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Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion

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Devices need to have interfaces that work with their type of input.

On a computer you have a mouse and cursor.

On a tablet and phone you have your fingers.

On a TV you have a remote control which is cursor-selection-based.

An AppleTV won't have a windowed environment and neither will iOS. Just like OS X will never be single-application. Even in Lion, fullscreen apps are just a new way of using spaces. You still have other apps running and can use windowed mode if you want. An AppleTV and iOS device will always have single apps using the full screen because that's how it works best. As long as a Mac has a mouse or trackpad, it will have windows. And a TV device is best for one app at once showing either a video, a game (If applicable) or a menu system controlled by arrows and selectors.

Microsoft is doing their own thing, but that's not the point so let's let them go down their own path and concentrate on Apple's path here. They have computers, tablets and TV devices so Apple's juggling three different UI methods all which need to work the way that's best for their method of input.


Sure, iOS can do whatever they need except be a TV/DVR which presumably it will be. I just don't see it. It's going to need more flexibility than we've seen out of iOS be thus far.

Why can't it do that? The core of the OS, even most of the APIs are nearly identical, really the only difference is the interface. iOS can multitask every bit as well as OS X, they just choose to put a timer on it due to a limited source of power - something that will be irrelevant to a TV or set-top device.
More frequent releases likely means less new stuff each release, which means less stuff to have bugs. Or at least that's my theory.

You would think that, but going by the iOS releases, which seem to never get beyond "good enough" to "rock solid" stability, I have my doubts.


Devices need to have interfaces that work with their type of input.

On a computer you have a mouse and cursor.

On a tablet and phone you have your fingers.

On a TV you have a remote control which is cursor-selection-based.

An AppleTV won't have a windowed environment and neither will iOS. Just like OS X will never be single-application. Even in Lion, fullscreen apps are just a new way of using spaces. You still have other apps running and can use windowed mode if you want. An AppleTV and iOS device will always have single apps using the full screen because that's how it works best. As long as a Mac has a mouse or trackpad, it will have windows. And a TV device is best for one app at once showing either a video, a game (If applicable) or a menu system controlled by arrows and selectors.

Microsoft is doing their own thing, but that's not the point so let's let them go down their own path and concentrate on Apple's path here. They have computers, tablets and TV devices so Apple's juggling three different UI methods all which need to work the way that's best for their method of input.
the apple tv wont be cursor based, no way. That is too old way of doing things for Apple. I expect it to be 90% controlled via Siri and Gestures.


Still didn't work, damn. Messages on Mac ruined :-(

I might need a video tutorial, or maybe something's just wrong with me...

Yeah, I was having trouble earlier. No worries, I'm sure it'll get sorted out soon.

Could just be the whole Beta thing.

Maybe try sending it to yourself through your phone and see if that works.


What's wrong with Mail? :/

Works for me.

Well, for starters, you know that whole "faces" thing in iPhoto? Why has Apple never done anything similar in Mail? People have different mail addresses. People have older addresses no longer in use. Why can't Mail give me some—any—kind of interface for properly browsing/sorting/viewing mail by who sent it to me? Why can't mail do things like priority levels, where friends and family get much more importance than random ads or whatnot?

It's like, computers are these super-powerful things that have so much ability to automatically do things for us to make our lives easier. Yet, when it comes to Mail, Apple has always put in the absolute least effort needed.

(Also, I'd love to see Mail become a hub for archiving/viewing iChat/Messages chat histories.)

This was a mock-up I did before for ideas of what could be added to Mail.app. This was... pre-10.5, I think? So obviously, by this point, it's somewhat out of date.
Yeah, I was having trouble earlier. No worries, I'm sure it'll get sorted out soon.

Could just be the whole Beta thing.

Maybe try sending it to yourself through your phone and see if that works.
Yeah, could be. iCloud's worked like a charm for me so far (except for some Photostream bugs)


Well, for starters, you know that whole "faces" thing in iPhoto? Why has Apple never done anything similar in Mail? People have different mail addresses. People have older addresses no longer in use. Why can't Mail give me some—any—kind of interface for properly browsing/sorting/viewing mail by who sent it to me? Why can't mail do things like priority levels, where friends and family get much more importance than random ads or whatnot?

It's like, computers are these super-powerful things that have so much ability to automatically do things for us to make our lives easier. Yet, when it comes to Mail, Apple has always put in the absolute least effort needed.

(Also, I'd love to see Mail become a hub for archiving/viewing iChat/Messages chat histories.)

This was a mock-up I did before for ideas of what could be added to Mail.app. This was... pre-10.5, I think? So obviously, by this point, it's somewhat out of date.

Did you enter (and win) a contest on Mac Themes with this? I'm sure I remember seeing it before.
Actually, just got it working now! Oddly enough, I had to send it to her phone number for her replies to be pushed to my phone.

Is it normal for only her replies to show up rather than the whole conversation? Still better than nothing I suppose.

EDIT: Now everything is showing up, including my outgoing messages :-0


Did you enter (and win) a contest on Mac Themes with this? I'm sure I remember seeing it before.

I entered—and indeed won—a "predict what 10.5 will/should be like" contest back many years ago, and that was one of the images I submitted. One funny thing was I totally predicted Quick Look (which I had called "Finder Peek").

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
no. you can manually add search engines, however. not as convenient, but not difficult at all.

Damn, that is my favorite feature of Chrome's bar. Does it have to be a search engine, or can it be a search for any website?

Not sure what you mean, but it does this when I go to a page and start typing in the bar.


I mean this:


I start typing wikipedia, hit tab, and it lets me search wikipedia from the omnibar. This works for any site you visit that has a search bar. It's incredibly convenient. I use it all the time.
Great overview of Gatekeeper in laymen's terms by Panic: http://www.panic.com/blog/2012/02/about-gatekeeper/

a very good read. and I hope Apple doesn't lock apps that aren't using the App Store out of notification center usability.

Damn, that is my favorite feature of Chrome's bar. Does it have to be a search engine, or can it be a search for any website?
can be a search from any site.

I start typing wikipedia, hit tab, and it lets me search wikipedia from the omnibar. This works for any site you visit that has a search bar. It's incredibly convenient. I use it all the time.
yes, you simply set up the key word and go.

for example, you can set up the keyword "wiki" for wikipedia. in the address bar, you would type "wiki" hit space and enter your search term. that search term could also be a single letter, like "w". for me, I type, "w " and hit the space bar and I see:


and can type my search term.


Safari's new iPad style tabs (screenshot) that stretch to fit the whole window = fucking awful.

The "Reader" button is distracting, the rest of the UI is gray but that's bright aqua blue, stands out too much.

RSS support seems gone completely, removed from the preferences even. In it's place is a "Passwords" pane (screenshot).

You can turn off search suggestions under "Privacy" and there's another checkbox for "Tell websites not to track me".


Well, for starters, you know that whole "faces" thing in iPhoto? Why has Apple never done anything similar in Mail? People have different mail addresses. People have older addresses no longer in use. Why can't Mail give me some—any—kind of interface for properly browsing/sorting/viewing mail by who sent it to me? Why can't mail do things like priority levels, where friends and family get much more importance than random ads or whatnot?
I'm not exactly sure what you are getting at, but I have little thumbnail faces in my OS X Mail, which I believe I turned on in Lion.

If you want, just make a Contacts list of your high-priority people, then a Smart Mailbox tied to that. It seems to me that with a little configuring, you can actually have what you want.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
a very good read. and I hope Apple doesn't lock apps that aren't using the App Store out of notification center usability.

can be a search from any site.

yes, you simply set up the key word and go.

for example, you can set up the keyword "wiki" for wikipedia. in the address bar, you would type "wiki" hit space and enter your search term. that search term could also be a single letter, like "w". for me, I type, "w " and hit the space bar and I see:


and can type my search term.

Nice. I might return to safari.


I am sure this has been discussed, disected and talked about all day, but I can't find it in this thread...

One of the features of iMessages is this:

Start an iMessage conversation on your Mac and continue it on your iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch.

How does one do that? I am chatting with a few people right now from my iMac to their iPhones, and I have to go out soon and want to continue it.

Do I need to do something, because I can't for the life of me figure out how to get it to my phone.
a very good read. and I hope Apple doesn't lock apps that aren't using the App Store out of notification center usability.

can be a search from any site.

yes, you simply set up the key word and go.

for example, you can set up the keyword "wiki" for wikipedia. in the address bar, you would type "wiki" hit space and enter your search term. that search term could also be a single letter, like "w". for me, I type, "w " and hit the space bar and I see:


and can type my search term.
I feel dumb.. how do you add custom search engines?
I feel dumb.. how do you add custom search engines?

right-click the bar. the very last option will be to edit search engines/options.

iirc, you'll need to run a simple search on the website of the engines you want to add. so if you wanted to add Dictionary.com, go there and search for something simple like "blue" just to get the string. In that example, you would get:


where blue is your search term. other sites may have it wrapped in some question marks and equal signs. you replace the with the supplied text and put the entire link into the new search engine addition and give it a keyword. Something to that effect. I can log back into osx if you need more proper answer.


Iv recently changed jobs and with the job change has come a change from a 2010 Macbook Pro running lion to a 2012 Toshiba i5 running Windows 7.

I never thought i would say this, but I prefer Windows 7 over OS X. Mainly because of the window previews on the taskbar. In lion you need to go to mission control or or whatever to see thumbnails of your windows. I love how in 7 you can just hover over the program icon in the dock and see thumbnails of the programs windows. Wish OS x and Linux would do the same.


Iv recently changed jobs and with the job change has come a change from a 2010 Macbook Pro running lion to a 2012 Toshiba i5 running Windows 7.

I never thought i would say this, but I prefer Windows 7 over OS X. Mainly because of the window previews on the taskbar. In lion you need to go to mission control or or whatever to see thumbnails of your windows. I love how in 7 you can just hover over the program icon in the dock and see thumbnails of the programs windows. Wish OS x and Linux would do the same.

There's probably a hack out there to re-create the effect, but I find the Win7 thumbs to be too small to be useful. I actually prefer the Expose method. Keyboard shortcut is always going to be faster than bulls-eye'ing an icon then pausing for the thumb.

If I could get little stacks of window preview thumbs on cmd-tab (or ctrl-tab), you'd really have something there.


Iv recently changed jobs and with the job change has come a change from a 2010 Macbook Pro running lion to a 2012 Toshiba i5 running Windows 7.

I never thought i would say this, but I prefer Windows 7 over OS X. Mainly because of the window previews on the taskbar. In lion you need to go to mission control or or whatever to see thumbnails of your windows. I love how in 7 you can just hover over the program icon in the dock and see thumbnails of the programs windows. Wish OS x and Linux would do the same.

There are apps to replicate those features and, since OSX is still a relatively open OS, you should be able to install them on Mountain Lion.


Iv recently changed jobs and with the job change has come a change from a 2010 Macbook Pro running lion to a 2012 Toshiba i5 running Windows 7.

I never thought i would say this, but I prefer Windows 7 over OS X. Mainly because of the window previews on the taskbar. In lion you need to go to mission control or or whatever to see thumbnails of your windows. I love how in 7 you can just hover over the program icon in the dock and see thumbnails of the programs windows. Wish OS x and Linux would do the same.

I have to use Windows 7 at work and I feel the complete opposite. I find those thumbnails really ugly and irritating, I think what I hate most about them is when you click an app icon in the task bar Windows does nothing until you select a window. I expect it to bring the app to the front but it doesn't, it opens this too small to be useful preview and waits for you to select one. I've switched to the basic theme just to get rid of them, although it gives you a menu instead, at least all the distracting transparency and blurriness is gone. But hey, whatever floats your boat.

I entered—and indeed won—a "predict what 10.5 will/should be like" contest back many years ago, and that was one of the images I submitted. One funny thing was I totally predicted Quick Look (which I had called "Finder Peek").

I entered it too but I didn't win anything. :( I also had the quick look idea, I was surprised when Apple showed it off for the first time because it looked identical to how I had made it. I wish I still had the screenshots but it was so long ago, I barely even remember what my other ideas were. :/


Iv recently changed jobs and with the job change has come a change from a 2010 Macbook Pro running lion to a 2012 Toshiba i5 running Windows 7.

I never thought i would say this, but I prefer Windows 7 over OS X. Mainly because of the window previews on the taskbar. In lion you need to go to mission control or or whatever to see thumbnails of your windows. I love how in 7 you can just hover over the program icon in the dock and see thumbnails of the programs windows. Wish OS x and Linux would do the same.


I don't really like it though. Prefer mission control.




New accounts


Safari unified bar without http and grayed out url


Safari privacy


Passwords gets its own tab in Safari now


Web Notifications


New screensavers



Preview highlights and notes for PDFs


Who doesn't like huge icons?


An option to show the checkerboard pattern again in Preview for images with transparency



iCloud open


iCloud saving


You can actually access these right from Finder from the mobile documents folder, like in Lion


What's crazy is that iCloud documents even have Versions integrated with the Time Machine interface.



Thanks giga for the pictures.

For the web notifications, could you add something like Twitter or Facebook to that and it would appear in your notifications bar?


Yeah, this image is saved in iCloud and I'm browsing all my revisions of it…


Is undo all changes new? I don't remember it from Lion.


And if you have document locally stored, click the name in the titlebar to…


Thanks giga for the pictures.

For the web notifications, could you add something like Twitter or Facebook to that and it would appear in your notifications bar?

right-click the bar. the very last option will be to edit search engines/options.

iirc, you'll need to run a simple search on the website of the engines you want to add. so if you wanted to add Dictionary.com, go there and search for something simple like "blue" just to get the string. In that example, you would get:


where blue is your search term. other sites may have it wrapped in some question marks and equal signs. you replace the with the supplied text and put the entire link into the new search engine addition and give it a keyword. Something to that effect. I can log back into osx if you need more proper answer.
Ohhhhh I got it. It's a Safari Omnibar feature. Not in the stock Safari :p


So using Airplay would pretty much eliminate HTPCs, correct? Unless you wanted it for gaming, which I heard theres some lag in Airplaying.


People having trouble with Messages Beta: http://support.apple.com/kb/TS4196

Search in launchpad

About time! I've been hoping for that since Launch Pad came out. I hope the box is focused by default so all I have to do is open LP, type some letters, then press some arrows to select and enter to open. I mean I could do the same thing in Spotlight, but this would make sure only apps show up.

Someone with ML want to check for me? Does the box get focused by default and can you use arrows and enter to select an icon?
So using Airplay would pretty much eliminate HTPCs, correct? Unless you wanted it for gaming, which I heard theres some lag in Airplaying.

That depends on what you plan on doing with an HTPC, this won't be replacing an HTPC with a cable card or tv tuner. Also, at the moment it looks like you can only stream your entire screen, not just certain windows which wouldn't be ideal for replacing an htpc.


So using Airplay would pretty much eliminate HTPCs, correct? Unless you wanted it for gaming, which I heard theres some lag in Airplaying.

Im excited for this because i can buy an apple tv, hook it up to my monitor, leave my laptop im a different room, and have a wireless desktop with my apple wireless mouse and keyboard. I tend to use my laptop on my bed, and the computer desk is a floor above.


About time! I've been hoping for that since Launch Pad came out. I hope the box is focused by default so all I have to do is open LP, type some letters, then press some arrows to select and enter to open. I mean I could do the same thing in Spotlight, but this would make sure only apps show up.

Someone with ML want to check for me? Does the box get focused by default and can you use arrows and enter to select an icon?
It's focused by default.

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