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Killzone Shadowfall Press Preview Thread


Now I know there's something wrong with GG's capturing equipment. I noticed some stuttering in the b-roll SP footage, but here it doesn't make any sense considering multiplayer runs at 60fps.

I think everyone is having problems capturing gameplay right now. The capture devices don't seem to be up to speed yet. I don't know that there's anything out there capturing at 1080p60fps, much less if you could find a site that would host it in that same resolution and fps without butchering it with compression. This may finally be the gen that video playback of gameplay won't come close due to the limitations of websites.

Or, it could be a huge opportunity for companies to start up websites that allow you to upload your video files with whatever criteria you want. I think the main problem for most sites is bandwidth.


Jesus fuck


Thanks for the GIFs everyone! Quite impressive. I'm happy that they are using a wide color palette. Last gen brown/grey is hopefully a thing of the past.

I also hope that the language in KZ:SF isn't as constantly harsh as with KZ2 and KZ3. I haven't really noticed it in KZ:M on the Vita so hopefully GG has moved away from it.

I cried a bit when I saw those forest gifs.

Don't worry. I'm sure The Flash will be along shortly.
Multiplayer looks like it could be really addictive and seems like a successor to Call of Duty but with the concepts of Killzone multiplayer at heart. Like a merger of both games, and that is really exciting.

It's really cool that the developer mentions the game ships with 10 maps but they have a dedicated team working on several more to download at a later date - all of which will be free! That's how it should be. None of this £9.99 for a map pack bullshit.
It looks like something running on a high end PC. Very good sign of what's to come this gen. I'm thinking the MP + a few indie titles will do nicely to hold me over until Second Son.
God damn that is one fucking stunning video game. It's fitting that my first PS3 game with the console was KZ2 which wow'd the shit out of me, now it looks like it's the same scenario for the PS4 :)


Fujiwara Tofu Shop
Just looked at all the screens, and it looks pretty awesome. Didn't read the previews as I want to go into the game pretty fresh. My level of hype for this game is really starting to rise. So close, yet so far from next-gen, guys.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Not a fan. It makes the game look notably blurrier with FXAA on than off.
Ironically, the FXAA would work great with KZ2 kind of atmosphere, but here you'd expect thing to look as sharp and futuristic as possible. But then again I think it looks great. To me it looks better AA-ed than the february reveal, but I'll go back and check if memory is playing tricks on me.
This is the first time the multiplayer has really interested me. The objective-based focus, the class abilities mingling with each other, how you seem to have more health than the average CoD "I see you first you die now" battle, all the chokepoints and defense positions. I'm digging it.

JC pls
I like it. It would be fairly dull if it was restricted to pre set situations like the "you can only jump under these circumstances" thing in the new Thief game. But you can do it anywhere which just gives you so many options when traversing a level. I wouldn't be surprised if collectibles/secrets are hidden away in areas only reachable with the zip line, just like you had to use rope arrows to get secrets in Dark Messiah.

Today's been a great day for stroking the hype section of my brain

what im describing is the same functionality as the "rope" but without it. You would "zipline" over without the line.
Anyone else think Shadow Fall is going to be where the franchise takes off in the stratosphere?

This has "Flagship Launch Title, Killer AP" written ALL over it.


The PU preview is pretty good.

According to them:

-longest KZ campaign ever, 12+ hours possibly.
-multiple paths. Go via front door or sneak into the back
-OWL rocks
-MP graphics only a tiny bit worse than SP, difference smaller than expected. Stable 60fps.

I hope this all is true. Killzone SF is looking better and better so it would add up for me.


Anyone else think Shadow Fall is going to be where the franchise takes off in the stratosphere?

This has "Flagship Launch Title, Killer AP" written ALL over it.

I get that vibe for sure. Like I said earlier, I love Killzone and was excited before, but this game has system seller and hit written all over it. About time as well, as Killzone has always flirted with greatness and deserved a hell of a lot more praise than it got.


Anyone else think Shadow Fall is going to be where the franchise takes off in the stratosphere?

This has "Flagship Launch Title, Killer AP" written ALL over it.

Then again it's competing in a genre of heavy hitters. The theme of KZ just doesn't have the same universal appeal as generic war.

The game is clearly tailored for wider appeal so it should soar past the previous installments for sure.
You TOTALLY ***_******'d GTAV's combat. Why Net why :(

Rockstar gonna Rockstar though. They had a history of it long before I signed up to NeoGAF.

AND DON'T USE ME AS A VERB, YO. Unless, like, it's amazing. Then you say, "Damn, Killzone Shadow Fall is totes Net_Wrecker'd." Because that would mean it's good......I DON'T JINX *stomps away and slams door*


This is a prime example of why multiplatform publishers cannot gimp one version of their game to ensure parity with a weaker console release.

Because they still have to compete with games like this.


Anyone else think Shadow Fall is going to be where the franchise takes off in the stratosphere?

This has "Flagship Launch Title, Killer AP" written ALL over it.
It looks great, but I don't really know what it does other than graphics to be that excited over. Multiplayer is very CoD-ish from what I've seen. Haven't played any of the past KZ's, but they seemed like that as well. So I could be wrong on that. But in general, the gameplay looks pretty standard stuff.

I think Battlefield could take off and TitanFall is almost surely a hit in the making. I think Killzone will remain a great graphical showcase, as it was on the PS3, but I think it needs something more special for it to become a proper world-beater.


Junior Member
It looks great, but I don't really know what it does other than graphics to be that excited over. Multiplayer is very CoD-ish from what I've seen. Haven't played any of the past KZ's, but they seemed like that as well. So I could be wrong on that. But in general, the gameplay looks pretty standard stuff.

I think Battlefield could take off and TitanFall is almost surely a hit in the making. I think Killzone will remain a great graphical showcase, as it was on the PS3, but I think it needs something more special for it to become a proper world-beater.

Er what. Its SP campaign looks fantastic from a gameplay perspective more than anything.
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