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Nintendo Direct: new presentation announced for tomorrow


Junior Member
Well we are at an impass on this topic and likely wont know for sure for a good while

Lets just sit back and enjoy the year ahead lol

Expect me to do my fair share of gloating in im right (and shame if im wrong lol)
All evidence indicates that it's 3DS, so it's more logical to assume it's 3DS exclusive until told otherwise.
ROB does have a point about one thing, let's just agree to disagree on the matter until we get more info. We all have our opinions & we've made them clear. All we can do now is wait for more info to come out. That being said....
Betting on it being exclusive in light of all the shifts and changes going on within the company?

Okey dokey
...Game Freak & TPC kinda goes to the beat of their own drum, so I wouldn't equate Nintendo's internal changes to changes with the other two companies mentioned.


They're not going to say a darned thing about sun and moon this direct - I don't understand why talking about sun and moon is a good chunk of the posts here. If it were going to be in this direct, they wouldn't have had the pokemon direct last week.
I can see this being the last Wii U Direct, not counting the one for Zelda U/NX, because i think the game will have it's own Direct prior launching.

3DS, though, might still be a topic at E³ and afterwards, if rumors / mind games about the console variant of NX launching first are true.

They can keep a solid lineup through the year with just late localizations and Pokemon Sun / Moon, same can't be said about Wii U, sadly.
Betting on it being exclusive in light of all the shifts and changes going on within the company?

Okey dokey

Do you believe that if SM are crossgen that they will be tradeable between NX and 3DS? And as Joe said don't we have pretty much confirmation from the leak that the home console is out this year but the portable is not?


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
At this point I'm convinced they aren't working on any mobile or NX games and they only said they were to trick investors.

He's got the Yokai Watch on, so I say a YW2 announcement is definite. YW3 is supposed to come out this summer in Japan, but I don't think it has a date yet. That will also probably be announced.

I'd be shocked they released the sequel so soon here.


We should see at least all these:

Mario and Sonic 3DS
Hyrule Warriors Legends
Disney Art Academy
Bravely Second
Metroid Prime: Federation Force
Dragon Quest 7
Style Savvy
Pokemon Rumble World
The "Torte City" codename game (Yo-Kai 2?)

Wii U:
Minecraft Nintendo project
Star Fox Zero
Mario & Sonic

Paper Mario Wii U, Mother 3 as surprises?

There could be some stuff in the Japanese direct not on the list, or 3rd party/eShop games.
ROB does have a point about one thing, let's just agree to disagree on the matter until we get more info. We all have our opinions & we've made them clear. All we can do now is wait for more info to come out. That being said....

...Game Freak & TPC kinda goes to the beat of their own drum, so I wouldn't equate Nintendo's internal changes to changes with the other two companies mentioned.

This will be the first time they risk leaving a potential new audience without the option to play on new hardware

Sure they beat to their own drum but ignore the NX wave?

If they dont make the option im Sure Nintendo will. With either porting it themselve, emulating, or having actually BC in the portable


Picross 3D 2 for June
Rhythm Heaven The Best for August
Super Paper Mario 2 for Wii U for Fall
Dragon Quest Monsters Joker 3 and Yokai Watch 2 for fall
Pokémon GSC VC for Summer

Release dates;
Federetion Force (changed dramatically) June
Dragon Quest 7 - August
Dragon Quest 8 - October
Monster Hunter X - October
Illusory Revelations #FE - September


Junior Member
This will be the first time they risk leaving a potential new audience without the option to play on new hardware

Sure they beat to their own drum but ignore the NX wave?

If they dont make the option im Sure Nintendo will. With either porting it themselve, emulating, or having actually BC in the portable
But unless NIntendo's releasing different NX devices in different regions this year, the NX Console will likely be out the door first. So Game Freak has no reason to concern themselves with the matters of the NX Platform until the NX Handheld drops.

Picross 3D 2 for June
Rhythm Heaven The Best for August
Super Paper Mario 2 for Wii U for Fall
Dragon Quest Monsters Joker 3 and Yokai Watch 2 for fall
Pokémon GSC VC for Summer

Release dates;
Federetion Force (changed dramatically) June
Dragon Quest 7 - August
Dragon Quest 8 - October
Monster Hunter X - October
Illusory Revelations #FE - September
I honestly think that Capcom may wait for an MHX localization to do MHXU on the NX Platform. I'm kinda of the same opinion about G/S/C VC (with the possibility of it being saved for the NX Platform).


This will be the first time they risk leaving a potential new audience without the option to play on new hardware

Sure they beat to their own drum but ignore the NX wave?

If they dont make the option im Sure Nintendo will. With either porting it themselve, emulating, or having actually BC in the portable

You're assuming no backwards compatibility and making your statement based on that assumption, as if it's fact.
Betting on it being exclusive in light of all the shifts and changes going on within the company?

Okey dokey

Gamefreak always does what it wants. The idea that Nintendo can control them as they please is what caused people to get tripped up when Black & White were revealed as DS titles. This is that exact same situation.


They're not going to say a darned thing about sun and moon this direct - I don't understand why talking about sun and moon is a good chunk of the posts here. If it were going to be in this direct, they wouldn't have had the pokemon direct last week.
Well, they wanted that Pokemon trailer to pre-empt the Pokemon anniversary. They had Sun & Moon announced, released a special edition 3DS, released VC games, had a couple of Twitch streams all around the same time. Tried to make it seem like an event.

I could still see them giving a couple more details in this direct. Pokemon has plenty of info (ie pocket monsters) to drip feed into the media over the course of this year.

I can't remember exactly how 2013 went, but weren't Pokemon announcements included in several Directs? I know they also had their own Directs though.


Cool. If there's a new Paper Mario coming that'd be nice to see. Maybe a super quick Zelda tease?

Ok real talk I don't care about either of those gimme my detective pikachu.

I would expect this because Nintendo does tend to mention at least 1 or 2 games outside of what the direct is focused on.

However, I feel the next time they show it off is E3 or for NX reveal cause I think it's safe to say it's coming for the NX too.


I'd be shocked they released the sequel so soon here.
The sequel is fantastic and it was really the game that increased Yokai Watch mania in Japan. It's obvious that they'd want to get it out here quick. I'm curious what could happen with YW3 for NA since it probably won't be localized until 2017.




Well, they wanted that Pokemon trailer to pre-empt the Pokemon anniversary. They had Sun & Moon announced, released a special edition 3DS, released VC games, had a couple of Twitch streams all around the same time. Tried to make it seem like an event.

I could still see them giving a couple more details in this direct. Pokemon has plenty of info (ie pocket monsters) to drip feed into the media over the course of this year.

I can't remember exactly how 2013 went, but weren't Pokemon announcements included in several Directs? I know they also had their own Directs though.

If they had more to show or say, they would have done it last week. No reason to wait a week and show more. One week is not a big difference for a game coming out holiday 2016. Unless you expect them to release a tiny tidbit every single week leading up to the launch - smash bros style, in which case launching that this direct doesn't make sense.


Junior Member
Soooo who is replacing Iwata in the Directs?
Watch the November Direct for what to expect, unless they're enacting the format changes in this one. Either way, expect it to be regional in terms of who's presenting (Ex: Reggie & Bill will likely present for North America).


Pleasepleaseplease SMT IV: Final. It's not too much of a stretch if they start off with #FE news - "Oh, and by the way SMT fans..."

Also Mother 3. In my dreams they'd surprise us like they did with Earthbound Beginnings and release it the day of the Direct or the week after but any news at all is enough for me.
You're assuming no backwards compatibility and making your statement based on that assumption, as if it's fact.

Pretty sure i never stated anything as fact

Just sharing what I believe will happen based on the very little info we have and what Nintendo has put forward


Junior Member
You're assuming no backwards compatibility and making your statement based on that assumption, as if it's fact.
What evidence do you have that the NX Portable can't play 3DS games?
There's a lot to consider when it comes to backwards compatibility. If the NX really is the shared platform most of us are expecting (& is apparently rumored by the likes of Wall Street Journal), I wouldn't really expect a second screen for the handheld unless Nintendo found a way to do the same for the NX Console's controller without incurring price increases like with the Wii U. If they can manage than, then sure, the NX Handheld will probably have 3DS compatibility. But the existence of a second screen going forward will likely be the X-Factor for the subject.
There's a lot to consider when it comes to backwards compatibility. If the NX really is the shared platform most of us are expecting (& is apparently rumored by the likes of Wall Street Journal), I wouldn't really expect a second screen for the handheld unless Nintendo found a way to do the same for the NX Console's controller without incurring price increases like with the Wii U. If they can manage than, then sure, the NX Handheld will probably have 3DS compatibility. But the existence of a second screen going forward will likely be the X-Factor for the subject.


We only have the discussions regarding their internal company changes and their philosophy going forward

Being quotes as wanted to create an ecosystem similar to IOS/Android and such. Could just be talking the OS functions being shared but I think they also mentioned they wanted game development to be smooth and easy to transition between platforms
I opened GAF on the toilet, as one does. And I thought "I keep visiting GAF all the time, in the hopes that I'll see a thread title about a new Nintendo Direct."


Somebody pinch me!


There's a lot to consider when it comes to backwards compatibility. If the NX really is the shared platform most of us are expecting (& is apparently rumored by the likes of Wall Street Journal), I wouldn't really expect a second screen for the handheld unless Nintendo found a way to do the same for the NX Console's controller without incurring price increases like with the Wii U. If they can manage than, then sure, the NX Handheld will probably have 3DS compatibility. But the existence of a second screen going forward will likely be the X-Factor for the subject.

At the same time, it would be strange for Nintendo to go from two screens on both console and handheld to just having one screen, especially since two screens have worked out pretty well on handheld. As much as I've been unimpressed with the Wii U gamepad and don't particularly care for a successor with the NX, I think there's a fair chance they will double-down and make the two screen setup their thing.
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