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Konami seeking new main staff members for development of new Metal Gear series


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
In a scenario where Kojima remained a full time Konami employee yet formally resigned from Metal Gear direction and leadership, feeling fulfilled with his series accomplishments culminating with The Phantom Pain, fully intending to move his career onto new franchises and ideas, while endorsing passing on Metal Gear to a new team with their own vision and without his input and guidance, would fans here still claim to never buy a Kojimaless Metal Gear and renounce all possibilities of it being good if different?


Neo Member
No major game series is more inextricably tied to its creator than MGS. Kojima's unique sensibilities are a huge part of MGS's identity and appeal.

I don't think the series has a sustainable future without either being guided by Kojima working as a contractor, or by a successor that has been chosen and groomed by Kojima. Otherwise, I envision Konami cashing in on the name for a few installments until people lose interest. If they do split, I will be much more interested in the next Kojima game than I will be in the next MG game.

Also, does a full Kojima/Konami split rule out the MGS Fox Engine remakes? I'm assuming Kojima productions owns Fox Engine while Konami owns the MG IP, correct?
Here's my little analysis on the situation, I don't claim to have the truth, but I think it makes sense and puts some things in perspective.

One thing that's important to remember is that, for the last couple of years, Kojima has been one of Konami`s top executives, gaining great power over the company... He basically went from a game director to one of the big head honchos, and his presence was certainly felt by other board directors and such. Nobody wants one man to get all the glory and publicity... And I'm sure this created it's share or rivalries and anymosity amongst Konami executives.

His ambitions were pretty clear, after all. His studio was called Kojima Production, he opened a new Studio and called it Kojima Productions L.A, he created his own FOX engine and outsourced it for other Konami games, he even got his his hands and input on Castlevania (to a lesser extent) and Silent Hill (basically making it his own, in a sense), in effect being associated with most of Konami`s key franchise in a way, shape or form. Kojima always was pretty transparent about things relating to his ego, it was always "his" games, "his" studios, and in a sense, it was always about him. It was no longer Konami, it was Kojima's publisher.

It's possible and probable the reason why most other Konami franchises are somewhat struggling is partially because Kojima kept pushing for his projects while leaving other people in the dust. He definitively got most of the budget, and put his hands on most projects that were interesting.

I think perhaps KP representatives started to see the Kojima name was overshadowing the Konami brand, and they started to understand that maybe he was too big in the studio. And the problem would only get bigger after Silent Hills releases... I mean, Kojima would be the brainchild of most key Konami Franchises after that...

At the same time, Kojima was vocally expressing everywhere he was tired of the Metal Gear Franchise anyway, and he wanted other staff members to take over the franchise anyway... He was done with Metal Gear , in a sense, while Konami is definitively far from done with the franchise , as it's their main cash cow. That must have created frictions, with Konami constantly nagging Kojima to keep producing sequels while he wanted to move to more risky and independent project.

In a sense, it was a great time to push Kojima out, as he was about done with MGSV and quitting the MGS development anyway... Might as well boot the guy while he's in between projects, then continue the MGS franchise without Kojima being directly involved.

Then we can flip the table and look at it from Kojima's point of view. For years, he's basically being forced to work on Metal Gear Sequels, while he dreams of new franchises and concepts. For the last couple of years, he decided to take more risks with his games, claiming MGSV would tackle taboos and he might be forced to leave the game industry after the game, all the while working on a survival horror game he wanted to be so tense and scary that perhaps nobody would finish it...

In a sense, it was like he was finally allowing himself to embrace the creative freedom he felt he lacked for many years, yet I'm sure this came with a pretty big caveat in terms of responsabilities... If he felt, he would be kicked out. It remains to be seen if MGSV lives up to the hype, or if it indeed is so taboo that Kojima had to leave Konami because of it, but I feel like something big was at stake here, and maybe the outcome is his departure.

Or maybe Kojima realised he had a good enough team and enough notoriety to make it on his own, and that by leaving and doing his own thing, he would no longer be forced to produce sequels to existing franchises and would gain much more creative freedom to pursue his own projects. I mean, nowadays, with Kickstarter and such, I'm sure Kojima can fund whatever project he wants and keeps his studio working.. In a sense, Kojima no longer needs Konami... And perhaps it's Kojima that decided to leave... Who knows... We immediately assume Konami is the bad guy, but it's possible Kojima wanted out too.


So Silent Hills is dead then? Probably too early to tell.

I wonder if Konami is gonna do any last minute "alterations" to MGSV

If the one tweet was true, the deal is with the "ever-cursed with games not making it through development" Del Toro and Konami, not Kojima.

But it seemed like it was Kojima who had the pull to get them to not only attempt Silent Hill again, but to actually put some money and effort into it.

If it still releases it likely won't be as good because it lost it's main cheerleader within the company.


In a scenario where Kojima remained a full time Konami employee yet formally resigned from Metal Gear direction and leadership, feeling fulfilled with his series accomplishments culminating with The Phantom Pain, fully intending to move his career onto new franchises and ideas, while endorsing passing on Metal Gear to a new team with their own vision and without his input and guidance, would fans here still claim to never buy a Kojimaless Metal Gear and renounce all possibilities of it being good if different?



If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
This trailer man... the feels.



Remember Kojima wanted to stop working on the series after MGS2 but he always came back for the fans and of course for konami's cashcow, he always played the nice guy and this is how they thank him for that? by removing his existence and everything he and his team stood for?
In a scenario where Kojima remained a full time Konami employee yet formally resigned from Metal Gear direction and leadership, feeling fulfilled with his series accomplishments culminating with The Phantom Pain, fully intending to move his career onto new franchises and ideas, while endorsing passing on Metal Gear to a new team with their own vision and without his input and guidance, would fans here still claim to never buy a Kojimaless Metal Gear and renounce all possibilities of it being good if different?

If you can magically cause that to happen, why not?

But then again, you can probably convince me to buy MGS6 if you give me a billion dollars. Both are equally as likely.


In a scenario where Kojima remained a full time Konami employee yet formally resigned from Metal Gear direction and leadership, feeling fulfilled with his series accomplishments culminating with The Phantom Pain, fully intending to move his career onto new franchises and ideas, while endorsing passing on Metal Gear to a new team with their own vision and without his input and guidance, would fans here still claim to never buy a Kojimaless Metal Gear and renounce all possibilities of it being good if different?

Obviously there's emotion involved in what people are saying. Also, there is a difference between a passing of the torch and having the torch ripped away. One gives confidence that the overall vision of MGS will be maintained or at least respected, the other does not.


....none of that first sentence makes sense. If you love the world and characters, those are things Kojima created. You expect someone else to just take over and know how to develop that world and those characters?

well there have been metal gear spinoffs like Snakes Revenge, Acid, and Ghost Babel so it's not like there hasn't been metal gear games without Kojima. Although those aren't the greatest of examples, I don't see a problem with another dev coming in and trying something new with the world and characters. It happens all the time in comic books and movies.

I love Kojima, he is my favorite dev, heck I have the same birthday as the guy and am proud of that fact lol. I just don't think its the end of the world for Metal Gear without him and I don't think I'm betraying KojiPro since they will go on to make better things. Sure it seems criminal that Konami took the series away from Kojima but didn't Kojima want to be free of it regardless? The way it went down was downright nasty I'll admit, but Kojima and KojiPro wouldn't still be working on MGSV tirelessly if the split wasn't somewhat mutual.


In a scenario where Kojima remained a full time Konami employee yet formally resigned from Metal Gear direction and leadership, feeling fulfilled with his series accomplishments culminating with The Phantom Pain, fully intending to move his career onto new franchises and ideas, while endorsing passing on Metal Gear to a new team with their own vision and without his input and guidance, would fans here still claim to never buy a Kojimaless Metal Gear and renounce all possibilities of it being good if different?

It would be different.

Kojima might not be the one making Metal Gear anymore but he would be within the company. He would be there to give feedback, to provide his experience and opinion. Even if it was minimal , his influence would be instrumental. Without Kojima everybody can just go bananas with the franchise.


In a scenario where Kojima remained a full time Konami employee yet formally resigned from Metal Gear direction and leadership, feeling fulfilled with his series accomplishments culminating with The Phantom Pain, fully intending to move his career onto new franchises and ideas, while endorsing passing on Metal Gear to a new team with their own vision and without his input and guidance, would fans here still claim to never buy a Kojimaless Metal Gear and renounce all possibilities of it being good if different?
I actually think this is a possibility. I'm definitely waiting for further info.


Its not just Kojima leaving though, its seems to be a swath of the higher level ups at Konami.

Just who the hell is left to lead the gaming division?


This has turned into quite the saga. Worst-nightmare scenario for many I'd imagine. I don't follow the MGS serious closely at all but I'm interested to watch this play out.
It would be different.

Kojima might not be the one making Metal Gear anymore but he would be within the company. He would be there to give feedback, to provide his experience and opinion. Even if it was minimal , his influence would be instrumental. Without Kojima everybody can just go bananas with the franchise.

to be fair, it wasn't like the franchise wasn't already bananas to begin with.


It would be different.

Kojima might not be the one making Metal Gear anymore but he would be within the company. He would be there to give feedback, to provide his experience and opinion. Even if it was minimal , his influence would be instrumental. Without Kojima everybody can just go bananas with the franchise.

I think he tried this before but the developers kept coming to him on what to do so he eventually just said fuck it, I 'll just direct the damn thing lol.


Unconfirmed Member
I actually think this is a possibility. I'm definitely waiting for further info.
You're going to be waiting a while.

If there was anything positive about this arrangement for Kojima, he would have said something by now.


If the games are good. I will buy them.

Miyamoto hasn't been intimately involved in Mario or Zelda recently either. Those still get decent entries.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I ask that not because I believe it will happen, but to guage the value of context in a scenario that is ultimately similar to what we're getting regarding the franchise future, while humouring the very real posibility that while shit blew up internally at Konami and the situation is messy that Kojima is legitimately, earnestly finished with his 28 year legacy for reasons that go beyond corporate politics.


I think he tried this before but the developers kept coming to him on what to do so he eventually just said fuck it, I 'll just direct the damn thing lol.

Because he wasnt involved in something else, plus I think he was just protecting KOnami's interests... it is pretty obvious KOnami was forcing Kojima on the next MGS. Whenever Kojima said "this is my final MGS game" a Konami suit called him saying something along the lines of : "you do know that it aint happening right? Right?"
Yeah the way Konami is handling this after MGSV they have lost me as a customer. Maybe if they were more clear about the whole thing but taking his name off everything is ridiculous and petty.

I hope for fellow gamers the new MG series is awesome but I won't be buying them day one.


lol, knowing Kojima this is just a publicity stunt where he reveals his second personality as the new "god" of Konami.

"from FOX, two phantoms were born"

perhaps this line also means 2 rising stars from KojiPro will take the helm of Metal Gear with Kojima's consent, who knows lol.
I disagree with you, with the exception of some titles like Metal Gear Rising.

MGS3 has a bee man, an astronaut man, and a lightning man who is also bisexual sadist and punches people with bullets wedged inbetween his fingers. It also has ghost man and includes a lengthy phone conversation between the heads of state for the USSR and the USA. You eat snakes and talk about bond films with your help.

it's not exactly your typical action adventure game by any definition, and MGS3 is considered one of the less nutty of the franchise. If i really wanted to make a stronger argument i would've gone with MGS2 or MGS4 but i'd be here all day if i did that.


If the games are good. I will buy them.

Miyamoto hasn't been intimately involved in Mario or Zelda recently either. Those still get decent entries.
Nintendo still has talented developers for all of their respective franchises, and they're grooming younger developers for when the older ones retire.

Konami has barely any or none left, not on the level of Kojima, anyway.
MGS3 has a bee man, an astronaut man, and a lightning man who is also bisexual sadist and punches people with bullets wedged inbetween his fingers. It also has ghost man and includes a lengthy phone conversation between the heads of state for the USSR and the USA. You eat snakes and talk about bond films with your help.

it's not exactly your typical action adventure game by any definition, and MGS3 is considered one of the less nutty of the franchise. If i really wanted to make a stronger argument i would've gone with MGS2 or MGS4 but i'd be here all day if i did that.

The games are nutty as hell, but there's aways been a balance of some sort. They've never gone full retard, Saints Row style (though MGS4 leaned towards self-parody at times), even with the weird bee-man boss fights and stupid Meryl/Johnny romance shit.


MGS3 has a bee man, an astronaut man, and a lightning man who is also bisexual sadist and punches people with bullets wedged inbetween his fingers. It also has ghost man and includes a lengthy phone conversation between the heads of state for the USSR and the USA. You eat snakes and talk about bond films with your help.

it's not exactly your typical action adventure game by any definition, and MGS3 is considered one of the less nutty of the franchise. If i really wanted to make a stronger argument i would've gone with MGS2 or MGS4 but i'd be here all day if i did that.

I'll admit, Metal Gear will definitely not be the same in this regard. No one can replicate Kojima's original brand of quirkiness.


never left the stone age
Why the hate for the remake? Just curious. I have several games in the series including the first and remake but I find it hard to get into the series.

Because the Kojima supervised cutscenes were too over the top and don't fit in with the Metal Gear Solid canon!

Btw here's a guy doing a backflip on a motorcycle off of a dude
A goddamn shitshow.

I mean, shit, even Konami's bailing out of most console development at least made financial sense given the hard times of J-gaming and the strength of their non-video game ventures; this is asinine pants-on-head stupidity trainwreck.


Sorry if off-topic, but has there been any mention on what happens to Silent Hills? After PT scared my pants off, I'm really excited for more from Kojima and that team.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
MGS3 has a bee man, an astronaut man, and a lightning man who is also bisexual sadist and punches people with bullets wedged inbetween his fingers. It also has ghost man and includes a lengthy phone conversation between the heads of state for the USSR and the USA. You eat snakes and talk about bond films with your help.

Whilst I agree with your assessment of the series being whacky as all fuck, the highlighted was sort of, kind of, if you squint a little based on the Moscow-Washington Hotline. It wasn't an actual phone, but the idea isn't as mental as, say, a man who shoots BEEEEEEEEEEEES FROM HIS MOUF
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