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New Halo 5 info dump


The game will/does use PBR. Don't forget that means drab lighting conditions like the space station shots have will affect material definition. Compare that with shots like these:

The latter is a render but the microsurface detail and differing specular properties are evident.


In all honesty it's not impressing me visually speaking, but i'll reserve judgement until i see campaign video.

Yeah a lot of screenshots don't look as impressive in comparison to other modern offerings. In terms of achieving a solid 60fps on an underpowered console, it's quite impressive.

Honestly I'm just happy that what has been shown is atmospheric, visually clear, and definitely Halo.



A lot of stuff about this game looks really great, but the Prometheans are just always gonna look stupid, huh?

I wish Bungie's Forerunner design could make a comeback somehow.

It looks like a Gef from ME but with walrus tusks. I don't like it
A lot of stuff about this game looks really great, but the Prometheans are just always gonna look stupid, huh?

I wish Bungie's Forerunner design could make a comeback somehow.

imagine seeing these things materialize from the walls or the ground.

so much lost potential.
O'Connor bringin' the heat!

Lol go read the book you'll be happy ������
I read the wiki article, and I'm not happy not one bit sir. In fact I'm the opposite of happy: mildly disappointed.
nah but really though, seeing any of those guys/gal again was a long shot and I'm not gonna get salty over it.


I actually adore how they have handled the multimedia stuff though. I think keeping everything feeling connected through books, games, and shows is great.

Totally just my opinion so treat it as such but for me the execution has been poor. Comics have been awful, Nightfall was.....aye well and even the Traviss books were average (and I freaking adore her Rep Com stuff).

Add in the fact that I don't really gel with plot details being kept out of the games (you know the things that gave birth to the series, it's popularity etc) and as I say it's been poorly executed - and that's coming from someone that has followed the non game stuff.

Oh and on a personal level - what was done to team Firefly in the ODST novel......meh.
I believe there are different things that make Halo great to different people.

Everyone at 343 loves halo, and are trying to make a Halo game that they want, and feel that the fans would want.

For me, what I always loved about halo MP was having equal starts with weapons spawn on the map combined with the whole concept of having shields which can make each fight feel like a game of cat and mouse as you try to either outsmart, or outclass your opponent.

I think that a lot of that core is coming back in a big way after sinking a good many hours into the beta....my only complaint was that shields felt a bit Nerfed from previous halos.

Story wise, I think that they were already on the right track with halo 4, but I am excited to hear about the more open level design that we will get in Halo 5.

Anyways, all I am saying is that what makes Halo special to you, and to me is not going to be the same for everyone, and so they can not possibly please everybody.

It's not that at all. I also like the MP for the reasons you mentioned. Then why didn't Halo 4 have most of that? I understand that people like different parts of Halo, but no one liked kill streak rewards in Halo, because it didn't exist. People liked equal starts, yet in Halo 4 it didn't exist. Frankie (I believe), also said that Halo 4's development suffered because several of the newly hired team members strongly disliked Halo for what it was, and I think the game suffered from it.

Now, 343 seems to have rectified a lot with Halo 5, and they are doing some genuinely excited stuff. They also leave a lot of design principles behind, it seems. Oh well.


My issue with the EU stuff now is the sheer quantity of it. I just don't have that much time. I have to cherry pick the bits that will actually flesh out the games, rather than the stuff that has no meaningful impact.


Yeah a lot of screenshots don't look as impressive in comparison to other modern offerings. In terms of achieving a solid 60fps on an underpowered console, it's quite impressive.

Honestly I'm just happy that what has been shown is atmospheric, visually clear, and definitely Halo.


Is it still just being rendered in 720p? If so I'd say it's very disappointing. Going back to 720p from 1080p in MCC feels like a major step back.
A lot of stuff about this game looks really great, but the Prometheans are just always gonna look stupid, huh?

I wish Bungie's Forerunner design could make a comeback somehow.

This design does looks more menacing, but the promethean warrior might be just a lower rank of the new form. Time will tell.

Is it still just being rendered in 720p? If so I'd say it's very disappointing. Going back to 720p from 1080p in MCC feels like a major step back.

I do hope they can reach minimally 900p would like 1080pr and greatly perfer 1080p, but the latter seems wishy for me.
Whoa never seen that before, I really like the design more so then the promethans in Halo 4.

I like the idea that it might actually move like another human
which wouldn't be a surprise amiright?
. I dunno, having something that moves in a familiar manner would be interesting to fight for once, especially if it's juxtaposed with the very inhuman dog things, Watchers, and Knights.
About the graphics, think about it. They've said that they're still in full production (The Sprint teaser), and optimization is one of the last things done in the development process.

I think those pictures look incredible. At least the game is looking better than A LOT of this gen's games, but anyways, I'm sure we'll see an improvement.
What happens with the squad and Dare?
would read the book but im waiting for a physical copy.

Rookie dies. Dutch retires (mostly due to what happened to the Rookie). Mickey, Romeo, and Buck all become Spartans. Mickey is revealed to be a traitor. Buck and Romeo stop Mickey and bring him in and hand him over to Jun. Buck believes Alpha-Nine is over and wants Jun to reassign him to a team where he's not the leader, so Buck and Romeo end up being reassigned.

That's pretty much the gist of it when it comes to what happened to Alpha-Nine. Nothing really significant happens with Dare in New Blood. She's mentioned as sending Buck on a mission to eliminate the rebels on Draco III and taking a vacation with Buck before he underwent the necessary augmentations for the Spartan IV program.
About the graphics, think about it. They've said that they're still in full production (The Sprint teaser), and optimization is one of the last things done in the development process.

I think those pictures look incredible. At least the game is looking better than A LOT of this gen's games, but anyways, I'm sure we'll see an improvement.

I really dont get why people always come up with this myth that games will look better at launch.
That really never happened that much. What you see in Screenshots and Videos is the most polished and finished stuff a Developer worked on.

And in regards to The Sprint they started filming that probably in January or so ;) That quote with "we are in full production" could be from a january recording etc.

The game will be finished in under 4 months. Probably only 3 months to go. It wont change that much.
They will probably fix framerate issues, resolution etc.


I really dont get why people always come up with this myth that games will look better at launch.
That really never happened that much. What you see in Screenshots and Videos is the most polished and finished stuff a Developer worked on.

And in regards to The Sprint they started filming that probably in January or so ;) That quote with "we are in full production" could be from a january recording etc.

The game will be finished in under 4 months. Probably only 3 months to go. It wont change that much.
They will probably fix framerate issues, resolution etc.
Its not a myth, its called a software development life cycle. There's no point optimising your game at a point when its complete and not finalised in terms of assets and style. Get your game finished, then optimise it.
Its not a myth, its called a software development life cycle. There's no point optimising your game at a point when its complete and not finalised in terms of assets and style. Get your game finished, then optimise it.

Uhm yes its a myth. I always read that excuse when some games dont look to "amazing" in prerelease screens and videos from people and at release, nothing changed.

Most assets are finished now. There is probably a lot of bug hunting and code optimization going on at 343. But i doubt that they are still creating assets etc ;) They maybe work on some shaders etc but thats something you wont notice that much, if they changed something.

Best example for this would be the Halo 4 E3 2012 Demo and the Finished game.

Lets look how in terms of graphics, nothing changed:

Halo 4 E3 2012

Halo 4 Release

Yes the E3 demo was a bit different for the purpose of E3. But still had the same structure etc.


About the graphics, think about it. They've said that they're still in full production (The Sprint teaser), and optimization is one of the last things done in the development process.

I think those pictures look incredible. At least the game is looking better than A LOT of this gen's games, but anyways, I'm sure we'll see an improvement.

Don't worry, mark June 15th down, the game will look amazing!!


Uhm yes its a myth. I always read that excuse when some games dont look to "amazing" in prerelease screens and videos from people and at release, nothing changed.

Most assets are finished now. There is probably a lot of bug hunting and code optimization going on at 343. But i doubt that they are still creating assets etc ;) They maybe work on some shaders etc but thats something you wont notice.
So your denying optimisation doesn't occur at the end of the typical game software life cycle? Ok. Remember the Titanfall alpha? Suddenly in beta it had higher quality assets and ran slightly better. That's called optimisation, which occurs towards the end of the cycle.

For example, your game may have 12v12 online, then you change your design to work 6v6. Why optimise around 24 people being on-screen then have to duplicate your work to do the same for 6v6. Ideas, designs and assets all will change up to launch.

You've also just said it yourself in your edit, it was slightly different from the demo. That will of been artistic design being changed. Why optimise around that, when your going to change it anyway?
So your denying optimisation doesn't occur at the end of the typical game software life cycle? Ok. Remember the Titanfall alpha? Suddenly in beta it had higher quality assets and ran slightly better. That's called optimisation, which occurs towards the end of the cycle.

For example, your game may have 12v12 online, then you change your design to work 6v6. Why optimise around 24 people being on-screen then have to duplicate your work to do the same for 6v6. Ideas, designs and assets all will change up to launch.

Titanfall Alpha used Lowres textures. Models were the same. Im not denying that they optimize their game. I already said that thats probably going on right now.

Uhm changing a gamemode etc is not what we are discussing. Im talking about graphics.

My example is a about GRAPHICS and nothing changed over the time. Gameplay changes has nothing to do with graphics. Two different things.

But i will give up now. You probably dont wanna understand me. Believe what you want to believe.

Back to H5 infos.


Titanfall Alpha used Lowres textures. Models were the same. Im not denying that they optimize their game. I already said that thats probably going on right now.

Uhm changing a gamemode etc is not what we are discussing. Im talking about graphics.
You said it was a myth that optimisation occurred during the end.

Its clearly not. H5 will look great, those screens look great. Im just hoping we get a similar IQ and graphics as seen on those screens.


I know this, but the SMG spread reduction in Halo 5 goes way beyond the usual spread reduction inherent to the zoom.
I agree the spread reduction is a bit more than usual, but that doesn't change the fact that the issue with ADS isn't increased accuracy when zoomed. If the SMG had been useless at all ranges when hipfiring in the beta then I would agree that the addition of zoom to the weapon was an issue. However the SMG was still very capable at close range; unzoomed it was useful at all the same ranges as previous iterations of the SMG were. Like I said, the only real effect of the spread reduction was an increased effective range for the weapon.

Whether or not that change is good is debatable. Personally I thought it was a good addition as it finally makes automatic weapons somewhat useful.

Sure, when they decided LT to ADS being the default control scheme, and not needing to press LT again when descoped they didn't do it to cater to the modern shooter crowd, not at all.
A control scheme change is not the same as adding spread reduction when zoomed. Again, I would agree that making the default control scheme LT to zoom is an attempt to make the game feel more comfortable for those not familiar to the series. However they could have done the exact same thing with classic zoom. I maintain that the mechanical changes due smart scope are not just some attempt to grab a new audience. They're logical and reasonable additions to the game.

Honestly, I wouldn't mind ADS so much if they had at least included a classic scope option. But nope, I guess a circle in the middle of the screen is too much work.
That was a point in my previous post, you're letting your bias against the visual aspect of smart scope influence your opinion of the mechanical effects.

Not really http://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/2pxfvz/bullet_spread_across_all_games_in_the_mcc/ it only happened in the very latest of halo games(H2A) and mostly only on the sniper, but that's because the redicule gets smaller. In the halo 5 beta, the bloom actually tightens so the gun it itself is more accurate, so you get less room for error. Theoretically, this makes autos far more effective at longer ranges then they ever was previously. This means that an AR can be effective at the range of a BR and potentially beat that gun more easier. That can actually shake things up a lot since the precision weapons were dominate.
Spread change when shooting a wall is a bit different to shooting at another player, there's a lot more to the accuracy of a weapon than just spread. The increased red reticule range in zoom has a far greater effect than the slight spread reduction. The point I was making was that at range, Halo has always required you to zoom in.

The addition of zoom has never really been present on automatic weapons though so the comparisons between the beta and the older games don't really work. Like I said above, the addition of smart scope does change it up a bit. I'd argue that the AR was definitely not as effective as the BR at range though, any competent player with a BR could beat an AR user at mid range. That said, the addition of zoom means a player with an AR can somewhat effectively defend themselves at range, which I think is a good addition.

It should be noted by the way that they have apparently increased the spread of automatics in zoom since the beta and have removed the headshot bonus.

Titanfall Alpha used Lowres textures. Models were the same. Im not denying that they optimize their game. I already said that thats probably going on right now.

Uhm changing a gamemode etc is not what we are discussing. Im talking about graphics.

My example is a about GRAPHICS and nothing changed over the time. Gameplay changes has nothing to do with graphics. Two different things.

Apparently textures aren't graphical assets now?
Whats mandatory extended universe content to read? I've read all the Nylund books, the Forerunner Trilogy and some of the Kilo-Five stuff.

What's left to read up on in order to understand what is going on in Halo 5?
You said it was a myth that optimisation occurred during the end.

Its clearly not. H5 will look great, those screens look great. Im just hoping we get a similar IQ and graphics as seen on those screens.

You wont get a 2K resolution :p And probably not a very clean IQ. Aliasing was really bad in the beta. I hope they fix'd that. I really hope.

Game will probably look better in motion, but wont look as clean as in this screens is my guess


You wont get a 2K resolution :p And probably not a very clean IQ. Aliasing was really bad in the beta. I hope they fix'd that. I really hope.

Because the game looks better in motion than in screenshots.
We don't know for sure, I hope they adopt a DX12 ready engine and forward+ as it suits the console more and will allow a better IQ. I cant imagine 343 slacking, id say H4 was the prettiest game on 360, along with GoW3.

Although I'm usually optimistic about these things, although it seems when I am, I only get disappointed anyway.
We don't know for sure, I hope they adopt a DX12 ready engine and forward+ as it suits the console more and will allow a better IQ. I cant imagine 343 slacking, id say H4 was the prettiest game on 360, along with GoW3.

And i was hoping you would not come up with that DX12 ... the Hardware is what is is. And DX12 wont change that.

Uhm Halo 4 on 360 was 720p/30fps with a lot of cutted to achieve that.

Halo 5 is 60fps with a new PBR Renderer.

We should simply wait until Monday ;) And i dont want to derail this topic with our graphics talk^^ ;)
Rookie dies. Dutch retires (mostly due to what happened to the Rookie). Mickey, Romeo, and Buck all become Spartans. Mickey is revealed to be a traitor. Buck and Romeo stop Mickey and bring him in and hand him over to Jun. Buck believes Alpha-Nine is over and wants Jun to reassign him to a team where he's not the leader, so Buck and Romeo end up being reassigned.

That's pretty much the gist of it when it comes to what happened to Alpha-Nine. Nothing really significant happens with Dare in New Blood. She's mentioned as sending Buck on a mission to eliminate the rebels on Draco III and taking a vacation with Buck before he underwent the necessary augmentations for the Spartan IV program.
Wow thanks.


And i was hoping you would not come up with that DX12 ... the Hardware is what is is. And DX12 wont change that.

Uhm Halo 4 on 360 was 720p/30fps with a lot of cutted to achieve that.

Halo 5 is 60fps with a new PBR Renderer.

We should simply wait until Monday ;)
Oh come on dude, im not talking crap. Any extra wiggle room they can get from software is a welcome from me.


Would Be awesome of they said during E3 "Log on to your x1, and download the halo 5 summer bèta".

I would really like that, because we probably didn't get to play with half the weapons/maps and I'm interested in seeing the changes from the 1st Beta. I can't see it happening, though.

If I remember correctly, Josh (or someone else from 343i) said a 2nd beta would be too much work this close to launch. Even the 1st one was a lot of work for them. Servers would probably melt, if they announce a 2nd Beta at E3 with the words "live now", though. :p

We don't know for sure, I hope they adopt a DX12 ready engine and forward+ as it suits the console more and will allow a better IQ. I cant imagine 343 slacking, id say H4 was the prettiest game on 360, along with GoW3.

Not saying you talk crap, but I hope DX12 is released asap to end these "DX12 will be a huge improvement" or "DX12 will do nothing" arguements.
I don't get how people could criticize the graphics. The game will run on contant 60fps. The character models are looking even better than the CGI characters in Halo 4.

Halo 4 CGI:


Also the lightning is amazing. Just compare that to Halo 4:





I don't get how people could criticize the graphics. The game will run on contant 60fps. The character models are looking even better than the CGI characters in Halo 4.
720p. At 720p 60fps is not impressive at all. Not for a supposedly next-gen console. Also. How to you know it will be able to run at a constant 60? It's not out yet.
One thing that bothers me in this game is that metal never really look like metal. Looks a lot more like plastic. At least when it comes to the armours.
720p. At 720p 60fps is not impressive at all. Not for a supposedly next-gen console. Also. How to you know it will be able to run at a constant 60? It's not out yet.
One thing that bothers me in this game is that metal never really look like metal. Looks a lot more like plastic. At least when it comes to the armours.
Where do you get that the final game will be 720p? According to the beta or what?

Josh Holmes about the beta:
"So, for the beta, we're going to be coming out at 720p and 60fps. That's not the final resolution for the game. You can imagine as we go through the remainder of the project we'll be focused on polishing the visual look of the game. You can expect it will look amazing when it comes out."

I guess the final game will be 1328x1080 that H2A is using, looks sharp enough if you dont make a direct 1080p comparison

Also I dont think it's the goal to make the armors to look like metal. Only Halo CEs armor was a bit more shiny, but every MJOLNIR in Halo is not intented to look like bare metal
Halo 5 is using PBR? Honestly kind of hard to see it. Especially looking at the armor and gun models.

It is using some form of physicalized shading, but the way lighting and shadowing done is super hardcore last gen. Tons of baked shadows and characters are lit and shadowed different than the world the occupy. Kind of jarring looking given the asset quality.


From the write up.

After getting the run-down, we were shown a brief campaign teaser. It moved so fast it was hard to point anything out. That being said, what my eyes feasted upon was jaw dropping: massive enemies, space battles, and more. I saw Hunters forming from worms (Lekgolo) on the ground, Banshees flying past a space station, and a flying Forerunner vehicle shooting at a massive covenant station (it almost looked like a mining rig). The scale was unlike anything we’ve seen in Halo, specifically the giant vehicle scene. There were vehicles flying around, Covenant shooting plasma through the air, and explosions illuminating the landscape. It was hard not to get excited. We watched it twice. I am very certain that the space banshee scene was a playable experience. Halo 5: Space Battles. Colour me hyped.


All over my face!!! :D


720p. At 720p 60fps is not impressive at all. Not for a supposedly next-gen console. Also. How to you know it will be able to run at a constant 60? It's not out yet.
One thing that bothers me in this game is that metal never really look like metal. Looks a lot more like plastic. At least when it comes to the armours.

Supposedly next-gen console?

Have you seen games like Horizon 2?

Also 720p is not the final resolution by any stretch of the imagination.
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