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Just found papers by door saying "go back." My family's muslim

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It could be children, sure, something about the immature scrawling and the childish tone of it is pretty damn spooky.

I hope the police look into it properly, this kind of shit needs ending.


I know it would be a stupid thing to do but I know my emotions would get the better of me and I would put a sign up saying "Come Back, and say that to my face."
is it really that big of a deal for them? why can't they just do it when they can?

Because there are 600 other people asking for the same thing. They're servicing an entire city. For the majority of events they're just going to file a report and then promptly ignore you.

Basically unless it's a felony or involves public safety, most of the time they will not make any attempt.

I dont like it but it's just the truth. I've had multiple dealings with the police over the years regarding actual break-ins, theft, and destruction of property. They only showed up to file the report and leave. If you dont already know who did it, it's not worth their time trying to track down individuals for the pettier one-off crimes.

If things escalate and there are recorded repeated incidents, then they start getting more interested, which is why it's important to file reports even if they police aren't going to do shit.


Aftershock LA
Report it to the police.

This isn't a joke, or a prank. It's just hatred. I'm sick of this type of shit being dismissed as people being "mentally unstable" or them just fucking around with you. It all starts somewhere. Perhaps written threats, then it escalates when their bigotry and prejudice reaches critical mass.

This isn't cool at all, and we need to stop taking it on the chin when people threaten us, or disrespect us. This type of behavior isn't acceptable in any way, shape, or form.


*hug* That's so shitty to do that. Why do people hate others just for existing? Hope this doesn't escalate and this is just the last your family has to experience it. :(

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
Stay safe dude. People are vile. That said, I don't agree with the bolded making this less likely.

It's really weird because I'm in California in a very diverse city (my high school was like 80% asian), and my neighbours are Korean and Indian.

That doesn't prevent bigotry at all, and that doesn't even read like something that most people would think could prevent it either. A shared immigrant experience doesn't necessarily mean much.

So anyways, stay safe. I hope it's not a threat and there's nothing to it, there shouldn't be.


To everyone who said the handwriting looks Korean: Please stop. You are engaging in incredibly offensive and racist behavior. And no, just because they are Korean, their handwriting is NOT going to resemble hangul.

To the OP: Very sorry to hear this happened to you. Hope you and your family are safe.
The police were nice, but ultimately just saying everything you guys were saying. Get a camera, be safe and careful, etc.

For context of the situation: I left at 7:40 to drop my sister to school. Came back by 8 and found these papers thrown by the door. Considering it wasn't spray painted on our garage or some shit at night like it was targeted, I'm going to assume somebody saw me walk out to drop my sister and decided to do it because of how I looked. We live behind a middle school, so there's always a lot of cars parked in our street at that time to drop their kids off. Maybe it was some racist asshole parent who clearly can't write for shit. Idk.

Again, thank you so much everybody. The support is very appreciated and makes me feel better!
To everyone who said the handwriting looks Korean: Please stop. You are engaging in incredibly offensive and racist behavior. And no, just because they are Korean, their handwriting is NOT going to resemble hangul.

To the OP: Very sorry to hear this happened to you. Hope you and your family are safe.

While I definitely think the OP should not jump to any conclusions (and thankfully it seems like he wont), I don't see how it's incredibly offensive and racist for them to point out that the handwriting superficially resembles a korean writing style.
Definitely get cameras.

I've experienced emotionally unstable neighbors personally. The guy was harassing us for being hispanic and for his shitty life. Ended up killing himself.


Unreal. You always hear about this sort of stuff, it's awful, and I'm sorry you were involved with a bunch of idiots.
That's a pretty shit situation OP, know that you have my support. I not really surprised that the police can't/won't do anything about it, but it's important to start a record in case this reoccurs.
That was Doc Brown. He's waiting for you with the Delorean and he was in too much of a rush to write out "We gotta go back!".

just trying to make a shitty situation a little lighter, don't mean to offend

Ploid 3.0

I'd call the police just to be sure :/ Don't just assume it's a prank.

This is what I would do as well. Give them the papers and hope they investigate and take care of it. Be careful, sorry this happens. My neighbors so far haven't done anything like this to me but I walk on eggshells (Mississippi, not muslim, but minority) I feel your concern, and I don't know how I would feel if I got papers like that at my door. Safe isn't one of the feelings I would have.

I hope the police in your city are good at taking care of this. No one should feel in danger in their own home.
It looks like a stick figure throwing a ball and saying "Back", like run back cuz i'm throwing it far even though I'm a one-armed stick figure with no stick muscles.
Just curious OP, where in California? I'm in a little town called Beaumont in Southern California.

But that's terrible. I agree, call the police and stay safe! Really hoping things don't escalate more than this.


While I definitely think the OP should not jump to any conclusions, I don't see how it's incredibly offensive and racist for them to point out that the handwriting superficially resembles a korean writing style.

Then let me spell it out for you.

You are implicitly suggesting that the culpable party is Korean, based on zero actual evidence.

So you think the handwriting resembles hangul? Therefore the person in question is probably Korean? Why? Because you believe Koreans to be incapable of drawing a curved line instead of straight one? Because you think approximating alphabetic characters is beyond the ability of someone whose first language is based upon a foreign script? Do you think that when Koreans draw pictures, the clouds, trees, and the stars resemble Korean characters?

To some degree, all of these assumptions are behind the "insight" that this handwriting looks like hangul. And yes, they are all racist, whether you want to admit it or not.


Good thing you reported it to the police. Always document threats to protect you legally, financially, and physically.

Get some cameras just in case the idiot comes back.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
OP: that's shitty, I hope it's just a one-time ill-thought prank by some dumbass kid and nothing serious.

they could get finger prints off the paper
Get fingerprints off the papers.
You guys are adorable, lol

There wasn't even a crime committed, like they'd bother doing that.

To everyone who said the handwriting looks Korean: Please stop. You are engaging in incredibly offensive and racist behavior. And no, just because they are Korean, their handwriting is NOT going to resemble hangul.
Yeah it's a little ironic that people sympathize with the OP for being a victim of racism and then engage in borderline racist behaviour themselves by assuming "it must be the Koreans".

(Nice avatar btw! Love those movies. :D)
Looks like a child's cursive, if they still practice it in schools these days.

Even though you're in California, understand that this state houses some very conservative people all over despite being progressive. Report it to the police, do not take it lightly.

Are you saying conservative people are racist?

Sorry to hear this OP.


that sounds pretty serious and if they couldn't help her then that sounds like a problem too.

It was years ago. Seriously though, that's the way the cops are. They don't have the manpower to go after purse snatchers, better yet go after people that send threats.


Fucking awful, if in the US buy a gun. Seriously I'm against gun ownership but these kinds of people are likely to have guns already. So you kind of need to even the odds to protect yourselves.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Hopefully it's just a random misunderstanding, but you did right to contact the police just in case.


Are you saying conservative people are racist?

Sorry to hear this OP.

Oh please. We have the presidential candidate of the major conservative party in this country saying racist shit every day, much of it against muslims and conservatives all over the country lapping it up.


put an american flag on your porch post and invite them to salute it.

also get some hidden cameras so you can id whomever and help them learn a lesson.


Are you saying conservative people are racist?

Sorry to hear this OP.

sorry dude but conservatives trend racial. liberals have racial issues too because there's a spectrum but conservatives in America go from blind baked in institutional racism to blatant and direct if not violent racism. And if you want to find those who aren't you'll need a microscope and a time machine.


Awful. No one should be made to feel uncomfortable like this.

Also, that is some weird ass writing. I have never in my life seen a 'g' written like that. That would have been forced out of me at school.
It's like there was no lesson learned in the concentration camp fiasco. People are cruel.

Now if the paper said "please don't hurt us" at least we would have the presumptive innocence/ignorance of the note writer, but this is just scary and aggressive.


also don't freak out too much, it may have just been neighborhood kids who do terrible things for no reason. but if there is an outbreak of incidents and you're a part of it, your report might help them form a pattern, so go ahead and let the police know.
That sucks man. I'm sorry that happened to you. Like others are saying, you should call the Police, don't take chances with stuff like this.
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