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New Pokémon Sun & Moon trailer revealing the final starter evolutions & more


Ahhhhh Cynthia aka the best champion ever!!!!! :D :D

I so gonna love teaming up with her and crushing Wally and Diantha. >:D

So if Blue is Green in Japan, does that mean this girl is Blue over there?


Only in Pokémon Adventure, in the game she's officially called Leaf and really doesn't exist outside the Kanto remake as she wasn't in the Johto remake or in the PWT in Black and White 2.
He's still kind of a dick in GS. He refuses to battle with you until you get all the Kanto badges and calls the Johto gyms pathetic since you beat them. His dialogue is typically stand offish and even though he admits defeat he still vows to defeat you eventually. Plus his gym has all these annoying puzzles which sounds like something he would implement.

But the Johto leaders are kind of pathetic.
Incineroar's a great name. Roles off the tongue.

Decidueye is a garbage name. Very awkward to say and it doesn't communicate the feel of the Pokemon at all.

Incineroar would have been a fantastic name, in a vacuum, where there aren't already several third stage fire types sporting the "fire thing + action word" naming convention. It just feels super generic to me, like it's a name that communicates that he's a big mean fire type and not much else, and I've seen that shit before, because that's how all the Fire types that aren't lame or as old as I am are named

I like Incineroar a lot more as a Pokemon than I expected to from the leak. an unhinged heel wrestler that secretly just loves to entertain, lol. I can dig it. but that name fuckin sucks idk


He's still kind of a dick in GS. He refuses to battle with you until you get all the Kanto badges and calls the Johto gyms pathetic since you beat them. His dialogue is typically stand offish and even though he admits defeat he still vows to defeat you eventually. Plus his gym has all these annoying puzzles which sounds like something he would implement.

He's aged up now anyway, we can mark things up to maturity.


Are there people seriously bitching about the Gen 1 rival's name? Holy shit get over it. If you want it to be Green so bad, play in Japanese, it's already on the cart anyway.

His name isn't Green in Japanese either though... it's green in Japanese

fan translation when
Incineroar is the coolest Fire type starter since Infernape.

Still going with Decidueye though, as I always start off a new gen with the grass starter. That and Grass/Ghost is an awesome typing.
Hidden ability predictions for the starter final forms

barring unknown abilities, I'd say the obvious choice for Decidueye is Sniper, but if they want to give it a more competitive ability I could see technician or skill link working as well
My guess for Incineroar is tough claws or moxie
Primarina I could see getting healer or maybe even dazzling
As much as I think Pokemon designs generally tend to stay solid over time, Game Freak's naming conventions sure don't. Sometimes I imagine to myself what older Pokemon might be named today. And I shudder

Charizard? Combustigeck
Dragonite? Dragondorable
Feraligatr? Feralidile
Wooper? Tadpale
Ekans? Snakekans
Dunsparce? Ouroboring
Ursaring? ...Ursaring
and so on

hey that'd make a fun thread :pf
Ouroboring is fantastic actually, I know what i'm calling all my dunsparce from now on!

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Well, with Ivysaur getting cut, we DO need another grass type Pokemon in Smash Bros...

Eh, people should really stop with this "muh type diversity" thing in character. It is pointless in Pokken, it is pointless in Smash. A great character is a great character.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
first thoughts: sweet mother of god are those names awful, fire the localization team and start again

second thoughts: grass/ghost motherfucker, get in. definitely my starter after a rename. thank heavens for fire/dark, too.

third thoughts: sweet fuck what happened to Red? that's one of the manliest jawlines I've seen.

fourth thoughts: FRLG and RSE take place simultaneously, why are Red and Blue men but Wally still a child?


Goodness this trailer had a lot of (nice) information.
First up, the starters. I admit, I'm a fraud. Said I was gonna go with Litten, but then Grass/Ghost happened. Ghost is the GOAT type so wherever it goes, I follow. Helps that Decidueye is a pretty baller design in motion. Naming it Owl the Edge.
That's not to say Incineroar is bad, really like its design in motion too. Really love the whole heel wrestler thing he has going on. And thank Arceus for that Dark typing. Fun fact, our two Fire/Dark Pokémon are a dog and a cat, respectively. Heh.
Primarina is also neat, though I like it a little less than the other two. Water/Fairy is a pretty good typing, though now it shares that with a legendary, hopefully it won't get overshadowed by that. Minor legends can be nasty little buggers competetively.
Thank you genies

Speaking of legendaries, they are an okay bunch. Not my favorite minor legends (that'd be the golems) but also not bad like the pixies.
Love the Z-move animation that summons Doshin the Giant to crush the opponent. The slightly insane grin the trainer has while doing the crushing motion is great, too.

Given Cosmog has a name and shit, this really seems to be (demo leak spoilers)
the base form of the evolutionary line that'll eventually turn into the cover legend, eh? Legendaries, evolving? Preposterous.

Last but not least, characters. OMG YES MY WAI-ahem, I mean I'm really glad to see Cynthia make an appearance. Still best champion.
Didn't expect to see adult Red/Blue. That was a shocker. Like the designs. Though I kinda would've liked if they kept that one under wraps. Would've been a killer surprise, but oh well.

Overall, very pleased with this trailer. Gonna have to drop some serious cash for this as my 3ds is broken and I gotta buy a new one, but I'm totally in day one (well, in Europe, thanks for nothin GF/Ninty).
I've totally turned the page on Incineroar after the video. He looks goofy and fun and has a cool personality. I would never pick him over Primarina, but I totally respect the design.

But I'm even lower now on Decidueye. Gritty sniper owl just doesn't look fun. Looks like Zack Snyder invented a Pokemon.


His colour scheme wasn't a thing in those games was it? Or at least it wasn't in HGSS, that's the design I remember
No. It's not really a thing here either; he uses about as much green in his design as Red uses blue.

Incineroar would have been a fantastic name, in a vacuum, where there aren't already several third stage fire types sporting the "fire thing + action word" naming convention. It just feels super generic to me, like it's a name that communicates that he's a big mean fire type and not much else, and I've seen that shit before, because that's how all the Fire types that aren't lame or as old as I am are named
That's not the typical Fire starter naming convention at all.

Charizard (Char+Lizard)
Typhlosion (Typhoon+Explosion)
Blaziken (Blaze+Chicken)
Infernape (Inferno+Ape)
Emboar (Ember+Boar)
Delphox (Delphi+Fox)
Incineroar (Incinerate+Roar)
I'm going to have to agree that the bitching about Blue's name is pretty stupid, especially since it's because they've added green to him for the first time in the games.

Hey guys, I've got an absolutely amazing idea. Why don't we just forget years of the respective Japanese and North American histories and change his name to Black instead? Since black has ALWAYS been a part of his clothing, that would be for the best!

Red/Green were the first games in Japan. Red/Blue were the first games for North America and Europe. Can we buy Pokemon Green on our VC? No.

They've both been around for so long that it would be pretty dumb to change them at this point for some silly reason like the colour of his clothing.

Anyway, onto the contents of the video...

Decidueye's typing is pretty awesome. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with my team now that I like both him and Mimikyu. I've always hated repeating types.


I agree. I hope they do the same for more of the returning trainers from old generations. Wally seems to be the same age (or am I mis-remembering) which makes me concerend though.

well he looks about the same as his alpha ruby appearance which took place around the same time as X and Y. Not sure if X and Y characters are aged up


Hidden ability predictions for the starter final forms

barring unknown abilities, I'd say the obvious choice for Decidueye is Sniper, but if they want to give it a more competitive ability I could see technician or skill link working as well
My guess for Incineroar is tough claws or moxie
Primarina I could see getting healer or maybe even dazzling

Primarina demands serene grace. It makes too much sense...and 60% burn scald/moon blast would be hilarious.
Eh, people should really stop with this "muh type diversity" thing in character. It is pointless in Pokken, it is pointless in Smash. A great character is a great character.

No they don't man. People like diversity of type because it gives everyone something to enjoy. Especially when both games you mention have superbly designed characters anyway, so asking for a little diversity isn't that outrageous.


>Bulky stats
>Water/Fairy typing

Fuck this, this thing could get a shitty HA and it would still be OU at the very least. I'm really not in the mood to have to deal with this shit for the next three years.

Robinhoot and Luchalittens viability on the other hand are a toss up. Robinhoots signature move looks decent, but its HA will be the dealbreaker.

Different universe.
Alpha Sapphire takes place around Y.

Same universe, different time line.

No, the time line is still the same. Colress and Teams Plasmas shenanigans "making news a while back" are brought up in XY and in ORAS the Royal Unona, that ship docked in Castelia City in BW, is still under construction and won't be ready for years.

Even IF the timeline has shifted a bit, Wally should still be 5-7 years older, but this is probably like the PWT in BW2 where GF never bothered to update the gym leader and champion sprites to reflect the passing of time, but this time with Red and Green getting special treatment for the 20th.

Crackpot theory time: Fairy has been nerfed and is now weak to ghost.

Gen 6: Water/Dark-Fire/Psychic-Grass/Fighting-Water/Dark

Each subtype is super effect against the next

Gen 7: Water/Fairy-Fire/Dark-Grass/Ghost-Water/Fairy

The only one that doesn't hold up here is ghost versus fairy. Thus ghost now must be super effective against fairy because patterns are fun or something

TL;DR: It's probably nothing.

Nah. Luchalitten is Fire/Dark which nullifies his Fairy weakness, and Ghost being made SE against Fairy would mean that Robinhoot has two SE stab moves against Primarrina, whilst Primarina has zero SE stab moves against Robinhoot.

So yeah, it ain't happening. why would you want Ghost buffed anyway? It was a pain in the ass to deal with last gen, it should actually be nerfed right along with Fairy.

So if Blue is Green in Japan, does that mean this girl is Blue over there?


Yes, Leaf is Blue.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Living the Ryu life.


No they don't man. People like diversity of type because it gives everyone something to enjoy. Especially when both games you mention have superbly designed characters anyway, so asking for a little diversity isn't that outrageous.

but then they wouldn't realize they'd enjoy the character because it's outside their preference
How do I pronounce Rowlet's final evolution?

It being Grass Ghost threw me for a loop. It looks nothing like a ghost, I thought it would stay Grass/Flying.

Mad the other two evos were the same one for the leak. They so oogly. Hell yes to that league. Is the green hair guy supposed to be someone famous?

Really cool you can fight Red again, but I think it should've been a surprise.
>Bulky stats
>Water/Fairy typing

Fuck this, this thing could get a shitty HA and it would still be OU at the very least. I'm really not in the mood to have to deal with this shit for the next three years.

Robinhoot and Luchalittens viability on the other hand are a toss up.

No, the time line is still the same. Colress and Teams Plasmas shenanigans "making news a while back" are brought up in XY and in ORAS the Royal Unona, that ship docked in Castelia City in BW, is still under construction and won't be ready for years.

Even IF the timeline has shifted a bit, Wally should still be 5-7 years older, but this is probably like the PWT in BW2 where GF never bothered to update the gym leader and champion sprites to reflect the passing of time, but with Red and Green getting special treatment for the 20th.

Nah. Luchalitten is Fire/Dark which nullifies his Fairy weakness, and Ghost being made SE against Fairy would mean that Robinhoot has two SE stab moves against Primarrina, whilst Primarina has zero SE stab moves against Robinhoot.

So yeah, it ain't happening. why would you want Ghost buffed anyway? It was a pain in the ass to deal with last gen, it should actually be nerfed right along with Fairy.

Yes, Leaf is Blue.

Grass Ghost Flying have really good coverage (only current pokemon that resist it are the Bisharp line), and a damaging mean look (and it probably has very good power as well based on the japanese trailer) has a shit load of potential competitively. Hopefully it gets a good HA, but it'll probably get Sniper which is mediocre unfortunately (Unless maybe they alter sniper to increase accuracy as well or something)


well he looks about the same as his alpha ruby appearance which took place around the same time as X and Y. Not sure if X and Y characters are aged up

How does the timeline go again? How does B/W compare to X/Y? I think B/W and X/Y are the only other games with prominent side characters or champions that would get noticeable design changes from "growing up".


Since Decidueye is probably physical oriented, I wonder what Physical grass attacks it'll learn given that many of the best don't seem like they'd fit. I doubt it'll get wood hammer for instance, and leaf blade might be possible, but I'm not sure. Seed bomb seems likely as does bullet seed (though unless it gets skill link or technician this one doesn't matter much). Could also see it getting petal blizzard

Power Whip seems like the most obvious choice given the vines it has attached to its hood.
So those really leaked in the other thread.

Someone Posted the artworks of the Starters in the other Thread MONTHS ago.

And all people said NO WAY that those are real ;)

Its funny.. let me see if i find that post


>Bulky stats
>Water/Fairy typing

Fuck this, this thing could get a shitty HA and it would still be OU at the very least. I'm really not in the mood to have to deal with this shit for the next three years.

Robinhoot and Luchalittens viability on the other hand are a toss up. Robinhoots signature move looks decent, but its HA will be the dealbreaker.

No, the time line is still the same. Colress and Teams Plasmas shenanigans "making news a while back" are brought up in XY and in ORAS the Royal Unona, that ship docked in Castelia City in BW, is still under construction and won't be ready for years.

Even IF the timeline has shifted a bit, Wally should still be 5-7 years older, but this is probably like the PWT in BW2 where GF never bothered to update the gym leader and champion sprites to reflect the passing of time, but this time with Red and Green getting special treatment for the 20th.

Nah. Luchalitten is Fire/Dark which nullifies his Fairy weakness, and Ghost being made SE against Fairy would mean that Robinhoot has two SE stab moves against Primarrina, whilst Primarina has zero SE stab moves against Robinhoot.

So yeah, it ain't happening. why would you want Ghost buffed anyway? It was a pain in the ass to deal with last gen, it should actually be nerfed right along with Fairy.

Yes, Leaf is Blue.

decidueye will probably be good if it fast. the exclusive move is really good in singles.


Huh, owl looks kind of like they tried to transfer Greninja base into a new monster. Almost the exact same concept a ninja is usually just a varaition of a rougue in RPGs.


Yep. Incineroar is definitely going to be my pick.

And damn, Red and Green are making me feel all kinds of old.
So those really leaked in the other thread.

Someone Posted the artworks of the Starters in the other Thread MONTHS ago.

And all people said NO WAY that those are real ;)

Its funny.. let me see if i find that post

We've known that leak was real for months and months though.
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