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Microsoft reveals Augmented Reality kit, presumably for Xbox One

why are people saying this isnt good for gaming? i could easily imagine characters existing outside of the tv screen - maybe something like a mass effect could have its conversations be done with holograms. or something like a kingdom for keflings type game have its little minature people spill out over your screen and into your living room for you to interact with. or have other elements be present in the real world - maybe a kinect sports game where a tennis ball flies out of your screen toward you, creating a 3d effect

It's great but let them say what they want the ideas of whats possible with this thing are already populating my brain
World adapting to your surroundings, is still limited to your surroundings. In VR you can create any type of world you want. And no, just because a world is fake it doesn't mean it's worse experience than "realistic world"

This is honestly the reason I don't see AR taking off as well in core gaming. The closest thing I can think of is using it to display HUD data for flight simulators (or virtual LEGO set stuff). Outside of core gaming however, there are a ton of applications for the technology.


why are people saying this isnt good for gaming? i could easily imagine characters existing outside of the tv screen - maybe something like a mass effect could have its conversations be done with holograms. or something like a kingdom for keflings type game have its little minature people spill out over your screen and into your living room for you to interact with. or have other elements be present in the real world - maybe a kinect sports game where a tennis ball flies out of your screen toward you, creating a 3d effect

Because I've seen this shit before, hell I made a game in a big expensive AR rig in college. It's just not fun. It's cute for the first bit, then the novelty wears off.


Junior Member
GUI/HUD on the air sound nice.
But I still see VR is better option because it still could do that without distraction from your light or room. As well you could look at your arm like "Pip-Boy 3000"


why are people saying this isnt good for gaming? i could easily imagine characters existing outside of the tv screen - maybe something like a mass effect could have its conversations be done with holograms. or something like a kingdom for keflings type game have its little minature people spill out over your screen and into your living room for you to interact with. or have other elements be present in the real world - maybe a kinect sports game where a tennis ball flies out of your screen toward you, creating a 3d effect
I think people are thinking, "How would this work for currently popular game genres" rather than thinking about the completely new and different gaming experiences this could offer. Imagine playing a game like Super Mario Galaxy where a planet is hovering over your coffee table and you can look at it from any perspective, or playing a 3D puzzle game that you can manipulate with your fingers.
Not to mention that AR would allow for local multiplayer, which is something VR will struggle with. You could play a multiplayer RPG with theme-appropriate AR costumes superimposed over your friends via Kinect tracking.


I think people are thinking, "How would this work for currently popular game genres" rather than thinking about the completely new and different gaming experiences this could offer. Imagine playing a game like Super Mario Galaxy where a planet is hovering over your coffee table and you can look at it from any perspective, or playing a 3D puzzle game that you can manipulate with your fingers.
Not to mention that AR would allow for local multiplayer, which is something VR will struggle with.

At that point it's just a fancy holographic game, and just a step up from a regular 3d TV. We've had both for years and years and years.


Floating, perspective corrected 3D objects abstracted into reality isn't what people want? Considering the billions of people who will stare at essentially a picture frame across the room, I'd say that doesn't sound very founded.

In home theater alone this would be desirable - the ability to create 100" floating screens that follow you if you'd like.

Yes I agree. And this thing could be a hit in other industries as well. This technology and HUD is exactly what we in the high tech marine industry are looking into these days when it comes to future ship bridges.



why are people saying this isnt good for gaming? i could easily imagine characters existing outside of the tv screen - maybe something like a mass effect could have its conversations be done with holograms. or something like a kingdom for keflings type game have its little minature people spill out over your screen and into your living room for you to interact with. or have other elements be present in the real world - maybe a kinect sports game where a tennis ball flies out of your screen toward you, creating a 3d effect

We said VR is better than AR for gaming, we didn't say AR isn't good. And personally, I don't think AR adds anything to gaming except the gimmicky motion kinect-like stuff which I personally hate.


World adapting to your surroundings, is still limited to your surroundings. In VR you can create any type of world you want. And no, just because a world is fake it doesn't mean it's worse experience than "realistic world"

Is there something preventing the projection of an image using the entire lens?


Because I've seen this shit before, hell I made a game in a big expensive AR rig in college. It's just not fun. It's cute for the first bit, then the novelty wears off.

no offense to you, but maybe you just made a shitty game? i dont know.
i mean i'll have my own reservations about the tech - i certainly need to see more of it, but saying it wont work at all as other have sounds a little short sighted (maybe even a little mean spirited)


At that point it's just a fancy holographic game, and just a step up from a regular 3d TV. We've had both for years and years and years.

I doubt you've had it in your living room, with a head-up display.
Most techs have existed for years, AR, VR, touch/gesture interfaces, voice recognition... The exciting part is when the technology is advanced enough and affordable for mass market.
There are already devices that react to brain activity. We'll be blown away in a few years when we'll be able to use them to control daily activities, even if someone will say "meh, I'v seen that tech back in the year 2000 already!".


Is there any reason HoloLens couldn't use the entire lens to project an image?

No there is no reason that prevent it from doing that, maybe the technology isn't ready yet, but theoretically HoloLens can do that. But like I said before, that wouldn't be AR anymore, it will be VR or mixed reality.


No there is no reason that prevent it from doing that, maybe the technology isn't ready yet, but theoretically HoloLens can do that. But like I said before, that wouldn't be AR anymore, it will be VR or mixed reality.

Did MS say it was an AR device only?


No, but our discussion here was VR vs AR in gaming. If HoloLens can deliver VR then that would really great.

Looks like it is capable...



I'm skeptical. Would love to trust it won't be additional gimmicky crap, but MS hasn't had a particularly good track record.

I want to be wrong though.
Sure it could do great things. But all of those things pale in comparison to VR. Which incidentally could also do all of the same AR things in the VR world.


One the more impressive feature of this device is its eye tracking ability. It will be nice if that particular feature could be integrated into one of the upcoming VR devices.


Yes, I meant in a bigger sense than just gaming. Mainstream. But even for gaming, 'casual games' are going to be HUGE for this kind of device among kids.

This, is basically what I imagine future smartphones would be. We're still far from that future (or maybe not that far away), but this is a step in that direction.

Yeah I agree with you here.
Yes, I meant in a bigger sense than just gaming. Mainstream. But even for gaming, 'casual games' are going to be HUGE for this kind of device among kids.

This, is basically what I imagine future smartphones would be. We're still far from that future (or maybe not that far away), but this is a step in that direction.

Slicing life-sized watermelons and other fruit in your living room sounds kinda fun. :)

What the hell is this?
That isn't an official image right?

It's the equivalent of an artist rendering that was used in the lead up to the reveal of the actual hardware with a trailer containing much better representations of what the hardware can do.

People are just using that image as an opportunity to say it's crap.


Expectations for games should be tempered. This will be highly useful tech but moreso for other applications. It will be useful for some games like chess, legos, cards, etc., but has greater applicability in other things.
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