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Just found papers by door saying "go back." My family's muslim

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Went out for 10 minutes and came back and found a bunch of papers lying outside the door with "go back" written on them. I'm pretty fucking spooked right now. It's really weird because I'm in California in a very diverse city (my high school was like 80% asian), and my neighbours are Korean and Indian. Wondering if I should call the police, but I'm not sure what they would even do?

The writing isn't very threatening looking, but who knows. I just hope some mentally unstable kid isn't gonna come with a gun or something. Hopefully it's just a prank. :/

And man, this is such a buzzkil for a first thread. I always thought it would have been something cool.

Handwriting looks Korean.

Report it.
Now we know in what area that guy who wanted to invade everywhere lives.

Seriously sucks, OP. I hope this is looked into.

Also, if you don't have a camera but have a smart device (phone or tablet) you can leave to use as such, look into using a motion triggered app like Presence.


Definitely report it so there's a record of this in case it happens again or escalates.

But I doubt any police department is going to go to the trouble of lifting fingerprints, if it can be done at all.


Fucking fuck, man. People are stupid.

I hope it's an idiotic thoughtless thing too, but good on you guys for alerting the authorities.

I don't want to get all Internet-FBI but that writing does look weirdly boxy, like a native Korean writer writing in english...


That's way too many for this to be spur of the moment. This probably means a bunch of people got together to write this. Possibly kids. In any case I would still call the police.
Contacting the police goes without saying. You should also put up some cameras around the house to be sure. Living in a diverse neighborhood doesn't mean you won't experience a hate crime. You could experience it from other minorities as well(asians or indians).


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Call the police OP. As we saw this weekend you can never be too safe and this comes off as a direct threat.
Looks like handwriting from a foreigner who usually writes in different characters. You said one of your neighbors is korean? Do you speak with them/know them?


I'm not an expert, but it looks like the handwriting of someone who rarely writes/reads English handwriting. You said you have Korean neighbors? Looks like someone who is use to writing like this...

Trying to write in cursive.

Absolutely horrible regardless who did it. I'm so sorry you have to deal with this crap OP.

I was just going to say that, it looks like my grandma's writing. She's used to Hangeul.

Take it to the police, and stay safe OP. It's most likely an empty threat by a racist but better safe than sorry.


Well tell us OP is there something going on? There must be something going on.

People talk about American values but sadly this is one of them. A divisive attitude that occurs when members of a certain group harm the country in some way. A divisive attitude that exists not only in the people, but in front runner candidates of the United States.

I wouldn't be too afraid OP. Every minority had encountered cowardice attacks like this. Chances are they don't have the balls to say or do anything right to your face


That looks like someone writing with the wrong hand on purpose so you can't identify the handwriting?

Doesn't matter, call the police right now.


Damn, that's awful. Enough about the handwriting though, this is seriously fucked up in general. Stay safe, OP.


Is it even accurate?

Bigots and racists always say this kind of nonsense to citizens of their own country.

Hey shitstain, there is nowhere to "go back" to.



Some shithead woke up and made a conscious decision to sit down and write all those...

I don't know what the cops can or can't do, but at least put the incident on their radar so they're aware and have a record of it.
I feel for you OP.

I've had this shit happen to me too and I'm in Canada.

Report it and install cameras on your front door.

I wish I could say it gets better but it will get worse
I would recommend contacting the police station to file a simple report for the sole purpose of having a record in case anything else happens in the future. Leave it at that for now but keep an eye out.
If anything continues or escalates, you're gunna want a recorded history.

they could get finger prints off the paper

No police station in the entire country is going to give enough of a shit to do this unless there is a murder.


I saw the picture before I read that paragraph and the first thought I had was "it looks like a Korean person wrote this." May not have been the case though..


"Go back" lmao. Do people not realize that Muslims are American citizens? Omar Mateen was born here and never left the country so like...

But please be safe :( I'm constantly worried about muslims now.
Call the police and at least file a report. Secondly if you live in an HOA let them know as well. Talk to your immediate neighbors too to tell them to keep an eye out.
Call the police.

In any case: everyone should have camera's at their front doors, imo.

Edit: seems like you already reported it. Good.


you can't put a price on sparks
that's a distinctive g... and a

yeah i'd call the police, but dont expect much of an action. just have it on record
"Go back" lmao. Do people not realize that Muslims are American citizens? Omar Mateen was born here and never left the country so like...

But please be safe :( I'm constantly worried about muslims now.

It's the Trump argument that he uses against the judge in his fraud case. The sort of dog whistle racism. Was even being brought up in the shooting thread too.


Did you know Halo invented the FPS?
OP. call your local news station. You will have the community back you and show that this shit isnt cool
Go to the police. Don't jump to conclusions and make accusations based on "looks Korean". There are many Indian scripts that have similar strokes too.
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