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Killzone Shadowfall Press Preview Thread


Anyone know if the aiming is smoother and more responsive than Killzone 2/3? That is my only remaining concern about Shadowfall.

I personally loved the weight and punchy feeling, but this looks like it plays much faster and more fluid. However, that is a sacrifice I am willing to accept in light of all of the other advances. More deliberate pace, more open areas that encourage exploration and makes you contemplate your next move and how you want to go about it? Yes please. It looks like a different game that is in the same, but much more realized universe. Not to mention it is so much prettier to look at.


Junior Member
Oh holy shit I just realized that these were multiplayer screens. I can't believe we're getting that at 60fps on day 1.
I'm impressed at how good MP looks. I expected a massive hit in visual fidelity after they announced the game will run at 60FPS. It looks just like SP.


*jaw/floor interface*

Looks exactly like the opening scene in Aliens with that scanning robot.

Unsurprising, GG are big fans of Aliens. I remember them showing the movie during a press event to explain what they were going for with KZ2.


Dreams in Digital
Anyone know if the aiming is smoother and more responsive than Killzone 2/3? That is my only remaining concern about Shadowfall.

"PlayStation 4 has allowed us to tune everything. The foundation is a reworked version of Core Engine, the same engine used in Killzone 2 and 3, but most of it is new. The more precise mechanics is something we can thank Sony for as the new controller has a dead zone with the analogue sticks that is 20 times smaller than with DualShock 3 and PlayStation 3. The latency between controller and game is much shorter, which makes for a sense of more direct and immediate response."


Well worth reading all of it: http://www.gamereactor.eu/articles/96034/A+new+Killzone+for+a+new+generation/


This game really makes you question about how poor the efforts have been from major publishers to make next gen titles.....they're just feeding us with PS3/360 games in disguise....KIllzone will be one of the few games truly conceived for a next gen console this year.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
They deserve some praise for posting actual direct buffer, non-supersampled screens.

If this is using FXAA, it looks better than any other FXAA I've seen. (Disclaimer: I haven't seen the high quality variant ones in action). It looks pretty damn great in most of the screens, as well as in the trailer when in motion.


could never
Love how the MP graphics are identical to the quality of the single players. Most games you play as soon as you go into a lobby and join a game it's like you're playing a completely different title and engine.


I'd be in the dick
They deserve some praise for posting actual direct buffer, non-supersampled screens.

If this is using FXAA, it looks better than any other FXAA I've seen. (Disclaimer: I haven't seen the high quality variant ones in action). It looks pretty damn great in most of the screens, as we as in the trailer when in motion.
I can usually spot FXAA a mile away and this doesn't look exactly like it. If it is then they managed to actually make it worthwhile but I think it's probably a custom post process solution. Several of the edges from the reveal which was confirmed using FXAA are much smoother now.


So all the screens posted thus far are from multiplayer? They look pretty good but the aliasing is bugging me. I was hoping that seeing jaggy ropes, chain link fences, etc would be over, but this is just a launch title. Things will get much better. Plus, I assume single player has more bells and whistles. That said, multiplayer still looks great, I think I was just hoping for perfection and had to remember this is just their first pass and it'll get much better.
They deserve some praise for posting actual direct buffer, non-supersampled screens.

If this is using FXAA, it looks better than any other FXAA I've seen. (Disclaimer: I haven't seen the high quality variant ones in action). It looks pretty damn great in most of the screens, as we as in the trailer when in motion.

Pretty bog standard FXAA!

Love how the MP graphics are identical to the quality of the single players. Most games you play as soon as you go into a lobby and join a game it's like you're playing a completely different title and engine.

Yeah, the MP screens look great.
This looks like it is THE next-gen launch title.

As someone who isn't a big Killzone fan I can't believe how good this ended up turning out. I think I'm going to keep my COD Ghosts preorder on the Xbone since I will want to focus on this as my FPS for PS4.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
I can usually spot FXAA a mile away and this doesn't look exactly like it. If it is then they managed to actually make it worthwhile but I think it's probably a custom post process solution.
It might be something similar to it, but deals better with sub pixel edges and doesn't blur overall picture nearly as much. There's lots of sub pixel edges on trees etc, that actually look quite good instead of offensive as I'd think they'd be. Moreover, in motion during that trailer it doesn't at all become a shimmery garbage like I'm used to FXAA to look like.

Again, I know FXAA has some High Quality variant but I'm pretty sure I've never seen it in action. All I can see is that this (and the trailer) does seem quite a bit better antialiased than the February footage.

Or this could be another case of Guerilla making good use of AA solution that noone likes, like what they did with QXAA in KZ2 - which ended somehow with better image quality or at least more authentic looking than KZ3 which used MLAA.


could never
Eurogamer offers us a new look at the multiplayer:




To expand on what I said above, the more I watch this in motion the better it looks. The lighting and particle effects really stand out to me, as does the sound which is always great in a Guerilla game.


Multiplayer - All guns are unlocked from the start, so you are not getting owned by higher ranks with better stuff. Instead you have challenges where you can level up certain abilities upon completing them. Sounds much more balanced and open this way.

Interesting; I didn't know that the tactical echo thing could give away your position if you fill the bar


couple of other things: didn't know there were shield enemies and also when walking over another weapon it'll show you it's stats and what's better or worse than the gun you have equipped in green and red.

For reference


@ 7:56
Multiplayer - All guns are unlocked from the start, so you are not getting owned by higher ranks with better stuff. Instead you have challenges where you can level up certain abilities upon completing them. Sounds much more balanced and open this way.

Yep, they nailed that aspect. Also like that they are going to keep the community together by making maps free to all. Basically allows them to do an update for all users and release the maps in that form so that literally anyone that plays online will for sure have the maps.

So those two things will go a long way to make this a game that stays in people's rotation and to continue to sell well past release.


Finally, the OWL, while a great tool for the single player campaign, seems to be limited in its offensive capacity. It's empowering to deploy the OWL to help attack your enemies, there's the feeling that not that many of its rounds are hitting or doing that much damage.
Its more of a distraction I like that.


Movement - still has a feeling of some weight, but more fluid and not sluggish.

Sounds like a great compromise. I can tell by looking at it that it very much plays faster.


Now I know there's something wrong with GG's capturing equipment. I noticed some stuttering in the b-roll SP footage, but here it doesn't make any sense considering multiplayer runs at 60fps.

I would blame youtube, seems it can't keep up when shit gets crazy.
a lot of good reactions through out.... and this being a launch title makes KZ into a more major I.P for Sony

if you think about this way having their other franchises go first without announcing their big guns while also placing it as a brand image in there latest commercials as a must have franchise is actually a ridiculous good strategy that will help Sony in the long run

Master Plan indeed Yoshida ;)


Euro GAF clan, where even if you are not playing you an observe your clan mates playing and chat away is going to be awesome ...... as well as watching the stream and being able to join in seamlessly.


a lot of good reactions through out.... and this being a launch title makes KZ into a more major I.P for Sony

It's about time. It was already reaching greatness with KZ2, in my opinion. It was only a matter of time before this series busted wide open and reached it's full potential. Guerrilla is just too damn talented and this new hardware is really allowing them to flex their muscles.

At any rate, I was excited before. But since the story trailer and all of this, it is now a straight-up system seller for me. Nothing else at launch touches it.
They deserve some praise for posting actual direct buffer, non-supersampled screens.

If this is using FXAA, it looks better than any other FXAA I've seen. (Disclaimer: I haven't seen the high quality variant ones in action). It looks pretty damn great in most of the screens, as well as in the trailer when in motion.
The fxaa in bf3 looks nice.
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