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"MS has read the market wrong regardless correcting their mistake with Xbox One" WhatCulture Gaming


Two-three daily threads at minimum. Some reaching 40-50 pages in a matter of hours, with basically hundreds of posters beating the same old dead horses. It‘s worthy of a study case in any business school.
Maybe if their Triple a first party output sucked less we wouldn't be having these talks. They are killing it with services and bc like no one else is, now why cant they put out good triple a games on a regular basis like sony can?
Here’s a a complete 180 that no one saw coming


I struggle to believe these people are genuine. They can’t be surely. :-(


If Starfield doesn't hit I'm probably going to sell it and be done with Xbox tbh. My role as a consumer is to be rewarded for exchanging my money for products and not making some weird excuses for years on end for them not being able to do that.
Why sell it? You’ll just sit there salty when Fable, Gears, Hellblade, Doom, Forza, The Elder Scrolls etc comes out.
Just don’t buy any games and get Gamepass cheap and leech on that. Monthly cost for me on Xbox is $5, it’s half a pizza, I can afford that.


I remember at the start of this gen people were acting like exclusives don't matter and acting like backwards compatibility and GamePass was all it would take to make Xbox on top. Then the acquisitions started to come and everyone went wild when there was never any guarantee of quality games or the acquisition even going through. This was so obvious from the beginning but so many people had blind faith in them for some reason. Outside of some of their smaller AA/Indie level games, and very occasional AAA title, they lack a strong library.

Shame on them, gamers, and the media going along with the "pro-consumer" push and demonizing exclusives. This is also on you. I hope the fast food of gaming is the future you wanted. Quantity over quality. I have no sympathy at this point.


How much does a decent PC cost to build nowadays? I'd be pretty happy if it could do 60fps on 1080p myself.

For 1080p 60fps you can probably get a build done for around $700-800 that will satisfy your needs.

RTX 3060 on the Nvidia side or the 6600 XT if you want to go AMD.
I only bought my X because I couldn’t get hold of a PS5 in early 2022.

Wish I’d waited to buy a PS5. I worry my digital library will die out with this generation.
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If they want exclusive, drop pc day1.
Bryan Cranston Mic Drop GIF
Hell no. All these companies need to support pc. I don't own an xbox (and never had, although the og xbox was cool), as I have a pc and steam deck as well as steam link.
If they do bring out something good I can still play it and buy it. If they don't release on pc I won't go spending 500 for a console, I just wont buy the game. Simples as that.

Same with Sony, I own a ps5, still bought days gone on pc to play portable.
There comes a point when a brand is so damaged that the chances of a recovery are slim to none. If Xbox hasn't reached that point yet they are getting mighty close.

It’s a people/culture problem. You have all that capital , it’s the minds making the decisions that’s the issue.

I don’t believe they can’t recover, they can, get the right people to manage it, understand their core audience on consoles and PC.

It needs a restart not a shut down.


Why sell it? You’ll just sit there salty when Fable, Gears, Hellblade, Doom, Forza, The Elder Scrolls etc comes out.
Just don’t buy any games and get Gamepass cheap and leech on that. Monthly cost for me on Xbox is $5, it’s half a pizza, I can afford that.
My PC is pretty old by now but I still use it daily. I figured I'd build a new one and soften the blow a little bit moneywise by selling the series X. The games you mentioned I'd still get from PC gamepass so there's that. If I'm going to use my PS5 primarily cause Microsoft can't deliver consistently I don't want this thing to just stand there and collect dust.


The OG Xbox One will be the last piece of console hardware I ever buy from them. The moment they went day 1 with PC releases that was it for me. Their console hardware is factually the worst way to experience their games, add in crap like Xbox live gold, the proprietary hard drive situation, etc, and it's even worse.

The only chance they had to bring me back was if they got the PGR games up and running in BC but now that I've got xenia sorted out that ship has well and truely sailed.

Never going back but I'd like them to pull their finger out and get competitive again so that I have more good games from them to enjoy on PC and so that they keep playstation on their toes. Right now they are doing neither.
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I kinda felt things were going this way towards the end of the xbox one line.
First the name is just too damn confusing and I really dont think they realize just how bad it is.

I also think MS put too much on Halo to be the next system seller. They will never recapture that magic from the early days with Halo. Its just not enough of a story to keep people coming back in my opinion.

Flight Simulator, Forza and sea of thieves are really the only things I see worth a damn that are not on Playstation.
Fable would be great as well... but not done and then there is the starfall game.... It just seems like a doomed console.


People really going scorched earth after one bad game huh 🤣

Like didn't hi-fi rush, pentiment and pyschonauts2 all release relatively recently
You bought the worlds most powerful console xbox's most powerful console to play hifi rush pentiment and pyscho? Not even hating on these titles, ijs these aren't quite exactly pushing the medium forward, we were promised quality titles with next gen technical aspects.
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Gold Member
Hell no. All these companies need to support pc. I don't own an xbox (and never had, although the og xbox was cool), as I have a pc and steam deck as well as steam link.
If they do bring out something good I can still play it and buy it. If they don't release on pc I won't go spending 500 for a console, I just wont buy the game. Simples as that.

Same with Sony, I own a ps5, still bought days gone on pc to play portable.
It's the only way Xbox can say they have have exclusives.

Now do I want them to do that, hell no. I am not spending $1300 on 3 consoles.


It's such a shame. I love my Series X. The hardware is fantastic, amazing effort with B/C and legacy titles, the console itself is a pleasure to use, but it desperately needs a killer title and more of a reason to own it than playing your old games with faster loading. I skipped the Bone so had some catching up to do, but without the previous gen titles to fill in the gaps the X would have been a regrettable purchase.

I'm still hopeful that MS will get it together.


The Amiga Brotherhood
I'll laugh when Sony is the only one in the market, charging whatever the fuck they want for their HW, then see everyone complain about it.
Yes Sony benefits from having some form of competition, everybody does. Without Xbox I'd imagine PSN would be either non-existent or trash, they'd also be able to lean back on 3rd party games and maybe be less incentivised to risk investment in their first party studios, so we wouldn't have them performing to the standards they are at now.

What MS have done in BC is great and should be something that PS and Nintendo are now focussing on more, if not for this generation then the next.

Unfortunately the main thing that matters is games, and at the moment there is no culture to what MS Games Studios are, they produce the odd decent game, but since the XB1 launch, they should have been laser focussed on making their production standards the best in class. People are getting tired are all talk and no action, the XS launch is proof of this, they need to start under promising and over delivering, kind of how they do with their controller releases.


Gold Member
There comes a point when a brand is so damaged that the chances of a recovery are slim to none. If Xbox hasn't reached that point yet they are getting mighty close.
All it takes is 1-2 year for gamers to forget about all the bad shit, as long as Xbox can get their act together.

3-4AAA drop in every year, and people will forget about all these issues.


It's hard to assess what exactly is a strategy's issue and what exactly is a management's issue with Xbox.

People are waiting for big AAA killer app, does Microsoft actually want to deliver that or are they trying and failing ? Which would be worse ? If they actually wanted that why did we only have 2 games in 3 years ? Even if they bought studios that need time to make games in a usual console strategy they would have released games with external studios, published by Xbox, as a flagship for the new Xbox.

People are debating over the sustainability of the Gamepass strategy and day 1 releases for so long, and we've had so few games to actually put those theories to the test. So it stays pending. It seems they were not satisfied with Halo Infinite, but it was a game we would have a hard time to even define in its model since the development made it a shell of what it was supposed to be. They tried to sell us a post launch roadmap but even there it's hard to say if it was its actual purpose as a GAAS or if it was just a complete damage control after everything that was cut.

So in this strategy that's already questionable, we've had a mismanagement that is hurting precisely this questionable strategy and makes it all the more blurry. It's a big mess.
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Gold Member
It is like people are buying Xbox Series X on sympathy or fan base brand rather than on merit bases.
They are buying it for cheap $1 GPU trick and on the promise of exclusives. As shown the former is not enough to sustain the brand and the latter is nowhere to be seen.
There is no reason to own an Xbox if you have a PC, or want to get one. There are no console exclusives anymore. Whereas there are plenty of reasons to own a PS5 even with a PC.

I find it weird how they do this. Don’t you want people in your ecosystem?

I think Xbox Series are the first consoles ever released with every game day 1 on PC (or 99.9% of its catalogue).

Because of this any allusions to them achieving 360-like sales are a fantasy. They"LL struggle to match XB1.
I bought Series X with Halo Infinite and Forza Horizon 5, whilst Forza's fun it's just Mexico's dull and Halo don't get me started I'm holding on for Starfield if that's shit. then times up Xbox, as what else there to look forward to really.


starfield says hold my beer
Man oh man, as much as it would be amazing to contribute to a project like Starfield, I don't envy the pressure the dev teams must be under right now.

Not only is it the first new IP from Bethesda in over 25 years, it's also an Xbox first party exclusive. So that's essentially the pressure of two types of expectations on top of everything else that comes with shipping a title.
I wish them the best and smoothest development possible, especially as they near the finish line.


I can say from anecdotal evidence that all of my friends bought a Xbox to add to our PS5s because of gamepass and because Microsoft had so many studios that we thought we’d be getting a decent amount of high quality first party titles to make it worth it. Nearly a year and a half later, only two of my friends have played their Xbox in the last 3 months and that was for Monster Hunter Rise on game pass. Other than that, nearly the entire friend group regrets buying the Xbox because the games that you can’t get on ps5 just aren’t good enough to warrant any sort of quality time.

Microsoft needs to be careful here because even casual gamers are starting to notice the lack of quality games and that’s because of social media.


I think this month has been Xbox’s lowest ebb since the Xbox One reveal, the second lowest point in their history.

Down 30%, CMA/ABK and now 64% Redfall.

My hopium has finally run dry. My Xbox is gone, never to return. My Phil Spencer shrine and green dildo has been donated to Oxfam.

I can safely say that without Bungie and Epic in the 360 years, Xbox would be absolutely nothing.


Gold Member
Hell no. All these companies need to support pc. I don't own an xbox (and never had, although the og xbox was cool), as I have a pc and steam deck as well as steam link.
If they do bring out something good I can still play it and buy it. If they don't release on pc I won't go spending 500 for a console, I just wont buy the game. Simples as that.

Not if they want to sell consoles. That's what Microsoft need to decide.

Shit, or get off the pot.

Either stop the day and date PC and console releases, and instead concentrate on the Series X alone for timed exclusives, the same way Sony are doing - or get the fuck out of the console business.

One thing is for sure... you don't sell consoles when you put your 'exclusive' games out at the same time on PC.


Gold Member
All it takes is 1-2 year for gamers to forget about all the bad shit, as long as Xbox can get their act together.

3-4AAA drop in every year, and people will forget about all these issues.
It's not about forgetting. It's about making things whole. The PS3 and Sony recovered because Sony made it their mission to fix their online service, games, and overall image. That's why the PS4 launched in a good state. That goodwill spills over into this generation. People trust that Sony will deliver because they usually do. Many of those customers never know owned a PS3.

Microsoft needs to go on the offensive against themselves. Forget Sony and this ABK deal. Make everyone accountable, fire those that won't accept it, and get a roadmap that actually ties back to that accountability.


Gold Member
I like having my Xbox X to fiddle with gamepass when game releases are slow (because...it is awesome)....but for the "excitment" of gaming...its all Playstation...and its not even close.


You bought the worlds most powerful console xbox's most powerful console to play hifi rush pentiment and pyscho? Not even hating on these titles, ijs these aren't quite exactly pushing the medium forward, we were promised quality titles with next gen technical aspects.
I have plenty of hatred towards modern MS and Phil's approach of just consolidate and suffocate the market to gaming. As well as the push for gaas and gamepass fodder for quantity content rather than quality content

But one game is hardly a sign of anything, this was a multiplatform game anyway 🤷 it was gonna be crap either way.

We really do have a shitty culture in gaming. We'll create armies and cults while a massive mega corporation tries to buy all of gaming. But one game isn't as good as we thought it might be so we need to ready the firing squad 🤣.
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