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Indie Games:why do gamers disregard them when it comes to a system's library?

Most indie games I've played from PS+ and many Humble Bundles are complete and utter garbage.

Tired of them tbh. Whenever I see indie I just roll my eyes.

Havent played much then it seems. There are so much stuff to choose from. If people like Tenchu, they would like Aragami. For Battle Royale, Players Unknown Battleground is huge now. Stardew Valley for people who liked Harvest Moon. Insanitys Blade or Odallus who wants to play some oldschool plattformers. A lot of people seem to enjoy The Witness.


I'm extremely surprised at the amount of close minded people on this thread. I always thought of Gaf as a community of passionate people that appreciate gaming on all its forms.

Seeing people writing off side scrollers as a whole is very.... peculiar to me, let alone acting as if all indie games fit that description.


Havent played much then it seems. There are so much stuff to choose from. If people like Tenchu, they would like Aragami. For Battle Royale, Players Unknown Battleground is huge now. Stardew Valley for people who liked Harvest Moon. Insanitys Blade or Odallus who wants to play some oldschool plattformers. A lot of people seem to enjoy The Witness.
That's why I said most.

I went a couple of years buying every bundle I could get my hands on (mainly due to them being cheap, like $4 for 10 games or something). I always try a game that I buy, unless it's like a horse farm simulator, which I know I wouldn't like anyway. I'd say that 95% of the indies I played were absolute crap, and most that I played for more than an hour was for steam cards or easy achievements. Same with PS+ games, I'll give most of them a try sometime down the road.

And yeah Aragami is okay but it's no Tenchu. But for every good indie game, there are a few hundred more that are trash.


I'm extremely surprised at the amount of close minded people on this thread. I always thought of Gaf as a community of passionate people that appreciate gaming on all its forms.

Seeing people writing off side scrollers as a whole is very.... peculiar to me, let alone acting as if all indie games fit that description.
It's not "Being close minded".

It's having personal opinions, personal gameplay preferences and -not less important- personal aesthetics preferences.

And having a controversial opinion on GAF seems to attract only hate (my comments was already called "idiotic/stupid" few times here) , despite my intention to do not offense the other user with bad words.
(sorry for my bad English)

And few people seem to ignore my initial statement (I love some indies, like Banner Saga for example, but I also said that a lot of indies out there are often overrated).

Overrated games are simply overrated, no matter the budget behind them or the technical capabilities.

Being an indie can't be a "safe zone" automatically, without the risk to be judged bad.

Again, my opinion.


It's not that I disregard them. They just typically don't make the type of games I like. If I were to list my favourite games of all time, you'd have various games in the Zelda series, Final Fantasy, MGS, GTA Chrono, other RPG's lke the Xeno's, Skies of Arcadia and Valkyrie Profile, random games like Shadow of the Colossus and The Last of Us. My favourite games this gen so far are Nier Automata, Bloodborne and Witcher III. There's a strong and broad adventure and narrative focus on pretty much all of those games. While I appreciate good gameplay, gameplay alone isn't enough for me to enjoy most games. Hence my love of Zelda while being apathetic to say Mario. It doesn't help that I'm usually not a fan of most 2D games, not really a fan of platformers, and the old school retro pixel art or 16 bit and older style games do nothing for me in terms if nostalgia or anything.

So based on the above, what are the types of indie games I should be playing? I'm not inherently against Indie, nor do I categorise them as inferior when only AAA games can hold my attention. I'd happily play them if I thought there were games that delivered in my preferences. But from what I've been exposed to, there's been little to no games that are made to my tastes. I'd happily be proven wrong on that, but if there are, I haven't discovered them

If I were to use a specific example. Take Minecraft and Dragon Quest Builders. In terms if pure game play and what you they are pretty similar. However when I downloaded the demo of Minecraft o got bored pretty quickly since it felt pretty aimless. When playing Builders demo, I went and bought the game soon after. This might sounds weird, but the little story bits and more importantly the sense of purpose make the world of difference. In one game I'd be getting materials to build whatever i fancy, in another I'll be getting materials specifically to build a kitchen so I can help feed other people, or a house where they can sleep. Your actions are the same, but the drive behind them is different.
It's not "Being close minded".

It's having personal opinions, personal gameplay preferences and -not less important- personal aesthetics preferences.

And having a controversial opinion on GAF seems to attract only hate (my comments was already called "idiotic/stupid" few times here) , despite my intention to do not offense the other user with bad words.
(sorry for my bad English)

And few people seem to ignore my initial statement (I love some indies, like Banner Saga for example, but I also said that a lot of indies out there are often overrated).

Overrated games are simply overrated, no matter the budget behind them or the technical capabilities.

Being an indie can't be a "safe zone" automatically, without the risk to be judged bad.

Again, my opinion.

What entirely negates the "I don't like indies/indies aren't for everyone" opinion as being even close to based in reality is the generalization of the aspects of a set of games as "indie." It literally only means "independently published" and nothing else. Nothing. Any attempt to make the indie label mean anything else is fallacious. Believing otherwise means you also have to believe similar lines of generalization can be applied to non-indie games (hint: they cannot). I continue to see people try to equate non-indie (not using the term AAA intentionally here) with "bigger/more content/better quality" which is like, so demonstrably false it makes me wonder why someone would try to make that point in the first place.


Though it reminds me of the whole vita has no games thing, when it is bursting with Indy games.

Vita is never going to shake that perception problem, since Sony publicly killed their own support for the system. That's the kind of mentality that trickles down fast: if they don't care about supporting their own system, why should anyone care about buying it? That's why Switch is having a much easier time of being accepted in spite of having largely the same USP as the Vita: even if it doesn't get all of the third parties on it, it still has Nintendo backing it 100%. It also doesn't hurt that it's giving people what they really wanted on the Vita, which was "the real deal" entries into franchises, so it's already avoiding the early Vita problem of coming off as only worthy of spinoffs that typically weren't anywhere nearly as good as they were on consoles.


Gold Member
Because there are tons them especially on PC and it gets super hard to wade through the shitty ones from the relatively good ones.

It's not like AAA is exempt from this since there are shitty ones like fuse, haze and tok human but it's relatively easier to know which ones are good from bad.

It's easier to look for gems in a lake of AAA than say the ocean of indie games.
They only don't count for console wars purposes.
Sane people who enjoy video games are most likely going to buy some of them on whatever platform is convenient for them and play the shit out of them because many are great.

I'd actually disagree with that. Ori had Xbox One bundles and we were super surprised at how well those bundles sold. I guess if you buy a console it's nice to get a game on top :)


Saying you don't like indie games is like saying you like music but you only like music that has a big budget behind it or is being made by a big label.

Because that is all that indie games are, a classification of budget/studio independence (take your pick), how can anyone say that these games are all the same and not be ignorant or a straight up troll?
























Pretty sure if people came out in droves and started saying stupid stuff like these games below are the same, they would be laughed out of the thread if not straight up banned for obvious troll attempts.






Saying you don't like indie games is like saying you like music but you only like music that has a big budget behind it or is being made by a big label.

Because that is all that indie games are, a classification of budget/studio independence (take your pick), how can anyone say that these games are all the same and not be ignorant or a straight up troll?

Factorio, Kerbal, Mount and Blade, Don't Starve, Subnautica, Battlegrounds.

2016 GOTY - Rimworld + Factorio
2015 GOTY- Kerbal
2014 GOTY - Don't Starve


Nah I'm just not a fan of the retro art 2d sidescrollers dominating the steam store. I don't remember the e3 but it was funny as hell watching the indie montage and they all looked the same.


Factorio, Kerbal, Mount and Blade, Don't Starve, Subnautica, Battlegrounds.

2016 GOTY - Rimworld + Factorio
2015 GOTY- Kerbal
2014 GOTY - Don't Starve


I take absolutely 0 issue with that assessment.


Nah I'm just not a fan of the retro art 2d sidescrollers dominating the steam store. I don't remember the e3 but it was funny as hell watching the indie montage and they all looked the same.

I don't know which montage you're talking about, but you should check this one from last year https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_mLdDSi7L8 although maybe you saw this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLJXBLvGJvc


Another thread desperately telling people why they're wrong for not liking Indy games.

The majority of them are absolute trash or throwbacks to days gone that no one really wants to return to. That most of their sales come from being given away for pennies in bundles or as part of +/gwg speaks volumes.

Its a stupid argument anyway. Good Indy games wont be dismissed when talking about a systems library , shitty ones will. The Switch thread was brought in the OP , the Indy bashing started there because some poster linked some twin stick shooter that looks like any of the hundred other spacey twin stick shooters in the middle of a discussion about why the Switch want getting Darksiders.

I'm pretty sure a lot of the pushback against Indies here are just reactions to the cult like pretentious fanclub constantly shitting on AAA while hyping arty 2 hour long "games"
So sick of pixel art side scrolling platformers

No thanks, I don't play indie
I'm pretty sure a lot of the pushback against Indies here are just reactions to the cult like pretentious fanclub constantly shitting on AAA while hyping arty 2 hour long "games"
For one, it's indie games, not indy. We haven't got an Indy game in quite some time. Pretty sure the last one was cancelled

Two, the whole "games" thing and instantly defaulting to pixel art platformers when someone mentions indies is so misinformed I'm curious what games you've played or seen to have that mindset regarding indie games.

Indie games are just games; they're every genre, and they are presented in so many different aesthetics and styles that to generalize indie games as pixel-art side-scrolling "games" is like generalizing all TV as boring procedurals or all movies as generic superhero blockbusters. It's asinine

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
I tend to disregard them because indie games frequently show up on a bunch of different platforms. I don't really care if the Switch has [insert indie game here], because unless they added something exclusive to the Switch version, I'm probably just going to play it on PC. It has nothing to do with the quality of the games themselves -- it's just that they don't do a thing to make a console more special.


Wait, so exclusives do matter? Huh.

At any rate, enjoy playing any exclusive Switch indie games on your other devices.

Yes, exclusives do matter and that is what the poster you responded to initially and that I have been saying. The Switch having Snake Pass isn't something to tout because it's the standard, every major platform has the game. It's good that it has it but it wouldn't influence my purchasing decision if I have another platform.

So yes, when/if I do make a Switch purchase exclusive indie games or just smaller experimental titles by Nintendo like Pushmo will come into play when making a decision.


For one, it's indie games, not indy. We haven't got an Indy game in quite some time. Pretty sure the last one was cancelled

Two, the whole "games" thing and instantly defaulting to pixel art platformers when someone mentions indies is so misinformed I'm curious what games you've played or seen to have that mindset regarding indie games.

Indie games are just games; they're every genre, and they are presented in so many different aesthetics and styles that to generalize indie games as pixel-art side-scrolling "games" is like generalizing all TV as boring procedurals or all movies as generic superhero blockbusters. It's asinine

Do you need to see my steam game list or something to prove I've actually played these games ?

The argument is why don't people take these games seriously when in reality they do as sales and critical reception shows.

What isn't taken seriously is the list war arguments when people just list all the indie games available for a system ( like switch) and go "look at all these games , why don't you like indie!!!" Or the shit posting when people don't react with joy at whatever this months PS+ offering is.


Are you going to try to argue the signal to nose ratio isn't obscene in the indie scene ?

How many games are released on Steam on Amy given week again ?

You actually deleted the portion of your post while I was trying to quote you.

Pretty sure I didn't mention pixel art side scrollers either.

How is signal to noise ratio relevant though? The vast majority of media in any form, including games, isn't worth experiencing. We continually search for that diamond in the rough that allows us to reaffirm our love of that particular hobby.

That most of their sales come from being given away for pennies in bundles or as part of +/gwg speaks volumes.

The majority are that way, but the standout titles reach sales in the millions without ever being bundled.


Most indie games I've played from PS+ and many Humble Bundles are complete and utter garbage.

Tired of them tbh. Whenever I see indie I just roll my eyes.
Please list the last 10 games you've played and completed. I really need a point of reference here.


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
It does when it fits the narrative - remember Resogun?🤔

Resogun was a PS4 exclusive published by Sony. That changed the narrative.


You actually deleted the portion of your post while I was trying to quote you.

How is signal to noise ratio relevant though? The vast majority of media in any form, including games, isn't worth experiencing. We continually search for that diamond in the rough that allows us to reaffirm our love of that particular hobby.

Because I was replying to a point that wasn't intended for me.

And of course it matters.

If you have 50 AAA titles released in a year and 10 are objectively bad , that alters the perception of the AAA space. If there were 100 AAA ( in production value terms) games being released every week and we were lucky to get 1 actual gen, purple would just dismiss AAA the same way they do indie.

If you have hundreds of indie games released every week and 1-2 of them are actually good, that alters the perception of the indie scene, they're no taking away from that. If it wasn't the case you wouldn't need these "please like indie" threads weekly.

It doesn't help that for every Rocket League on PS4 or GWG we get 5 pixel art shooters ( see I am talking about them now) that get shit on and muddy the indie waters.
If I can already play a game on multiple different devices I own, it doesn't make me excited to know I can also play them on a new one. That's all there is to it for me.


It doesn't help that for every Rocket League on PS4 or GWG we get 5 pixel art shooters ( see I am talking about them now) that get shit on and muddy the indie waters.

I think you're conflating console manufacturer's margins with quality of the indie scene. Sony and Microsoft aren't obligated to give people the best games they can, they are obligated to maximize margins by throwing whatever games they can get cheaply.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
I can give you can answer. I don't necessarily agree with it nor does it make it a good answer but it is what it is:

Because many gamers feel that indie games don't come remotely close to utilizing the power of a console. The mindset of "I didn't buy a PS4 to play games that belong in the 16-bit era" is a real one.
For me personally I do not care for old school style games anymore.

Fair or not that's a big reason.


I'm extremely surprised at the amount of close minded people on this thread. I always thought of Gaf as a community of passionate people that appreciate gaming on all its forms.

Seeing people writing off side scrollers as a whole is very.... peculiar to me, let alone acting as if all indie games fit that description.

Why is some one writing off side scroller as a whole peculiar to you? People play games for different reasons and some people 2d side scroller a don't really appeal to those reasons. Just cause you like playing games doesn't mean you'll like all types. Hell, there are so many games out there it makes sense to focus on the types that really interest you most.


Why is some one writing off side scroller as a whole peculiar to you? People play games for different reasons and some people 2d side scroller a don't really appeal to those reasons. Just cause you like playing games doesn't mean you'll like all types. Hell, there are so many games out there it makes sense to focus on the types that really interest you most.

Depends on how one defines side scrollers, if one is defining them as say contra, sure thats fine, since they don't like a specific type of game, if one is classifying gunpoint, spelunky and contra all as 2d side scrollers, then it just becomes silly because they are different games types that appease to different people.

I can give you can answer. I don't necessarily agree with it nor does it make it a good answer but it is what it is:

Because many gamers feel that indie games don't come remotely close to utilizing the power of a console. The mindset of "I didn't buy a PS4 to play games that belong in the 16-bit era" is a real one.
For me personally I do not care for old school style games anymore.

Fair or not that's a big reason.

Pretty sure there is a significant overlap between people that own a PS4 and shit on indies yet still buy remasters/remakes, so not sure that is it, also unless the point is to maximize a certain hardware wouldn't it make sense for those people to go to a platform with more power like the PC?

Also not caring for old school games is one of the reasons to go indie, not against, considering that you see plenty of innovation in the indie space, unless we are considering say minecraft as old school because it looks the way it does, or kerbal space program because its 3d graphics aren't great. I would argue say something like doom (the new one) is old school, despite looking like a modern game as far as graphics go.


I think you're conflating console manufacturer's margins with quality of the indie scene. Sony and Microsoft aren't obligated to give people the best games they can, they are obligated to maximize margins by throwing whatever games they can get cheaply.

That's fine but doesn't take away from his point at all. His point is that there is so much "crap" that people are going to associate indie with that rather than the good ones (the ratio of ones people are disinterested in to ones that a lot of people like is so biased towards the former people will associate the former with indie. Which I admit is exactly what I do. I am not going to dislike a game just cause it is indie but if you tell me something has a large indie library that is going to mean nothing to me cause in general most indies I see or have even tried just don't interest me enough to buy a game device over).


Depends on how one defines side scrollers, if one is defining them as say contra, sure thats fine, since they don't like a specific type of game, if one is classifying gunpoint, spelunky and contra all as 2d side scrollers, then it just becomes silly because they are different games types that appease to different people.

Or alternatively maybe they prefer a 3D game because they want to feel more part of the game. To them it's not the game mechanic at is fun but the simulation of being in that world. Like me for example at is why rpg is my favorite genre and even other games that I like have coherent stories that aren't just there as excuses for the gameplay but that you are playing the story. 2d side scrollerd in general just don't fit that itch for me. In general they are more games for people who focus more on gameplay and story is just there as a background to give explanation why they are doing things.

Hell 2d games that do fit that itch are not side scroller a but more turn based Rpg. Being a side scroller inherently makes the game feel more like a game you play to play a game. You aren't going to immerse yourself into playing the story.

People have very different reasons for playing games and it is presumptuous of you to say that it is only closed mindedness why they may not like a certain genre.


Why is some one writing off side scroller as a whole peculiar to you? People play games for different reasons and some people 2d side scroller a don't really appeal to those reasons. Just cause you like playing games doesn't mean you'll like all types. Hell, there are so many games out there it makes sense to focus on the types that really interest you most.

This wonderful user just gave you a perfect answer but I'll answer you too. There are so many different mechanics and genres that fit onto a side scroller model that someone who generalises "side scrollers" as something they dislike might as well be saying they do not like games at all.


This wonderful user just gave you a perfect answer but I'll answer you too. There are so many different mechanics and genres that fit onto a side scroller model that someone who generalises "side scrollers" as something they dislike might as well be saying they do not like games at all.

See my reply above you.


That's fine but doesn't take away from his point at all. His point is that there is so much "crap" that people are going to associate indie with that rather than the good ones (the ratio of ones people are disinterested in to ones that a lot of people like is so biased towards the former people will associate the former with indie. Which I admit is exactly what I do. I am not going to dislike a game just cause it is indie but if you tell me something has a large indie library that is going to mean nothing to me cause in general most indies I see or have even tried just don't interest me enough to buy a game device over).

If we were discussing the average consumers perception, that would be a discussion to have. Since this is a forum meant for gaming enthusiasts, you shouldn't have to base your arguments on the assumption of sheer ignorance.


I think you're conflating console manufacturer's margins with quality of the indie scene. Sony and Microsoft aren't obligated to give people the best games they can, they are obligated to maximize margins by throwing whatever games they can get cheaply.

That's not what said at all. I'm saying that schemes like GwG and Plus have a huge effect on the perception of indies because to a lot of gamers , the games they get from these programmes are their only exposure to indie games.

There have been some real gems in the programmes, but the majority have been utter dross, and that doesn't help dismiss the notion that the majority of indie games are derivative crap.

If we were discussing the average consumers perception, that would be a discussion to have. Since this is a forum meant for gaming enthusiasts, you shouldn't have to base your arguments on the assumption of sheer ignorance.

The thread title isn't "Why does GAF dismiss indies"

Also being a gaming enthusiast doesn't automatically mean knowledgeable on all aspects of the hobby.


I'm still trying to figure out what people mean when they say

"I don't like indie games" or "I don't like Japanese games"

Those people see patterns and similarities between different indie and Japanese games (respectively). Many times you see a game and you can instantly recognize it as indie or Japanese. It is probably connected to visual style (pixel art and manga respectively).
It is perfectly understandable that some people don't like these styles.
I've had more fun playing Shovel Knight than 90% of AAA games from the past year or so.

That's for sure. Shovel Knight has more love put into it than any game in years. I hate when people dismiss indie games. A game is a game. Some are good and some are bad. Some of my all time favourites are indie games.

I do love a huge budget epic like Mario Galaxy but Shovel Knight gave me almost as much enjoyment and that is really awesome.


People don't spend 400 bucks to play games that are available on poor powered laptops and look like NES games. If more were the quality of Bastion, Ori and the Blind Forest, or Castle Crashers people would care. Microsoft did a great job showcasing indie games that actually looked nice with Summer of Arcade.

To me indie games for the most part are the filler you get for free on PS+.

Seems like you're familiarity with indie games doesn't extend past a couple well known titles that appeared on Xbox 360.


If we were discussing the average consumers perception, that would be a discussion to have. Since this is a forum meant for gaming enthusiasts, you shouldn't have to base your arguments on the assumption of sheer ignorance.

Yes, I know indie isn't a genre. But that doesn't matter to me when so very few stand out to me as games that I'd be interested in more than just time wasters. And even the ones that stand out more (Journey, don't starve, fez, hotline Miami, spelunky) are not games I'd buy a device for (they're good games but i wouldn't miss them if I couldn't play them). The closest indie game to being someone I'd buy a device over is either no man's sky or state of decay. And both are more games that I'd consider buying a device for if it had a lot of other games I wanted too (but I would consider them in the list of reasons why I bought a game device). But games like that in the indie scene that appeal to me that much are super rare. In general the indie scene doesn't have much for me that appeals to me (some games i might play if I need a time waster and have access to).


Junior Member
a lot of the time the indie games are already out on the pc for a much cheaper price

This. When people wave off the indie games on the Switch, they're most likely talking about indie games are already available on multiple platforms.

This means that the Switch having indie games isn't really a selling point as it is just a basic expectation.


sparkle this bitch
Depends honestly, if we're talking about Gaf specifically.

On PC, I've taken a lot of Gaf Recommendations seriously and in turn, got some all time greats. Mount and Blade and Killing Floor being the big two for me. There is always a vast swath of titles for pickings. It also helps that the Humble Bundle and others exist, which allows me to pick up many of them for cheap and try them out.

On Console, it's been the exact opposite, typically once I see people flock around it. They've typical been pretty meh titles, largely put up thanks to either being Exclusive or Console Exclusive. And unlike PC, there is no cheap option like the Humble Bundle for them. So I typically have to invest more, for many times, a title that is alright, but already done similarity on PC prior... a lot of times better.


Swords & Soldiers (RTS)
Lone Survivor (Survival horror)
Awesomenauts (MOBA)
Kareteka ('character action')
Spelunky (Rogue-lite)
Oni (action/adventure explorathon)
Darkest Dungeon (Dungeon Crawler)
Mark Of The Ninja (stealth)
Rivals Of Aether (Multiplayer beat em up)

all the same game, all shit because they're 2d side scrollers amirite weirdly-defensive-about-your-closed-mindedness gaf?
Come to think of it, I may be too dismissive of AAA games. Things like Uncharted and Call of Duty look like the most boring awful shit to me. But that view can be just as close minded as being dismissive of indie games. Maybe I should give more AAA games a chance. Or maybe I would be wasting my time. My complete apathy towards 90% of AAA games does kind of make other gamer's apathy towards indie games make sense though.


I don't understand it in the slightest as most of those games wind up being my favorites on each console. I'm much more of a retro gamer though so that may explain part of it. I much prefer those more compact experiences to larger, stupider, AAA stuff.

Come to think of it, I may be too dismissive of AAA games. Things like Uncharted and Call of Duty look like the most boring awful shit to me. But that view can be just as close minded as being dismissive of indie games. Maybe I should give more AAA games a chance. Or maybe I would be wasting my time. My complete apathy towards 90% of AAA games does kind of make other gamer's apathy towards indie games make sense though.
This is literally me


I bet this got something to do with production value.

Many of today's indie games sport a production level of PS2 retail releases.

Now you got a big segment of gamers who grew up with 7th-gen's multi million budget productions and 200+ people strong dev armies.

That's probably the disconnect and it's horrible: great games are great no matter how much money was burned to create them.
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