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Mad Max: Review Thread.


X-Men Origins Wolverine
It was actually better than the movie.


Wolverine was so fucking good.

Raven was a great developer, sucked into the CoD machine.

Still own the game on PC and PS3 still so fucking good. Even hugh jackman worked on the game lending his voice and appearance the action was sooo awesome and a pleasure to play with. Fighting a sentinel that is fucking huge? Sure why not..dismemberment ? Here you go! Real time healing from adamantium bones? Let's throw everything in that game was fucking great.


it looks like a solid game
i expect 7s which is good enough for me to give it a try
will most likely buy it on a sale

the graphics look great in those gifs, is that console footage?
Like everything I have seen about the game so far. Unless the game is literally broken, I am more than willing to give Avalanche the benefit of the doubt. So ready for some wasteland carnage, and something to satisfy the current gen Motorstorm itch.

Doesn't seem like publisher/developer are positive about the game. Release day embargo come in shady territory for me.

Not sure when Monday became release day...


I don't mean to sound like a condescending dick here, so don't dogpile on me.

But it seems like people are being a bit hard on this game doesn't it? Like two mediocre reviews come out, and people are saying they're dodging bullets by not playing it.

Not gonna lie folks. Some 6 and 7 out of 10 games can still be a lot of fun. Just saying.
Yep pretty much an on other hand i bought some games with 9s and 10s in reviews that i absolutely hated and had hard time to finish

BTW: some youtuber review


Like everything I have seen about the game so far. Unless the game is literally broken, I am more than willing to give Avalanche the benefit of the doubt. So ready for some wasteland carnage, and something to satisfy the current gen Motorstorm itch.

Not sure when Monday became release day...

Reviews will be out at midnight in UK and that is time of release in EU.
A lot of people thought Red Faction Guerilla was average...yet it still holds a spot on my hard drive.

Even if the game gets a bunch of 7s, the character appeals to me more than Snake, so I'll get this instead of MGSV.

Deleted member 471617

Unconfirmed Member
While I enjoyed Mordor and would rate it an 8/10, it became repetitive and boring at times. Solid game and I enjoyed it for what it was. With that said, I think that Mad Max will easily surpass it for me personally. My expectation for Mad Max is a 9/10 range simply because it looks a lot more interesting and fun to play.

Best car combat by far since old school Twisted Metal but without guns which is fine by me. Better melee combat than Batman simply because it's far more brutal and simulation like where you're not going to go flying around the screen hitting everyone in one motion. Good setup upgrading your car and character.

Love how to you have to scavenge for food and water in order to replenish your health and for guzzoline to fuel your car. While some will hate the map being filled with icons, I actually prefer that because going around finding everything like I did in Arkham Knight will drive me nuts. Besides, you can show the icons that you want while looking at the map instead of them all.

Actually like the hot air balloon setup to where you scout while ascended using your binoculars which in turn shows you the points of interest. Some say this is like Ubisoft games but this is more State of Decay in my opinion which is fine by me.

Granted, there's a few negatives that I don't like which includes the lack of health you lose when getting hit or run over by a car, controller configuration, the pressing or holding button prompts as I think they should be the opposite, the lack of on/off options in the options menu and the horrible pop in.

Despite those negatives though, the gameplay itself is said to be smooth, very smooth and if anything, too smooth. The explosions look great and the storms look insane. Plus, the Thunderdome is in the game and im hoping that didn't get screwed up. Story and characters seem solid but I won't know that until I play and complete the game.

Come 10am Tuesday morning, I will be at Best Buy to pick up Mad Max (and that other game) and will be playing Mad Max by 12pm. Hell, I have watched a 29 minute video that includes the intro and tutorial several times already just because im extremely hyped and excited for the game but don't want to keep watching other walkthroughs because if I do, I'll end up watching the entire game and I sure as hell don't want to do that.

31 more hours to go!!! Woohoo!!!


Likely to be an average score from the media, but so what? If you enjoy this style of game I am sure it will bring plenty of hours of enjoyment.

Releasing the same day as TPP was never a good idea, essentially reviewing in the same time space a game that has had more superlatives chucked at it than I can imagine, and what essentially appears to be a skinned SoM was probably going to bring out the worst in the reviews.

I'll wait for a few more impressions, and if it's not horrible, I'll get it, a melee focused, car combat with customization, open world game is right up my Straße.


Unconfirmed Member
lol at most people writing the game off after 2 reviews that don't even give bad scores, get a grip. Also from what I've watched the game looks fun as hell and who can complain at £14 for it on PC.
I think this game will be exactly like Shadow of Mordor, fun and a myriad of various systems and borrowed ideas tacked on together. It's just that Mordor can get away with it due to the IP...and perhaps some of the charm of the Orcs.

I think regardless of reviews, this will be a solid game, mechanically, just devoid of a strong IP backing it. Ultimately skippable, but enjoyable if you have nothing else.


I can't wait to read reviews from the usual outlets. I have faith that the game will definitely be solid, if not plagued by the larger open world trap (collectibles littered everywhere, unlock towers for the map, etc.) But I do think the combat will be a nice mix of Batman and Shadows of Mordor, and the car combat looks neat. Releasing it on the same day as MGS V just seems like a terrible idea.


I think this game will be exactly like Shadow of Mordor, fun and a myriad of various systems and borrowed ideas tacked on together. It's just that Mordor can get away with it due to the IP...and perhaps some of the charm of the Orcs.

I think regardless of reviews, this will be a solid game, mechanically, just devoid of a strong IP backing it. Ultimately skippable, but enjoyable if you have nothing else.

This is my biggest fear, Shadow of Mordor was the most overrated game of last year. I plucked down my preorder yesterday, so we'll see, I guess.


Did review embargo not lift yet? The game is out...

EDIT: Actually out in 24 hours, but I thought embargo was midnight tonight.


Will wait for some reviews from more well known sources before jumping to opinions. Presumably there haven't been any others?
This was never going to be anything more than a 7/10 game, no matter how big the marketing budget for it is.

Noone is going to remember/play/talk about this game in 2 years, noone.

Looks like another generic C tier ubisoft style chorefest that lacks the gameplay mechanics to justify an open world.
Though it surprised me that avalanche settled on this type of game style, I expected more from them. Maybe it's an avalanche B team.


This was never going to be anything more than a 7/10 game, no matter how big the marketing budget for it is.

Noone is going to remember/play/talk about this game in 2 years, noone.

Looks like another generic C tier ubisoft style chorefest that lacks the gameplay mechanics to justify an open world.
Though it surprised me that avalanche settled on this type of game style, I expected more from them. Maybe it's an avalanche B team.

The team from Just Cause 2 made this game.


From the Reader's Gambit review:
"Ultimately Mad Max isn’t the worst game in the world, but it isn’t the best either."

I'm glad there are some reviews starting to come out....but that none-sentence above is utterly meaningless & trite.

Meh, Gamers today are too polarized, There can be games that are just OK, and I have a feeling that is exactly what Mad Max is


Unconfirmed Member
One of the things I'm looking forward to with this is something I think a lot of people will dislike/the game criticised for and that is its world size.

I'm really looking forward to driving about in the wasteland, with nothing but the landscape and my engine, getting into the occasional fight before heading back onto the road to nowhere.
Try as I might, I just can't muster any excitement for MGSV. This on other hand has my interest. As long as it doesn't review badly I'll probably dip. The world looks really interesting and I hope the story is decent. Combat looks great and the fact that it extends from on foot to in vehicle makes me think of it as a sand based ACIV.
I trust Avalanche. JC2 and Renegade Ops have been among the greatest fun I've had on Ps3. I just love how their games feel, controller in hand, and how powerful make you feel while being challenging. I think they have a great vision for original games with an arcade core, and Mad Max looks just that to me (a modern Double Dragon with added car combat? Count me in).


I'm betting on a 72 MC, i was pretty close with Until Dawn (said it will be 77), pretty sure 70-75 is the range for this one.

The problem I have with the game is that in every gameplay footage I've seen there is almost 0 mission design, it's always seems like all you are doing are fetch activities.
I predict a 74% metacritic rating.I think it will be good but no shadow of mordor.

That's my feeling about this game - it looks like SoM (Max even looks as generic as the protagonist from that game) only with a car building mechanic instead of the nemesis system.

And this game looks like it could really benefit from using the nemesis system.

As a fan I really want this to be good, but we'll see. I've been playing the shit out of Until Dawn and Phantom Pain since last week, so I don't have time for this now either way.

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
The videos did look really really janky. Combine that with little marketing, not much exposure and you can see where this was headed.


It's no secret how the game plays as we have seen a lot of videos about it. Good news: playing it is even more fun. The gameplay mechanics work very well in my opinion and the main discipline (car combat and melee combat) is very satisfying. Where the game lacks, is meaningful missions and story. The pacing so far was very odd in and you don't really know what and why you are doing it in the greater scheme (well you do know, but it makes not much sense imho).

Playing it in shorter bursts seems well suited for the game and as such, I could imagine reviewers grew tired as they have to finish it in a short time.
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