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Konami seeking new main staff members for development of new Metal Gear series

I've been really upset about all this since the news broke, but after thinking about it more, you know I'm kind of okay with it. For me the story ended with MGS4. Big Boss' story is pretty cool but I felt like I understood all I needed to with MGS3's ending. Going back and doing another prequel to show us more of the atrocities surrounding Big Boss just seems like a bit... pointless to me. I'm sure it will be a great game and I'm sure that there will be surprising aspects to the story. I'm eager to see what kind of weirdness Kojima has planned for it.

But at the same time, again, I feel like I know all that I needed to know about that character and that's why that ending was profound to me. I've been a fan of MGS because of Solid Snake and his story, and Big Boss' story was always just something unfortunate and dark, but still a part of the background that had been touched upon in the NES titles. I'm a lot more interested in Solid Snake, and since his story seems to be done, I think I am more interested in what new teams and storytellers can bring. I get that Kojima wanted to "close the circle" but I never felt like it was a circle that needed to be closed.

I'm in it for the fun gameplay and whatever crazy twists Kojima might surprise me with, but I've always been less hyped about MGSV simply because I got what I wanted out of MGS3 and MGS4 already concerning these characters, and after MGS4 I personally wanted something that takes place afterwards, not another backpedal. I was willing to see if MGSV would drop something that would set up a future installment much like how MGS3 got into the Patriots and such, but with Kojima leaving it's making MGSV feel a little less important to me. All I can say is that I wish the new teams the best of luck because this is one of those things I feel like only Kojima can really do.


MGS3 has a bee man, an astronaut man, and a lightning man who is also bisexual sadist and punches people with bullets wedged inbetween his fingers. It also has ghost man and includes a lengthy phone conversation between the heads of state for the USSR and the USA. You eat snakes and talk about bond films with your help.

it's not exactly your typical action adventure game by any definition, and MGS3 is considered one of the less nutty of the franchise. If i really wanted to make a stronger argument i would've gone with MGS2 or MGS4 but i'd be here all day if i did that.

You do know that this was the case with Metal Gear since the beginning right? You do remember that it was always over the top. Hell the protagonist himself is a clone with multiple brothers and he is trying to destroy a bipedal nuclear walking tank, amidst cyborg ninja's, levitating mind reading psychics, roller skating mad bombers, vampires, enemies able to morph to other persons etc etc just to name a few. I fail to see how the franchise went bananas when it was always pretty much like this.

Metal Gear was always like this. Its what made Metal Gear , Metal Gear. When I say Konami is going to go bananas with the Franchise I am not saying it in a sense that they are going to make it pure comedy or something.


I'll definitely support MGSV and the team until that is released. But once that happens, Konami can go ass-fuck itself.

Haven't cared about Metal Gear for a while, but i'm ready to see off the franchise, and play the last installment. Thanks for the memories Kojima!


Honestly I'm curious. Of course I love the main series with Kojima but I really want to see how other people do with a new game.
Honestly I'm curious. Of course I love the main series with Kojima but I really want to see how other people do with a new game.

The issue is Konami does not appear to have "other people" lined up ready to take over. That job vacancy offer Konami posted online is more worrying than reassuring, as it made them look like they did it at the last possible minute without thinking.


Honestly I'm curious. Of course I love the main series with Kojima but I really want to see how other people do with a new game.
No, not like this... It'll most likely end up terrible.

The only way i'd want Metal Gear to continue without Kojima is if he personally handed it down to one of his disciples along with several team members remaining.
I am okay with this. I love Metal Gear but he should have stopped at the fourth installment and worked on something else instead.

I am looking forward to what Kojima will do next.
Whilst I agree with your assessment of the series being whacky as all fuck, the highlighted was sort of, kind of, if you squint a little based on the Moscow-Washington Hotline. It wasn't an actual phone, but the idea isn't as mental as, say, a man who shoots BEEEEEEEEEEEES FROM HIS MOUF

You do know that this was the case with Metal Gear since the beginning right? You do remember that it was always over the top. Hell the protagonist himself is a clone with multiple brothers and he is trying to destroy a bipedal nuclear walking tank, amidst cyborg ninja's, levitating mind reading psychics, roller skating mad bombers, vampires, enemies able to morph to other persons etc etc just to name a few. I fail to see how the franchise went bananas when it was always pretty much like this.

Metal Gear was always like this. Its what made Metal Gear , Metal Gear. When I say Konami is going to go bananas with the Franchise I am not saying it in a sense that they are going to make it pure comedy or something.

I know. My argument is that Metal Gear is all over the place tonally and to say that the series is suddenly going to go bananas now that Kojipro isn't there to keep it in line ignores the fact that it's been pretty much bananas since day one, that the crazy thing would be to show restraint with the series.
I'm not upset because I know Kojima is still going to do something awesome, except without the shackles. Still, mgsv will be the last time konami ever gets my money.

Not Spaceghost

Kojima is metal gear to me, all of the quirks and all of the goofy campy charm in the series are his doing. They are the reasons I love MGS and without Kojima I doubt that stuff will feel the same. I love the crazy scenarios, the weird villains the hilarious dialogue, and the strange as hell humor, and Kojima is directly responsible for that in a way I don't think anyone else can replicate.

So MGSV confirmed for being the last MGS I'll ever care about.

But you know, I'll try to keep an open mind, I'm always down to play a good game so if they're good I'll give em a shot but they won't be MGS to me even if they have the name on the cover.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
I know. My argument is that Metal Gear is all over the place tonally and to say that the series is suddenly going to go bananas now that Kojipro isn't there to keep it in line ignores the fact that it's been pretty much bananas since day one, that the crazy thing would be to show restraint with the series.

I absolutely agree. The series is mental. That's why I love it. I just wanted to drop a fact bomb about the phone-line.


Well I'm certainly not holding my breath for this new series. Sure, it might end up being good (probably not) but the entire situation surrounding it is wrong and will taint it for so many people, myself included. If Konami hadn't let these disagreements get the better of them, this would be a much different story.

Seriously, screw them. I'm with Kojima, especially since he clearly cares more about a game's quality. And with KojiPro dead, Konami has lost the best chance they have at making a Metal Gear that actually holds up to the standard that Kojima has set for the series.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Maybe they can hire someone who can actually write a coherent story



I know. My argument is that Metal Gear is all over the place tonally and to say that the series is suddenly going to go bananas now that Kojipro isn't there to keep it in line ignores the fact that it's been pretty much bananas since day one, that the crazy thing would be to show restraint with the series.

And yet I simply disagree with you. MGS was always over the top, complex, full of toilet humor, never ending doublecrossing and such.

MGS going bananas would be for the franchise to stop being all these things and become something that it isnt.

For me MGS had a very fine balance in terms of all these elements. Perhaps Konami can do a decent MG game, I personally doubt it because if they could they would have already. But maybe they can indeed make it happen. But due to how the whole treatment of Kojima went and the fact that indeed the series is in danger of milking the crap out of it, I will pass. Just like I passed on MG Rising. Maybe I am overeacting, but I seriously feel that the way they are treating Kojima is disgusting.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
And yet I simply disagree with you. MGS was always over the top, complex, full of toilet humor, never ending doublecrossing and such.

MGS going bananas would be for the franchise to stop being all these things and become something that it isnt.

I think that's almost exactly what he said.


Gold Member
It's not just Kojima, there's also Yoji Shinkawa.

Shinkawa has been an essential part of the MGS franchise from the start, his artwork and character design are the basis of the entire franchise. He is also very close friends with Kojima for many, many years. I seriously doubt Shinkawa staying if Kojima is kicked out on the curb.


This trailer man... the feels.



Remember Kojima wanted to stop working on the series after MGS2 but he always came back for the fans and of course for konami's cashcow, he always played the nice guy and this is how they thank him for that? by removing his existence and everything he and his team stood for?

Didn't remember that trailer omg...best gaming saga ever. We'll say good bye with tpp though.


Lead programmers should leave and follow Kojima too. But a day before leaving, they should delete every single comment from the source codes, especially from Fox Engine.

I know a couple of people that did that after the companies fired them.
Lead programmers should leave and follow Kojima too. But a day before leaving, they should delete every single comment from the source codes, especially from Fox Engine.

I know a couple of people that did that after the companies fired them.

1: If Konami doesn't have back ups of the source code then they deserve whatever happens to them.

2: If you cause massive damage with intent while working you're probably getting sued.


Lead programmers should leave and follow Kojima too. But a day before leaving, they should delete every single comment from the source codes, especially from Fox Engine.

I know a couple of people that did that after the companies fired them.

The Pro Evo team already have all the tech and know how to work the engine.
I'm starting to think all this stuff about Moby Dick Studios, 7780s Studio were not just gimmicky publicity stunts, but a way to show the fanbase and industry that Kojima could thrive without Konami and even Kickstart awesome projects that gathered alot of interest without him even being formally involved in the games...

I mean, alot of people were really curious and interested with Phantom Pain when it was a Moby Dick studio game, and for a while everyone considered P.T to be a great survival horror game with no ties with Silent Hill or Kojima whatsoever...

What I'm really curious is if Kojima has partial ownership of the Fox engine... It would be awesome that he figured out a loophole in the terms that allowed him take his engine with him as he left... Like the engine being co-owned by Konami and Kojima or something... Then again, his team managed to code the Fox engine once, they can probably deliver an even better engine using the same design philosophies next time if need be.

The big question I have is... Will KP staff members will be loyal to the end, to the mission... Or will they follow orders from their Konami overlords.
In a scenario where Kojima remained a full time Konami employee yet formally resigned from Metal Gear direction and leadership, feeling fulfilled with his series accomplishments culminating with The Phantom Pain, fully intending to move his career onto new franchises and ideas, while endorsing passing on Metal Gear to a new team with their own vision and without his input and guidance, would fans here still claim to never buy a Kojimaless Metal Gear and renounce all possibilities of it being good if different?

Definitely. I like to think that was Kojima's plan all along since he's been talking about it since MGS2. Sure it would be different, but it would have Kojima's blessing so to speak and he would still be at Konami presumably working on new IP, which a lot of people like myself have been dying for.

I just read this news, so I have to go back and read most of the thread but this while thing now needs further clarification as does the "power struggle" reported on previously.

If it was something like Konami throwing Kojima under the bus and firing him and his staff to do something like annualize the franchise or if they refused to allow Kojima and Kojipro to work on a new IP and leave the franchise behind - then Konami can get fucked.

However, if this is on Kojima, I don't know what to say. Guy has said for years that he is done with Metal Gear, but he has come off as kind of arrogant in that he has never let his staff take over the franchise. He seems like the kind of guy in group projects in college who had to OK everything and do everything himself. He never seemed to have full confidence in his team to do a game by themselves what with staying on Metal Gear and giving Rising to Platinum. It's very likely that his team is incompetent without him, but it could also be the case that he is one of the video game designers that suffers a bit from megalomania. I mean he was listed as "The Voice of God" in the credits for MGSIV. He seems like he has kind of an ego.

So in that scenario if upper management told him that, no, for real, we are giving the Metal Gear franchise to another team and, no, you can't direct, we want you to work on other stuff and Kojima told them no get bent, I'm directing the next Metal Gear - then this might be on Kojima.

Either way it might be for the best. Kojima is at least free from Konami and having to make Metal Gear all the time. I can't say I will buy into this new "Metal Gear" especially if it's annualized, but, fuck, I'm not sure what I might do if they announced a Metal Gear 1 or Metal Gear 2 remake or a WWII Boss Metal Gear game.


Lead programmers should leave and follow Kojima too. But a day before leaving, they should delete every single comment from the source codes, especially from Fox Engine.

There is this thing called version control.
Simple revert and all comments are back.

And in case they would delete that, they could easily get sued to oblivion.

It's a stupid idea in any case. They should simply leave.


1: If Konami doesn't have back ups of the source code then they deserve whatever happens to them.

2: If you cause massive damage with intent while working you're probably getting sued.

It depends on the contract but it comes to my understanding that 99% of the contracts force programmers to deliver all the documentation.

The Pro Evo team already have all the tech and know how to work the engine.

I never considered those kind of teams highly skilled. I might be wrong though...
I think I'm more of a fan of Kojima than I am of MGS, like how I'm more of a Hidetaka Miyazaki fan than a Souls fan (as Dark 2 showed me). So thanks, but nah, everyone knows what happens when Konami gives games to new devs.
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