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Nintendo Investor Meeting [Nintendo 1st Party DLC, NSMB3DS, NiN, Info In OP]


Galaxy Nexus has face sign-in, I'd prefer that to audibly SPEAKING your fricking password so everyone can hear it.

I said it would recognize your voice, so no one else could log in unless they had your voice. BUT FINE, ruin my hopes and dreams ;_;

I'll just hope for finger or some body part recognition instead..lol

It'd have to let you type in your password too. Unless they allow for separate passwords, voice password input is kinda flawed, security wise. I wouldn't feel comfortable with it anyway.
fair enough..):

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Zelda with good graphics = Retro Zelda apparently.

Perhaps we should look at this in a less obvious way.

Retro was just brought in to help create content for Mario Kart 7.

What if Retro's engine experience and ability to create artistically dense, unique worlds, will be partnered with the Zelda team for Zelda U?

Retro builds the world, and creates dungeons as dense, both mechanically and aesthetically, as Metroid Prime.

The Mothership oversees the rest of the game, does the characters, designs puzzles, the combat system, and storyline. But Retro could also help with epic scale boss battles.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Welp, I'm out (for awhile). I have a 45 minute drive home in front of me. This has been a really exciting night, I can't wait for GDC (and obviously E3)! Don't mess with Nintendo when they are down.

If anything new pops up, feel free mods to make edits and changes to the OP.


Zelda with good graphics = Retro Zelda apparently.

Sure. To Nintenbozos. But I think Nintendo from their early preview made it clear that some games will have simple visuals (NSMB, Wii Sports) and others will look like higher production hd games (Zelda Wii U demo, Mario Galaxy HD?).


I wonder how far Nintendo is going to take communities. For example will there be communities for a game like Animal Crossing so you could visit tons of people's villages and play hide and seek and stuff with complete strangers?
"Miyamoto still around, Iwata angry at Wired. "Miyamoto is saying his basic work is to create a big hit."

Nice to know Iwata loves covering up journalistic integrity.


I wonder how far Nintendo is going to take communities. For example will there be communities for a game like Animal Crossing so you could visit tons of people's villages and play hide and seek and stuff with complete strangers?

That's a pretty good idea.


The move to release products in Asia is for the Wii U or Wii and/or 3DS or DS? I can't remember what has been released in Asia. Actually what is Nintendo's definition of Asia?


It's a shame to see Kohler thrown under the bus, but that initial article title was extremely misleading.

It really wasn't. I mean the problem is people think Miyamoto is designing Nintendo games. You know. A 60 year old guy who is a Board of Director and General Manager of a 500? man team. Two demanding prestigious jobs quite opposite of "designing mario or pikmin levels". It is the equivalent of "Obama killing Bin Laden" when it really was a team of unnamed navy seals.

Wired reported that Miyamoto wanted to leave the GM position of EAD to pursue more involvement in a newer production unit concentrating on smaller titles. The Nintendbozos started crying "waaah waaah who is going to make my marios and yoshis". Erroneous hyperbole spread and Nintendo's stock became endangered. Massive PR control had to follow.
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