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Kotaku: 98% of PC Copies of Rise of the Tomb Raider Were Bought on Steam


Guess MS has a lot of work to do before UWP can make any ground on the PC side. Luckily they have the Xbox devices.
Windows Store != UWP

Windows Store does not sell win32 software and never will because it's intended to be cross-platform with phones and tablets. They need UWP for cross-platform functionality. It's a tablet app store that MS is trying to prop up with games.

However, PC users have shown that they don't want UWP stuff. Microsoft is stuck between a rock and a hard place.


I'm not going to make a separate sentence for each one listing the date... Such a bizarrely literal way to read that sentence .

No, I read it right. I don't see how an opinion can be consistent concerning those services over 5/6 years. Steam and Origin in particular changing massively over those particular 5/6 years.


Instead of making the smart move and releasing their games on Steam as well as the Windows Store, MS will probably just say PC is a failure and put less Xbox IP's onto Windows.

I'm pretty sure that most of us would be totally fine with that!


Windows Store does not sell win32 software and never will because it's intended to be cross-platform with phones and tablets. They need UWP for cross-platform functionality. It's a tablet app store that MS is trying to prop up with games.

However, PC users have shown that they don't want UWP stuff. Microsoft is stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Maybe do that "make a start button and call it Windows 10" thing with UWP, repackage, rename and call it a day.
If that's the case, ouch.

But I don't see how a Lionhead employee would be in a position to know sales projections and results from the entire company even from other companies games.

Of course people talk and words spread across, but some of his claims are quite dubious (Like Minecraft being below spectations).


1) The top-down imposition seems to be pretty clear from the beginning of the project. It's obvious the initial reveal focused on Smartglass when that was still a thing. We know from CBOAT that there was a strong internal mandate for Smartglass stuff in the run-up to the launch and this gives us another data point. Knowing that Harrison said it had to be SaaS while Spencer said it had to have a single player campaign is another example of the confused direction. And we also have our first data point about Windows 10 being imposed unconditionally on developers to the detriment of the game design (Set aside my broader beef with UWP; Windows 10 is clearly a bad move for F2P games. F2P games do well by having the lowest possible spec requirements, lowest possible download barrier to entry. You do well on F2P by drawing in a huge huge audience. Not by limiting the size of your audience, doubly as the article points out). This jives with discussion we read from the Phantom Dust failure, that multiple managers tried to impose mutually contradictory demands on games being produced. It does sound like Harrison's tenure was pretty rocky because of the emphasis on Games as a Service not panning out. I wrote about Microsoft's history with F2P a few months ago
I often forget about the market significance of F2P games, but this is a good point. I remember someone else bringing it up with regards to the DX12/Vulkan discussion, given that Vulkan will be the only low-level platform available on everything which isn't Windows 10.

In what way? Because I feel like games that cannot be patched no matter what you do seems to be way worse than any console platform.
I don't understand what you mean. The developer, and only the developer, can patch them. Just like on consoles.

UWP is basically a console platform running on a PC. Which also explains why some people have no issues with it, why some people do, and why I detest it with every fiber of my being.


Until the Anniversary Update, yes, you are correct. After then UWP applications and games will be able to be distributed freely.

i'll be extremely surprised if anyone else starts supporting UWP though. most likely it will remain synonymous with the windows store because it's an unpopular and limited format.
Or... they could make their store appealing ? Making it amazing feature wise and price wise ?

Pretty much this, I'm not against MS making their own store or selling content in the store etc, etc. The store though, at this point is just a joke. UI/Functionality/Content/Discoverability/Polish...and the list goes on. I mean for shits and giggles just look at steam and copy it to get it to where people will at least consider it. Looking at the MS store and looking at any other competitive platform...it's at the bottom of the list.

I'm not one of those people that devotes loyalty to a specific brand because it does nothing for me, I just buy shit where I can get good deals and what easy and functional to use. I won't sit here and wish for them to burn or what not but I do wish they get their shit together and produce a high quality economy of their ecosystem that they are trying to build to promote healthy competition.


Like what?? Be more specific...downloading games doesn't work? This is baloney and hyperbole. What are these issues its rife with?

In the VERY OP, there is talk from developers that the number of people that couldn't download from the windows 10 store to be unsettling.


Windows Store does not sell win32 software and never will because it's intended to be cross-platform with phones and tablets. They need UWP for cross-platform functionality. It's a tablet app store that MS is trying to prop up with games.

However, PC users have shown that they don't want UWP stuff. Microsoft is stuck between a rock and a hard place.

But its a rock and a hard place they spent a lot of money building in the first place.

If the Xbox division hadn't torched any and all consumer and external publisher goodwill they had with their malign neglect of GFWL, they would - right this very minute - have a sort-of-competent PC digital storefront that supports most of the entry level basic features that customers expect that they own in its entirety.

Conversely, if they were prepared to 'outsource' those basic features to a retailer in exchange for a 30% cut, they would also - right this very minute - have an array of different storefronts to pick and choose from, each offering its own viable platform and proven sales track record.


For you.
Like what?? Be more specific...downloading games doesn't work? This is baloney and hyperbole. What are these issues its rife with?

Lionhead themselves say that a significant number of people couldn't download the game.


Seems reasonable.



Store is an absolute trash atm compared to competition and they are so slow with implementing basic functions its just insane for such huge corporation. There is "Pick a Drive experience" as a fucking bullet point in their update log.......not sure what else to say. Wonder how many people actually working on their own UWA's. Their improvements to Xbox UI is also questionable. Did they fix black crush yet?

Question is, will they continue to improve their platform even if at snail pace or will just completely abandon it in a year when there is new major trend, like they usually do? They drop their own initiatives so fast its hilarious.


Lionhead themselves say that a significant number of people couldn't download the game.


Seems reasonable.

I remember a lot of posts around this very issue in the FL private forums for beta players.

I'm curious to see what happens with the Anniversary update this month. The store is supposed to be a huge part of the update, but I wonder if it's just backend stuff to merge the stores, or if there's a fair bit of user experience stuff being improved as well.


Good ... but I doubt MS will learn any lessons from this. Next step, add Win10 Store exclusivity clause whenever possible.


MS should buy Desura for $1 and just use their client, has more features and works better.

And does anyone remember The Zone, their online platform from the late 90s? Ahead of its time and the perfect building block for doing Steam before Steam. Yet through complete neglect they fucked that up even before the Xbox push.


I bought that piece of shit Quantum Break from Windows 10 store. Game is riddled with technical issues, even with my top of the line rig, I can't play the game without having huge problems. I got burnt once, I couldn't even give a fuck if Microsoft would release Halo 6 in there. I am done with that shit.
Shocking... Steam is an interesting market anomaly, in a space where there's literally unlimited competition they've managed to essentially create a monopoly.


Like what?? Be more specific...downloading games doesn't work? This is baloney and hyperbole. What are these issues its rife with?

I started downloading Killer Instinct the day they released it. I haven't cancelled the download yet. It isn't done. I don't plan on ever cancelling the download, I want to set a record for the longest nonfucntion download ever.

I have downloaded and completed the newest Fallout 4 DLC since I started the KI download. The store is shit and always will be.
i'll be extremely surprised if anyone else starts supporting UWP though. most likely it will remain synonymous with the windows store because it's an unpopular and limited format.

Maybe. Only time will tell. But there sure does seem to be a lot of confusion and conflation of two very different things: The API an application/game is programmed against, and the store through which it is distributed. Hopefully some of that confusion should be fixed soon.


i'll be extremely surprised if anyone else starts supporting UWP though. most likely it will remain synonymous with the windows store because it's an unpopular and limited format.

Anything developed for Scorpio will be a UWP. MS has already deprecated the XDK for UWP apparently.


Maybe. Only time will tell. But there sure does seem to be a lot of confusion and conflation of two very different things: The API an application/game is programmed against, and the store through which it is distributed. Hopefully some of that confusion should be fixed soon.

it's understandable though since for quite a while it looked like microsoft had no intention of allowing metro/modern/UWP apps to be distributed outside their store. if there's market confusion it's their own fault.


11 jimmies rustled per second

I dump on Microsoft all the time, in fact just did 2 mins ago in another thread.

I prefer GFWL and Win 10 and Origin over Steam and my opinion has been consistent for 6 years and that grates people but I'm anything but a Zedox clone. Don't cherry pick.

I could see why anyone would prefer GFWL over Steam (I did too). Although, i fail to see how can anyone can prefer Win 10 Store over Steam.

What exactly did you prefer with GFWL? The fact that it was very likely to delete your saves or perhaps that it was impossible to even start for a lot of people? Personally, I loved the fact that MS didn't even try to improve it and finally just let it die.

There was absolutely nothing good about GFWL. It had a terrible interface and it simply did not work properly.


Oh shit, it failed in it's first couple months when AAA games came out for it, let's pack up our bags, let's not get better...cuz you know, that's not how competition works.

That's exactly what they did with Games for Windows Live.
Windows Store does not sell win32 software and never will because it's intended to be cross-platform with phones and tablets. They need UWP for cross-platform functionality. It's a tablet app store that MS is trying to prop up with games.

However, PC users have shown that they don't want UWP stuff. Microsoft is stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Microsoft is working on tools to convert win32 software to UWP.


What if any game publish on Scorpio automatically publish on Windows 10 store too? No extra effort needed.

i don't think they would mandate that for developers. EA doesn't want to give up their origin margins to a microsoft pc storefront.
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