator action games on consoles like Lair did for dragon games.

I want a good fighter/action game with gladiators wearing flashy helmets and a dragon game using GoW's flesh tearing tech and Deep Down like fire effects :(

Did Skyrim and Dragon's Dogma not fix that?
Well if we factor out the platform exclusive reviews and those from less than reliable sites, it does indeed back up the claim that HS was terrible.

Gaming Age, EGM, Gamespot, IGN, Gamespy, and Play are neither 'plaform exclusive reviews' nor 'less reliable sites.'

I'm still not sure you understand what 'hyperbole' means, which is what this has all been about.

But then again you've used the word terrible in five out of five posts. So I think you've proven my point.




Well SP does, however i'll wait for the final version of the game to judge.

I think the multiplayer is tacked on because of which it looks so bad, the SP campaign also has its fair share of glitches though its a little hard to judge right now given the fact we have only seen one level in the entire game.

Killzone is also suffering from its share of problems with visual issues running amok and its been quite evident in all their builds

I think both next gen consoles raised the level of our expectations so high we completely forgot if they had the time to pull it off.

A year into the cycle when the dev time increases, I think sequels to both the games,would be able take care of issues like this.
Ah , that's a nice list of reputable game reviewing sources
I'm always logging into

Futuregamez 10/01/07 80 out of 100 80.00%
Game Boyz 09/19/07 8.25 out of 10 82.50%
Deeko 09/20/07 9 out of 10 90.00%
VideoGames NZ 10/02/07 95 out of 100 95.00%

and who can forget

Lawrence 09/18/07 8.3 out of 10 83.00%

Right. See my post above.


I hope this doesn't poison the well for Gladiator action games on consoles like Lair did for dragon games.

I want a good fighter/action game with gladiators wearing flashy helmets and a dragon game using GoW's flesh tearing tech and Deep Down like fire effects :(

I think the game is going to sell regardless of quality. There are no other action games set during Rome this year and so the game is unique just for that.

Edit. So I wouldn't worry about not getting more games like this in the future.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
I don't think Heavenly Sword is anywhere near as bad as its reputation now. It's certainly not Lair quality.

Ryse is shaping up to be a mess, though.

(random TLoU MP video)

Why is there such a huge difference between the quality of execution transitions in TLoU and Ryse? Can't imagine its for budgetary reasons.

Is it a Kinect hangover?
Are they placeholder animations?
Is there just not enough focus on it?
Are Crytek incompetent in this area>

I think it is because a lot of this game's core systems seem to be an afterthought or some almalgemation of previous design work.

Crytek have the resources and tech to make great animation transitions... but hell... this just looks horrible in that space.
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