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I've been drinking 1 liter of diet cream soda per day

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Aspartame has been well documented to give you cancer, but if you're going to drink it then you need an off-balance factor. An off-balance factor is something to help keep your corresponding weight factors in control. A low fat bagel or a cereal like Honey Nut Cheerios is probably the best way to start your morning. The latter can even lower cholesterol.

Also realize that any artificial sweetener is, at the very least, better than stevia which is just as bad as corn syrup. That aspect of it is not a problem. You'll likely want to stick with salads (go crazy with the dressing to make up for calories) since you won't get your daily metabolic rate from 0 calorie diet sodas.

It has not been 'well documented to give you cancer'. At normal doses it has no impact. It is perfectly healthy. It may mess up your relationship with sweet tastes, and the acidity of diet soda will destroy your teeth, but those are different.


Aspartame has been well documented to give you cancer...
What? No it hasn't. Almost the complete opposite.

But still, SMH at people who insist that drinking that much soda a day is fine because it's "99% water" or whatever.

Yes, your health depends on a lot of different lifestyle factors, and for some people it may be OK if they're active and eating healthy. But it seems to indicate a lack of self control and hence the OP's (and others') habits are called into question.


Because they fundamentally are different in use?

Diet soda is typically a 0 kcal item vs whatever cake you want, sugar or no it's still going to be a loaded item.

You can binge on diet soda and not see any effect on your waistline. That's why people constantly drink it. Go nuts with 3L a day and you can still say you're on a diet. Do the same with sugar-free cakes and you'll quickly notice an impact. And that's just comparing caloric values, without taking into account how people react differently to massive carbs, which is what you'd get from binging on cakes.

So yeah, it's a disingenuous statement you made.

In use, correct. That's exactly my point. The money the soda industry has spent to convince the masses that soda is an essential product that should be consumed at all times has clearly had an effect. The fact that you don't see that those two products are more or less the same thing is proof of how effective they have been.
Is it a liter a day of Virgil's Cream Soda? No? Then yes, it will irreparably harm your ability to reproduce because diet cream soda is hideously tacky.

But damn is Virgil's good.


Nifty AND saffron-colored!
I'm honestly a bit baffled at how many people there are responding to OPs question about the scientific reasons for not drinking diet soda with "cus it's bad for you". What a shit show.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
In use, correct. That's exactly my point. The money the soda industry has spent to convince the masses that soda is an essential product that should be consumed at all times has clearly had an effect. The fact that you don't see that those two products are more or less the same thing is proof of how effective they have been.
Diet soda is flavored carbonated water. People drink every day and multiple times a day. People do not eat cake multiple times a day every day of their lives. Trying to equate soda with cake is ridiculous.
Aspartame has been well documented to give you cancer, but if you're going to drink it then you need an off-balance factor. An off-balance factor is something to help keep your corresponding weight factors in control. A low fat bagel or a cereal like Honey Nut Cheerios is probably the best way to start your morning. The latter can even lower cholesterol.

Also realize that any artificial sweetener is, at the very least, better than stevia which is just as bad as corn syrup. That aspect of it is not a problem. You'll likely want to stick with salads (go crazy with the dressing to make up for calories) since you won't get your daily metabolic rate from 0 calorie diet sodas.
Receipts are needed for this one.
What? No it hasn't. Almost the complete opposite.

But still, SMH at people who insist that drinking that much soda a day is fine because it's "99% water" or whatever.

Yes, your health depends on a lot of different lifestyle factors, and for some people it may be OK if they're active and eating healthy. But it seems to indicate a lack of self control and hence the OP's (and others') habits are called into question.

Oh my god are there seriously people trying to argue that regular and diet soda is healthy. Jesus people just stick to water.

Hey, here's two more. Source please? Why is it unhealthy? No one seems to show that beyond "it just is" or "it's soda!"


i mean, i know the whole point of this is to have people discuss, but why not ask someone who you personally know in the profession? Like a family doctor or a nutritionist. All the information is out there, go read actual medical journals or trace every step back from what each ingredient in that dosage would do to your body every step of the way. It basically seems like you're trying to find an excuse to keep drinking it and don't really want to hear that it's bad for you or good for you.

way more

The best part is all people who drink plain carbonated water and add fresh lemon and yet they look down on those who drink diet soda. Nutrition is the new way to morally shame people now that we can't do that to drug addicts or the poor.
Hey, here's two more. Source please? Why is it unhealthy? No one seems to show that beyond "it just is" or "it's soda!"

So are we really going hard on debating the health benefits of soda here

I just want to make sure we are before I go dunk my head in a volcano


So does orange juice. Is orange juice now "unhealthy" and "bad"?

Orange juice, pretty much any juice, isn't good for you.

How do people not know this?
Everything in moderation is the key. A litre of soft drink or juice in a day is not moderation
"I drink two liters of soda a day and I'm fine so there's nothing wrong with it" is similar to "I've smoked a pack a day for 30 years and I'm fine so there's nothing wrong with it"

The precautionary principle applies here. The onus is on the other side to prove that it isn't harmful.
Simply amazed at the diet soda defense force. Also amazed that people believe in the competency of our scientific research enough to ingest chemicals like aspartame. Don't forget, we used to say cigarettes totally doesn't cause cancer not too long ago
Hi all. Just new here and really enjoy it!

Anyway, I was fairly recently diagnosed type 2 diabetic. I was about 30 kgs overweight. I was told to drink water and change my diet. Long story short, in the 3 years since my diagnosis I've kept my weight down by keeping a healthy eating diet and I've totally cut out soft drinks. They're just full of sugar and they can ruin your internals. They're a definite no-no when it comes to a healthier and longer life.


Simply amazed at the diet soda defense force. Also amazed that people believe in the competency of our scientific research enough to ingest chemicals like aspartame. Don't forget, we used to say cigarettes totally doesn't cause cancer not too long ago

So we can't trust the consensus of the scientific community?

Who can we trust then? Wait... Oh no.



Diet soda is flavored carbonated water. People drink every day and multiple times a day. People do not eat cake multiple times a day every day of their lives. Trying to equate soda with cake is ridiculous.

It really isn't and thinking otherwise is part of the reason obesity has become an epidemic.


Cool Facts: Game of War has been a hit since July 2013
I drink Coke Zero because it would be way harder to lose weight if I didn't. If something is delicious, filling, and has very few calories, I'm going to drink it. I don't like the fact that I'm drinking too much soda, but it's better then being fat.


Simply amazed at the diet soda defense force. Also amazed that people believe in the competency of our scientific research enough to ingest chemicals like aspartame. Don't forget, we used to say cigarettes totally doesn't cause cancer not too long ago

The amount of research on aspartame has been pretty thorough. At normal doses it doesn't cause cancer. Why are you so focused on aspartame and not on one of the other thousands of relatively unstudied chemicals that may or may not cause cancer?

I'm not saying that diet soda is healthy, but this aspartame thing reminds me of the anti-vaxxer movement.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
juice is awesome, and a easier way to wan people off of soda.

It's no wonder considering it contains just as much if not more sugar.

Might as well just stick with the soda if that makes you happier.

I'm not saying that diet soda is healthy, but this aspartame thing reminds me of the anti-vaxxer movement.

Anti-vaxxers can be dangerous to society, whereas a bit of sweetener fearmongering isn't going to do much of anything, so I don't think that's a very fair comparison.
Why do you say they are unreliable? They clearly cite all their sources.

Why did you immediately dismiss his studies? You guys are essentially accusing each other of the same thing.

Everyone should just use my opinion, it's the best compromise possible.

Yoohoo is the healthiest drink out there.
I'm fairly certain that Examine.com site you posted is a propaganda site for Food Industry.

Its funny you say that because I was going to research them on possibly being exactly that but decided I'm not really going to waste any more time in this thread.

Gaf is pretty "anti-conspiracy", but usually if you're Googling for research that has anything to do with an industry that has a lot of money behind it, you probably aren't getting reliable data. Flame away


It really isn't and thinking otherwise is part of the reason obesity has become an epidemic.

Exactly. People should drink soda about as often as they eat cake.

I switched to water some years ago and haven't regretted it at all. I drink maybe one can of coke zero a month.
And the other links, what's wrong with them?

A blog, a podcast and a youtube video. These aren't reputable sources.

You claimed that studies show that diet soda isn't bad for you. At best you've shown that just because research overwhelmingly finds a correlation doesn't mean that there is certainly a causation. That's a far reach from your original claim.


Everything is bad if too much. What's too much? I have no clue.

Next warning: don't consume too much H²O and O². If you do that daily in huge amounts it's too much11

Moderation is key.


A blog, a podcast and a youtube video. These aren't reputable sources.

You claimed that studies show that diet soda isn't bad for you. At best you've shown that just because research overwhelmingly finds a correlation doesn't mean that there is certainly a causation. That's a far reach from your original claim.

The blog, the podcast, and the youtube video all cite their sources. Are you suggesting they are lying?


Although these observational data cannot establish causality,

There's a high correlation between watching QVC and being a middle aged housewife, but that doesn't mean I'll suddenly gain kids and become a stay at home spouse if I start watching it

There's a high correlation between buying those placebo weight loss pills at GMC and being overweight, that doesn't mean taking the pills will make me obese

There's a high correlation between marriage counseling and divorcing shortly after, that doesn't mean going to counseling will ruin a perfectly fine marriage
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