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Mike Pence attends Colts game in order to be seen walking out in protest of protest


why do they insist that the players are protesting the flag/anthem/military?

Easy way to discredit the protest, and plays to the degenerate republican base.

Edit - Also, these people can't even manage to pull off a shitty publicity stunt. Jesus.

why do they insist that the players are protesting the flag/anthem/military?

Because it serves as a terrific/slimy way to take the conversation from their actual greviences. Once the convince people that you hate veterans, they've won. Although, even that's hard to swallow seeing as the same people that buy into their narrative also watched Trump openly insult people in and victims of service during his campaign.


Douche bag of the highest order. Fuck Pence

Only aiming to pervert the true reason for the protest. Racist scum till the end.
Wait I'm confused.

Was he never even at the game, or on the outside of the stadium, or anything?

He seemed to be in a suit at the game but not the jersey he tweeted. Which is what makes the timeline on if he even left confused. It seems like he just lied about leaving or at least the reason he left. Or just went for the sake of this very controversy


The goal for this was obviously for Pence to grab headlines with his protest today.

The problem? Trump’s Corker rant is taking all the news lol


So he just trots himself and his entourage out to a place he knows he's going to get offended and acts like he's some kind of he's some kind of hero for shaming someone else free speech? Great use of the nation's resources right there.

This country is so fucked that so many people eat this shit up.
It's become painfully obvious this was all a very expensive publicity stunt.
Makes no sense to fly from Vegas to Indianapolis just to pull this crap , then immediately fly back to California. This is just malfeasance to score political points with their feckless base.


why do they insist that the players are protesting the flag/anthem/military?

Read my post on previous page. It is a way to co-opt the movement and turn it into something it isn't, demonize the protesters and turn ordinary people against them. Same way Black Lives Matter supposedly became KILL ALL COPS according to what some people believe.

Trump has pretty effectively turned his base against the NFL and tricked people into thinking Kaepernick taking a knee meant he hates America, American values and soldiers. He did it to bring attention to police brutality and black men being killed with no justice. Instead it is now about overpriced millionaires who hate our troops.


Wait I'm confused.

Was he never even at the game, or on the outside of the stadium, or anything?

He was at the game. Before he went to the game, he tweeted "Looking forward to..." using the picture from the last time he went to a Colts game to announce that he was going. Using the old picture is a bit strange, but it still shouldn't be that confusing.


All he cares about is getting his racist base riled up about racial issues rather than anything policy related. He is so stupidly transparent it's not even funny.


He was at the game. Before he went to the game, he tweeted "Looking forward to..." using the picture from the last time he went to a Colts game to announce that he was going. Using the old picture is a bit strange, but it still shouldn't be that confusing.

Yeah people are making too big of a deal out of that old picture being reused. They took and posted pics of him at the game and standing, wearing a suit.


Yeah people are making too big of a deal out of that old picture being reused. They took and posted pics of him at the game and standing, wearing a suit.
And also told reporters that they might be an early exit.

Cant even fake their staged outrage correctly.


He was at the game. Before he went to the game, he tweeted "Looking forward to..." using the picture from the last time he went to a Colts game to announce that he was going. Using the old picture is a bit strange, but it still shouldn't be that confusing.

Do we have proof that he was even there? That's what I'm confused about


This isn't insecurities but instead completely shutting down black freedom of speech and making it somethinh it's not. Like others posted, Kaepernick first knelt when a black man was President. Why? Because the kneeling was about not standing for a flag and representing a country where black men are killed snd their killers go free or are put on paid leave.

Trump and others have turned it into an anti-American thing to the point white girls are dumping drinks on black men at Laker games not standing up. All of a sudden kneelers 'hate America, hate all white people,disrespect our soldiers'. They've demonized take a knee. Then they reversed #boycottnfl to try and co-opt into good ole American christian white men not watching because NFL players were disrespecting the US and DirecTV giving them refunds and secretly trying to force people who didn't want to watch NFL to support it. Then you have the charade of the very same owners and GM's who won't hire Kaep, take a knee in false unity against stifling expression, co-optong amd sanitizing so you forget what it was even about.

You know by now how white suprrmacy works, how black protest gets stifled. It is why Black Identity Expression is now a threat as per the FBI.

I support this post.


I disagree. It makes it more obvious this is a publicity stunt.

I agree this is a publicity stunt, but using that picture doesn't really mean much. I've seen people post pics of them at an old game in relation to tweeting or posting about going to a game.
Could you imagine when a NFL player kneels and turns his back on the flag?

Trump and the hardcore red blooded Republicans heads would explode.


yes, that talented of a member
I just hope 45, Pence, and the entire garbage administration are on the wrong side of history some day.
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