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Live countdown to major Persona team announcement from Atlus [Summary in OP]

Dr. Buni


I'd love P5 to be on PS4. By the time they finished the game, I'm sure the number of PS4 owner will be high enough to justify its release.
Iirc they released P4 less than an year after announcing it, so I don't think they would take much time to release P5 after announcing it. Unless Persona 5 happens to be like The Last Guardian in terms of development, I doubt the PS4 will have enough owners to justify the release for it.

Jay Sosa

Couldn't it be Nagoya?


slow clap



I'd love P5 to be on PS4. By the time they finished the game, I'm sure the number of PS4 owner will be high enough to justify its release.

Persona game usually comes months after announcement.

Persona 3 announced in December and it came out in July in Japan.

Persona 4 was also announced in December and it also came out in July.

If Persona 5 is announced of Sunday, than it is likely that it will come out in the summer for Japan and then the fall of 2014 for the U.S.


Iirc they released P4 less than an year after announcing it, so I don't think they would take much time to release P5 after announcing it. Unless Persona 5 happens to be like The Last Guardian in terms of development, I doubt the PS4 will have enough owners to justify the release for it.

They could release it on PS3 and PS4, but the chances of that are very low.


Persona 3/4 Remastered Ultimate HD collection for PS3/4

You know to pay for Persona 5 in 4 years...That would still be ok, would probably be disappointed as hell and then pre-order and sit in the corner as a good boy until they grace us with their presence again.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
I think an extra-dimensional being that feeds off despair is forecasting these events to raise hope in Persona fans that Persona 5 is going to be announced, only to dash these hopes and feed off the despair of Persona fans.


Why do people say the chances are low?

With SEGA backing them and looking at Yakuza Ishin, they're anything but low. Not certain, but certainly not low.

The game was likely in development for some time before the Sega acquisition, and Index was hardly in a position where Atlus could take on more financial risks. Sega likely isn't going to push for any major development changes so soon.


Why do people say the chances are low?

With SEGA backing them and looking at Yakuza Ishin, they're anything but low. Not certain, but certainly not low.

True, and Sony could be supporting them as well probably.

Well, with Shu excited about it, there's a 90% chance it'll be on a Playstation system.

Edit: Also, what's with everyone spamming DATABASE on the chat?


I think an extra-dimensional being that feeds off despair is forecasting these events to raise hope in Persona fans that Persona 5 is going to be announced, only to dash these hopes and feed off the despair of Persona fans.

Sounds exactly like Persona 2.
Why do people say the chances are low?

With SEGA backing them and looking at Yakuza Ishin, they're anything but low. Not certain, but certainly not low.

It's just a matter of Atlus' history of a lagging release schedule. Releasing on new, or for that matter even current, platforms has rarely been their MO. I'd say the chances are pretty low of seeing it on PS4. I'd say a port would be a potential, but maybe a year later or something like that. I would be incredibly happy if it was on PS4, but it seems highly unlikely. (Edit: Sega's involvement is too fresh to have any real effect.)


True, and Sony could be supporting them as well probably.

Well, with Shu excited about it, there's a 90% chance it'll be on a Playstation system.

Edit: Also, what's with everyone spamming DATABASE on the chat?

99.99% chance it will be on a PlayStation system. 0.01% chance it will come to 3DS.
It's on a Playstation system period. Exclusivity and which system specifically are up for debate, but I'm very, very sure this thing is coming to the PS3 minimum.
Sega just acquired them. You can start make a case about that for the next game they make.
The game was likely in development for some time before the Sega acquisition, and Index was hardly in a position where Atlus could take on more financial risks. Sega likely isn't going to push for any major development changes so soon.
I don't know, didn't Sega jerk Platinum around with last-minute decisions?

The Bayonetta PS3 port, how Anarchy Reigns was dealt with as a whole, etc.


I think an extra-dimensional being that feeds off despair is forecasting these events to raise hope in Persona fans that Persona 5 is going to be announced, only to dash these hopes and feed off the despair of Persona fans.
, is that you ?


I don't know, didn't Sega jerk Platinum around with last-minute decisions?

The Bayonetta PS3 port, how Anarchy Reigns was dealt with as a whole, etc.

Sega had a publishing deal with Platinum from the start of development for those projects. Apples and oranges.

If they did something akin to a Bayonetta PS3 thing, that would mean Atlus would make a version on one platform and Sega's team would make a shoddy port on another platform.


I don't think they would call it Persona 4-2 or whatever, I think it's Persona 5, but if it's an all new cast or actually P4-2, that I don't know.


I don't think they would call it Persona 4-2 or whatever, I think it's Persona 5, but if it's an all new cast or actually P4-2, that I don't know.

I don't think it will have anything to with Persona 4 characters. I think they are just using Persona 4 stuff to build up hype for the announcement.


I don't think it will have anything to with Persona 4 characters. I think they are just using Persona 4 stuff to build up hype for the announcement.

I hope so. the idea of a P4-2 isn't that bad, but I hate the direction they went with Arena.


Unconfirmed Member
One of Marie's poems from P4G. Do lots of people not like Marie? I liked her but I only played P4G so maybe it was weird coming from P4. I don't know


I'm sorry, but I just found out about this and I'm confused as hell.
What is going on and when do we learn the secret? Anyone care to give me a recap so far?
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