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Is Killzone: Shadow Fall PS4's killer app?


Its so fucked up that all people are talking about is the visuals like that determines the quality of the gameplay. I hope this isn't a trend where the actual gameplay is made out to be secondary.

A killer app sells consoles, I don't know if Killzone will be a killer app as no one has discussed gameplay as it's not out yet and or there are very few reviews that cover that aspect I guess.


That's all great for enthusiasts, but means nothing in the context of 'killer app', which is a single piece of software that moves hardware in a significant way among mainstream consumers.

I am talking about mainstream consumers. Major third party games, prices, and features have all shown themselves to be more relevant than first party with regards to sales of Sony consoles. The PS1 and PS2 success was built off of major Japanese third party killer apps along with select western games such as Grand Theft Auto. The first party mainstream killer app from Sony has been Gran Turismo. I think the idea of a killer app is not as relevant for Sony consoles. It is probably more relevant for Nintendo who have to invent killer app games in order to sell their consoles, since nobody else is really going to help in that regard. Games like Uncharted, God of War, and now maybe Killzone aren't really killer apps but I do think they can help convince fans to buy the console and broaden the appeal of the console.
I am talking about mainstream consumers. Major third party games, prices, and features have all shown themselves to be more relevant than first party with regards to sales of Sony consoles. The PS1 and PS2 success was built off of major Japanese third party killer apps along with select western games such as Grand Theft Auto. The first party mainstream killer app from Sony has been Gran Turismo. I think the idea of a killer app is not as relevant for Sony consoles. It is probably more relevant for Nintendo who have to invent killer app games in order to sell their consoles, since nobody else is really going to help in that regard. Games like Uncharted, God of War, and now maybe Killzone aren't really killer apps but I do think they can help convince fans to buy the console and broaden the appeal of the console.

"The killer app for Sony was announcing that they weren't going to be following the DRM path."

^You said that.

You are looking at things from the online discussion forum version of reality. Mainstream consumers either buy a console at the end of it's lifespan when the price is right and the library is seemingly endless, or when there is a must have game like GTA or Halo.


"The killer app for Sony was announcing that they weren't going to be following the DRM path."

^You said that.

You are looking at things from the online discussion forum version of reality. Mainstream consumers either buy a console at the end of it's lifespan when the price is right and the library is seemingly endless, or when there is a must have game like GTA or Halo.

I respectfully disagree. I think there is a lot more that goes into sales of consoles then that. PS1 and PS2 sold well all the way through by the way. It sold well at the beginning of its life, sold well when killer apps arrived, sold well when killer apps were less plentiful. PS1 rocketed to success in an environment where there was much displeasure with Nintendo. PS4 gained huge momentum after announcing that it wouldn't support what Microsoft was doing with DRM. I guess the main area where we disagree is about the importance of DRM to mainstream consumers, I think it is extremely important. Microsoft took an unprecedented move with completely backing off the DRM. Trust me, it wasn't just NeoGAF, these MS guys do their homework and they saw public reaction to it was toxic.


In comparison.

Settle down fellas.
I'm not sure even then. Killzone 2 still looks really good, its biggest faltering is arguably art style and not only does that make place for the setting but is a different story in Shadow Fall anyway. Not that it won't necessarily be outclassed, but I think it's going to hold its own more than most of those cross gen titles.
I'm not sure even then. Killzone 2 still looks really good, its biggest faltering is arguably art style and not only does that make place for the setting but is a different story in Shadow Fall anyway. Not that it won't necessarily be outclassed, but I think it's going to hold its own more than most of those cross gen titles.
All I'm saying is that it won't be the greatest looking game ever in three years, like it probably is now. It will be hopefully in the top 200.

And cross gen games are just PS3 and 360 titles dressed up with more effects. There's no way they're holding up three years from now, not even Sleeping Dogs.
All I'm saying is that it won't be the greatest looking game ever in three years, like it probably is now. It will be hopefully in the top 200.

Disagree. I think KZ:SF will stand the test of time for sure. Look at the previous KZ titles. The graphics there were really great too! And they were in the best graphics of all time on the PS3.

I think KZ:SF is well far ahead of what we will see for the next couple of years for sure. There are only a handful of companies that will be able to put out better art direction and better technology.
For me? Yes. I am a big killzone fan and Sony knew exactly what to do to get my to buy this daggum console. Every video makes me want it more.
For me? Yes. I am a big killzone fan and Sony knew exactly what to do to get my to buy this daggum console. Every video makes me want it more.
Pretty much.

I first discovered the Killzone franchise when I saw a Nuremburg Rally-esque commercial for the first back in 200... 5? I was a big military history buff at the time, and I was immediately captivated by the look of the Helghast.

I've owned every Killzone game since, and Killzone 2's Warzone mode in tandem with the franchise's aesthetics have ensured I keep coming back. It was one of the franchises that turned me into a genuine fan of SCE, as opposed to just another ps2 owner.

And I typically find most FPSes (and first person games in general) so-so.
Sure it is, It looks RAD, I think Killzone Shadow Fall will be the best selling killzone -obviously being a launch title-

But from a non-Killzone player ((me)), I find Shadow Fall so appealing, in terms of SP it is distant to a degree from the old Killzones, so I can jump right in without worrying about the story, it offers an interesting story, and the level design is more open, as for the MP it is for the gamers, being able to create Warzones and having every weapon unlocked from the start is a huge plus in my book.

I think the hype level for Killzone is very strong, I really hope it becomes a huge hit, Guerrilla Games deserves it.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
No, but its easily the most 'next-gen' of all the games that are coming out this holiday season.

Infamous: Second Son is the killer app for a lot of folks. Killzone SF is just the appetizer.
Disagree. I think KZ:SF will stand the test of time for sure. Look at the previous KZ titles. The graphics there were really great too! And they were in the best graphics of all time on the PS3.

I think KZ:SF is well far ahead of what we will see for the next couple of years for sure. There are only a handful of companies that will be able to put out better art direction and better technology.
Good point. They are gods where a lot of other devs aren't. It still benefits us all for you to be wrong though :p I hope SF gets blown out by some amazing looking games, including their own.


Is it a killer app? I dont know. I wasnt planning to buy it but after seeing it in action I must have it. Game looks so amazing
This is the first Killzone that actually looks fun to me, the semi-open levels with multiple paths and objectives, the great visuals, cool looking OWL companion, interesting weapons and a much brighter color pallet all go a long way. Looking forward to inaugurating next-gen with this title.


Killzone is a "must have" app for PS4 early adopters. It has yet to be proven if it can blow console sales up like Halo did. Halo made the Xbox brand relevant. GTA timed exclusivity propelled more PS2 sales even beyond what they were selling.

I just don't see Killzone "driving" sales unless the game is simply incredible. But it's not console genre defining like those other games I mentioned.

I have no doubt the game will be very good. Just not "oh my god I must buy this console" good like even The Last of Us.
No, but its easily the most 'next-gen' of all the games that are coming out this holiday season.

Infamous: Second Son is the killer app for a lot of folks. Killzone SF is just the appetizer.

This was the same for me, but right now, Killzone looks more amazing to me, where it was reverse earlier on. Killzone's world looks more interesting, it has more realistic world interaction in terms of destructibility, there are pretty weird but realistic looking things you can do in the world (like dangling off the owl etc.)

After the last gamersyde footage, Killzone shot way up for me in the next-gen drool level, and as a bounty it's available at launch. S-weeeet!


I think the term "killer app" is kind of bankrupt in terms of video game consoles. It made sense when it was originally coined, e.g. back when people were literally buying Apple II's strictly to run VisiCalc, to do their finances etc. They were actually buying a computer to run one program and only that one program.

Does anybody truly, literally buy a video game console for just one single game? Pretty sure the number of people who actually do that is miniscule.

Anyway, I'd probably buy a PS4 at launch even if Killzone SF didn't exist. Ever since the 16-it era, I've bought every major console at or near launch, and I've never ever regretted it because I've always ended up with a handful of games for each one that justified the purchase. I have no reason to doubt that will be the case with the PS4. Or the XBone.


Destiny is my killer app. I will rent ac4 to see if its Worth a buy. How much improved is the game compared to ac3?
I would call Killzone that " Showcase " game for your new next-gen system.

Kind of like how people have Pixar Blu-Rays on standby anytime someone comes over to check out your new TV, you want to display it the best possible way.

Technically, visually, etc. Killzone destroys every other launch title and really every title coming out until Infamous : Second Son or DriveClub if that hits first.

I will have Killzone playing anytime a friend comes over to check out the PS4 for the first time. Then will blow them away with Res0gun ( hey dude check out what i got for free ) and then show em Assassins Creed 4. They should be plenty sold after that lol.


I should have made it clear in my previous post-

I think Killzone SF totally justifies buying a PS4 at launch. It's easily the strongest, highest quality launch title the Playstation has ever had.
I think it will be a great launch game that shows what the system is capable of. That's all it really needs to be.

Killer app: Whatever ND is working on or maybe Infamous.


Killzone sold me on getting the system at launch, I'm not disappointed and there are hundreds thousands people around the that voted the same way in pre-orders with their wallets...so it's fairly obvious the answer to the question is yes.

My hope is that DLC and patches will fill some gaps since they were selling a season pass on like day 3 after launch. This is not to say that KZ falls into the category of being an incomplete game that they expect you to pay to complete like a lot of games out there.

I'm hoping that a mini-map is added since I did see mini-maps in earlier builds of the game.

Aim-assist should be added

The Devs have alluded to adding jetpacks, vehicles, mechs as separate things, probably in a specialized level that ultimately will change the fundamental gameplay. (teleport in multiplayer is pretty clutch though.) Hopefully they will integrate TitanFall like elements like vertical combat...it sucks that with most of these games you can aim up and aim down, but rarely have a need to based on the structure of the game.
Killzone sold me on getting the system at launch, I'm not disappointed and there are hundreds thousands people around the that voted the same way in pre-orders with their wallets...so it's fairly obvious the answer to the question is yes.

My hope is that DLC and patches will fill some gaps since they were selling a season pass on like day 3 after launch. This is not to say that KZ falls into the category of being an incomplete game that they expect you to pay to complete like a lot of games out there.

I'm hoping that a mini-map is added since I did see mini-maps in earlier builds of the game.

Aim-assist should be added

The Devs have alluded to adding jetpacks, vehicles, mechs as separate things, probably in a specialized level that ultimately will change the fundamental gameplay. (teleport in multiplayer is pretty clutch though.) Hopefully they will integrate TitanFall like elements like vertical combat...it sucks that with most of these games you can aim up and aim down, but rarely have a need to based on the structure of the game.

LOL. They are not going to add aim assist. Keep dreaming. You have two other games where you can go play with aim assist. The door is that way>>>>>>>>>


I'm hoping that a mini-map is added since I did see mini-maps in earlier builds of the game.
The game has a mini-map, its in the top left corner.

I dont think that aim assist is really that needed in this game. At first i felt like that, but after a while i got used to the aiming.
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