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Nintendo Direct: new presentation announced for tomorrow


Oh I understand perfectly how Pokemon works. And I know it makes -no- sense on the surface.

It's simply a gut feeling I have. "Hey, we launched the NX with this new Pokemon game!" would be a great launch point.

Y'know, just like those oft requested "NX" launch editions of Smash and MK8.

If Nintendo was in control of the Pokemon series this is believable. However, this is Game Freak and TPC. They march at the beat of their own drum lol.

I think it's unlikely we see sun and moon on NX but I also thought it was extremely unlikely a new gen was coming lol.


Not showing any gameplay in the reveal trailer left the door open on this type of speculation, so you can't be too hard on people having that cross gen idea.


Makes sense that they wouldn't focus on NX right now honestly. They need to give Wii U and 3DS a proper send off.

Announce the stuff they have in the pipelines and then dedicate time to NX in the coming months.


Ugh, why 5 PM EST again!? That's when I'm at work! So frustrating...

That being said, I have a feeling this will just cover what's already announced for the most part.

Star Fox Zero will be either reaffirmed to be coming in April or the delay may actually happen. Either way we will probably get more footage of the game.
If #FE is a holiday title (taking Xenoblade's spot from last year) we won't see it here
Metroid Federation Force is surely to be in this
Probably a few 3DS games that Trev leaked, maybe this is where Style Savvy 3 will be announced and whatever else not announced yet for localization and/or release months/dates (like Dragon Quest VII)

Mother 3 VC for the west announcement? Or do you think that'll wait until E3?

And then as with almost every Direct there will be a surprise game at the end (or maybe at the start like TPHD in the last Direct?) and my bet is on Paper Mario Wii U if the rumors we've had so far are true. And this game will have to be a Summer game or take up May's slot. But that would be a really quick announcement to release for a Paper Mario game...

Where does it say no NX or mobile stuff, though? In all honesty, I don't expect there to be any, but I just kind of see it in red in the OP with no link or image of the page that says "We will not talk about NX or our mobile plans in this direct." Would like to know that it is more than just speculation on L~A's part.

EDIT: I guess Cheesemeister's translation of the Japanese tweet?


Junior Member
If Nintendo was in full control of the Pokemon series this is believable. However, this is Game Freak and TPC. They march at the beat of their own drum lol.

I think it's unlikely we see sun and moon on NX but I also thought it was extremely unlikely a new gen was coming lol.
Agreed, though I added in one more underlined word to make your argument more solid.


FE Fates EU Release and Special Edition announcement please.
FE Fates EU Release and Special Edition announcement please.
FE Fates EU Release and Special Edition announcement please.
FE Fates EU Release and Special Edition announcement please.
FE Fates EU Release and ...
If Nintendo was in control of the Pokemon series this is believable. However, this is Game Freak and TPC. They march at the beat of their own drum lol.

I think it's unlikely we see sun and moon on NX but I also thought it was extremely unlikely a new gen was coming lol.

They have always released in risk adverse situations but Nintendo has made it easy to release to new and old audiences with persistent BC from GBA to 3DS

Not sure how they will approach NX if BC isnt a thing in the cards. But who knows. Maybe the NX portable will have 2 screens and be able to emulate/play 3DS games
No NX? So we will get a dedicated NX-direct maybe? If the really want to drop it this year, they have to show it by June/July I guess...
Realistic expectations

- starfox trailer, confirm release date or confirm delay.
- Yokai watch trailer.
- Paper Mario U announced
- Metroid FF trailer, release date,
- Pokken trailer
- Fire emblem trailer, release date.
- Twilight princess HD trailer.
- Hyrule warriors trailer
- some sort of surprise.


The fact that they point out there is no NX and mobile makes me think those will get their own dedicated presentations before E3.

I wonder if they'll talk about Nintendo account and MyNintendo in this one at least.


There's throwing a curveball like they did last week, and then there's segmenting your userbase like being suggested here.
Patterns can change, company decisions can alter. It's not always a safe bet to look at past data in order to predict the future...
The fact that they point out there is no NX and mobile makes me think those will get their own dedicated presentations before E3.

I wonder if they'll talk about Nintendo account and MyNintendo in this one at least.

Its means exactly what they said and what the President said

All NX and Mobile business initiatives are OFF the table until the new fiscal year starts in April
The fact that they point out there is no NX and mobile makes me think those will get their own dedicated presentations before E3.

I wonder if they'll talk about Nintendo account and MyNintendo in this one at least.

Well I guess Miitamo will get a dedicated direct a week before launch but mynintendo might be in that one tomorrow
They've pointed out "No NX or mobile" before nearly every single Direct since... the mobile and NX announcements.


Now its 2016, now Nintendo has locked that NX info is coming after the Fiscal year starts

This is why they specify that this is the lineup until summer


This is unexpected, but all the same, I'm pretty stoked with this announcement.

I don't have a clue with what Nintendo will show during the direct, given that we mostly have a clear indication with what's being released this year for both the Nintendo 3DS & the Wii U.


They are going to announce Nintendo cloud storage on March 22.
It still won't bring back my lost Smash Bros 3DS save data :(


Junior Member
Patterns can change, company decisions can alter. It's not always a safe bet to look at past data in order to predict the future...
But they do give us a good indication of how one scenario could possibly pan out later. It's not 100% certain, but it gives us a good indication of what to expect. And if the 12% chance happens & it goes against the grain, we note it going forward. But again, it's only 12%, & is barely a concept. But that being said, it's better than 11%.

Either way, there's a lot going against the Sun/Moon cross-gen (Trev's source not mentioning it, Game Freak's usual tendencies when it comes to new hardware, etc).


They've pointed out "No NX or mobile" before nearly every single Direct since... the mobile and NX announcements.
At this point I'm convinced they aren't working on any mobile or NX games and they only said they were to trick investors.

He's got the Yokai Watch on, so I say a YW2 announcement is definite. YW3 is supposed to come out this summer in Japan, but I don't think it has a date yet. That will also probably be announced.


Show me a trailer of the new Zelda, and I will be more than happy.

Something about Metroid that isn't Federation Force would be great too. 30th anniversary you know.


Paper Mario sounds more like something that would launch in the fall than before June.

Not with the release schedule they have for this year, to be honest. Zelda Wii U is their big holiday game, #FE probably isn't anywhere close to being done in localization (the songs), and NX console is sounding like coming this year near when Zelda Wii U launches. Putting out Paper Mario (say in October) just before the NX drops doesn't seem like a sound idea to me and if they're actually almost done with the localization like the rumor said they were then it only makes sense for it to be ready for either a May slot or Summer.

It isn't really that far-fetched. It is a little weird considering how quick of a turn around it would be compared to other Paper Marios announcements-to-release dates but Nintendo's been announcing things more closer to their release dates recently. With the exception of stuff announced at E3, of course.


At this point I'm convinced they aren't working on any mobile or NX games and they only said they were to trick investors.

He's got the Yokai Watch on, so I say a YW2 announcement is definite. YW3 is supposed to come out this summer in Japan, but I don't think it has a date yet. That will also probably be announced.
He got the Yo-kai Watch because the game isn't even out in Europe yet.
But they do give us a good indication of how one scenario could possibly pan out later. It's not 100% certain, but it gives us a good indication of what to expect. And if the 12% chance happens & it goes against the grain, we note it going forward. But again, it's only 12%, & is barely a concept. But that being said, it's better than 11%.

Either way, there's a lot going against the Sun/Moon cross-gen (Trev's source not mentioning it, Game Freak's usual tendencies when it comes to new hardware, etc).

Well we are at an impass on this topic and likely wont know for sure for a good while

Lets just sit back and enjoy the year ahead lol

Expect me to do my fair share of gloating in im right (and shame if im wrong lol)


Junior Member
Show me a trailer of the new Zelda, and I will be more than happy.

Something about Metroid that isn't Federation Force would be great too. 30th anniversary you know.
I forgot about Federation Force. Hopefully they show that, I wonder if it's been retooled much.
We're supposedly getting Federation Force in the very near future, so I'd be shocked if we didn't see a blowout of info in tomorrow's Direct.


I forgot about Federation Force. Hopefully they show that, I wonder if it's been retooled much.

I doubt they did much other than to rework the art to more normal proportions. That alone would make for a tremendous difference in perception on the game.


Nintendo really needs to start announcing these things further in advance.

Definitely excited to see what's coming up, though I guess if they're keeping the lid on the NX until E3 period direct or later, we'll probably not see all that much.


Cool. If there's a new Paper Mario coming that'd be nice to see. Maybe a super quick Zelda tease?

Ok real talk I don't care about either of those gimme my detective pikachu.


At this point I'm convinced they aren't working on any mobile or NX games and they only said they were to trick investors.

He's got the Yokai Watch on, so I say a YW2 announcement is definite. YW3 is supposed to come out this summer in Japan, but I don't think it has a date yet. That will also probably be announced.

That would be quite the trick XD!

Regarding your point about Yokai Watch, I completely agree.

Busters and YW2 coming out this summer would be a really smart move on Nintendo/Level-5's part. It gives the series a lot of breathing room (assuming Sun & Moon are launching this Fall) and gives the series to shine as the 'big' kid-friendly summer releases.

I think the western launch of Yokai Watch was a modest success, so Nintendo & Level-5 have to be interested in continuing supporting the series for western markets.


Well we are at an impass on this topic and likely wont know for sure for a good while

Lets just sit back and enjoy the year ahead lol

Expect me to do my fair share of gloating in im right (and shame if im wrong lol)

All evidence indicates that it's 3DS, so it's more logical to assume it's 3DS exclusive until told otherwise.
IMO the ONLY chance Pokémon Sun & Moon have of being on NX Portable which may not even be out this year is if the NX could trade with 3DS users. That has always been GFs thing and unless that was possible there is no way it'd be crossgen.

But to be fair, there's no way it's crossgen anyway. I don't see the big deal, 3DS is great and I'm perfectly happy to have another Pokémon game on it even though I'll be day one on NX console and handheld.

3DS lives, accept it.
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