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I've been drinking 1 liter of diet cream soda per day

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I sure don't get folks who act like they need soda to live.

My mom is the same way and I'm trying to get her off of it.
I sure don't get folks who act like they need soda to live.

My mom is the same way and I'm trying to get her off of it.
Goes for coffee/tea addicts. I'm guessing those are the people I've encountered who haaaaate water. It's weird. Then they complain of headaches because they're not drinking enough water during the day.
I drank 1-2 litres of diet soda drinks for about 10 years, I never had any health problems aside from it making it really hard to keep weight off, I know there are next to no calories but it does something.

I drank it to replace alcohol when being social, which I was, a lot.

Gave it all up now though. Water and the ocasional squash.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
People realize that soda is 99% water with some carbonation and a few flavorings, right?


I don't understand the constant consumption of diet soda. Do people that like cake find sugar free cakes to eat all day instead of food and convince themselves its OK because at least it's not cake?

Just wondering, are you being disingenuous or are you truly unable to tell the difference between diet cola and sugar-free cake?


It's particularly hard to quit drinking diet soda when there's no substantial research showing why it's not good for me. When you throw poorly defined adjectives towards diet soda like bad and unhealthy, it's hard to swallow when I don't suffer from any of the supposed drawbacks you get from infographics like this:

Every single one of the studies referenced on this graphic was a epidemiological study on a generally unhealthy population, confusing correlation with causation. So, we say diet soda is bad for you. I believe it to some extent as well, especially in some of the quantities discussed here, despite no personal detriment or research that tells me what or why it is bad for me. Diet soda is marketed to people who we would consider to be unhealthy so why should we be surprised when the research shows that people who drink diet soda are generally unhealthy?

Examine.com has a nice aggregate of cited studies and led me directly to this:
and this:
So they are building a library of research on diet soda and it's health effects - and with 63 cited studies the best we have is an increased risk of tooth decay?

Which is why I really hope they do start doing studies on people like me who will drink 2 liters of diet soda a day for a few weeks at a time. I'm a male in his early thirties with no history of obesity or heart problems and an extremely active lifestyle. Too many of these studies are done on unhealthy populations in their 50's through 60's that don't control for preexisting health conditions or even calories.

I'd say the best arguments against diet soda so far are that it may cause tooth decay and it's more expensive than tap water.

Ha, I was about to rage at how incredibly inaccurate that infographic was...then I read your post. Good post.

Soda isn't as bad for you as all the Foodbabe followers in this thread seem to think. More to the point, it's just gross. It tastes bad, feels bad and doesn't really quench thirst.


I used to drink around 1.5 - 3 liter per day of coke zero, some times more. For years.
Now, it's down to around 1.5 liter on mo + we and 3 liter on fr + sa. *shrugs*
Wow. Shocked at how many think drinking 1L of soda a day is fine.

I have about 2-3 cans of soda a month and feel like I need to cut back.


Ha, I was about to rage at how incredibly inaccurate that infographic was...then I read your post. Good post.
Thank you, though now I am considering how may lurkers will skim over this thread, read that graphic while nodding in approval, and keep skimming without ever getting to the meat of the thing.


Just wondering, are you being disingenuous or are you truly unable to tell the difference between diet cola and sugar-free cake?

Cake and soda are sugary dessert items that people like so much that "healthier" versions have been created so they can be consumed without subjecting your body to the extreme amount of sugar they contain. Why do you feel they are so different?
Water is what you need to live.

If you have any sense of utility about you, you would see how much money you could save, and how much healthier you would be if you didn't drink SODA, which, let's face it, is CANDY. It's candy. Do adults need candy??? How do you feel about the idea that you can't bear to drink water because it's not sugary enough? This is going to sound prickish, but 'man up' is what I want to say.

That said, I also have my vices.. I spend money on video games.

Still, your health comes first. Drink water, friend!


Water is what you need to live.

If you have any sense of utility about you, you would see how much money you could save, and how much healthier you would be if you didn't drink SODA, which, let's face it, is CANDY. It's candy. Do adults need candy??? How do you feel about the idea that you can't bear to drink water because it's not sugary enough? This is going to sound prickish, but 'man up' is what I want to say.

That said, I also have my vices.. I spend money on video games.

Still, your health comes first. Drink water, friend!

Playing video games is unhealthy. People in Korea have died playing video games.

Being active and drinking diet soda > playing video games.

way more

It's particularly hard to quit drinking diet soda when there's no substantial research showing why it's not good for me. When you throw poorly defined adjectives towards diet soda like bad and unhealthy, it's hard to swallow when I don't suffer from any of the supposed drawbacks you get from infographics like this:

Every single one of the studies referenced on this graphic was a epidemiological study on a generally unhealthy population, confusing correlation with causation. So, we say diet soda is bad for you. I believe it to some extent as well, especially in some of the quantities discussed here, despite no personal detriment or research that tells me what or why it is bad for me. Diet soda is marketed to people who we would consider to be unhealthy so why should we be surprised when the research shows that people who drink diet soda are generally unhealthy?

Wow, that infotainmentgraphic is amazing. I can't believe there are people that believe that.


I can't believe people in this thread think that Soft Drink (soda) is not bad for you, yes including diet variations

Soft Drink is very bad for you. Of course you can have some, but don't do it regularly all the time.

I used to drink about 4-5 cans of Coke a day, probably for about a year. Went to the Doctor and he told me off. He said no one should be drinking any soft drink, it's just not good for you.

Water is what you should be drinking regularly. Everything else in moderation. Moderation being probably about once a week/month for soft drink, even then leave it at a can or two, not litres.

The diets of some people astound me


I can't believe people in this thread think that Soft Drink (soda) is not bad for you, yes including diet variations

Soft Drink is very bad for you. Of course you can have some, but don't do it regularly all the time.

I used to drink about 4-5 cans of Coke a day, probably for about a year. Went to the Doctor and he told me off. He said no one should be drinking any soft drink, it's just not good for you.

Water is what you should be drinking regularly. Everything else in moderation. Moderation being probably about once a week/month for soft drink, even then leave it at a can or two, not litres.

The diets of some people astound me
When comes the point where you tell us WHY it's bad for you? "It's just not good for you" doesn't really cut it. Btw, you shouldn't eat broccoli. It's really bad for you.


When comes the point where you tell us WHY it's bad for you? "It's just not good for you" doesn't really cut it. Btw, you shouldn't eat broccoli. It's really bad for you.

I'm not a doctor or someone who is going to go and do my own studies, so I rely on people that have my health as their interest - such as doctors
I'm aware you can just blow of this post but just doing a google search asking if soft drink is bad for you yields the following sampled results


Your broccoli argument comparison is quite silly as well


I used to drink soda a lot when I was younger and in school , but have significantly cut back on it. For years now, I rarely ever order a soft drink when at a sit-down restaurant. I order water 99% of the time, but that's about all I'll drink because since I'm into coffee, tea or alcohol. I also no longer purchase soda at the market. I still feel compelled on occasions to buy it (like yesterday), but I reminded myself to say no. With that said, I do admit to having a half a can of Dr. Pepper during my lunch break at work today, and dumped the rest into the kitchen sink.
I've posted this before but

The Evidence Supports Artificial Sweeteners Over Sugar

I've read that pediatrician's articles before, and he writes well and cites thoroughly, but when he includes a link to a meta-analysis that was written by authors whose work was funded by a "science institute" that in turn is sponsored by the beverage industry, I just have to shake my head.

Every single one of the studies referenced on this graphic was a epidemiological study on a generally unhealthy population, confusing correlation with causation.
Hard to suggest causation without a randomized controlled trial anyways, which >99% of nutrition studies are not (and that percentage will never change).

Examine.com has a nice aggregate of cited studies and led me directly to this:
and this:
So they are building a library of research on diet soda and it's health effects - and with 63 cited studies the best we have is an increased risk of tooth decay?
I find it amusing that you would link a website that peddles the benefits of supplements, kind of difficult to take them seriously. When the website states this as a weakness of 'diet soda is bad' studies:
Most likely that was a survey or epidemiological research. This is research that aims to find correlations (relationships) between two variables, and sets up future studies to find which variable causes what.
Well no shit sherlock, what do they think nutritional studies are in the first place? But peddling supplements is okay?

Just for the record, I find virtually every nutritional study, no matter the conclusion, to be weak in validity since recording good prospectively-controlled data just isn't feasible.
I'm not a doctor or someone who is going to go and do my own studies, so I rely on people that have my health as their interest - such as doctors
I'm aware you can just blow of this post but just doing a google search asking if soft drink is bad for you yields the following sampled results


Your broccoli argument comparison is quite silly as well

I clicked one of your links and it was about regular soda. Try again?

People have posted meta studies in here showing no negative effects besides tooth enamel decay.
Cake and soda are sugary dessert items that people like so much that "healthier" versions have been created so they can be consumed without subjecting your body to the extreme amount of sugar they contain. Why do you feel they are so different?

Because diet soda contains literally 0 calories. The same cannot be said for any form of cake.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
I'm not a doctor or someone who is going to go and do my own studies, so I rely on people that have my health as their interest - such as doctors
I'm aware you can just blow of this post but just doing a google search asking if soft drink is bad for you yields the following sampled results


Your broccoli argument comparison is quite silly as well
You should probably read your linked articles before posting. Half are about regular soda, and the first discusses how a study on diet soda was blown out of proportion and even the author of the study is trying to put the brakes on people exaggerating the claims. One of them links caffeine to doing a line of cocaine.


Cake and soda are sugary dessert items that people like so much that "healthier" versions have been created so they can be consumed without subjecting your body to the extreme amount of sugar they contain. Why do you feel they are so different?

Because they fundamentally are different in use?

Diet soda is typically a 0 kcal item vs whatever cake you want, sugar or no it's still going to be a loaded item.

You can binge on diet soda and not see any effect on your waistline. That's why people constantly drink it. Go nuts with 3L a day and you can still say you're on a diet. Do the same with sugar-free cakes and you'll quickly notice an impact. And that's just comparing caloric values, without taking into account how people react differently to massive carbs, which is what you'd get from binging on cakes.

So yeah, it's a disingenuous statement you made.


I clicked one of your links and it was about regular soda. Try again?

People have posted meta studies in here showing no negative effects besides tooth enamel decay.

Shhhh! You're damaging their rhetoric. Soda is bad because a blog I read on the internet told me so.


Water water water water water. All you need to drink. You will feel better and lose weight.
I don't know how you can drink so much of that stuff OP. One can of regular soda every now & then is enough for me, I usually just drink water


Ive been drinking diet soda for years. I recently had a blood test and all my vitals are perfectly normal and my teeth according to my dentist are healthy aswell. The fear mongering in this thread is just insane.
This thread got weird as fuck

Soda isn't great for you
Diet soda isn't as bad
Neither will light you on fire
Coffee/tea are ok
Water is best


I don't understand the constant consumption of diet soda. Do people that like cake find sugar free cakes to eat all day instead of food and convince themselves its OK because at least it's not cake?

I like the taste of cherry pepsi max.
It has zero calories.
I used to drink regular coke, that was 280 calories a day.
Now I'm on a bit of a diet, drinking diet drinks helps.

Is there a calorie free cake I can eat that tastes like a regular cake?
Because I would eat them too if they tasted as good as cherry pepsi max.


Whay are so many gaf threads

OP: "Gaf I am doing something dangerous/unhealthy/financially unstably/ socially toxic, what should I do?"
GAF: "Dont do that thing"
OP:"But gaaaaaaf"
GAF: "Dont do that thing"
GAF: "Dont do that thing"
OP: "I think Im still gunna do that thing"
if its not something you woukd put out for your dog to drink, its not something you shoukd drink.

What? No
I would never give my hypothetical dog Yuengling, but I'll drink it
My fake dog would hate apple juice, but I'll drink it
My canine illusion would despise cappuccino, but I'll drink it!


That's about three 2 liter bottles a week. This has aspartame in it of course. I need to know once and for all if this will kill me. I've done reading on it and the research is wishy washy....does anyone work in a science field or research that can write something that sounds smart so i can be at peace of mind?

One of the big anti-diet soda bullet points is that it's just as bad as regular soda! But then you read the article and it's about how the sweetness will affect your taste buds making you want to eat more food and sweets. BUT IF I DONT DO THAT, if i control myself and don't let my taste buds take over, then how could it be just as bad? a Soda can is 200-250 calories of high fructose corn syrup which is horrible sugar. There's no calories in diet soda. The only concern is if aspartame gives you cancer or other long term disease. I need to know if that's bs or real.

"I've been drinking 1 liter of diet cream soda per day"

does this sentence not make you think, "what the fuck am i doing?"


I'm on 660ml of diet drink a day, I one litre really that bad?

I also average 750ml of lager a day.
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