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K-Pop Fanboy/Fangirl |OT6| Thank You for Love


Dear Santa tracklist
1 Dear Santa (Kor)
2. Dear Santa ( Eng)
3. Merry Christmas
4. I Like The Way
5. Winter Story
6. First Snow





Fany looks great on that last image teaser. I don't mind them going full Christmas style if the songs are okay. SM didn't really disappoint so far, let's keep the faith.



My balls might be ovaries.

You should care, because his new album is classic Psy and it's fantastic.

Good to see him just doing his own thing, I guess he learnt from his failures trying to recreate Gangnam Style.

To some extent, but the album is definitely a return to form. This is the Psy I call my daddy.



My response to the posting of this video from another thread:

Honest and sincere question; does K-pop GAF fap to this shit? Because that's the only explanation I can come up with for someone enjoying this music video. Koreans are quick to point the finger at white guys for perpetuating the Asian fetish, but this K-pop shit also plays right into that. This music video is appalling; it's blatant sexual objectification, reducing women to two basic parts, their mouth and their ass. All I see is a video directing viewers' attention to two orifices on these women.

Holy shit has K-pop gotten bolder since I left Busan. My apologies for offending anyone and their personal tastes, but a bunch of white guys fawning over this stuff is some abhorrent shit. I just feel like, in an age when we're still trying to combat misogynistic attitudes towards women, shit like this sets us back, big time.

This is not a drive-by post, either. I'm open to any explanation/form of discussion anyone may care to offer. Feel free to PM me. I'm not sticking around to get lynched by the K-pop mob, so more reasonable discussions can take place elsewhere.


My response to the posting of this video from another thread:

Honest and sincere question; does K-pop GAF fap to this shit? Because that's the only explanation I can come up with for someone enjoying this music video. Koreans are quick to point the finger at white guys for perpetuating the Asian fetish, but this K-pop shit also plays right into that. This music video is appalling; it's blatant sexual objectification, reducing women to two basic parts, their mouth and their ass. All I see is a video directing viewers' attention to two orifices on these women.

Holy shit has K-pop gotten bolder since I left Busan. My apologies for offending anyone and their personal tastes, but a bunch of white guys fawning over this stuff is some abhorrent shit. I just feel like, in an age when we're still trying to combat misogynistic attitudes towards women, shit like this sets us back, big time.

This is not a drive-by post, either. I'm open to any explanation/form of discussion anyone may care to offer. Feel free to PM me. I'm not sticking around to get lynched by the K-pop mob, so more reasonable discussions can take place elsewhere.

Not a drive by post but you won't respond in this thread? Come on. This isn't a mob. People have engaged in debate here many times.

The Exid song is great, playful earworm stuff. As for enjoying the video, no, I think it's pretty bland. I don't remember having watched it since its release, but I've listened to the song quite a lot.

I think the video tries to be playful but it's worked better in other EXID MVs,

But, much like “Up & Down,” which was littered with playful innuendo, “Ah Yeah” turned out to be a smart blend of sexy and playful — paired with dashes of social commentary — that once again ended with the ladies of EXID on top.


There's a lot of good writing on k-pop. A lot of western critics have caught on to k-pop, like it, and have written great analysis all over the web. Just start googling if you want to see why k-pop is frequently critically acclaimed. Both from academic circles and mainstream music journalism. A lot of the writing is by women! Shock!

Also in general, if you're confused to why people like things, or in this specific case, dig k-pop, and want a good discussion, maybe "do you just fap to this?" isn't the best opening line? Maybe don't make assumptions about a group of people's race and gender either.
My response to the posting of this video from another thread:

Honest and sincere question; does K-pop GAF fap to this shit? Because that's the only explanation I can come up with for someone enjoying this music video. Koreans are quick to point the finger at white guys for perpetuating the Asian fetish, but this K-pop shit also plays right into that. This music video is appalling; it's blatant sexual objectification, reducing women to two basic parts, their mouth and their ass. All I see is a video directing viewers' attention to two orifices on these women.

Holy shit has K-pop gotten bolder since I left Busan. My apologies for offending anyone and their personal tastes, but a bunch of white guys fawning over this stuff is some abhorrent shit. I just feel like, in an age when we're still trying to combat misogynistic attitudes towards women, shit like this sets us back, big time.

This is not a drive-by post, either. I'm open to any explanation/form of discussion anyone may care to offer. Feel free to PM me. I'm not sticking around to get lynched by the K-pop mob, so more reasonable discussions can take place elsewhere.



RIP TTS, getting less budget for those sets that some random nugu.

My response to the posting of this video from another thread:

Honest and sincere question; does K-pop GAF fap to this shit? Because that's the only explanation I can come up with for someone enjoying this music video. Koreans are quick to point the finger at white guys for perpetuating the Asian fetish, but this K-pop shit also plays right into that. This music video is appalling; it's blatant sexual objectification, reducing women to two basic parts, their mouth and their ass. All I see is a video directing viewers' attention to two orifices on these women.

Holy shit has K-pop gotten bolder since I left Busan. My apologies for offending anyone and their personal tastes, but a bunch of white guys fawning over this stuff is some abhorrent shit. I just feel like, in an age when we're still trying to combat misogynistic attitudes towards women, shit like this sets us back, big time.

This is not a drive-by post, either. I'm open to any explanation/form of discussion anyone may care to offer. Feel free to PM me. I'm not sticking around to get lynched by the K-pop mob, so more reasonable discussions can take place elsewhere.

Lol, all this post to say "I don't like a MV" and use it to attack this community of "white people" (lol)... when I think almost no one in here liked it to begin with.

Also, how do you want to have a reasonable discussion if you are being disrespectful and not wanting to engage it in the open forum you started it?

Ugh, no idea why I am even bothering right now...


My response to the posting of this video from another thread:

Honest and sincere question; does K-pop GAF fap to this shit? Because that's the only explanation I can come up with for someone enjoying this music video. Koreans are quick to point the finger at white guys for perpetuating the Asian fetish, but this K-pop shit also plays right into that. This music video is appalling; it's blatant sexual objectification, reducing women to two basic parts, their mouth and their ass. All I see is a video directing viewers' attention to two orifices on these women.

Holy shit has K-pop gotten bolder since I left Busan. My apologies for offending anyone and their personal tastes, but a bunch of white guys fawning over this stuff is some abhorrent shit. I just feel like, in an age when we're still trying to combat misogynistic attitudes towards women, shit like this sets us back, big time.

This is not a drive-by post, either. I'm open to any explanation/form of discussion anyone may care to offer. Feel free to PM me. I'm not sticking around to get lynched by the K-pop mob, so more reasonable discussions can take place elsewhere.

You make it seem like jerking off to Kpop vids is a bad thing.


My response to the posting of this video from another thread:

Honest and sincere question; does K-pop GAF fap to this shit? Because that's the only explanation I can come up with for someone enjoying this music video. Koreans are quick to point the finger at white guys for perpetuating the Asian fetish, but this K-pop shit also plays right into that. This music video is appalling; it's blatant sexual objectification, reducing women to two basic parts, their mouth and their ass. All I see is a video directing viewers' attention to two orifices on these women.

Holy shit has K-pop gotten bolder since I left Busan. My apologies for offending anyone and their personal tastes, but a bunch of white guys fawning over this stuff is some abhorrent shit. I just feel like, in an age when we're still trying to combat misogynistic attitudes towards women, shit like this sets us back, big time.

This is not a drive-by post, either. I'm open to any explanation/form of discussion anyone may care to offer. Feel free to PM me. I'm not sticking around to get lynched by the K-pop mob, so more reasonable discussions can take place elsewhere.

I do appreciate female beauty and it's not completely irrelevant regarding the viewing experience, but mostly about K-pop I like the combo of catchy music and dancing. I fucking love dancing.
The MV you linked isn't that heavy on it so it's not one of my favourite videos. I'd rather see a performance version where I can see the choreography.


Are they attractive? Yes, no denying it.
Do I "fap to this shit"? Hell no.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
My response to the posting of this video from another thread:

Honest and sincere question; does K-pop GAF fap to this shit? Because that's the only explanation I can come up with for someone enjoying this music video. Koreans are quick to point the finger at white guys for perpetuating the Asian fetish, but this K-pop shit also plays right into that. This music video is appalling; it's blatant sexual objectification, reducing women to two basic parts, their mouth and their ass. All I see is a video directing viewers' attention to two orifices on these women.

Holy shit has K-pop gotten bolder since I left Busan. My apologies for offending anyone and their personal tastes, but a bunch of white guys fawning over this stuff is some abhorrent shit. I just feel like, in an age when we're still trying to combat misogynistic attitudes towards women, shit like this sets us back, big time.

This is not a drive-by post, either. I'm open to any explanation/form of discussion anyone may care to offer. Feel free to PM me. I'm not sticking around to get lynched by the K-pop mob, so more reasonable discussions can take place elsewhere.
I won't address what other people have addressed, but I'll just share what I'm thinking. First off, to answer your opening question, I know I don't. I can't speak for others, but I will say in response to your comments that personal private sexuality is a different issue from public gender relations. Often the private is a fantasy escapism from the self control and cognitive reservations and corrections of higher reasoning, and meant to indulge the instinctive that doesn't fit how we relate in reality. That's why pornos don't really go for good stories, but do often roleplay. Granted, there are also ways that private sexuality can be a thing that twists a mind to unacceptable perversions and false perspectives, but it isn't really sensible to presume such is true for a group of people, especially such a massive number of people as kpop fandom. Entertainment media is an interesting thing, tapping into the private and challenging the public at once. The statements it is making are often complicated, and all the more so when you factor in the money-making aspect, but I don't think that invalidates what it reflects of culture or what it brings to culture.

In regard to that particular video itself, and "fawning over" it, I think you may be conflating the persons with the video. The poster who linked it mentioned Hani, and Hani is a legitimately delightful and thoughtful person, and consideration for her as a person is different from consideration of her performances. Comparatively, I'm not particularly big on Miley Cyrus performances, yet I quite like a lot of what she is doing in life and things she says in interviews. The music of kpop can lead a person to learning about and admiring a performer, but admiring that performer does not mean they equally admire every performance or aspect of expression they participate in. With this MV in particular, what it is doing is rather complicated. You do have to keep in mind that they were censored earlier, and part of what they are speaking to is the right to be sexy if they want. However Korea has many complicated issues in regard to objectification and expressive rights with women, and drawing attention to bodily points of interest can be both a statement and a social power game rather than pure shallow titillation. But while I can try and analyze all that is going on in the MV and what they mean with different imagery and symbolism and actions, that is separate from how much I personally enjoy the MV. This one doesn't really grab me. Enjoyment of the song is still separate from that, and I do really like the song.

As for this kind of stuff "setting us back" in regard to misogyny, I would be more careful about what is considered progress and what is considered backsliding. Misogyny is an issue with men's respects for women, not about what behaviors women ought to display or not. Ideally, there should be freedom for women to be sexually overt or reserved in expression, heteronormative or androgynous in personal style, gentle and playful or sassy and tough in personality, whatever sort of being and living that suits their fancy, yet not have things like these affect the respects given to them. So then, if these sort of things are the product of male control and objectification against the girls wishes that is one thing, but if it is what the girls want to do, that is another thing entirely. EXID have given many signs of great influence over their own artistic direction, approval and belief in what they are doing, and of course they did get into the market while seeing what it is.

My view of that MV is definitely better than the "dumb helpless girl" shtick in AOA's "Short Hair" MV, but that is not to say AOA doesn't seem to have fun role playng in these sorts of ways and other forms of being "girly girls" and playing with the social games involved, or that they ought not enjoy that and "traditional femininity" to own it and make it what they want it to be in their lives and make money off of it. That certainly can be a thing that happens, and so even placating to male desires can be a sort of reclaiming and reframing of what were misogynistic controls before, and conversely choosing to not do this and instead rule it all out as out-of-date and utterly unacceptable by a surface judgement runs along a danger of turning into purity culture which is just another misogynist control. Then again, management has many men, and not all have right views, and so playing with these things may be working to fuel things against women as well. Not everything is a clean black & white. Some Korean girls I've known have told me some really horrible superficial things guys said to them, and Korea also has quite a prostitution issue, so how does one steal back both attention and respect with men around them at once while not giving up their right to be lovely/fabulous? The urgency of a single life in contrast to the slowness of overall social progress tells a tale about the boldness women sometimes use to act. Korean ladies can be exceptionally clever.

Not everyone in this thread thinks about it this much, but most of the regulars do have sensible convictions and give due respects to women while also yes having a sex drive and appreciating the attractive girls in large part for their beauty, which honestly is a quite a lot of work to maintain and doesn't have many legitimate reasons to not be appreciated. Several of those regulars in here are female, and there are quite a bit more girls and women within a lot of other kpop-focused places on the internet, and they often have their own views and admirations when it comes to female performers. I find that a lot of judgmental people with a pretension of higher principles and intellect are actually in practice considerably less thoughtful, less inclusive, less accepting and appreciative of a wide variety of individuals in their individual expression and being than many people in fandoms for the arts. Not that I am saying such about you, but I would advise you to not jump to conclusions about the mindsets of people who enjoy this stuff.


Sorry for quoting this, but:

it must be really embarrassing being like 25 and having to act like a 13 year old

I didn't know you were 25.

I went out of my way to remove him from my ignore list just to quote this, but it was too good to pass up.
*Ignores again*

Also, how funny is that he is subscribed to this thread?
Funny thing is, a majority of vocal K-Pop fans aren't even white people.

White dudes are too scared to admit they're K-Pop fans because they think being vocal about yellow fever keeps the yellow snatch away. Ironically enough, it's the total opposite for white girls and they use this shit as a mating call to attract Asian dudes.

But again, this isn't even a white people thing outside of Korea. Check out the writers for the music websites, the popular YouTube K-Pop vlogs or whatever, these people are black, Hispanic, Asian, European, whatever.

Fact of the matter is, K-Pop is a worldwide thing already. Whatever your reservations are about it, it's ridiculously dumb to assume that this is a yellow fever type of thing. It honestly just sounds like you're white-knighting, hoping to attract attention, especially since you just leave and don't want to man up and get a proper discussion going.

And for the record, I'm Asian.

I find that a lot of judgmental people with a pretension of higher principles and intellect are actually in practice considerably less thoughtful, less inclusive, less accepting and appreciative of a wide variety of individuals in their individual expression and being than many people in fandoms for the arts.

Funny how that works right?

These people have a stick sooo far up their ass they can't see beyond the facade of bullshit they put up around themselves.
Me reading this page like


Also interesting to note is that a huge part of international k-pop fans are gay dudes, who are often into girlgroups over boygroups. It's not just a fapfest.


So Twice will be awarded rookies of the year, what a snub from GFriend.

So the group that had better public votes and physical sales won over the group with better digital sales? What a snub!

Twice on Weekly Idol next week by the way.


Rap Monster got accused of plagiarism again (this time using Twitter quotes in his lyrics). He apologised:
translation said:
Hello. This is BTS’s Rap Monster. I am in Hong Kong for MAMA. Today is a very important day for BTS but this is also very important and I thought that I should directly address this so I’m leaving this tweet.

Today morning, through a friend I found out that there was a problem with the source of my lyrics.

First of all I am very sorry. Even though it is just the start, as a creator myself I sometimes feel a lot of hardships. Since I cannot write music with only my inner stimulation, I try to get inspiration from talking with friends, the books I like, movies, interviews and even fan letters. So I write down lines that leave a deep impression on my phone. I normally delete them or forget about them but today after I received criticism, I feel that I have made this mistake subconsciously. Even though I didn’t remember the sources properly, I worked carelessly with only the thought of having to make songs.

It is all my fault. I feel that it would definitely be displeasing for the person who first wrote the expression. I will directly contact those people and will try my best to take full responsibility.

Again to the people who criticized this problem, and to those who were hurt, I apologize. Even though I still lack in many aspects, I’m very sorry and thankful to the fans who always cheer us on. I will become a person who thinks of the reponsibility of a creator before the hardships of a creator.

I apologize once again to all those I have concerned.

@wevebeenhere Hello this is Rap Monster. I want to personally apologize about the issue you pointed out today. Is conversation possible? If you will follow (me), I will DM you (I am saying this so that I can block any potential unwanted harm that you may receive because of public conversation, so I ask for your understanding.)

@radiordinary Hello this is Rap Monster. I want to personally apologize about the issue that occurred today. Is conversation possible? If you will follow (me), I will DM you (I am saying this so that I can block any potential unwanted harm that you may receive because of public conversation, so I ask for your understanding.)


Teaser for Starship's new girl group


Let's Dance: APRIL(에이프릴) _ Muah!


Fact of the matter is, K-Pop is a worldwide thing already. Whatever your reservations are about it, it's ridiculously dumb to assume that this is a yellow fever type of thing. It honestly just sounds like you're white-knighting, hoping to attract attention, especially since you just leave and don't want to man up and get a proper discussion going.

I find it hilarious that the poster specifically said that he/she is not doing a drive-by post, yet that's exactly what he/she does.


Petshop Boys really?



So the group that had better public votes and physical sales won over the group with better digital sales? What a snub!

If this is the Best Female Group you have to see the overall achievements since their debut.

Voting was 20% of final results, the winning margin for Twice was only some 2%.
I suppose a category winner does not takes the full percentage value but a weighted value.

Physical sales? SInce GAON is used, Gfriend has some 16K whileTwice has 17K (November figures are not yet released and shouldn't be counted). But in fact categories are "Music Sales" (20%) - Digital - and "Record Sales" (10%) - Physical I guess. And for digital, GFriend overall record is much more than Twice, with 1st and 3rd place overall for rookies, including male groups. But of course the main factor was the no appearance, no award.


If this is the Best Female Group you have to see the overall achievements since their debut.

Voting was 20% of final results, the winning margin for Twice was only some 2%.
I suppose a category winner does not takes the full percentage value but a weighted value.

Physical sales? SInce GAON is used, Gfriend has some 16K whileTwice has 17K (November figures are not yet released and shouldn't be counted). But in fact categories are "Music Sales" (20%) - Digital - and "Record Sales" (10%) - Physical I guess. And for digital, GFriend overall record is much more than Twice, with 1st and 3rd place overall for rookies, including male groups. But of course the main factor was the no appearance, no award.

And then there's the percentages of final score voted on by a selection committee, "research institutes" and a "professional panel". We'll never know the final scores, or how it swung between categories. But what is Gfriend doing right now anyway? If they were offered the award, they would have shown up in Hong Kong.
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