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Nintendo Direct: new presentation announced for tomorrow


I'm guessing that Paper Mario will be the "surprise" announcement they often put right at the start of the Direct.


Yeah, it was announced alongside the game that there would be Nintendo content coming to the game at some point.

I knew there was more stuff - i'm asking if there's anything to confirm it's being announced soon, or even at this direct.

Also, was it confirmed to be NINTENDO stuff or just more skins?
I wonder if there'll be any announcements of announcements. Like E3 plans or pre-E3 NX reveal plans. Probably not, but that would be something.


I'd be happy with just a Dragon Quest VII release date (hoping for June 24 but September is more likely). Other than that just expecting a lot of Twilight Princess, Pokken and StarFox stuff.

Soapbox Killer

Grand Nagus
Dear Universe,

60 secs of Zelda Wii U and a subtitle, for the love of God, please just give me 60 secs of Zelda Wii U.


lol late response

Are you kidding? The last Direct was amazing.

Are either of you referring to the pokemon direct?

Last 'actual' direct was phenomenal. Pokemon direct was underwhelming thanks to leak.

Yeah, I was referring to the last "actual" ND back in November last year. Cloud's reveal for Smash Bros. was legendary, but other than that the rest of the Direct was largely forgettable IMO. Aside from Splatoon and SF Zero, I didn't care for the other games mentioned.

Ban Puncher



I'd be happy with just a Dragon Quest VII release date (hoping for June 24 but September is more likely). Other than that just expecting a lot of Twilight Princess, Pokken and StarFox stuff.

Nah, DQVII is most likely a early sumner release, while DQVIII a early fall release. DQVIII will be sent to die if released in November-December around Zelda Wii U release. I want the DQ series to do well sales wise here.


My dreams and aspirations:
Some actual footage/pokemon for Pokemon Sun & Moon
Genei Ibun Roku ♯FE release date
Super Paper Mario reveal
Pikmin 4 announced for Wii U (would make sense, since Pikmin 3 is getting discounted)
More Star Fox Zero information
Zelda U information

But then again it does say summer 2016 so we probably won't see information on most of the things I just listed.

Edit: Also tomorrow is Thursday, so I'm well prepared for them to announce something in the direct and say "It's available now"


I knew there was more stuff - i'm asking if there's anything to confirm it's being announced soon, or even at this direct.

Also, was it confirmed to be NINTENDO stuff or just more skins?

Nintendo and Mojang are also collaborating on new content for Nintendo fans to be released at a future date. More details about this content will be released at a later time.

I don't think Mojang would need Nintendo for more generic fantasy skins.


Wish list:
Confirm Star Fox Zero date is still in April
Give updates for Dragon Quest 3DS games
Confirm Bravely Second release date
New footage of next Zelda title

What will probably happen:
"Go buy Twilight Princess HD, which releases today"
More Amiibos
Mario and Sonic Olympics game for 3DS and maybe WiiU
Metroid Federations game update, or whatever that mess was called

Long shots:
NX anything
Mother 3 localization
Metroid game featuring Samus


Legitimately curious, what are the chances of actual sun/moon footage? I have literally no idea. I assume we aren't getting any?


Mother 3
Paper Mario
Federation Force

are sure bets. Sucks 1 and 2 won't be surprises.

Im also thinking they will introduce Nintendo accounts properly.
Legitimately curious, what are the chances of actual sun/moon footage? I have literally no idea. I assume we aren't getting any?


Its outside the window that this direct is covering which is why they did the pokemon direct beforehand


Wish list:
Confirm Star Fox Zero date is still in April
Give updates for Dragon Quest 3DS games
Confirm Bravely Second release date
New footage of next Zelda title

What will probably happen:
"Go buy Twilight Princess HD, which releases today"
More Amiibos
Mario and Sonic Olympics game for 3DS and maybe WiiU
Metroid Federations game update, or whatever that mess was called

Long shots:
NX anything
Mother 3 localization
Metroid game featuring Samus

Why would they need to confirm Bravely Second's release date? It's already out in Europe and has been dated for April 15 in NA for a while.


Junior Member
Legitimately curious, what are the chances of actual sun/moon footage? I have literally no idea. I assume we aren't getting any?
I could see it happening, but I'm afraid that we may not see any footage since this Direct mainly covers games coming up to this summer. Plus it's a bit too close to the Pokémon Direct, so I'm not sure if Nintendo/Game Freak/TPC would have a quick turnaround in terms of actual footage.



Its outside the window that this direct is covering which is why they did the pokemon direct beforehand

Ahhhh, thanks. I didn't think it would happen, but the obvious reason kept slipping my mind. I was just expecting pokemon to show up in Corocoro eventually myself. Peeps hoping for pokemon were making me think I was missing something....


I don't think Mojang would need Nintendo for more generic fantasy skins.

Ok cool. Really really hope there's zelda stuff. Diamond sword as master sword would be grrrrrrrrreat. Also newest PC minecraft added shields - would be amazing to get hylian shield down the line. Can't wait.


Nah, DQVII is most likely a early sumner release, while DQVIII a early fall release. DQVIII will be sent to die if released in November-December around Zelda Wii U release. I want the DQ series to do well sales wise here.

I hope you're right but I don't think Nintendo cares enough about DQ to think like that. If they were smart both of these games would've came out last year when there weren't any RPGs coming out for 3DS as opposed to this year where they're flooding the market with them.


I hope you're right but I don't think Nintendo cares enough about DQ to think like that. If they were smart both of these games would've came out last year when there weren't any RPGs coming out for 3DS as opposed to this year where they're flooding the market with them.

Why does everyone keep thinking it's Nintendo that's at fault for DQ7 taking 3 years to come out?


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
Just give me that sweet Rhythm Heaven goodness. If that game doesn't get localised I'm going to cry.

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
Tbh I'm mostly just curious about the status of Star Fox and how it looks at this point.

I'm very much looking forward to the Dragon Quest remakes of course, but everything about that game should be pretty much out in the open already.
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