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Killzone Shadowfall Press Preview Thread


Wats going on in this gif I can't tell on my cell phone

It's just a melee.I just thought he looked cool :p




Did ANYONE ask if they will ever support this? I don't care if I have to hold the DS4 with one hand, I did the same with Bioshock and RE5... it makes shooters so much better.


Junior Member
I'm glad you're excited about it.

I am. There are two few console military shooters that are actually giving you choice in gameplay these days. Infact I cant think of any apart from Crysis2/3 in recent memory which were pretty garbage anyway. Well you cant win them all.
Guerilla is delivering AT LAUNCH what others will deliver in two-three years.


Probably.. but still.. BF4 on PC is still the graphics target for next-gen consoles. As beautiful as KZ:Shadowfall looks, it's not even close to looking as good as that story-trailer of BF4.



Probably.. but still.. BF4 on PC is still the graphics target for next-gen consoles. As beautiful as KZ:Shadowfall looks, it's not even close to looking as good as that story-trailer of BF4.


KZSF's art direction is 100x more appealing to me though. They nailed it.
KZSF's art direction is 100x more appealing to me though. They nailed it.

BF4 and KZ:SF will be my only two launch games (save for all the F2Ps)...

...and i agree... the art direction is where GG realllly excels. They just have amazing vision... and they execute it perfectly.


Probably.. but still.. BF4 on PC is still the graphics target for next-gen consoles. As beautiful as KZ:Shadowfall looks, it's not even close to looking as good as that story-trailer of BF4.


Not even close? I hate that conjecture bullshit phrase... define "close" for me. Both are running at 1080p, and look amazing. What is close?

What what is -M? Do you type out a signature to every post on gaf, cuz that is just weird...


That's why I said PC in my previous.
The obvious response here is... why are we comparing PC vs consoles then? Obviously PCs are more powerful machines at the very high end of the spectrum. They SHOULD look better. The fact that KZ looks this good is a testament to the team who made it, good on them I say
Not even close? I hate that conjecture bullshit phrase... define "close" for me. Both are running at 1080p, and look amazing. What is close?

More destruction
Better AO
Great color saturation
Nice contrast
More detailed models
Lighting and shadow is of a higher quality
Way more geometry on the screen at one time
Dynamic weather that affects the environment
Many more devices/toys to play with
Higher resolutions are optional

Just look at that story trailer! It almost looks like the E3 tech demos.

I'm not taking away from KZ:SF because it's a day one purchase for me. But there is still something out there better looking and doing even more in a given frame of animation IMO.
a lot of good reactions through out.... and this being a launch title makes KZ into a more major I.P for Sony

if you think about this way having their other franchises go first without announcing their big guns while also placing it as a brand image in there latest commercials as a must have franchise is actually a ridiculous good strategy that will help Sony in the long run

Master Plan indeed Yoshida ;)

Both KZ and Infamous seem to be on a whole new level. It's great to see


More destruction (i'll give you that for sure)
Better AO (i don't even know what this is supposed to mean)
More detailed models (debatable)
Lighting and shadow is of a higher quality (debatable)
Way more geometry on the screen at one time (way more eh? Seems legit)
Dynamic weather that affects the environment (killzone has some really nice wind/fog implementation too)
Many more devices/toys to play with (what?)
Higher resolutions are optional (what?)

Just look at that story trailer! It almost looks like the E3 tech demos.

I'm not taking away from KZ:SF because it's a day one purchase for me. But there is still something out there better looking and doing even more in a given frame of animation IMO.

Ya... I agree BF4 looks better but your list is a bit questionable


Gold Member

Did ANYONE ask if they will ever support this? I don't care if I have to hold the DS4 with one hand, I did the same with Bioshock and RE5... it makes shooters so much better.

The devs said they had nothing to say at this time about this and 3d support too :(
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