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Marvel Vs. Capcom: Infinite Characters and Stages Roster Discussion Thread

Ranked : A real matchmaking system, 2/3 100% of the time, possibility to follow players with a live feed telling you if they won / lost a match and being able to watch that specific replay, a division system (bronze/silver/gold etc...) with a reset every 3 months + placement matches.

Lobbies : X-copy the shit out Guilty Gear Xrd Revelator. A room with arcade boards / whatever where you can play or watch people, and where you can also play without having to wait 4-5 matchs before being able to play. Give the players an incentive to play online (But i guess every possible thing to unlock in a fighting game will be DLC instead)

Tutorial : A real tutorial, voiced by Yipes / Persia / whatever, where you can actually learn the game in a smart way (Think about the tutorial from XRD revelator). Classic challenges for doing some combos. Also a matchup section where you have 2-3 missions against one character on blocking something & doing a decent punish, a cool way to learn how matchups works.

Story : Good story mode, that acts as a tutorial, with missions like crossup him 3 times during the match, block that shit etc...

This blows my wishlist out of the water.

All of that would be great.
I will NOT excuse this Trish slander. One of Capcom's most iconic female characters is not bout to be disrespected.

The king and queen of DMC are here to stay.


Trish was the first character that people discovered TAC infinites for.

For that she will never be forgiven.


Outside of roster and gameplay mechanics, what are some things you guys would like to see in Infinite? Could be modes, presentation, how ranked is handled, or anything that comes to mind. I know nothing is being announced right now, but I'd still like to talk more about it.

Survival Mode is necessary.

Mission Mode needs to be completely revamped so it actually teaches you gameplay mechanics and how to properly play the damn game.

I want the ending comics to be three panels long. Jokes need three beats, dammit. And put some damn thought into them this time; most of them were terrible in 3.

Someone mentioned that the trailer had a "action figure" aesthetic, and I'm surprisingly okay with that. These games are like playing with action figures anyway, but I'm a little worried the game will be really barebones.

Casual matches would be nice.

Unique character dialogue for matches and between teammates is a must.
Barebones in terms of overall content?

I honestly don't think Capcom wants another SFV situation on their hands. The producer said the game would be content rich on day 1, so it seems like they're aware of how significant it is.


Barebones in terms of overall content?

I honestly don't think Capcom wants another SFV situation on their hands. The producer said the game would be content rich on day 1, so it seems like they're aware of how significant it is.

Yeah, like MvC3 was.

I feel like game developers took online play as a fount for endless content and thus didn't bother fleshing out the offline modes. SFV seems like the biggest example of this, so I'm worried about it returning in some capacity in Infinite.


Eh, Storm is pretty ok. There are much better female characters in marvel than storm

Hell there are better Xmen than storm.

Heck If I had to give the title of " queen of " marvel to anyone , it would probably be the OG Sue fucking Storm.

So youd give the title to someone who has never been in the game? Okay, Village.
Random thought: I wonder if they'll actually remix Iron Man's MSH theme instead of giving him War Machine's MvC1 theme this time around.

Also I would throw a few x men out of the window to get the actual Fantastic 4 in this game

Hell, I'd throw a couple out just for Torch or Reed. Super Skrull was a pretty neat stand-in, though.
I've always thought Mr. Fantastic could potentially have a great moveset, combining Dhalsim-like normals with Dr. Doom like gadgets for specials.

I feel like his own stretching and morphing powers would make it so he wouldn't need to rely too much on gadgets and what not, since personally I think that would look a bit odd. Kind of reminds me of Super Skrull though, who also could have morphed around more, but in the end, didn't really stretch too much.


Eh, Storm is pretty ok. There are much better female characters in marvel than storm

Hell there are better Xmen than storm.

Heck If I had to give the title of " queen of " marvel to anyone , it would probably be the OG Sue fucking Storm.


STORM is the queen of marvel (the game) because she has been in every comic vs series that Capcom has made. In Marvel 2 she was unstoppable along with magus and sentinel.
For some reason Capcom neutered her in UMVC3

X-Men : Children of the Atom
X-Men vs. Street Fighter
Storm as an assist character in Marvel vs. Capcom
Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes
Marvel vs. Capcom 3
Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3

Her not being in MVCI, would be a crime!!! Pffft
STORM is the queen of marvel (the game) because she has been in every comic vs series that Capcom has made. In Marvel 2 she was unstoppable along with magus and sentinel.
For some reason Capcom neutered her in UMVC3

X-Men : Children of the Atom
X-Men vs. Street Fighter
Storm as an assist character in Marvel vs. Capcom
Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes
Marvel vs. Capcom 3
Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3

Her not being in MVCI, would be a crime!!! Pffft

She sat out Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter.


Random thought: I wonder if they'll actually remix Iron Man's MSH theme instead of giving him War Machine's MvC1 theme this time around.

Hell, I'd throw a couple out just for Torch or Reed. Super Skrull was a pretty neat stand-in, though.

Skrull is cool, but much like his comic counter part doesn't actually use the abilities how the FF would use them or to their fullest abilities.

Having characters soley focused on their individual element with a move set more attuned to their thought process/personality would be interesting. Espically if they include the powers that a lot of people don't remember/ notice. Like how Sue and Johnny are basically omega level mutants. And Reed Richards can harden his body and can start messing some stuff up. He isn't plastic man, but he can actually do work


God I hope Phoenix Wright comes back with a better moveset. No more of that Investigation bull.

I really hope Amaterasu and Strider come back but between Dante and Zero I don't think the latter has much chance.


So to get some blood pumping back into this thread, what changes would you like to see to returning characters?

I'm hoping X (shut up he's a Mega Man) will be a traditional zoning character and won't have Mega Man's awful weapon swapping mechanic that completely gimped him. He already has the charge shot no doubt, but Volnutt made it sort of work with the machine gun and I hope it gets further refined.

Phoenix Wright was one of the most pleasant surprises of UMvC3 for me, but his whole gimmick was awful. I hope if he comes back they make him give a moveset based on Trial Mode and make Turnabout Mode a Devil Trigger-styled super mode.


I expect X to play more like classic mega man from mvc1/2 as opposed to volnutt/zero.

Get rid of Ironmans weird momentum on his air movement. Let him be a real boy.


This might be an unpopular opinion but I hope they find a way to adapt Phoenix Wright's three different modes into the new game. It was such a unique and well thought-out way to introduce him in a fighting game that seeing him reduced to "just have him attack with papers or speech bubbles or whatever" would feel like real step back, even if it resulted in him being a stronger character over all. That's the reason I was never sold on his inclusion in Smash Bros. despite how much I love the character and his series, I don't think that game would be able to do him justice after how well he turned out in UMvC3. Obviously it wasn't perfect in implementation or else he'd have turned out to be a more viable character but certain players still get great results with him, a few tweaks would've made him really strong in that game (adjustments to bad evidence, some options in the air, etc.).

I don't know exactly how he should be changed to work in a 2v2 game with no assists (less evidence required? More "assists" in his moveset similar to Maya?) but to see him turned into a standard fighter would seem like a huge waste of creativity to me.


Controversial opinion: I care more about fun, faithfully depicted characters than perfectly balanced ones. Whenever I see “remove bad evidence” suggestions I cry on the inside, because bad evidence is a big part of the Ace Attorney experience.


I'd like them to be faithful and also playable, though. There's no point to playing as Phoenix Wright when he's such a schlub.
I don't really see X playing like Classic. I see him having an arsenal of Maverick techniques like Zero, and additional attacks when he armors up. So far we've seen a technique that looks like Crystal Hunter from X2, Charged Buster, Super Buster Shot, and his armor. X is one of the characters I'm most curious to see in action.


I don't really see X playing like Classic. I see him having an arsenal of Maverick techniques like Zero, and additional attacks when he armors up. So far we've seen a technique that looks like Crystal Hunter from X2, Charged Buster, Super Buster Shot, and his armor. X is one of the characters I'm most curious to see in action.

Which is already more ranged options than Zero had. Basically I don't think they'll give him the z sabre, nor the weapon switch thing volnutt had. Different moves based on the power ups from his games, like they did with classic, and giving him access to his different armors for different effects.
I just hope he won't be as underwhelming as MvC1/2 Megaman. Tron aside, MM characters didn't start getting interesting design wise until TvC.
You'll have to excuse me. I took "play more like classic" too literally. I visualized him kicking a soccer ball and creating a leaf shield. Classic Mega Man was boring as fuck to me.
Nah, it's coming this yr. Just last week, Agent M from Marvel said 2017 was going to be the yr of Spider-Man and MVC Infinite. I dunno why people think there's going to be a delay. Injustice 2 went silent for a long-time as well and they're on schedule.


Nah, it's coming this yr. Just last week, Agent M from Marvel said 2017 was going to be the yr of Spider-Man and MVC Infinite. I dunno why people think there's going to be a delay. Injustice 2 went silent for a long-time as well and they're on schedule.

Yeah it's only been four months.


So to get some blood pumping back into this thread, what changes would you like to see to returning characters?

I'm hoping X (shut up he's a Mega Man) will be a traditional zoning character and won't have Mega Man's awful weapon swapping mechanic that completely gimped him. He already has the charge shot no doubt, but Volnutt made it sort of work with the machine gun and I hope it gets further refined.

Phoenix Wright was one of the most pleasant surprises of UMvC3 for me, but his whole gimmick was awful. I hope if he comes back they make him give a moveset based on Trial Mode and make Turnabout Mode a Devil Trigger-styled super mode.

If Arthur returns, I want him to at least be able to dash. Also his armour super shouldn't have him explode at the end. It's such a nonsensical mechanic

I mean, when we get new news, we will have new threads.

So youre failing yourself really.



I just hope he won't be as underwhelming as MvC1/2 Megaman. Tron aside, MM characters didn't start getting interesting design wise until TvC.

The good thing about the more recent entries is that it looks like there is more of a focus on making movesets that really honor the source material, in general. Even if the older devs are back on board, I have every confidence that they'll continue in that same vein.

Plus, after all these years of wanting X in a MvC, they all probably know that an X that is either not fun to play and/or doesn't live up to his promise would only get fans furious all over again!


The good thing about the more recent entries is that it looks like there is more of a focus on making movesets that really honor the source material, in general. Even if the older devs are back on board, I have every confidence that they'll continue in that same vein.

Plus, after all these years of wanting X in a MvC, they all probably know that an X that is either not fun to play and/or doesn't live up to his promise would only get fans furious all over again!

X is a good character, but I honestly can't see him being fun to play. I'd love to o be proven wrong though.


X is a good character, but I honestly can't see him being fun to play. I'd love to o be proven wrong though.

I could see him being very fun to play, if the right combat system director got their hands on him. Now that Neo_G is no longer there, it's definitely going to be up to whoever is next up to take up the reigns. And that's where the majority of my concern falls, in general.


I could see him being very fun to play, if the right combat system director got their hands on him. Now that Neo_G is no longer there, it's definitely going to be up to whoever is next up to take up the reigns. And that's where the majority of my concern falls, in general.

I never played the later MMX games but I can't think of anything that would make him interesting. Hopefully I'm wrong, but even if he's boring it's still a spot that's deserved.

Personally I'd really like to see Tron come back too.
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