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Nintendo: Big Announcement on Monday


Maturity, bitches.
Is this why the Smash thread is dead? Guys, we know we're getting Snake, K.Rool, Shovel Knight, Geno, Goku, and Shrek. Come back.

Dead? It's as active as ever.

Also the surprise will be a new Mario Maker Event stage by special guest
Hideo Kojima
! Mystery costume included.
I doubt it's about Smash. While I know announcements of announcements are all the rage now, I don't think he'd hype up a Smash announcement especially since we know it's soon. And I don't think Damon Indie Baker would make it. Anything's possible though except the absurd notion of NX news. I think it's Minecraft.
I'd be happy with seeing who won the smash poll and some update news, new stages or features coming soon.

Keeping the hype low.


Maturity, bitches.
Now that Cloud is in smash, next logical step is Final Fantasy is coming back to Nintendo.



Should is expect anything on NX? Probably not eh? For some reason i'm really looking forward to seeing what's up with that.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Minecraft U is a big announcement in the sense that it's a big title finally coming to Wii U. But it's also an old title already available on everything else finally ported to a platform floundering in the market and (in my opinion) unlikely to offer much in the ways of significant hardware movement. Market and audience appeal would be niche. Welcome, but niche.

So I dunno. I personally wouldn't consider that a "big announcement", but I'm sure for some it would be.


  • Christmast bundle, perhaps?
  • Maybe some downloadable game "available NOW!"?
  • Virtual Console Releases?

If it for some reason is NX, it's going to be an announcement of an announcement. I really doubt Nintendo wants to lead people away from buying a Wii U for Christmas.


Minecraft U is a big announcement in the sense that it's a big title finally coming to Wii U. But it's also an old title already available on everything else finally ported to a platform floundering in the market and (in my opinion) unlikely to offer much in the ways of significant hardware movement. Market and audience appeal would be niche. Welcome, but niche.

So I dunno. I personally wouldn't consider that a "big announcement", but I'm sure for some it would be.
But what if it comes with special features like amiibo compatibility, Nintendo world built in... ?
Minecraft U would be big, why?

Because it'd be a historical first if MS do actually publish it at retail as the PEGI rating pointed to. It'd be their first published title on a non-MS system since the Xbox came out IIRC.

Even their GBA and DS games (that aren't DK) were published by THQ.


Minecraft U would be big, why?

Because it'd be a historical first if MS do actually publish it at retail as the PEGI rating pointed to. It'd be their first published title on a non-MS system since the Xbox came out IIRC.

Even their GBA and DS games (that aren't DK) were published by THQ.

Presumably it's another tentpole to help them going forward with dedicated gaming devices.


Unconfirmed Member
Things I hope for
- Mother 3 announced for VC
- Animal Crossing announced for WiiU and NX launch
- Teaser for Smash Direct and date for it. Announcing 1 new character from the ballot.
Wonder Red
- NX announcement/Official name announcement

What it'll probably be
- Info on the account system
- 4 minute long Legend of Zelda video. 2 minutes dedicated to talking about the game 2 minutes dedicated to gameplay.
With the announcement that it'll be on the WiiU and the NX as a launch title.
Mother 3 announced for VC


Minecraft U is a big announcement in the sense that it's a big title finally coming to Wii U. But it's also an old title already available on everything else finally ported to a platform floundering in the market and (in my opinion) unlikely to offer much in the ways of significant hardware movement. Market and audience appeal would be niche. Welcome, but niche.

So I dunno. I personally wouldn't consider that a "big announcement", but I'm sure for some it would be.

You've got to qualify though. It's based on something that a guy who mostly deals with indies said on a podcast. It's not going to be a megaton.


Things I hope for
- Mother 3 announced for VC
- Animal Crossing announced for WiiU and NX launch
- Teaser for Smash Direct and date for it. Announcing 1 new character from the ballot.
Wonder Red
- NX announcement/Official name announcement

What it'll probably be
- Info on the account system
- 4 minute long Legend of Zelda video. 2 minutes dedicated to talking about the game 2 minutes dedicated to gameplay.
With the announcement that it'll be on the WiiU and the NX as a launch title.
Mother 3 announced for VC

I love how you put Zelda in the realistic pile. Haha/


I since people reckon it'll be NX related, I reckon they'll go further. It'll be the announcement of the console after the NX. Coming 2025.

It'll be a couple new Wii VC games for the Wii U and a minor sale or something similar, and we all know it.


Unconfirmed Member
I love how you put Zelda in the realistic pile. Haha/

An idiot like me thinks that a "big announcement" would mean something like getting more info on a game we know next to nothing about that is supposedly slated for next year. I can't think of much else that would be considered big at the moment that isn't info involving the NX or their Account System.


Now that I think of it. Zack & Wiki VC should be released soon, right? Couple that with a sequel announcement for 3DS *.*


An idiot like me thinks that a "big announcement" would mean something like getting more info on a game we know next to nothing about that is supposedly slated for next year. I can't think of much else that would be considered big at the moment that isn't info involving the NX or their Account System.

I don't think it's dumb of you at all. I just think at this point we're unlikely to see a full Zelda trailer till the big NX unveiling as I suspect it's cross-platform now as you said. So, Nintendo Account and Minecraft U sound like the likeliest announcements, or perhaps the Smash Direct date.


Smash direct announced featuring silhouettes of...

-squirtle squad
- that thing from clu clu land
- a virtual boy
- that floating head from brain age.

Bank on it. My uncle works for Nintendo.


Nintendo's definition of big news is not the same as that of a gaf member.

I can't wait for tomorrow when there will be piles of posts saying "lame" or "nintendo just doesn't get it" and "I can't believe I got excited for this".


Unconfirmed Member
Smash direct announced featuring silhouettes of...

-squirtle squad
- that thing from clu clu land
- a virtual boy
- that floating head from brain age.

Bank on it. My uncle works for Nintendo.

I now have the image of the Virtual Boy using a stand of the Teleroboxer robot to sucker punch Ryu. I want this.


If minecraft comes out t with amibo support I am pretty sure Damon Baker would consider that a big announcement.
What is big for Nintendo at this stage? Bear in mind I don't think new features for games we've been playing for months is big news. The two biggest things for Nintendo are the account and NX. The account recently got a mention and NX won't be talked about properly until 2016. Excluding new features for games we've been playing for months, that leaves new game announcements as big news.
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