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!Jeb Bush favorite Marvel super hero is Supergirl - because she is hot.

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*gets asked a question about favorite Marvel superhero*
*talks about Batman and (very awkwardly) about Supergirl, both being part of DC*

Swing and a miss on being relatable to the younger crowd. C'mon, Jeb!, that was an easy question.

Conflating Marvel with DC makes me despise the man more than any other of his policies have up to this point.
The best part is that Supergirl is trying to target to young girls by giving them a superhero they can relate and look up to. Check out the reactions from these girls that watched the first episode: http://wiat.com/2015/10/20/girls-inc-visits-wiat-42-news-station-for-premiere-of-supergirl/. The only thing Jeb could say was to sexualize the main character young girls are going to look up to.

I mean I'd say she was hot if asked too, but I'm not running for president.
All politicians should just answer Captain Marvel from now on, then they have all bases covered.

We talking about Shazaam, Carol, Kamala or Mar-Vell here?

I mean I'd say she was hot if asked too, but I'm not running for president.

Well it's not wrong to say she's attractive.

However, that being your only reason for liking the character seems somewhat sexist and marginalizing, however.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
That isn't an illegitimate reason at all. She IS hot.
The actress? I thought this was a 2D discussion lol



Cool Facts: Game of War has been a hit since July 2013
He made a comment that I see in 75% of Gaf threads. Find another reason to complain about him, there's lots of material you can use.


He made a comment that I see in 75% of Gaf threads. Find another reason to complain about him, there's lots of material you can use.

I don't think I would want to vote for the comments section of almost any website for president. The fact that he made a comment that we might here doesn't make it a good comment to make when you're running for president.

But yes, there are a lot of other things wrong with him, too.
Contrast this with Obama's reply on the same question:


U.S. presidential candidates John McCain and Barack Obama have unmasked their favorite pop culture icons, including superheroes, with McCain favoring Batman and Obama choosing Spider-Man and Batman.

In interviews with Entertainment Weekly magazine posted on its Web site Thursday, McCain, 71, and Obama, 47, also gave their picks for best on-screen president, top singers and most-liked television shows.

Obama, the Democratic senator from Illinois, said he chose Spider-Man and Batman because “they have some inner turmoil.” McCain, a Republican senator from Arizona, said Batman is a quiet hero who pursues justice “against insurmountable odds.”

And this:

I was always into the Spider-Man and Batman model. The guys who have too many powers -- like Superman -- that always made me think they weren't really earning their superhero status. It's a little too easy. Whereas Spider-Man and Batman, they have some inner turmoil. They get knocked around a bit.


Detect zero lies in his statement. It's okay to acknowledge that hot people are hot... as long as you realize that they don't exist simply for your sexual gratification.


He is a billionaire white dude with satellites that can create an army of super killers. What insurmountable odds?

Not to belabor the point, but his main nemesis is also just a psychotic dude who dresses like a clown.

Insurmountable odds indeed.


“I like watching the movies,” Bush said, “and I wish I owned Marvel, as somebody who believes in capitalism.”

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